Less than an inch. Less than two seconds. How does it change you?
You’ve been so successful in your life – your education, in business, your family, your time in public service. All of a sudden, those things don’t seem to mean a thing.
You should be dead. Dead. Gone from this earth. You wouldn’t be here if the forces of nature had their way. How does that change you?
God intervened. God. God reached down and altered the universe to save your life.
You’ve always understood God as a force for good. A helper. But it’s suddenly clear that He is Far. More. Than. That. He’s the Infinitely Powerful Creator of the Universe. The Absolute Controller over whether you live or die. Power unimaginable.
Like Moses also found, He’s so powerful you cannot even look directly at His face. It’s overwhelming. Humbling. Frightening. And it means Nothing will Ever Be the Same. Nothing.
It means God has redeemed your life, the remaining time you have on earth. How does it change you?
It means you owe Him your life, your time, your resources, your loyalty. Where you have mostly relied upon your own power and resources, this sudden awareness of just how powerful God is and how much He cares about you and every other soul on this planet means that’s all in the past. In your Old Life.
Going forward, He wants you to rely on Him to guide your decisions. The people you choose to surround yourself with, the policy decisions you initiate, your personal relationships. All your thoughts, decisions and actions have a New Filter to consider.
Learning to lean on Him will require a complete change of focus. It will take time. Practice. You won’t do it perfectly at first – or ever, really. But you will get better and better at it.
You’ve been given a gift. And you’ve been redeemed for a purpose. You now realize He has a Plan for your life. A plan to turn the peoples’ hearts back to Him.
This changes everything.
I could see it on his face as he entered the RNC arena last night.
He had that glow that comes from above.
u/#lord u/#feelsgood
I saw that too. Couldn’t quite put it into words. You did beautifully. Thank you!!
Seeing that bandage hit me hard
Me too
There's only one thing to add. God actually knows what will come to pass before it comes to pass. This is the power of timing things perfectly, to the millisecond, to the millimeter. Instead of missing completely, it grazed him so he felt the pain and immediately fell to the ground, rather than trying to discern what was happening. Ponder upon this and take great comfort in all things.
This was an act of love greater than just for Donald Trump, he loves this country and doesn't intend for it to perish. He loves the good and decent people in it that are still the vast majority. He has heard their pain and anguish.
He wants us to love one another, this does not mean accepting of darkness and sin, but he wants us to learn to love others as he does. That has always been the point.
Fear not, it has all been taken care of.
Forces of nature? Try the Devil. That's who is after us all. Also. I think trump already had a relationship with God. I still have miracles occur in my life whenever I need them God provides. Being a believer is being a Son. Our walk with God is the Way of a Father with His children. Christianity is a family business
I’m guessing he already knew he was part of God‘s plan and that God was watching over him but Saturday he was showing that and I do think it changed him because he realized with 100% certainty God is protecting him to do his will.
At least three times, here. Likely many more.
Here’s the secret, though. Everyone very literally relies on him for their next breath. We’ve all seen people just drop dead, or at least know it can happen. We just don’t think it would ever happen to us, but it absolutely can.
While we're worshiping the glory and grace of God, may we remember and reflect on the senseless, tragic death of one studly patriot, a 50-year-old firefighter who died in that same glorious, graceful, godly moment while protecting his wife and daughter.
the whole thing is hokey as hell.....it was allowed to happen....and if it was meant just to scare Trump then coming with less then an inch of his death was a pretty dangerous scare...plus killing and injurying others....
my husband has hunted his entire life....rifles, bows....he would admit that he would have probably missed his target at 150 yrds..he has to practice at the shooting range, and "sights" in his rifle and even then it takes a lot of concentration...
but we're told this creepy 20 yro who has never been in the service or hunted AFAWK came that close?.......very suspicious....
What you say is true, but at the same time the scenario of a second shooter from that same angle truly over complicates the cover up. There was a clear visual on the kids minutes before and during the shots. That means at least two living witnesses to the kid not actually taking aim and firing.
Secondly, there would have had to be another vantage point further back from that building, similar height and not too far away, and fully concealed position, within the reasonable AR-15 accuracy window, even for a pro to get that close to a head shot (assuming a headshot was intended).
If this doesn't illustrate that God is real, and what his intentions are, I don't know how to convince people.
Things happen for a reason. God's plan will be done.
Nothing can stop what he wants to happen.
Beautifully said! Amen! 🙌
I'll repost what I put in a similar thread. I am always in favor of speaking about the glory of God, and I truly believe He saved the President's life last Friday. But we should also be talking about the failure of men, specifically the men who should have been His instruments in protecting Donald John Trump.
My post from a couple days ago on a similar thread:
I must confess, I have a very, very different reaction to this post than the rest of you. This post serves only to increase my anger.
Like many of you in the comments, I do believe that His hand intervened and prevented DJT's assassination.
But God should never have had to get involved. Donald John Trump is the face of not only a political movement, but as the video correctly asserts, he is the face of a revival.
For nearly 7 years, we have read and discussed the messages from Q. We were slowly convinced of Q's legitimacy. But eventually we knew Q was legitimate and we ate up every drop. We became aware that President Trump was the face of a long-planned counterattack against the Evil that runs the planet we share.
For years and in some cases decades, many of us have understood the broad brush strokes of the evil cabal that has quietly enslaved our world. And in President Trump & Q, we saw the possibility of a golden age for our children. A world without the cabal where this could be a world of truth, liberty and peace.
So to almost lose the face of a war against evil for our planet to such a banal assassination attempt is stomach churning.
This wasn't a high tech attempt on President Trump's life by a desperate cabal. We know that has happened and we have some idea of the myriad, high-tech ways the cabal can remove an enemy.
But this was the clumsiest of attempts. A brainwashed child, a rifle, and a SS and police force that was either utterly incompetent or utterly compromised, take your pick. And we nearly lost our leader to it.
To the Q team: Do better. Justify our faith in you. You are God's instruments. Do the job He has asked you to do. He should not have needed to get involved.
Goosebumps. Thanks for this post.
God is so awesome.... maybe the shock has worn off for me I guess, I've been tearing up & so grateful all day today
Damn, this is deep and profound.
I'm going to have to chew on this a lot before I even try to reply, if I even have anything to contribute.
Just wanted to tell you.... DAMN fren.....amazing people we have on here!!!
We have reached peak 'username not checking out'