🔥🔥🔥🔥They have been named...FRANKISTS...Candace handles this flawlessly. It's all infiltration, everything...
Cabal History
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This will forever be known as “THE Episode”
Until YouTube removed it because it was too good
It’s still up
Looks like I can see it now. When I posted this initially, the video was unavailable
Totally. I was like…wait am I reading GAW?
Btw. What did Candace say about Israel? A friend said she doesn’t listen to Candace bc she said she doesn’t support Israel.
Israel is another emotional trigger that the deepstate has planted.
She said they have been infiltrated by satanist as all other religions have been. She also states that this info comes from Jewish historians.
Yea that’s the part I don’t get. Many awakened frens make the connection that everything goes back to the banksters, the Rothschild and he establishes the Israeli state but all of the sudden Israel is not a part of the deep state?
It’s like they can’t believe Israel can be the bad guy? Or do they not know about Rothschild?
This is why Israel is last. It has to be shown them.
It’s so frustrating. It’s like another fork in the road to split everyone into groups.
It is. They've spent decades developing the perfect cover for evil by twisting God's word to hide behind. I know so many Christians who are going to struggle or are struggling with this. I always point out that our government is incredibly corrupt and when they agree I mention the Israel is our governments greatest ally... then suggest to them that Israel's government is not a representation of all its people just like ours isn't. I save the details for after those thoughts have time to sink in.
Good idea. The brain washing is super entrenched. Very very interesting.
Read Vatican Assassins. Zionist Khazars are the world’s greatest problem. Stalin, Lenin, Rothschilds, Masons, Vatican -yes, Jesuits, etc. etc. Muslims.
Is it any wonder?
She's fearless.
She needs protection: security and prayers.
She is fearless.
All the comments are based as heck,
Edit for a public service announcement you can block ads you don't like on you tube. I just blocked camel toe begging for money.
Great minds think alike.
She has real guts.
Damn! She’s aging well - I mean her show. Just when you think she couldn’t do any better 👍🔥
Catholic church vs Freemasons
What else is new?
edit- she claims Freemasons established America. This is false, and the truth is highly nuanced. The secret societies begun parallel shadow-governments in America, from its inception, alongside the lawful American government, and at the time had surface-level veneers of public-facing secular community-based fraternal orders, and members who were later funnelled up the chains into the esoteric realities of their organizations but at the time, operated within compartmentalized boxes in furtherance of the goals of freedom, else they abandoned the order. Regardless, there was a period when being a member did not equate to serving the order or to selling oneself out, but was a mere social status with all the commonly associated perks and priveledges. This fact alone should illustrate the sheer degree of infltration these groups had obtained for themselves in the infant nation, and in a grander sense, the entire world. By the time the people saw it coming it was already there.
edit 2: noticing she is calling for the reunification of the Catholics and the Orthodox
very nice.
America's founding is Catholic. We had colonies on both sides of the the Continent by the time the pilgrams arrived in the 17th Century.
Yes, there has been a war between Catholics & Protestant Freemasons for close to 300 years, beginning with the first Papal bull issued in 1738, banning Catholics from joining the secret society.
Yes, Freemasons have waged war against Catholics, most notibly the French Masonic Revolution of 1789, many American founders playing a clandestine role in the overthrow of their former ally. Please look up the Keys to the Bastielle hanging proudly in George Washingtons house in Mt. Vernon, this was a gift to Washington by his Masonic Protege, General Lafayette.
That doesn't equate to America's founding being Catholic, only to the fact that, like the Freemasons and other secret societies, there was a parallel Catholic presence during the time of America's founding. I say that every satanic force was vying for the American throne before it was even established!
From AI:
The first European explorers and settlers in North America were primarily Spanish and French, both of whom were predominantly Catholic. - simple expansionism
Additionally, the Catholic Church played a significant role in the establishment of the early American colonies, providing financial support, missionaries, and guidance in the development of religious and social institutions. - par for their course as they always seek to expand and to meddle in the affairs of all nations to embed themselves within them. To me this appears to be nothing more than the Catholic church attempting to set up Catholic enclaves around the world, as is one of their primary missions, always and everywhere. They even call their outposts MISSIONS!
Furthermore, the influence of Catholic political philosophy, particularly in the works of Thomas Aquinas and other scholastic thinkers, can be seen in the founding documents of the United States, such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. These documents reflect concepts like natural law, the social contract, and the inalienable rights of individuals, which have their roots in Catholic thought. - this is interesting. How do these concepts have their roots in Catholic thought when that same church has been the primary obsticle of personal freedom in the entire world? If anything these concepts seem more Masonic than Catholic to me, though I'd argue that they are actually Christian concepts...
However, it is essential to recognize that the United States was also heavily influenced by Protestantism, particularly in the form of the Puritans and other religious dissenters who sought refuge in the New World. The Protestant work ethic, religious freedom, and democratic principles that are often associated with America's founding can all be traced back to these early Protestant settlers. - this jives more with what I understand to be true about America's founding
Mother Mary appeared to the Mexicans in the 16th natives. Over 9 Million Indians converted to Christianity because of that apperition.
Sorry, it was God's providence that led Catholics to conquer the Americas just as Christianity was dying in Europe at that same exact time. America's destiny does not belong to Freemasons & their Atlantian abitions, it belongs to Christ the King.
Can you rewrite that? kek, not sure I follow your comment completely but I'd like to read up on that. Do you have any links?
I agree with you there fren. Just trying to hone in on it, wherever it leads.
the Virgin Mary appeared to Saint Juan Diego (San Diego was named after him) , a man of Aztec descent who had converted to Christianity, on December 9, 1531. She asked Juan Diego to build a shrine on the spot where she had appeared, Tepeyac Hill, now in a suburb of Mexico City. this apparition, in which Our Lady manifested herself to the native peoples of Mexico as a sign of her maternal care, nine million accepted the Catholic faith. Think of this beautiful story in contrast to the way Protestants & Freemasons treated the indigenous of North America.
Mind you, had the Masons not launched the Masonic French Revolution & sold off American territories to the American Masons (Louisana Purchase), has had the Masons not launchedthe Mexican Revolutions, 2/3rd of America would belong to Catholic Monarchies & not Masons.
Do we know for sure there was no Catholic presence in the region beforehand? I hold things like this in low esteem, both currently and from the past
It would appear that the one forced the natives out while the other converted them in but this doesn't automatically mean that they were converted to the whole truth.
Well, I'm chalking that one up to a divine counter-move. Now they both have their representation but neither one gets to rule. I see that favorably, as I do not submit to either. If they have secret pacts or agreements allocating portions of global power to one another in an effort to co-exist as the rulers of the world, they must be exposed for the world to see. Demand to know who your supposed rulers are!
Her best podcast yet! Wow.
Saving this one in my archives....
Nothing new in this to us - BUT - it's packaged great and usable as a awakening tool for normies who would watch because of such packaging.
This video is like validation of decades of personal research into this subject and telling my family/friends about it.
Until about 5-7 years ago, they all thought I was insane. Then about 2-3 years ago one of my close lifelong friends apologized to me and told me that I was right all along. Great vindication.
I can't imagine having known about this stuff for longer than I have and holding the weight of this information for that long.
That said; the entire subject has brought me closer to Christ and that alone is worth it.
Awesome show, well worth with the time.
I like Candace, but have never been into her show. I watched this one. Although I was aware of a lot of the things she talked about. It was the connections and references she made, that makes the whole thing come together. Great show and I would encourage everyone to watch the whole thing, not just bits and parts.
Since she was de-platformed, on her new show she's not pulling any punches. She routinely goes into "conspiracy" land, but backs it up. Damn good stuff for the most part. As an atheist I'm not down with that part of this episode. I think "Team God" (which includes me) needs to stay focused on fighting "Team Satan".
From drop 100
From drop 133
As an atheist, I focused a lot on drop 133. Satan likely doesn't exist, but the thought of Satan exists and there are damn sure Satan worshipers.
Candace would be a good guest for the Shawn ryan show.
The Deceiver of Nations loves Christians who licks boots.
One of the most amazing things is they use the rainbow and call themselves proud and anyone who questions this on a Spiritual level are deemed to be laughed at by both Christians and atheists — so much symbolism in 2019 at at heightened level.
It has been to the point of which one has to question those who claim they are Christian and wonder what they are getting from the Deceiver.
Frankenstein ?
What does Frankenstein mean?
In German, the name Frankenstein translates to “stronghold of freemen,” most likely referring to various castles and battlements around the country that also carry the name.
Mary Shelley however, believed the name came to her in a vivid dream. In Shelley’s novel, Dr. Victor Frankenstein never names his creation. Instead he disowns the monster by refusing to name it, referring to it as “demon,” “thing,” “wretched devil,” and a long list of awful aliases.
Franken - unnatural or grotesque Stein - jewel or stone
Now think of the deceiver and lgbtq
It has always been there but it seems like since 2019 they have turned up the gain on the evil volume.
In the old movies it took the people rising up with pitchforks to defeat evil and these days we have been turned away and see darkness as light.
Very Spiritual warfare
My "you tube video downloader" suddenly doesn't work...
he has Andrew Tate, a human trafficker on her show. Please. The pot calling the kettle black
Here's an LLM generated summary. I usually don;t watch something an hour long (There's too much to watch!), but HOLEY MOLEY u/NanaQ45 nice score!!
Here are the main points from the podcast transcript:
Topic: The speaker discusses the origins of the word "Kabal" and its connection to the Khazarian Empire, a medieval empire that existed in modern-day Ukraine. They also touch on the topic of Jewish identity and how some historians have written about the Khazarians converting to Judaism.
Key points:
Other topics:
Personal note:
The speaker mentions their own show, "Candace Owens," and asks listeners to support them on Locals.com. They express gratitude for the audience's engagement and promise to continue speaking truth despite potential backlash from mainstream media.
Excellent thanks
I don’t understand how she can see the truth in all these things but then get sucked into the brainwashing of the catholic church. This is what happens when you rely on your own understanding and use his-story to make decisions. Most of our his-story has been twisted and altered. That includes church his-story outside of the Word of God. Each church on earth has been corrupted in some way. Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox; each one has its short falls and strengths. Yes the catholic church has some things right, but also a lot wrong. If she truly wants people to “come home” she is going to have to start going deeper in faith and not sight. “Come home” is a hypnotic phrase used by Catholics to boast themselves and think they are the one and only true church. But that is false. Catholics are going to have to learn to let go of traditions that blatantly go against God. But other churches also need to realize the Catholics have some things right and listen to them too. But like she said, with the right programming, the people will accept anything, including in the church. Hypnotic phrases like “come home” can be quite powerful. It’s what Q does. And now, she is repeating this one like a parrot. Satan infiltrated every single one to make Christians weak in our spiritual walk and battle. “Traditions” intentionally created to do just that. God will reveal the actual truth about His church if you can put biases aside and connect with Him. She has come a long way, but still has quite more to go if she actually wants the truth when it comes to the church. She got tripped up there. In summary, coming “home” means realizing your actual identity in Christ. That is the one true church. Taking your place as the son or daughter of the Most High-becoming His body with Christ as the head. That is what needs to come first. If you are putting your identity in a denomination first (and yes Catholic is just another denomination), you are falling short of what God is calling for you. God’s church is so much bigger and has been hindered due to, yes divide, but then also putting each divide in a box and limiting the people’s minds of what God can actually do. The true coming home means realizing this and then leveling up beyond petty differences beyond the institutionalized church and putting together each truth each of the churches hold. All in Christ Jesus of course. God is Spirit. You must connect with Him in Spirit to understand what I am saying. God bless frens.
Looks to me like she has done this research in the last few months. Give her time.
Yes, that is very true.
Says a Muslim? Be suspicious very suspicious. Why? Because he is looking for a fight. A civil war.
frank - From Middle English frank, from Old French franc (“free”)
Basically Jacob Joseph Free.
I remember when she first started out, and I can't believe how red-pilled she is now. I'm sure she is an anon. She probably lurks here!
I've been saying this for a while
BTW it was Sabbatai Sevi that started this cult. Fifty years later Frank claimed he was the reincarnated Sevi & etc..
Sevi was thought of as the messiah but when, at some point, a caliphate forced him to convert to Islam or die, Sevi 'converted' (A true devout person of any faith would die for his beliefs) I would think that blasphemy was the beginning of this cult. It happened in the year 1666.
Now for the date faggers:
In the book of Revelation, there is often a mention of "a time, two times & half a time" (like Revelation 12:14 among other places, also the book of Daniel has some mention of that period) In some cases it is said to be a day, other cases it is thought to be a year, however, if we take a 'time' to mean a century then the year Donald Trump was elected was exactly 350 years from when Sevi committed his first blasphemy which turned his sect into an actually satanic order.
Revelation 12:14: But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle so that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to the place where she is to be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time.
If the 'woman' is the church, I find it interesting that, during this whole 350 years the holy sacrament was always allowed, every Sunday or whenever. It was not long after that they were able to shut many churches because of 'covid'
Including Candice