I don't suppose the label says what they were washed in. Now I'm really thinking because sometimes I buy the baby cut carrots and other veggies that are pre-washed and 'ready to eat'. Yikes, what am I eating?
that is true the problem is his reaction too it. There are plenty of things he won't eat but he doesn't act this way around them. He just won't eat it.
This. I don't know about cows, except that I offered one a carrot. Chomp, chomp, no more carrot. Then I offered her some chard and she looked at me like I was nuts.
Doesn’t prove anything. Cows eat blackberry vines, full of thorns. They love yard grass clippings, ones my dog crapped in. Moldy bread, hay, moldy apples, lots of other things I wouldn’t touch with a 10’ pole. And they are super afraid of anything new to them. I’ve poured out a bucket of grain, when they haven’t had any before, and they acted the same. Once they figured out what it was they ate it like candy. Cows are DUMB!
Well, as a lifelong animal and livestock owner, I can tell you that they sometimes get scared of unfamiliar food. This really does not mean the greens are bad. He might have never been fed anything close to that, and it is simply strange. In fact, animals eat bad & harmful stuff all the time (unfortunately), so whether they eat something or not is NOT the evidence of bad food.
I am in control of the feed, he has had similar items albeit not from the grocery. Never this reaction. Even if he did not like it. He has never acted scared before.
"carrot plants, brassicas, bean plants, lettuce, spinach, swiss chard are fine but palatablity is questionable. They may stick their nose in the air... just like your kids."
not from the store but yes. If he doesn't like it he will just ignore it or look at me like iv offended him. He has never acted this way with anything else.
interesting....we love earthbound farms and go their for the grass fed burgers all the time....they were recently bought out by Taylor Farms. might be something to look into.
He is well fed and spoiled but iv given him plenty of things that he won't eat and i NEVER get this reaction to anything else. This is my second attempt. The last time he buried the greens with dirt.
I've seen many videos of animals refusing to eat what humans consume on a daily basis! Makes you think! These animals instinctively know what's good for them, while humans are deceptively tricked to consume products which animals deem as not being food! Reminds me of a well known belief that if your horse drinks from the stream, then it means it's safe for you to drink!
About 20 years ago, I had a female beagle we rescued from the pound. She was a sweet, lovable dog, but also a psycho, highly driven, exquisite nose skills, probably would have been a great hunting dog, but we were trapped in suburbia. She loved to roll around in stinky stuff, probably would have eaten a live skunk butt-first, actually sought out our used underwear out of the laundry to chew out the crotches (We had to actually lock up our dirty laundry, it was crazy). So, one day, I had her in the car, and went through the drive thru at a McDonalds (I know, I know...) She was a definite chow hound, would eat just about everything thrown her way, and I didn't want her whining and staring at me as I wolfed down a double-quarter-pounder. She happily ate her plain hamburger patty, but she would.not.touch.the.bun. Did.not.recognize.it.as.food.
My guess would be the chlorine solution they use to wash the leaves and maybe the oxalate a natural toxic substance produced by plants to avoid being eaten by animals, specially if these were spinach leaves, they are high in oxalate.
Maybe the greens were washed in Kamala's bathtub?
Wasn’t that a disgrace , the black dude fist pumping in back ground was a bigger disgrace . I can’t understand how every blk American isn’t insulted !
I imagine many are if they are paying attention. Komradala is worse at the fake accent baloney than Hillary.
Worse x 2, because no hot sauce.
I do think because these greens are pre washed they are using something other than just water to wash them.
I don't suppose the label says what they were washed in. Now I'm really thinking because sometimes I buy the baby cut carrots and other veggies that are pre-washed and 'ready to eat'. Yikes, what am I eating?
Shouldn't be surprising.... a lot of heifers in this country are scared of greens ;)
good one lol
I think steer got flashbacks from his pre-steer days
Cows don't like everything green,expitialy if they are not used to it.
iv given him plenty of things he wouldn't eat. Never do i get this reaction.
Try it on more cows.
indeed more investigation is needed. I just have the one
If I remember correctly cows will eat a lot of food that we won't and vice versa,it's been 40 years so I don't member much....
that is true the problem is his reaction too it. There are plenty of things he won't eat but he doesn't act this way around them. He just won't eat it.
Try washing the spinach or a different organic brand.
working on it! Have a feeling its because of their washing process. We shall see.
I have goats that eat everything. Might try this with them.
I had a goat eat an entire pack of cigarettes so that would be telling LOL!
I don’t put much stock in this experiment but FDA food labeling requirements are extremely weak and can only be loosely interpreted as non false.
Yes,we would need to source the same plant from a garden,and then see if the same cow would eat it.
agreed im working on it.
They're washed with a disinfectant, and supposed to be something like hydrogen peroxide, but it will kill the smell which might give this response.
Try with something he likes: water wash, then peroxide wash, then water wash.
See if you get the same reaction.
Personally never got the pre-washed shit. I've done this to prolong veggies when I was broke as fuck though.
This. I don't know about cows, except that I offered one a carrot. Chomp, chomp, no more carrot. Then I offered her some chard and she looked at me like I was nuts.
This tells you all you need to know right here. Insane
Just when I think I'm eating healthy, now this.....
Unless you grow it yourself in USA, this is what you are up against.
Need to get me one of them steers, to test my food....
Even the seeds you buy at WalMart or Lowes could be tainted. Unless you grew your own food and kept the seeds do you really know of how good it is.
Luckily we are GMO free in Europe, but posting seeds from here to US is of course “illegal” and they zap everything with X-rays.
Doesn’t prove anything. Cows eat blackberry vines, full of thorns. They love yard grass clippings, ones my dog crapped in. Moldy bread, hay, moldy apples, lots of other things I wouldn’t touch with a 10’ pole. And they are super afraid of anything new to them. I’ve poured out a bucket of grain, when they haven’t had any before, and they acted the same. Once they figured out what it was they ate it like candy. Cows are DUMB!
I don't want to eat it.
nature is rebelling, as it should.
we treat our land and animals like crap😠
here's another example, and think it's a warning to grow our own food as much as possible.
Well, as a lifelong animal and livestock owner, I can tell you that they sometimes get scared of unfamiliar food. This really does not mean the greens are bad. He might have never been fed anything close to that, and it is simply strange. In fact, animals eat bad & harmful stuff all the time (unfortunately), so whether they eat something or not is NOT the evidence of bad food.
I am in control of the feed, he has had similar items albeit not from the grocery. Never this reaction. Even if he did not like it. He has never acted scared before.
"carrot plants, brassicas, bean plants, lettuce, spinach, swiss chard are fine but palatablity is questionable. They may stick their nose in the air... just like your kids."
normally if he doesn't like something he just ignores it or looks at me like i just insulted him. With this he is actually scared of it.
Maybe he's just freaked out about it for a mundane reason. Have you ever tried giving him that greens mix before?
yes this is the second attempt. same result. Last time he threw dirt on it to bury it
Maybe he just reeeally doesn't like those things.
It is a first if that is the case id love for others to experiment.
Does the cow normally eat greens?
not from the store but yes. If he doesn't like it he will just ignore it or look at me like iv offended him. He has never acted this way with anything else.
interesting....we love earthbound farms and go their for the grass fed burgers all the time....they were recently bought out by Taylor Farms. might be something to look into.
These are pre washed greens. I am wondering if they add maybe bleach to the wash cycle or something else.
Actual op! Congrats! Love it! I hope it goes viral!
Or she's well-fed and spoiled and was expecting a treat. That looks like a protest because "dad" should know better.
He is well fed and spoiled but iv given him plenty of things that he won't eat and i NEVER get this reaction to anything else. This is my second attempt. The last time he buried the greens with dirt.
they can smell the poison...
I've seen many videos of animals refusing to eat what humans consume on a daily basis! Makes you think! These animals instinctively know what's good for them, while humans are deceptively tricked to consume products which animals deem as not being food! Reminds me of a well known belief that if your horse drinks from the stream, then it means it's safe for you to drink!
About 20 years ago, I had a female beagle we rescued from the pound. She was a sweet, lovable dog, but also a psycho, highly driven, exquisite nose skills, probably would have been a great hunting dog, but we were trapped in suburbia. She loved to roll around in stinky stuff, probably would have eaten a live skunk butt-first, actually sought out our used underwear out of the laundry to chew out the crotches (We had to actually lock up our dirty laundry, it was crazy). So, one day, I had her in the car, and went through the drive thru at a McDonalds (I know, I know...) She was a definite chow hound, would eat just about everything thrown her way, and I didn't want her whining and staring at me as I wolfed down a double-quarter-pounder. She happily ate her plain hamburger patty, but she would.not.touch.the.bun. Did.not.recognize.it.as.food.
Wouldn't be surprised if they had an Apeel coating.............
My guess would be the chlorine solution they use to wash the leaves and maybe the oxalate a natural toxic substance produced by plants to avoid being eaten by animals, specially if these were spinach leaves, they are high in oxalate.
It's you. Mistrust.
we put it right up to his face near the end of the video from inside the fence
Umm, if you’re the original poster on X you just outed yourself to this board.
Im not trying to hide from anyone. Iv not said anything here that i don't say very publicly in other places. Cheers!
K, just letting you know. Very pretty Holstein. Do y’all normally feed greens from the store to your cattle?
Not from the store no. Other greens yes and if he doesn't like it he just ignores it Never acts like this.
🤔 Are y’all short on grass this year?