The way it's being suppressed is enough of a tell, not to mention MSM hasn't touched the suspicions behind the identity of the shooter with a 20 ft pole.
Now they're saying Crooks' dad called 911 immediately after the shooting! How did he know his son was the shooter? Or was he calling about something else? Things that make you go HMMM....
We are constantly being shown a picture of a 20 year old, mullet-head, grease-ball assassin that looks like the photo of a smiling 10 year old school boy.
If ANY "media" source cannot provide a more accurate picture of the assassin than this flagrantly deceitful "innocent little boy picture" that the propaganda MSM is shoving in our faces, then those "media" outlets are pushing evil govt. propaganda.
THAT is a picture of what the real son-of-a-bitch really looks like! We should all demand that THIS gory photo be used at all times to show the shooter, until our murderous, lying, propaganda artist govt. and "media" can provide an honest photograph of the assassin. Shove it in their dishonest faces, and up their lying asses!
the MSM did the same with that Trayvon Martin, that George Zimmerman killed. they kept calling him a kid and showing his 12 y/o pic, when in reality Trayvon was 17 or 18 at the time of the shooting and a pretty big boy.
there is not a snowballs chance in hell this kid acted alone ...he had help.....stay tuned...this time the anons are on it. they are not getting away with it
Mark Violets was the name of the first patsy they tried to use. Then, the pic of the dead body surfaced, along with an aerial pic of him crawling on the roof, and was identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks. Then, a few more new names popped up.
Then, MSM started showing us school pictures of Thomas Matthew Crooks from when he was an adolescent school boy- smiling, and so innocent looking. Now, we are supposed to believe that there is not a single other picture available of Crooks as an adult.
The simple fact that the lying propaganda MSM is only showing the public that ONE picture- think about that...proves without a doubt that the MSM is trying to conceal Crooks' true identity.
I predict that before long we are going to find those other pictures of Thomas Matthew Crooks, and they are going to reveal that he is an ANTIFA greaseball, all decked out in "super soldier" garb, and waving commie flags, and shit. That is what I believe the MSM and the govt. is desperately trying to hide by using that bullshit "innocent smiling schoolboy" (mostly peaceful) picture.
I know....I've got every one of those archived online....I downloaded GIGs of chit the first 24 hours...
"Violets" is Marco from Italy.
"Crooks" is a made up name, carefully selected for obscuring your ability to search...Like Rachel Chandler searches only showing results for Friends the TV show etc. The Blackrock commercial confirms he's an actor, BTW...
Then there's Maxwell Yeardon or whatever the F his name is, Google scrubbed clean, Russian sites had reports a plenty of him being Antifa and arrested by cops etc near Pittsburgh etc.
and on and on....
Now, I saw War Room first report on Violets aka Marco...but I want to know who fed them this information? Who's responsible for clearly lying right out of the gate. THAT's what we should be searching for...
Quite honestly, if you zoom out and really look at everything we KNOW to be 100% fact (like Trump's EOs and COG plans...that Bidet keeps renewing) - then all this hysterical horseshit is irrelevant....I'm comfy as F knowing it's all going according to Plan...others can't control their emotions. Trump IS fine by the isn't he?
Indeed. The MSM being unable to even provide a drivers license photo is about as believable as the Secret Service being unable to stand on "dangerously" sloped roof.
I think Oswald himself said that he was a patsy. And that he didn't shoot. So maybe he "didn't act alone" but he didn't act at all but was simply made into the fall guy. Sirhan Sirhan definitely did shoot, but most likely didn't work alone, and there could have been another shooter besides everything done to make him go there and shoot. James Earl Ray, either involved or a mere fall guy, confessed to avoid death sentence, then spend rest of his life trying to withdraw that confession. Crooks, well, who knows.
True, most of these "lone gunmen" don't exactly look as if they were clear cases. And yes, even the fact that it always seems to be a "lone gunman" these days is suspicious. Was Lincoln's assassination the last one when they actually found a political conspiracy to kill him, and everything after that has been claimed to be just "lone gunmen"?
4 very real MK ULTRA victims. Yet 4 faked assassinations/shots.
Each were used for a greater purpose. "The use of real and/or staged tragedy is a truth of politics from the start. It's that entire system of manipulations that is challenged by Trump. An entrenched power that requires every possible angle of effort to overcome. Trump is no longer as fresh of an idea in fighting deep state as he was in 2016 and complacency must be overcame.
Yesterday I posted all over YouTube the face of the shooter and Maxwell Yearick, and I posted "Inside Job". Today I am banned for 24 hours, LOL! 😸
Today YouTube users are saying that their posts are being deleted.
The way it's being suppressed is enough of a tell, not to mention MSM hasn't touched the suspicions behind the identity of the shooter with a 20 ft pole.
Now they're saying Crooks' dad called 911 immediately after the shooting! How did he know his son was the shooter? Or was he calling about something else? Things that make you go HMMM....
I just assume anything from MSM is bull 💩, unless proven otherwise.
Bravo Bones! 👏
LOL, I'm now back on doing the same thing!
Gold Star Bones! ✨💫
We are constantly being shown a picture of a 20 year old, mullet-head, grease-ball assassin that looks like the photo of a smiling 10 year old school boy.
If ANY "media" source cannot provide a more accurate picture of the assassin than this flagrantly deceitful "innocent little boy picture" that the propaganda MSM is shoving in our faces, then those "media" outlets are pushing evil govt. propaganda.
THAT is a picture of what the real son-of-a-bitch really looks like! We should all demand that THIS gory photo be used at all times to show the shooter, until our murderous, lying, propaganda artist govt. and "media" can provide an honest photograph of the assassin. Shove it in their dishonest faces, and up their lying asses!
But that gory photo is obviously not Crooks so they won't.
the MSM did the same with that Trayvon Martin, that George Zimmerman killed. they kept calling him a kid and showing his 12 y/o pic, when in reality Trayvon was 17 or 18 at the time of the shooting and a pretty big boy.
Why is his head and neck so different in color. Such a defining line between the two. I find it a bit odd.
It's how the sunlight is hitting him. His face is in shadows because someone is standing in front of him.
there is not a snowballs chance in hell this kid acted alone ...he had help.....stay tuned...this time the anons are on it. they are not getting away with it
I'm not even convinced he was in attendance. Maxwell Yearick is far more likely the shooter
What I'm thinking too.
Dude looks 13 y/o. Mastermind. Obviously.
Yo where the pasties at? Maybe just one pasty? Is this why the paste has a built in spoon on the lid?
Mark Violets was the name of the first patsy they tried to use. Then, the pic of the dead body surfaced, along with an aerial pic of him crawling on the roof, and was identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks. Then, a few more new names popped up.
Then, MSM started showing us school pictures of Thomas Matthew Crooks from when he was an adolescent school boy- smiling, and so innocent looking. Now, we are supposed to believe that there is not a single other picture available of Crooks as an adult.
The simple fact that the lying propaganda MSM is only showing the public that ONE picture- think about that...proves without a doubt that the MSM is trying to conceal Crooks' true identity.
I predict that before long we are going to find those other pictures of Thomas Matthew Crooks, and they are going to reveal that he is an ANTIFA greaseball, all decked out in "super soldier" garb, and waving commie flags, and shit. That is what I believe the MSM and the govt. is desperately trying to hide by using that bullshit "innocent smiling schoolboy" (mostly peaceful) picture.
I know....I've got every one of those archived online....I downloaded GIGs of chit the first 24 hours...
"Violets" is Marco from Italy.
"Crooks" is a made up name, carefully selected for obscuring your ability to search...Like Rachel Chandler searches only showing results for Friends the TV show etc. The Blackrock commercial confirms he's an actor, BTW...
Then there's Maxwell Yeardon or whatever the F his name is, Google scrubbed clean, Russian sites had reports a plenty of him being Antifa and arrested by cops etc near Pittsburgh etc.
and on and on....
Now, I saw War Room first report on Violets aka Marco...but I want to know who fed them this information? Who's responsible for clearly lying right out of the gate. THAT's what we should be searching for...
Quite honestly, if you zoom out and really look at everything we KNOW to be 100% fact (like Trump's EOs and COG plans...that Bidet keeps renewing) - then all this hysterical horseshit is irrelevant....I'm comfy as F knowing it's all going according to Plan...others can't control their emotions. Trump IS fine by the isn't he?
Where is the driver's license photo?
Indeed. The MSM being unable to even provide a drivers license photo is about as believable as the Secret Service being unable to stand on "dangerously" sloped roof.
I think Oswald himself said that he was a patsy. And that he didn't shoot. So maybe he "didn't act alone" but he didn't act at all but was simply made into the fall guy. Sirhan Sirhan definitely did shoot, but most likely didn't work alone, and there could have been another shooter besides everything done to make him go there and shoot. James Earl Ray, either involved or a mere fall guy, confessed to avoid death sentence, then spend rest of his life trying to withdraw that confession. Crooks, well, who knows.
True, most of these "lone gunmen" don't exactly look as if they were clear cases. And yes, even the fact that it always seems to be a "lone gunman" these days is suspicious. Was Lincoln's assassination the last one when they actually found a political conspiracy to kill him, and everything after that has been claimed to be just "lone gunmen"?
Kind of what i came here to say. I thought everyone knew Oswald was a patsy killed by Jack Ruby.
JFK was assassinated by the CIA possibly with the help of the secret service.
If Oswald was one of two or more shooters, he never would have said he was a patsy.
The only way "patsy" makes sense is if he was not a shooter at all.
And someone saw him in the cafeteria within moments of the shooting, and he could not have had the time to get there.
The real shots came from across the street in the Dal-Tex building, which if you go there today, is closed to the public.
Of course, grassy knoll guy was also a shooter, and maybe a guy in front, as well.
Why does everyone keep using this photo of him as a child?
Don’t pasty’s go on nipples?
If that photo proves anything it's that this new generation is low on testosterone. He cuddles himself every time he masturbates.
The kid looks like he has Sotos syndrome
4 very real MK ULTRA victims. Yet 4 faked assassinations/shots.
Each were used for a greater purpose. "The use of real and/or staged tragedy is a truth of politics from the start. It's that entire system of manipulations that is challenged by Trump. An entrenched power that requires every possible angle of effort to overcome. Trump is no longer as fresh of an idea in fighting deep state as he was in 2016 and complacency must be overcame.
Consider Reagan post-assassination attempt."
Wouldn’t be surprised if they were using mine control tech on the crooks
Crooks looks just like Liz Warren. The nose is very rare; are they related?
at least the first three looked as though they were capable of something. This cunt looks like like a strong wind would blow him over.