I know this could be construed as date fagging, but I'm trying to get a sense of anons perception of our proximity to the "precipice".
Option 1: The precipice moment will occur prior to the 2024 election.
Option 2: The precipice moment will occur the day of/day after the 2024 election.
Option 3: The precipice moment will occur in early 2025.
Option 4: The precipice moment will occur after 2025.
Please upvote the option you think is most likely and downvote the option you think is least likely in the comments below.
This is the real fact regarding the precipice moment. The precipice is personal. It happens when every American is forced to look at themselves and define who they, themselves, actually are. The precipice will happen 100s of millions of times, each with personal awakenings.
Americans are being backed into a corner where they will have to first define who they are, what do they stand for, what they will align themselves with, and what represents them. As more and more reach this point of realization... that is when the world changes. That is the precipice. Will it require a major event as a catalyst? Perhaps... but not necessary. A major event will only force this realization to occur faster.
Most human beings on this planet are not bad people. They have just been too busy to pay attention, to look at the real details, to be aware of the crucial issues. This IS happening. When these billions of good people declare themselves, who they are: the exposed corruption, naked agendas, absurdities, hypocrites and outright lies and hoaxes... this will define who THEY ARE NOT. This prcipice defines who they actually are at their cores by contrast.
It is a wonderful time to be alive. And yes, like a massive & growing number of people in our country... I am proud to be America and now being loud about what this means.
The precipice is by effect, a paradigm shift... one person at a time. It is personal. It was overdue. It is happening.
I agree mostly with your comment, however I'm specifically asking about the "100th monkey" effect where society experiences a major shift in Awakening at a specific moment. We all have our personal precipice but I believe there is a global precipice moment as well.
At the risk of being self promoting... the earth is shrouded with a human-generated electromagnetic field of energy that is generated by humans being (whatever they have chosen to be -collective free will)... our collective thoughts and feelings which in-turn drives all human acts.
Imagine a world in a metaphor: You walk into a room full of sane, happy, loving people or a room full of angry, insane and unhappy people. The outcomes of decisions that will result from each room are completely different.
We are all connected to this grid of energy... that we constantly generate. What is occurring is we are changing the entire planet from one room to another. It is a paradigm shift of massive human energy. It affects all souls on the planet. This is the science underneath it all. Get a copy of "The Human Primer" to absorb this mainstream science of being human. It is knowledge that changes everything.
The book was written a little ahead of its time... however, I think now is definitely the right time for this knowledge to spread.
"At the risk of being self promoting" 😅 I see what you did there. I've given up on the idea of reigning in the comments. Was trying to avoid clutter in the comments but I accept that the dialogue around the topic is likely more interesting than the poll itself.
THIS. And part of our job is to find those pockets of negative energy, and do our part in turning it around, whatever that may entail. I've been in a club for a very long time, but unable to attend for a few years due to "issues". When I returned, the mood was horrible. Depressing, leaders giving up, several doomers creating more doom, talking about shutting things down. Oh, woe is us... From what I could see, it was because leaders weren't following the bylaws set up for the club and there was no structure, and never ending discussions with no decisions being made. Me and a couple of other people I've asked for help are slowly getting that turned around. Showing there is support for the tasks that need done. Instead of whining about the problems and dissing the people who aren't helping, we're trying to spotlight those who are doing an outstanding job, bringing praise back into the equation, and bringing a happy attitude, in hopes it will rub off on others. Spotting solutions and calling for a vote. Seems to be working.
So always know, YOU - the ONE PERSON YOU - with GOD are more powerful than you can imagine. Find that area of darkness in your part of the world, and think of ways you can bring your light to it. A sandwich to a homeless person. Your decent castoffs to someone struggling who may not even have the money for a thrift store. A cheery Hi to an overworked cashier. A nice dish of food or fruit to a sick or new neighbor. Every single one of us can make a choice to do ONE thing each day to brighten someone's day, and make this world a brighter place. Even if it's nothing but picking up a piece of toilet paper off the public bathroom floor or wiping the counter so the next person experiences the cleanness, instead of the negativity YOU experienced when you first saw the mess. This earthly energy field is created by US, you and me, let's do our part to raise the vibration.
Aren't we witnessing demtards having their own precipice moment right now to a mild degree?
Their goto oracle, the MSM is even admitting they're screwed...as one after another of their "gurus" capitulate to the impending defeat and doom of their little shin dig.
Lost and confused, human nature would indicate they'd start digging to find a solution to their inevitable plight... (Because that's essentially the human tendency to "self medicate" aka seek relief) and in doing so, they may just uncover how wrong/fucked they really are - like the whole satanic pedo Hollywood bs... and may, in their allowance for information they may not have considered before (all in hopes of getting answers) - realize just how shitty the demontards have been in their name...
God works in mysterious ways and nobody is immune from the elevated energies hitting the earth since 2012 etc ...dark to light. Even demtards have the right to become enlightened.
Agree! My precious was Covid. Cancer patients started dropping off after vaccines started. Now very young are showing up with aggressive cancers. Lymphomas have become the norm. I’m just numb to it now. I think many just consider it the new norm and given up. I still have hope, but questioning if any of this truly is the new norm.
Well put. In my opinion, the good times are still rolling. Things are expensive but it isnt so bad yet. Still enjoying my children, laughing with friends and family. Fulfilling line of work. However, there are people suffering much worse than I. Only speaking for myself.
The precipice moment will occur prior to the 2024 election.
And I fear with a Crash.
Frankly, I believe it's not going to happen in a specific Month, but more akin to it started near November of last year, and will be going until probably April or May of next year....
As a Union, a Club of Nations, we have been at the Precipice for a very long time, and the Left has been fear mongering and pushing for us to go over the cliff for a very long time....
Imagine the precipice as a Waterfall, the waterfall has a Lip, and just before the Lip, there's a Pool, it isn't usually very deep, well, Nations like CaliPornia, Oregon, Washington, and New York, went past the Edge, they are hanging on, but trying to make the rest of us let go....
The problem is that we are all currently tied at the hip with Chains and Locks, but the Keys to the Locks have been hidden, so there's all these Clown Nations hanging off the Cliff, and they cannot see the dangerous Boulders below due to all the water flowing past them, and refuse to believe the rest of us when we tell them about the dangers they are posing to all of us as a Union....
So, it's an ongoing process, the sooner they FEEL the Weight of their own stupid decisions, the sooner the corrections happen....
The precipice moment will occur in early 2025.
Prior to the 2024 election.
With the vast amount of cheating and the tenacity of the DS, I don't see any other way. I do NOT think we can vote our way out of this current mess, and that it will take a massive, unprecedented event to reset the Constitution and cleanse our polluted government. A military intervention might be that event, but the 2024 election itself will not 'fix' anything, as it won't be an accurate measure of We The People.
The precipice moment will occur the day of/day after the 2024 election.
BaronsDog, do you think it is the day of or the day after BECAUSE you believe the election will be stolen again and the mass of citizens will demand an ANSWER?
I'm not sure, I pray we do not get to that point but consider it a very real possibility. This poll was meant to help me remove my own preconceived notions of when a major shift in awareness would occur. It's my way of saying, "When can we expect the hardest part, so that we can begin to anticipate some improvement?" Life has been hard lately in my world (spiritual warfare imo) and I find myself clinging to the idea that we just have to get to the election and things will "get better".
I think it has to happen on FJB's watch. Otherwise there's a risk of causing some who have begun to appreciate Trump to fall away from his leadership again.
The earth isn't flat. There I said it
gotta go with option 1
We were told “done in 30”. Douglas Macgregor said Russia is in a 30 month war bringing us to a conclusion in Aug. Trump said China would move on Taiwan after the Olympics which end in Aug. Trump can’t be in office for the precipice. He has to save the day. So I would guess Aug-Sept things should really heat up
The election. Biden wins with 100million votes and nobody buys it
My ultra lib, TDS-infected brother is heaping abuse on Biden. It's like he's on a roller coaster after being released from the first uphill climb.
Dems "win", but the cheat is so obvious that even MSM has a hard time covering it. Mass protests. Economy crashes. Internet and/or banks switched off. NG deployed. Army intervenes. Military rule / TV broadcast / trials. Trump reinstated (2026?).
They literally shutdown the world. They created an enviroment of stress and fear. ALL of this and more was achieved with one focus - to put as many mNRA injections into as many arms as possible. Extreme lengths were taken, the likes of which the world has never seen.
So that's it, its all over now? We all go back to normal after that?
How can one of the biggest events in human history just be forgotten so easily? I think this so call vaccine has a role to play in the precipice being reached. I don't know how, but the world needs to know what's been done to billions of people.
The moment they know they can't win and think Trump can be blamed TPTB will try to collapse the economy. That's when the precipice will be for most.
Since we seem to be sharing opinions and not just voting... My upvote (on OP's comment) was for Option 3 because I can't see this morass coming to a head to the point it actually snaps the sheeple out of their brainwashing in the nearly four months we have left until the scheduled election. I do think there will be some major shocks to the matrix prior to Nov 5 which will jar the sheeple's psyches (the "cancellation" of the elections by the demonrats (to "protect the citizens" and "save democracy", no doubt) and perhaps even an attempted military draft of young men and women). A financial collapse during this time period would not, IMHO, be helpful to the demonrats prior to the election in case they still choose the election fraud strategy.
From my circle, at least some of the leftists I know are finally getting their warped "reality" shaken - between the ME conflict (and resultant demonrat pol schism) and now the Potatus dementia exposure (eroding trust in their FNM puppet masters), perhaps the rampant urban crime, rising inflation, foreign invasion, handouts to these same invaders, rising taxes-insurance-etc and other factors. It's like their psyches are being squeezed while being twisted back and forth.
One socialist friend recently said they're not watching news at all anymore as it's too upsetting - a stereotypical, head-in-the-sand, knee jerk reaction from demonrats in general. They're still terrified of Trump getting back into office, still think he's some kind of rapist-racist-master villain criminal, but blaming him for all that's going on (eg inflation, the border fiasco, etc) is something most demonrats aren't on board with.
For date-fagging, I think the period between Nov 5 and Jan 21 is going to be a torrent of disclosure and activity including the jab dangers, cabal-pharma conspiracies, political corruption, human trafficking and the deliberate destruction of America (and the rest of the world) through "education" (indoctrination), controlled media, corporate control via corrupt BoDs and financial coercion, "culture" (Hollywood), corruption and control of the "justice" and legislative systems, "healthcare" (rigged systems to promote sickness, disease, addiction, etc), censorship and murder of scientists, inventors, doctors, etc.
So the military will need to step in.
I think a cancellation of the election would be a catalyst that will jar the sheeple enough to make them understand we're apparently in a dictatorship, get them unsettled enough to be able to start using their brains again when the torrent of horrific disclosures starts to hit. That way they'll be ready to grasp the basics of what's been happening to Trump and that he truly is trying to save the country. MHO. Whatever way this shakes out we're going to need a whole lot of prayers.
I appreciate your opinion and agree on nearly all points. I have this bad feeling that too many are still oblivious and the "precipice" isn't as close as I may be wishing for, but I pray that is not the case.
Option 1: Prior to Election
I’m going with option 5. After the election but before the new year.
option 1
Option 1, but at the same time its possible to be Option 3.
Sept 21. Date fag.
I'm going to go with number 1---before the election. My reasoning is simple. When the Democrats realize they will not be able to cheat and Trump is going to be a shoo in to the Presidency, all heck will break lose in the Democratic run states---Antifa and BLM will be turned lose on the public by Soros and other Socialist instigators.
I think there isn't enough time now before November for all to happen that has to (Taiwan, financial reset/CBDC, war with Russia). I think the Dems will try to steal the election. If they replace Biden with Michelle, their poll no.s will go up and they will be more confident to steal. If they replace him with Killary it will be funny to watch the media's relief twinned with their fear that no-one likes her. The true polls wont shift much, so they will have to fake everything much more. If Biden stays in place their steal will be too difficult, so they will be even funnier to watch but that depends on if the military WHs say Biden has to stay I guess (I don't know how the devo works in that area). The court cases around 2020 seem to lead naturally to more court cases for 2024 in reverse, the Dems being told they have no standing or whatever. Then Jan 6th with them now unable to change the slate even though they want to this time. I think it will either go up to the wire in Jan 2025 with 45 being inaugurated after much shenanigans, or someone like Michelle will steal another term and be inaugurated. If Vivek gets VP, I will lean latter more as it will be a redundant role, he seems so fake and unlikeable. If a tough/military/Trumpesque person is picked for VP, I will lean towards 45 being 47 on Jan 20th as it will seem more of an important role for now. Normies do not yet seem desperate enough for Trump and it seems like that needs to happen more before he returns. I hope I'm wrong and we have had enough awakening so we don't have to wait through another loss. It would be wonderful to have it all settled by Jan 20th 2025, but I won't bet on the outcome.
And now after the attempted assassination and the fabulous heavy-hitting pick of JD Vance, I think normies will be desperate for PDJT and we will see this wonderful President back in role on Jan 20th 2025.
November presidential election? Lol not going to be one.
The precipice moment will occur after 2025.
It's always the predictions with the most dislikes that end up being the correct ones. Funny.