Israel for last. I have no idea what the f@ck is going on but what a coincidence we are getting close to the end to this chapter and Israel is front and center.

I hope everything about Israel gets flipped on its head. All the pre and post WW2 lies or stretched truths.
if Israel is exposed / taken off the game board you will see who is behind it, using it as a shield, while also using the Islamic world as a sword. It will be one hell of a shocker.
Id love it all exposed. Sick of these middle east wars
So much death for such stupid reasons. Disaster after disaster. I'm sick of it too, friend.
can you give me a TL:DR on them?
If you only had one comment to illustrate who they are, where they came from, how they arose, and what their function is in the geo-political and religious landscapes, what would you say?
Fake Jews
That’s exactly right.
Synagogue of Satan
I know thy works and tribulation, and poverty (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them, which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.
Rev 2:9
that's not very useful to me. I'm trying to see where they fit in on the game board, if you could help me out here
I found a good link on chabad earlier.
Name stealers that think they have special DNA
Interesting. I have heard that before. Do you have anything more? I need to understand them to see how they fit into things, and all I currently know is that they are fake Jews, as someone else said here, and that they use Judaism to hide behind, that they used to be in Ukraine (?) and have no blood ties to the original Hebrews and follow the Babylonian Talmud instead of the Torah.
That is my understanding..they created Israel as a place to avoid criticism cause of muh holocaust..
Well they (whoever 'they' are) intended to create Israel way before any holocaust, as evidenced by the Balfour Declaration in the early 1910s.
Hell, there has been a push to make a 'Jewish state' dating all the way back to Napoleon.
Some suggestions…
Khazarian mafia series…
We're dealing with a Marxist Socialist Communist Luciferian Khazarian Globalist Fascist Zionist Jesuit Freemasonic Illuminati Nazi World Order (NWO). https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/rothschildism-the-illuminati-nazi-world-order-nwo
I want that shit on a t-shirt NOW
Tyvm anon! I'll be going through these
By chance do you know who they directly sprung out of? Or were they always there, which would lead me to ask what they were called before being labelled Kazarians
For those who may be new here, a GAW search on Khazaria would be an appropriate place to start. Browse through some of these posts --
this yielded something quite interesting:
Khazaria and their Origins
Let's head back to the 650–965 AD era, which is the height of the Khazarian empire. The Khazars were a tribe who broke off of the remnants of the Babylonian Empire. They worshipped the Elements, most notably the Wind and their chief deity was the "Prince of Air." (referenced in the NT)
It's important, however, not to interpret their worship in a strict literal sense. True, they worshipped the "Wind" but it's not as cut and dry as the movement of air. They worshipped Air in the figurative sense. Air is what is spoken among the people. Air is rumor, gossip, blackmail, popularity, sensationalism, slander, legal doctrine -- all those things which are bound to the spoken word. All those things which we account as remnants of the Universal Language spoken before the fall of their cherished Tower of Babel. - This jives with the Freemasonic French Revolution's sentiments of elevating the "will of the mob", aka "democracy".
Therefore, when we say they worship the "Air" it's that they worship very much the same values we hold today in Hollywood and in Politics. They truly believe that the most vocal sentiment is the correct sentiment. Whoever can shout the loudest, spread the most rumors, and wield authority over others using the power of suggestion, manipulation, coercion and psychology is operating in the will of their deity, the Prince of Air.
This aligns well with the fact that the Freemasonic Zionist "Jews" control Hollywood and the media in general...
Caananites. Kazzarians didnt exist when Jesus was crucified.
Khazarian "Jews" were actually Satan worshippers who sacrificed babies, raped, and pillaged.
Russian King surrounds them and demands they stop the Satanic BS and choose one of the three big religions. They picked Judaism, but it was fake. They are still Satan worshipping Talmud followers disguised as Jews.
Rothschild were Khazarian Satanist- Rothschild created the Balfour Declaration that created modern day Israel after WW2. The whole thing is front. Look at their Supreme Court Building with the Satanic symbolism everywhere.
So basically, Modern day Israel are Talmudic Satan worshippers disguised as Jews. They've infiltrated everywhere, including owning the US govt. They used the US super power military machine as their weapon. They created the FED, IRS, and all of the other BS slavery doctrines here as well.
Anyone out there, I know I might be missing some stuff or wrong, but this is what I think to be the case by research. Corrections welcomed.
Thank you! This is in line with what I was looking for. What was the Russian king's name?
Do you know of any connections between the Khazarians and Freemasonry? Islam? The Catholic church? (sorry to bounce extra questions off you after you've helped me out already!) If not that's fine, you gave me what I wanted. I'm trying to establish a better understanding of how they came about and what their influences have resulted in, and their reasoning for how they've operated, and their goals.
Khazarian mob
Indeed. This would be the biggest reddest of red pills.
David Irving has entered the chat…
Id never
And then there is the massive US naval fleet headed for Libanon(Israel...sssh)...
Source on this?? First I heard of it
Source is his asshole, fucking Arab shill calling himself "Thomas" pretending to be a White Christian, on this website defending Maduro and yelling at you to support Hamas/Iran. Says the White Hats love the Axis powers when Q DIRECTLY contradicts this.
If all the original Hebrew Jews have been pushed out of Israel and all that remains are Kazarian and Ashkenazi jews, every middle eastern country in the region needs to combine forces and permanently eradicate the scum from the planet. These fake jews have been occupying Israel and committing crimes against humanity for 80 years.
I think the save Israel for last post needed this scenario to play out. Israel's inhumane killing of innocent people building up enough hatred toward them that the entire planet retaliates in overwhelming force and nothing can stop what is coming.
Israel is about to get the hammer dropped on it from Iran. This will be fun to watch.
Whoopie "GOLDBERG" might have to change her name to Whoopie Cushion.
I hate to defend her here, but her real name is Caryn Elaine Johnson.
She changed her last name to Goldberg because she thought it would get her more roles.
As for the Whoopi nickname? Someone called her that because she farted a lot. I'm not joking.
She looks like someone who would fart alot.
Another great post u/winn
"Does SATAN exist?"
"Does the ‘thought’ of SATAN exist?"
Why thank you fren. Allow me to return the favor with a Q post I recently revisited with a new set of eyes: https://qalerts.app/?n=140
Also of note is the symbol used for the Senior Executive Service (SES): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senior_Executive_Service_(United_States)
Is this THE swamp / deepstate? Or at least the top level?
Obama strengthened it on his way out, presumedly thinking HRC was up next:
The SES was created (by Kristine Marcy at the request of Jimmy Carter?) in 1979 on July 13th (assassination attempt anniversary..)
"Double-meanings exist"
Could the keystone = the state of Israel, and also refer to the SES?
Israel = keystone global deep state org
SES = keystone local deep state org (USA)
are there other SES-type orgs in the other nations which collaborate together with the SES in America?
Definitely notable ☝️
I just edited that comment fyi
I'm still fleshing it out. Planning to make a post on it when ready!
Say what one will about Field McConnell, he dropped a hell of a lot of unknown names of people and organizations. Then he got completely derailed by some sketchy legal troubles out of Broward county Florida, and by some suspicious "allies", Timothy Charles Holmseth being prime suspect
Crazy how that happened isn't it? :)
A great listen for those who haven't studied khazarians aka fake joos aka name stealers: Jack Otto
And the "Weekend of Reading" course on PrussiaGate - "the army without a country" playing the long game... master controllers and manipulators...
Also, operation Gladio...
I think the real elections results would be forced to revil and smartmatics machines fraud would be proved. This will cause the chain reaction of the re-elections in the countries where these machines were used recently. Israel will loose their puppets in these countries. It will loose their grip and influence on the other countries. The global community will force Israel to follow the law regarding WMD etc. The threat and blackmail would be removed.
I honestly don't see how his, erm, sucking their cocks, furthers the plan. Just like I still don't see how his having backed the vaxx furthered the plan.