"He who controls the money supply of a nation controls the nation."
"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature. . . . If the next centennial does not find us a great nation . . . it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces."
"I love agitation and investigation and glory in defending unpopular truth against popular error."
"I will not vote against the truths of the multiplication table."
"A brave man is a man who dares to look the Devil in the face and tell him he is a Devil."
It is perhaps well enough that the people of the nation do not know or understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
I was born and raised in Detroit. Went to UofM and still live in the general area (farm country). 1/3 of my extended family works for Ford, 1/3 for GM and the rest are union tradesmen.
Yes As my friend Bill cooper said often.
"A nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent."
The root of their power is their ability to print currency. It funds every globalist agenda they have. The only way to defeat them is to destroy the dollar and return to sound money [Gold]
The BRICS nations are doing that as we speak.
Get physical Gold and Silver while you still can. When the SHTF people holding Gold and Silver will have the advantage in any barter situation.
Great advice fren, I wish I would have stacked more before the prices went up several months ago. I personally use APMEX and never had a bad experience.
He sure was, and in all honesty that's why I decided to highlight this sometimes forgotten Patriot. I knew this post would inspire our more inquisitive frens to look further.
All pay heed! Now enters his holiness Torquemada, the Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition!
Torquemada; do not employ him for compassion
Torquemada; do not beg him for forgiveness
Torquemada; do not ask him for mercy
Let's face it, you can't Torquemada anything!
Very sound logic fren. I guess this would depend on each individuals ability to purchase their reserve currency in precious metals while maintaining the status quo of in the system we have now.
Yep. All about what someone can budget, where it fits in their larger preparation priorities, and how likely someone thinks silver is to come out being a good barter tool.
Trump did say he likes the Dollar. (But never the FRN)
Hmm well you're probably right about your findings and no offense taken fren. When I first became a member there I was new to the metals game and so Ive just always used them. Definitely good information and admittedly I've become complacent on shopping around. As for the prices i always shop their deals, I dont care about the designs or collectors aspects.
They dont print money (greenbacks), even worse, they sell t bills and create (print) money from the debt, big diff. Debt creation should be outlawed except in times of major war, and in that case, only greenbacks used, with plans to reduce money after the war. Gold price is still subject to manipulation, and has other issues, imo.
Good info, but my point is, gold and silver prices can be manipulated, and money doesn't have to have all those characteristics to be good. Debt and control of money supply are the main problems.
I agree, but what i'm saying is the inflation of the currency, afaik, is caused by corruption and controlling monsters who create the debt and manipulate the money supply. Those same forces will be in play with gold-based money. A fix is to stop creating debt backed currency and control the money supply for 0% inflation. I think it's been done before.
There is always enough gold. It just needs to be priced correctly. We have not had real price discovery since 1971! That will change once the FED is abolished or BRICS and MBRIDGE are fully up and running.
I don't know how to articulate this but, I think backing the dollar off assets is what we have now? We the people are the assets currently. However with people it's much harder to sell them to pay off debt. If that shifted to land then it would be possible to sell off America.... I don't like that idea.
That is a legitimate concern and you make a good point for sure. Maybe certain physical assets kept in a "store house" would be more appropriate. This type of idea is articulated in the book called Babylons Banksters. It's a good read and I may not be expressing it correctly but if you are a book reader I highly recommend it.
The only thing I can think about assets wise, as you mentioned, is something you stick in storage. Thinking about how royalty of old would have treasures stored. Even then they were items laced or made of gold.
Back to we being the assets.... really makes me wonder if that is actually the case. Reason the need so many illegals in the country. Not saying importing them was just for borrowing purposes but, it does cover a few other outcomes they want (voter rolls, chaos ect.)
I do remember this being spoken about tying into our Social security numbers and maybe the admiralty laws. That might be where to look to further your thoughts along fren.
So the greedy money people got him as well. Seems like whenever a President wants to make a huge change to the monetary system, the money people take them out.
Unless of course his doctor was one of them. Mishandling of a situation is currently being used to explain away Trumps assassination attempt. Didn't they use the same for Michael Jacksons "doctor"?
Yep, printing mass volumes of money was a problem then and a problem now. As they say the more things change, the more they stay the same. A new manufactured crisis always results in more money being printed.
hey guys,
Can you please tell me (((WHO))) exactly controls our money?
(((WHO))) runs virtually every single Wall Street bank, hedge fund, investment bank / firm?
(((WHO))) runs, owns, operates, and stars in like 98%++ of all filthy, vile, degenerate porn, esp. the worst of it that is extremely violent, degrading to women, promoting homosexuality & miscegenation.
It has always been my supposition that the MIC and corporations grew exponentially during the Civil War, but the bad people were around long before the USA. Corporations are an evil form of business.
Not according to what I've read, and he was alive long before kissinger. Did kissinger try to make a mockery of James by repeating him, well that's possible but that doesn't make him the originator.
Show me proof because everything I've read (various books) this full quote is attributed to Garfield himself. I'm not calling you a lier but I am saying I don't believe you.
"He who controls the money supply of a nation controls the nation."
"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature. . . . If the next centennial does not find us a great nation . . . it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces."
"I love agitation and investigation and glory in defending unpopular truth against popular error."
"I will not vote against the truths of the multiplication table."
"A brave man is a man who dares to look the Devil in the face and tell him he is a Devil."
Henry Ford
Theyve been warning us (mocking?) for 200 years.
As a resident of the metropolitan area of Detroit, this maybe my favorite quote by Henry Ford.
"You can have any color [car] as long as it's black". I say Make Detroit (& Michigan) Great Again. Flying cars & free energy systems, please!!
I was born and raised in Detroit. Went to UofM and still live in the general area (farm country). 1/3 of my extended family works for Ford, 1/3 for GM and the rest are union tradesmen.
Awesome fren, I too live around the area in the "farm country". What a small world, we could be neighbors!
Energy & Tyme….
Yes As my friend Bill cooper said often. "A nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent."
True today still
But we can’t criticize some people
Yes, although we can still criticize the "protected class" even if that brings us grief for doing so.
Does “protected” status grant the protected class to do the things they were supposedly protected against to other people?
well absolutely it does!!!
It’s not racist when black peoples do it!
It’s not racist when (((tiny hats))) do it!
it’s not misandry when WOMEN do it.
Double standards, all the way and FTW.
Obviously not, however most seem to be mentally unstable to say the least. Trying to rationalize crazy will only drive yourself crazy.
LOL I DARE you to post negative stuff about Israel or the (((tiny hat))) tribe & see what happens.
Even in a room full of “republicans” see what happens….
thats changing tho
The root of their power is their ability to print currency. It funds every globalist agenda they have. The only way to defeat them is to destroy the dollar and return to sound money [Gold]
The BRICS nations are doing that as we speak.
Get physical Gold and Silver while you still can. When the SHTF people holding Gold and Silver will have the advantage in any barter situation.
Great advice fren, I wish I would have stacked more before the prices went up several months ago. I personally use APMEX and never had a bad experience.
Wow. Garfield was another walking, talking, American badass.
Go check his wiki, knowing that Citibank (Roscoe Conkling, Mason) had already infiltrated congress.
He sure was, and in all honesty that's why I decided to highlight this sometimes forgotten Patriot. I knew this post would inspire our more inquisitive frens to look further.
So you’re saying… that you expected the Spanish Inquisition?
Impressive! Normally, nobody expects it.
Don't make me get the comfy chair!
All pay heed! Now enters his holiness Torquemada, the Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition! Torquemada; do not employ him for compassion Torquemada; do not beg him for forgiveness Torquemada; do not ask him for mercy Let's face it, you can't Torquemada anything!
Lol sarcasm doesn't always translate well in this type of communication but I'll assume that here.
Such a great movie, how could I forget. 🤣
If we are talking 400x once the certificates squeeze, even before the FRN loses the rest of its value, it’s still basically free.
Very sound logic fren. I guess this would depend on each individuals ability to purchase their reserve currency in precious metals while maintaining the status quo of in the system we have now.
Yep. All about what someone can budget, where it fits in their larger preparation priorities, and how likely someone thinks silver is to come out being a good barter tool.
Trump did say he likes the Dollar. (But never the FRN)
Yikes. No offense, but I’ve always wondered how TF people use APMEX. Reputable, sure.
One of the most regularly EXPENSIVE I can find? Fuck yes.
A) there are several price aggregators / shopping websites for bullion; look at those. I’ll try to post some later.
B) Look at Monument Metals (my favorite), JMB, Bold, etc.
C) Price shop a little more aggressively; I think APMEX is screwing everyone.
Again; no offense intended, just trying to help. I can post more links / sources if you like.
they can be more competitive if u buy onsale items, there is an end of year big sale, otherwise agree, 100%
Hmm well you're probably right about your findings and no offense taken fren. When I first became a member there I was new to the metals game and so Ive just always used them. Definitely good information and admittedly I've become complacent on shopping around. As for the prices i always shop their deals, I dont care about the designs or collectors aspects.
Definitely shop around!
There is a difference between US DOLLAR and that which it purportedly represents: FRN or Federal Reserve Note.
One is money, the other is a debt-instrument.
True. Remember; the USDollar USED TO BE backed by actual gold & silver!!!
The dollar itself isn’t the problem; it’s the FEDERAL RESERVE and their bullshit Monopoly money that’s the problem!!!
They dont print money (greenbacks), even worse, they sell t bills and create (print) money from the debt, big diff. Debt creation should be outlawed except in times of major war, and in that case, only greenbacks used, with plans to reduce money after the war. Gold price is still subject to manipulation, and has other issues, imo.
Money is Gold, nothing else.
Money needs to be stable. In order to be stable, it needs to meet these 7 characteristics.
(1) It must be durable, which is why we don’t use wheat or corn, or rice.
(2) It must be divisible, which is why we don’t use art work.
(3) It must be convenient, which is why we don’t use lead or copper.
(4) It must be consistent, which is why we don’t use real estate.
(5) It must possess value in itself, which is why we don’t use paper.
(6) It must be limited in the quantity that is available, which is why we don’t use aluminum or iron.
(7) It should have a long history of acceptance, which is why we don’t use molybdenum or rhodium.
Only GOLD and SILVER fit all seven characteristics.
EVERYTHING else is inferior which makes them credit. They are essentially Gold substitutes.
Value is ultimately determined by the person holding the money. "He who has the Gold makes the rules."
Good info, but my point is, gold and silver prices can be manipulated, and money doesn't have to have all those characteristics to be good. Debt and control of money supply are the main problems.
Do not confuse money with currency. ONLY Gold is money. Why do so many people not understand this?
All these Central banks acquiring Gold at a record pace are not "buying" Gold. They are selling their dollars.
When the dollar hyperinflates you won't be able to use it and nobody will give you Gold for it because ONLY GOLD IS MONEY.
People have been conditioned to think of value in dollars but dollars were born from Gold. When the system crashes everything reverts to Gold.
Get it while you still can.
I agree, but what i'm saying is the inflation of the currency, afaik, is caused by corruption and controlling monsters who create the debt and manipulate the money supply. Those same forces will be in play with gold-based money. A fix is to stop creating debt backed currency and control the money supply for 0% inflation. I think it's been done before.
Yes, with a gold-backed currency that is redeemable.
Amazing Just HOW long this has been going on, and SAD.
The Babylonian Banksters have been at it since the beginning.
Tiny hats been at it since forever.
Oy vey!
Maybe the real question we have to start asking those who remain woefully asleep should be.. How many time must they tell you before you say NO?
We need to bring back the gold standard. Only issue with that is.... we are going to need A LOT more gold.
There is always enough gold. It just needs to be priced correctly. We have not had real price discovery since 1971! That will change once the FED is abolished or BRICS and MBRIDGE are fully up and running.
If that were to happen, fingers crossed, people with physical gold will he very happy haha
That's true, the people running the debtclock.org have seemed to imply this may include more assets then just gold which IMO is more feasible.
I don't know how to articulate this but, I think backing the dollar off assets is what we have now? We the people are the assets currently. However with people it's much harder to sell them to pay off debt. If that shifted to land then it would be possible to sell off America.... I don't like that idea.
That is a legitimate concern and you make a good point for sure. Maybe certain physical assets kept in a "store house" would be more appropriate. This type of idea is articulated in the book called Babylons Banksters. It's a good read and I may not be expressing it correctly but if you are a book reader I highly recommend it.
I love a new book. So thank you for sharing!
The only thing I can think about assets wise, as you mentioned, is something you stick in storage. Thinking about how royalty of old would have treasures stored. Even then they were items laced or made of gold.
Back to we being the assets.... really makes me wonder if that is actually the case. Reason the need so many illegals in the country. Not saying importing them was just for borrowing purposes but, it does cover a few other outcomes they want (voter rolls, chaos ect.)
I do remember this being spoken about tying into our Social security numbers and maybe the admiralty laws. That might be where to look to further your thoughts along fren.
How so?
We can base it off of commodities.
That sounds good but, could be manipulated by a outside country. Think China when the de-value their currency and pump out products for cheaper ect.
So that would work only IF America was fully isolated?
We have natural resources.
China not so much.
Look at the BRICS currency.
Silver. Palladium. Platinum. Rhodium. Copper. Etc. Etc. Etc.
This motherfucker was so smart he could write in Greek in one hand and Latin in the other simultaneously.
Future proves past. I finally think I understand it now.
So the greedy money people got him as well. Seems like whenever a President wants to make a huge change to the monetary system, the money people take them out.
Yes, I think that's an accurate assessment.
Well JG was a patriot who died telling the truth.
And let us not forget that Garfield didn't directly die from his gunshot wound. It was his doctors' sloppy and unsanitary treatment that killed him.
Unless of course his doctor was one of them. Mishandling of a situation is currently being used to explain away Trumps assassination attempt. Didn't they use the same for Michael Jacksons "doctor"?
Yep, printing mass volumes of money was a problem then and a problem now. As they say the more things change, the more they stay the same. A new manufactured crisis always results in more money being printed.
hey guys, Can you please tell me (((WHO))) exactly controls our money?
(((WHO))) runs virtually every single Wall Street bank, hedge fund, investment bank / firm?
(((WHO))) runs, owns, operates, and stars in like 98%++ of all filthy, vile, degenerate porn, esp. the worst of it that is extremely violent, degrading to women, promoting homosexuality & miscegenation.
I haven’t a clue….
Jew Bankers
It has always been my supposition that the MIC and corporations grew exponentially during the Civil War, but the bad people were around long before the USA. Corporations are an evil form of business.
Wait …1881!?????? Then who the **** was Ulysses S. Grant?? ( other than a liar, drunk, pawn, loser and a part of the genocide called the Civil War)
Except that whole second half of the quote is from Kissinger.
Not according to what I've read, and he was alive long before kissinger. Did kissinger try to make a mockery of James by repeating him, well that's possible but that doesn't make him the originator.
No, you're not getting it.
The first part is Garfield, and he said that about 18 months before he died.
The second part is taken from a Kissinger speech many, many years later.
It's a mish mash.
Show me proof because everything I've read (various books) this full quote is attributed to Garfield himself. I'm not calling you a lier but I am saying I don't believe you.
Pop the entire quote into any search engine and have a read.
Do your own research, as we say.
President Trump will be speaking at the largest Bitcoin Conference ever next week
Bitcoin is a patriot operation to free the US from the Triffin Dillema and bankers. Bitcoin the next world reserve currency.
Sorry shitcoiners and gold bugs, your crap money has failed. Welcome to the digital battlefield.
Personally I don't think we'll have to choose one or the other.
You don't understand money. :(