It’d be kinda fun watching an irate, mentally-challenged, corrupt potato call in the troops to arrest all the coup participants. That’d be a twist worth a few bowls of popcorn over the next several weeks. Anyone else have that on their bingo card?
I always figured at some point Biden would need to be forcibly removed from office. Thinking of a mirror situation from when Trump was in and all the MSM said he would refuse to leave office. They always project their own actions.
I’ve got him (or perhaps a replacement) down on my bingo card for flat-out “canceling” the upcoming election “for the good of the country”. That’s one way to refuse to leave office. You’re right about the projection. On the other hand, this movie just might get a little wild…
This “termination notice” can easily be shredded, shown to be a mistake (like the Austin firm that tried shorting DJT stock prior to July 13th and is now trying to say it was a clerical error) or some other excuse. Then I think the Potatus’ uniformed buddy, the DS military minion, Lloyd Austin (aka “the black man”, according to the Potatus when he couldn’t remember his name), would be compelled to follow and enforce any diktats the Potatus barked out.
Q said military is the only way, but s/he didn’t specify who would be calling them up to arrest the (other) commie coup participants.
Here's the thing about "cancelling" the election. Elections are run by each state independently. The Constitution only specifies that each state will send electors. To cancel the election they would need to disrupt the process in enough states to prevent Trump from getting to 270, in which case the 12th amendment is automatically invoked.
In this scenario, the House elects the president after they are sworn in on Jan 3. There would still need to be those down ballot races to determine the incoming Congress. I highly doubt that any order from the federal level to cancel elections nationwide would be followed. They would have to pull some major shenanigans to keep people away from the polls.
My two cents… He’s saying “wake up and forget” as a hint to us that Joe didn’t know (wasn’t informed) about this decision, the Dem leadership did it and the media ran with it.
He is going to wake up and FIND OUT he dropped out of the race today!
New meme.
Being totally honest, he never really fully awakens.
That's what I was thinking!
Jill will tell him tonight when she changes his diaper.
Thank for making me laugh!! I really needed that.
With the amount of money they have just been bribed, they can afford staff.
Bidet doesn't even know he signed the drop out letter someone wrote for him, Jill told him to sign the paper and she'll give him an ice cream cone.
Has Biden ever underlined his signature? No, he hasn't. Lol this movie!
His signature miraculously changed anyway between being VP and the first day of his residency when he signed those bajillion EOs.
It’d be kinda fun watching an irate, mentally-challenged, corrupt potato call in the troops to arrest all the coup participants. That’d be a twist worth a few bowls of popcorn over the next several weeks. Anyone else have that on their bingo card?
I always figured at some point Biden would need to be forcibly removed from office. Thinking of a mirror situation from when Trump was in and all the MSM said he would refuse to leave office. They always project their own actions.
I’ve got him (or perhaps a replacement) down on my bingo card for flat-out “canceling” the upcoming election “for the good of the country”. That’s one way to refuse to leave office. You’re right about the projection. On the other hand, this movie just might get a little wild…
This “termination notice” can easily be shredded, shown to be a mistake (like the Austin firm that tried shorting DJT stock prior to July 13th and is now trying to say it was a clerical error) or some other excuse. Then I think the Potatus’ uniformed buddy, the DS military minion, Lloyd Austin (aka “the black man”, according to the Potatus when he couldn’t remember his name), would be compelled to follow and enforce any diktats the Potatus barked out.
Q said military is the only way, but s/he didn’t specify who would be calling them up to arrest the (other) commie coup participants.
Here's the thing about "cancelling" the election. Elections are run by each state independently. The Constitution only specifies that each state will send electors. To cancel the election they would need to disrupt the process in enough states to prevent Trump from getting to 270, in which case the 12th amendment is automatically invoked.
In this scenario, the House elects the president after they are sworn in on Jan 3. There would still need to be those down ballot races to determine the incoming Congress. I highly doubt that any order from the federal level to cancel elections nationwide would be followed. They would have to pull some major shenanigans to keep people away from the polls.
Maybe it happened, no one has seen him. His calendar was emptied today, and there was nothing scheduled the rest of the week
Loomer said there was a medical emergency on his plane after the debate, and now she's saying he's in the end stages of a terminal illness...
Will they finally fire chocolate Raggedy Ann for dropping Joe out of the race?
Good question, she was covering for his mental issues for a long time.
Kamala Harry Ass will shit her pants when Joe walked in thinking he is still president.
"Kamala Harry Ass" SHOULD be: "Kamala Hairy Ass"!!!!!!!!
What imagery...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
LOL. Yes, amazing and ugly pic
B_D...there's NOT enough sick minds on yet...BUT THANK YOU....still laughing!!!!!
Tango Yankee this Monday Morning!!!!!
Kek Kek Kek - who could have survived these last 7+ years without our beloved president's glorious sense of humour?
Remember when it was said that Trump would have to be dragged out of the White House? I think we can say this holds true for good old Joe.
That would be hilarious.
Biden casually mentions to reporters that he is looking forward to getting back on the campaign trail.
LOL! And he's probably right.
🤣🤣🤣 lol, what a boss!
Joe Bidan doesn’t know he is alive.
Lol I posted something similar yesterday.
Joe who?
Or find out someone dropped him out of the race.
Scotty is hinting this is a comm.
If he dropped out of the race but doesn't realize he dropped out of the race does that really mean he dropped out of the race?
My two cents… He’s saying “wake up and forget” as a hint to us that Joe didn’t know (wasn’t informed) about this decision, the Dem leadership did it and the media ran with it.
Ableist? New word? Looked in my 1965 webster. Should be right above abloom. Nada