Still fentanyl due to how careful you have to be with dosage. You could probably outright kill a child with it if they step on your used needle you left in some random park.
True, and I wonder if the heroin stats are being muddied up with that. Heroin and cocaine used to be sold as medicines, which makes me wonder if they're not as bad as we were told, at least when used correctly. But Fentanyl is a very new drug and appears to be pure poison. I watched a doc on it and the high people get only lasts 30 minutes! They called it the crack cocaine of opiates, where the user must keep chasing the high! That sounds like it was designed to kill.
Back to meth, I can't think of any other drug that turns people so psycho and violent. Alcohol is an interesting one, some people get rendered goofy and useless, while others seem to go incredible hulk madmen. I don't know what to make of it
Overall I'd say any substance in this chart could be removed completely if people would just use it appropriately and not abuse it. That's what pisses me off on the "war on drugs". They just outright took them away from us and left us with toxic and useless alternatives, like Tylenol and Advil, cigarettes (thank God for vapes!) and alcohol (they tried to take it though! kek)
My cousin has struggled with meth his entire adult life. Supposedly he is clean, but I still do not trust him. He's even tried to kill his own mother and have it look like an accident so that he could collect life insurance money or something.
What makes (consumable!) alcohol so dangerous is its function as a beta blocker, which can deal cumulative damage to your brain and heart especially when combined with beta blocker medications.
Obviously damage to liver as well.
If people drank responsibly (say, a couple beers on the weekend or wine with dinner etc.) this would probably not be a problem but it is addictive so people rarely do drink so responsibly.
I think people tend to overlook other effects of alcohol unless they've seen someone abuse it, fall into alcoholism, develop dementia and then Alzheimer's despite warnings for decades from their doctors, and die.
That's not me saying I think it's as bad as any of these drugs of course, but it's good to have the information that tends to be overlooked IMO.
That chart only looks at one aspect of drug dangers. Statistically it makes sense but its really a complicated issue. Reality check: The main drug problem in America is food (mostly because of highly processed junk food). Look around and see how many significantly over weight and morbidly obese people there are. Then look around and see how many drug abusers and hardcore addicts there are.
__________________________________________________________________ I think the most logical solution to the psychoactive substance problem in America would be to legalize all psychoactive substances. Make the minimum penalty for committing any crime while under the influence of any psychoactive substance (that was previously scheduled federally) 10x higher. Require mandatory drug tests for anyone receiving/applying for welfare or food stamps. End the "war on drugs" federally. Redirect all that money into actual law enforcement, rehab programs, and churches that reach out to addicts. Legalization would end all profit for the cartels and put them out of business permanently.
The headline should read "Harris ONCE pledged." By saying "Harris pledged" of course we're going to think it was something she just recently announced, as she's just now barely running for president.
Cool, she checked "yes" to a questionnaire back in 2019 that read "Since drug use is better addressed as a public health issue (through treatment and other programming), will you support the decriminalization at the federal level of all drug possession for personal use?”
That was 5 years ago. This headline is misleading and that's unfortunate because this is a decent story. But by making it sound like she just barely announced this in the headline, you lose credibility and the story deflates. Especially by specifically claiming she said that about heroin and fentanyl, things the question doesn't specifically mention.
Do better, Breitbart.
*Edit - and for that matter, do better, OP. What kind of grossly misrepresentative headline is that for an already grossly misrepresentative headline? My God.
It was legal to buy cocaine and morphine over the counter without a prescription until around the 1910s.
You could buy amphetamines over the counter without a prescription until the 1960s.
The government doesn't have any right to tell people what drugs they can and can't do.
Making all these drugs illegal was done so the pharmaceutical companies that were getting big at the time could control the production of those substances and thus control who made the money.
Drug cartels are like the old bootleggers and gangsters during Prohibition.
I'm convinced that the majority of the drug cartels would cease to exist if there were legal means to purchase these drugs.
Many drugs are needlessly dangerous because there is no overseeing of production and no standards of quality in illegal drugs. Legalizing drug manufacturing would put an end to things like people lacing joints with fentanyl or cutting coke with who knows what.
It's none of my business what someone else decides to do concerning drugs. Sure, you'll have some idiots that get fucked up on them and wreck their cars, or beat the hell out of their spouse, but that's common with alcohol and I don't see anyone screaming to reinstate Prohibition.
I think people have been brainwashed into thinking that people who take those drugs are bad and "junkies", but once you strip all the BS away, it's no different than booze and cigarettes.
There are plenty of recreational or medicinal drug users who can use drugs responsibly. They shouldn't be penalized because other people have little self control.
If you don't like drugs, then don't do them. If your family members have problems because they can't control themselves concerning drugs, that's a shame. But millions of other people shouldn't be penalized because your family members have addiction problems.
I don't say this because I use drugs, because I don't. I don't smoke or drink, either. I have a family history of addiction so I decided to not ever go there because of it.
I'm speaking on behalf of people like my grandfather who was dying of pancreatic cancer at 89, and the doctors didn't want to prescribe him stronger pain meds because they didn't want him to become addicted to them. The idiocy of that still pisses me off, 20 years later.
I'm speaking on behalf of people who are able to control issues like anxiety with small amounts of marijuana with little to no side effects, rather than taking various drugs from Big Pharma that causes multiple serious issues.
So yeah, if you don't like drugs, don't do them. Expecting the rest of the world to abstain because you don't like it is the epitome of Karen behavior.
Can Christians smoke weed? No, and yes pot is indeed a sin. This new generation of professing Christians don’t care for God’s Word. They will make so many different excuses and twist words to justify sin. Before I became a Christian I was a pot head. It was my idol.
I personally know someone who died while smoking a joint. It kills your lungs. It increased my anxiety. This world is cannabis crazy. Medical marijuana is a complete joke. Weed is a gateway drug that is making many people broke. Even though people try to deny it, weed is addicting and many people have to go to rehab for it.
People are spending 20 dollars a gram for a few hours high. Is it really worth it? People are making extremely poor decisions and the devil is promoting this through worldly music. If you’re a teen you must not try to fit in with the bad crowd.
God’s ways are higher than our ways. I used to always make excuses and Satan was deceiving me, but God showed me and convicted me and I couldn’t lie to myself anymore. Stop making excuses! You know it’s a sin! Repent and turn to Christ!
“She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”-John 8:11
Protestant founder Martin Luther is quoted as saying that Jesus died for nothing if we don’t sin! In a sense he is correct. Jesus would not have to have died if sin didn’t exist, but sin came into being in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil! Therefore, we all sin, because we have a sin nature! However, we must TURN OR BURN!!!!!!!
It becomes necessary to turn from sin in your life! You can’t be saved without a sincere heart! It’s true we can’t save ourselves with our good works, because the Bible says that our righteousness is as RAGS! We can NEVER EVEN HOPE to come close to the sinless perfection that Jesus Christ did when He was on the Earth! He never had a sexual thought, never succumbed to temptation of the devil, never even did as much as steal anything! He never would’ve even stolen a ketchup packet from Burger King because He was not a sinner! We are! We have all sinned!
Even if we are all sinners and can’t get to Heaven on our own accord, Luther is still wrong! Being saved is NOT a license to sin! We shouldn’t get High on the devil’s lettuce, go to a strip club, place thousands of dollars on the breasts of harlots, drive a gin and tonic, and then go to Taco Bell to gorge on burritos and then go to a hotel room to fornicate! Christians MUST stay away from the sinful excesses of the world! Even if truly saved people can’t go to Hell due to the sacrifice of Christ, we cannot mock Christ by living as the world! The Bible says to congregate with other believers and to be in the world but not of the world! Set yourself apart from the world! If you’re not doing that, are you having a quality walk with Christ?! Doesn’t sound like it! If you’re not even saved, pray that Christ will save you from your sins and repentance will be what you need to do to show you’re truly a new creature in Christ! Don’t listen to former papist turned fecal fetishist Martin Luther! Listen to the KJV Bible and then a good local IFB preacher!
A Physical and Spiritual Sin — Controversy over marijuana seems partially from confusion on the subject. Effects differ from person to person with the same amount of the drug and even occasion to occasion in the same individual. Some emphasize this and the pleasure of the high, to argue that everyone should be "free" to use cannabis. To clear the confusion, we have to open our Bibles.
(1 Corinthians 6:20) Scripture reveals that our bodies and minds are not our own to abuse. God commands us "Glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." An incredible, eternal future awaits each of us when we turn to God to let Him develop our minds and character. Intoxicating ourselves on the "pleasures of sin." (Hebrews 11:25) and the "lust of flesh" destroys this incredible human potential. (Galatians 5:16, 1 John 2:16). If you have a problem with drugs, you can beat it! Philippians 4:13 says all things are possible with Christ strengthening us. "Come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)
Speaking from personal experience, I operate much better without cannabis. When I'm not using, I am much sharper, better mood, more motivated, sleep better, dream vividly, eat healthier, work harder. List goes on. No one "needs" cannabis, but I will continue to grow my own nonetheless.
Obviously you are not medically disabled. Try having your stomach cut in half and living with chronic pancreatitis and the inability to digest food. Then ya might say otherwise fren because it sure as shit helps this frog to keep on hopping.
Oh come on don't get your stomach in a twist. I would still argue you don't "need" it. There are plenty of other natural remedies for pain that don't cause intoxication. Typical cannabis users will argue to the death about this, though. None of them want to be honest about it.
CBD hemp flowers don't intoxicate, but are a great healing strain of cannabis. Just because it's cannabis, doesn't mean it gets you high. Trump legalized the non-high CBD hemp strains because he believed they were safe and good.
I literally cannot digest fiber or fat at all and eat once a day with extreme pain although out the 72 hr digestion process (takes me 3 days to fully digest a small meal and poop it out)... and that's not considering pancreatic and ischemia flare ups.
But no, you're totally right! I should go back on heavy prescription opiates just so I can eat a bowl of rice.
One of the biggest reasons we fall back down into lust is because of the things we think about, the images we imagine in our mind, the things we watch and see on TV and the computer, the music we listen to etc etc etc........
When JESUS does kick the lust out, we feel better, we feel free again, we can breathe deeply again, we can read the bible again!!!
Yet what I found is, 99% of the time, it will come back at different levels! While most of the time we ourselves are doing things to allow the lust to come back into our lives. Did you know internet gaming can bring lust? Oh yes it can! Did you know drinking alcohol can bring a demon of lust? Oh yes it can!! Did you know drinking caffeine can bring a demon of lust? Oh yes it can children of GOD..........
Sometimes GOD gives the lust permission to come and attack us as a test, trial, tribulation, or a humbling experience!!! It is very very humbling to us when we children of GOD fall back down into another terrible porn addiction.
I remember when the LORD JESUS set me free from gaming... This is internet gaming that is. I thought I was free forever. Little did I know, the flesh, the evil nature in me and the demonic who are behind internet gaming would rise up against me over & over again.
So............ Children of GOD, we need the LORD to set us free from that terrible lust that burns us up inside!
Yet even when he frees us, most likely it will come back on a semi regular basis! This is war we are in........
Different addictions torment us in different ways.
For example, an addiction to cigarettes will not stop you from praying, worshiping, or reading the bible!
Yet, an addiction to crack can quite possibly STOP you from praying, worshiping JESUS or reading the bible!
Nikola Tesla created technology that proved the existence of Life Force Energy (hence the name Tesla Waves) and discovered how to harness Life Force Energy that is naturally occurring in the environment. We are carrying forth Nikola Tesla’s discovery in order to create powerful, yet completely non-invasive therapeutic devices. Tesla BioHealing OTC Medical Devices act as amplifiers to create a concentrated field of pure Life Force Energy. Essentially these devices produce an amplified field of Life Force Energy, and as long as you are within this environment,, your cells will be able to uptake this vital energy as needed, utilizing as much Life Force as is necessary for optimal cellular support and functioning. Life Force Energy is what we are made of and what nourishes our body on a cellular level. The body is incredibly intelligent; cells are already designed with their own self-repair mechanisms. The more Life Force Energy our cellular structures have available, the more they are able to activate those self-repair mechanisms. Tesla BioHealing OTC Medical Devices provide a completely natural yet powerfully therapeutic environment where cells can be optimally supported in order to activate the body’s remarkable capacity for self-healing. Tesla MedBed Generators™ are our most powerful health solution created specifically for addressing challenging and severe conditions in the shortest amount of time. By placing our MedBed Generators underneath or beside your bed frame, a powerful, concentrated field of pure Life Force Energy is generated during crucial sleep and recovery time, providing an optimal environment for cellular repair, at 100x the power of our Tesla Biohealers™.
JFK Jr Audits are coming. Durham is coming. Hunter’s laptop is coming. Hillary’s emails are coming. Weiner’s laptop is coming.Donald J. Trump is coming. Full DECLAS is coming. All lies will be revealed, [they] are just trying to get ahead of it. It won’t work. The invisible enemy is throwing everything they’ve got at us. They know Trump has a War-chest of dynamite ready to blow. He has them on the edge of a cliff & they know it. Q: Does it make sense that the worst pandemic & extreme weather phenomenon, mass immigration & totalitarian tyranny are happening at exactly the same time as the World wakes up to: ELEKTION FRAUD, FAUCIGATE, CCP SPY OPS, ELITE HUMAN TRAFFICKING, THE DURHAM REPORT, LAPTOPS FROM HELL, BIDEN CRIME SYNDICATE, WALL-STREET FIX, PEGASUS / HAMR, SPYGATE, CLINTON FOUNDATION, CRT MALPRACTICE, FBI FALSE FLAGS, BIG PHARMA TYRANNY, UFO DISCLOSURE, GOV / BIG TECH COLLUSION, BIG TECH CENSORSHIP Did I miss anything? These are ALL potentially devastating to the Cabal & have only just begun to trickle out to the public. Is it a good time to be coerced to take an experimental medical concoction directly from the bad guys? Buckle up. What did I tell you about XRP – SEC Case Tuesday? Same day 2 Separate Typhoons are hitting China (3GD, Wuhan) & Japan. Have said absolutely happens until the 3GD collapses. The EVENT begins with 3GD collapsing. BTC Servers getting hit. What have I told you about BTC? I told you they want Regulation on July 28 – the day after. Mr Pool showed Document signing. I posted last year that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happens until the Three Gorges Dam collapses and the Nuke Event Reactors and Bitcoin Servers are whacked. It is all about the EVENT. PARIS shooting his arrow into ACHILLES to Kill The Cabal forever. BIG PHARMA LABS in Wuhan. We get 6000 Tesla Cures. It is how everything starts. Including the S.E.C XRP case. It is not meant to settle normally. It is all a show. That date ahead means 0. SEC Conf will be Analysed. Dark 10
weed taught me how to deal with my anxiety. it's a medicine. i've since quit, but if it's increasing your anxiety, that's only a sign that its a medicine you can benefit from. not to rely on, but definitely to learn from.
It makes no difference, weed is Satanic. There is literally no difference between using weed as a ritual anxiety cleanser and killing and eating a cat to gain Satanic power like the Africans. Either way, the cost is your soul. You should stop using all medicine and pray instead
Folks, the trends thing especially shows that GETTING RID OF SMOKE IS IN FACT NOT 'improving' ANYONE's health. Those are NOT BY ANY STRETCH OF IMAGINATION 'cause and effect' relationships!!!! They LIE LIE LIE about our health. I put on the bottom of both of those posters EXACTLY WHY I am SO HOT about this issue. I LOVED my parents, and I watched BOTH of them suffer for DECADES the ILL HEALTH effects of their QUITTING smoking. MY dad's WEIGHT killed him about ten years AFTER he quit smoking (when he was almost 80). He's actually WON A TENNIS TOURNAMENT when he was almost 70, as a 50+ YEAR TWO PACK OF KENTS - weren't THOSE the ones in the Rose Cipalone case, with the ASBESTOS FILTERS??? - a DAY plus he smoked a PIPE. Oh, it was an amateur tournament (he was a retired engineer) - but in LOS ANGELES, so it was BIG and very competitive. He had put on some weight as he got older, but he was FIT. Then he remarried an antismoker, and he quit. I WATCHED him spend the REST OF HIS LIFE hardly able to WALK, let alone play tennis, DUE TO THE WEIGHT he gained after quitting. BTW, his new younger NEVER smoker wife kicked the bucket about 5 YEARS before he did.
And, everywhere I go, and talk to folks, and yes, believe it or not (those of you who have met me) I don't ONLY talk, I LISTEN FAR MORE than some realize
I won't even start about my mom, the short version is she quit at only TWENTY years old, right after I was born, and died of breast cancer at 60 (only ONE year older than I am now), after an ENTIRE ADULT LIFE spent as an INVALID (or semi-invalid) due to SEVERAL of those things on that sign!!!
Nearly everyone I LISTEN to is telling me of a parent, brother, friend, etc. whose health problems STARTED AFTER they QUIT smoking! The 'high risk' of lung cancer among smokERS actually IS NOT among smokers, but among EXsmokers. For at least forty YEARS these so called 'studies' have LUMPED smokers & EXsmokers into a SINGLE category 'EVER smokers', and they FALSELY say smokERS have a higher risk of LC, when actually the HIGHEST risk is among EXsmokers. BY the way, the DRUG companies are laughing ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK.
The WHOLE 'smoking isn't healthy' bit is EVERY BIT AS PHONY as the 'humans are causing global warming' thing. And watch and listen, the climate change hoax is borrowing ALL the SAME tactics, and even using the SAME RHETORIC as the anti-smoking hoax. Yes, you are ADDICTED to OIL - you are BAD (demonize those who turn up their thermostats in winter because they don't want their babies to freeze, etc), then JUSTIFY EXTORTION every time someone turns on a light switch, justify adding EXTORTION to the price of a gallon of gas, etc. BOTH hoaxes (anti-smoking AND 'climate change) are JUSTIFIED NOT by 'mountains' of 'science', but by MOUNTAINS of JUNK 'science'. These EVIL people are PSYCHOLOGICALLY MANIPULATING every one of us, and UNTIL the TRUTH comes out they WILL CONTINUE TO GET AWAY WITH IT. In the case of anti-smoking, if you follow the MONEY as some of us have, you will find the PHARMACEUTICAL industry financing and driving it. If you follow the $$$$$$ on the 'climate change' hoax, you will find GE as well as some very big politicians (many who are invested in SELLING CARBON CREDITS - INCLUDING BARAK OBAMA, and of course Al Gore) behind that.
EVERY ONE of US must find out the truth, and promote THAT, or WE ARE STILL PART OF THE PROBLEM.
It should be well known that there IS such a thing as the Placebo effect. There is ALSO a NOcebo effect - yes, some SMOKERS GET SICK JUST BECAUSE they've been told over and over and over again that smoking is making them sick. Our minds and bodies ARE WIRED together. Folks tell me all the time how much better they feel because they quit smoking. OF COURSE they do, they are feeling a PLACEBO effect. Can't tell you how much better I FEEL since I learned smoke is mostly WATER VAPOR, and the pics of supposedly black 'smoker's' lungs are actually COAL MINER'S BLACK LUNG DISEASE (or sometimes DOCTORED PIG'S lungs) : )))) NEWS FLASH - if you smoke, you MIGHT have 'black lungs' IF YOU'RE ALSO A COAL MINER! Folks THAT sort of thing goes WAY BEYOND propaganda and disinformation. THAT is in the category of OUT RIGHT BIG FAT WHOPPING LIE FRAUD.
I can understand those who just don't 'like' to be confrontational or too controversial to want to avoid dealing with the whole 'smoking REALLY IS BAD for you' issue. But geesh, how about, if you don't want to be so controversial, just AVOID that whole subject. We should NEVER help spread the lies.
I am burning to Smoke in the Light of God and Trump
In that context, many other things could be Satanic as well. The trouble is allowing fear to dictate policy, as fear of fear leads to trouble. Satanism is stealthy and cannabis makes people prefer to initially not be stealthy. People become paranoid when they feel targeted by fear. Where fear becomes paranoia is the real theme between Good and Evil.
Youtube Prophecy Experts aka False Prophets of Today
Matthew 18 Who Is the Greatest?
18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
2 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 3 and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.
Jesus Warns of Offenses
6 “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!
8 “If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into the everlasting fire. 9 And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire.
Satan’s puppets are at large on Youtube and the internet, they are supposed sheep, who are most definitely WOLVES, but speak like a sheep, but their words are poisonous and deadly. They smile as shepherds with charismatic skill, but they are most deadly and with their shepherd’s hook, they snatch away from GOD’s Flock, the weak, lazy, and baby Christians, who follow most willingly to these Serpents in Sheep’s clothing. They are Truly Not of GOD and are only self serving and glory hounds and more often Prophets for Profit, manipulating and guilting the weak minded sheep into their False Agenda !
You’ll know them by their ‘Cult’ following, by their merchandise they are selling, by their charms and cleaver snake speak, ‘Hissing’ soothing scriptural lingo into your ears, but yet making you feel guilty if you dare question them. And don’t be surprised when ‘others’ who are under these Charlatan’s spell, who come to their defense and judge you for daring to judge them, yet God tells us to test the spirits, but with a False Prophet, it’s against ‘THEIR’ rules to dare confront them with the truth, to test them, though commanded by GOD, you are labeled a false christian for judging them, even though they are blatantly wrong and causing sin upon the masses.
Don’t be fooled PEOPLE,,, The False Prophets of Today, use every manipulative angle they can on you. They will throw scripture at you, desperate to NOT BE EXPOSED. Just as Satan tempted our beloved Savior, the Son of GOD, don’t kid yourselves, JESUS is GOD, Satan had no power over him, BUT Satan is more powerful then us and he’s influenced these seemingly so called godly prophecy experts, ( who often claim they never set dates, don’t call themselves prophets, but sure allow others to label them as such and they don’t rebuke them for it either, of course not, it’s part of the false agenda ).
They will use today modern technology in ways to Bolden their False Agendas, like with computer programs, that map the stars and planets, mixing Astrology (which is a sin, sorcery, divination, zodiac signs,etc.) Stellarium is the popular one being used now to promote theories of these Frauds, much like the recent Sept 23rd Rev 12 Great Sign, which was a Hoax and Non-Event, False Sign created by these wicked men and women today who are fleecing the flock.
Oh by the way, there is more to this False Agenda as of late, There are other great signs suppose to happen as well and even great is the fact, that many of these False Prophets and so called Prophecy Experts who have a HISTORY of being Wrong, Years of being Wrong (yet many excuse them ) The Latest is, that the Jubilee Year, is off by one month, so What was suppose to happen in September, is actually going to happen now in October, still the same great sign/hoax, but a month later, they just conveniently make another (ANOTHER) oops, so it’s this month now instead—. The Rapture, is set once again for around the 21st to 23rd of October, They just can’t be sure once again— Gosh funny how a True Prophet of GOD is Absolute, 100 % on the Mark,,, yet these so called prophecy experts are always guessing, always implying they know the date, always being excuse for just being human and it was a mistake, WELL MAKE NO MISTAKE< True Prophets of GOD MAKE NO MISTAKES, PERIOD !
(to be continued) but for now, get away from these FRAUDS< you are to Expose them and have nothing more to do with them. GOD COMMANDS ! Flee from them and help your fellow weak siblings in Christ to wake up and flee as well, if they refuse, then so be it, they are as guilty and as false at their satanic puppet— Cling to God and put your faith in the One and ONLY TRUE PROPHET, JESUS our LORD AND SAVIOR !
I picked the above scripture to show what Jesus says about those who use/deceive babes in Christ, they are absolutely accountable for every baby christian and all they deceive/delude with their False Agendas, God is very clear on what awaits those who ARE False Prophets/Teachers/Preachers and so called Non-Claiming Prophets of God yet pretend to be of God and giving so called Expert Teachings, And the very false followers, who will not be corrected/rebuked, by God’s warnings, His Truths, you lazy weak and baby christian’s who so willing follow these Puppets of Satan,, you will follow them right to the very pits of the lake of fire, for your rebellion and blatant pride in not being honest and standing for the Faith, so says GOD !
One thing is for sure: Muslim assassins smoked weed before they went on a hit job, because it removed their inhibitions and made them focus on the goal so hard that they couldn't be persuaded not to carry out the deed no matter what. That's where the name "hashish" came from. Hash, hashish, hashashin (assassin).
So it definitely does something to temporarily "harden your heart", which doesn't sound like a good idea. Sure, if your goal is truly righteous, being fully committed to it would be a good thing. But what if you're in the wrong? You will get high and lock in, regardless. Someone once told me something that I've never forgotten:
Weed amplifies the heart; whatever's in your heart before you smoke will be boosted, and you'll be locked in that state until the high is over.
We know what the Bible says about the heart of man, that it is "desperately wicked"... now, whether this translates over into amplifying a believer's NEW "heart of flesh" is up for debate....or does it merely amplify the dead carnal "heart of stone" that we had before coming to faith in Christ?...
I'd say people who get anxious when they smoke already have concerns in their heart, and those amplify. Conversely, those who it relaxes probably have contentment in their heart, and whether or not that contentment is justified, IE they're not just comfortably oblivious to things that should concern them, determines whether that state is a good thing to be locked into for a few hours..
In what feels like a previous life I actually believed in kane bosm first and then I was introduced to the miracle of the gospel that way.
A lot of repentance and acceptance brought me here, and the residual effect, a desire for mass repentance and living a life that is free to have coincidences, is what remains.
This is suggestible to the dark agendas of countless groups that began quietly attaching themselves to this movement.
CONnabis is not an innocent, positive celebration of life as it's leaders insist. It is NOT about recycling cans and bottles or "going green". Radical feminists use it to to promote infanticide or remaining childless altogether to protect the air we breathe. And don't get me started on the marajuana advocates ..... Cannabis is a pothead's dream.
Atheists, false religions, and apostate Christians embrace this day because they need something--ANYTHING-- to fill the vacuum in their empty hearts. Satan is always more than willing to oblige.
"We shouldn’t get High on the devil’s lettuce, go to a strip club, place thousands of dollars on the breasts of harlots, drive a gin and tonic, and then go to Taco Bell to gorge on burritos and then go to a hotel room to fornicate!"
Ask Oregon how that worked out.
this chart also puts weed above methadone in terms of harm. if you've lived in a city with opiate abuse, you know this chart is a load of crap.
I'd think Meth would be the top harmful drug...chart does seem off
Still fentanyl due to how careful you have to be with dosage. You could probably outright kill a child with it if they step on your used needle you left in some random park.
True, and I wonder if the heroin stats are being muddied up with that. Heroin and cocaine used to be sold as medicines, which makes me wonder if they're not as bad as we were told, at least when used correctly. But Fentanyl is a very new drug and appears to be pure poison. I watched a doc on it and the high people get only lasts 30 minutes! They called it the crack cocaine of opiates, where the user must keep chasing the high! That sounds like it was designed to kill.
Back to meth, I can't think of any other drug that turns people so psycho and violent. Alcohol is an interesting one, some people get rendered goofy and useless, while others seem to go incredible hulk madmen. I don't know what to make of it
Overall I'd say any substance in this chart could be removed completely if people would just use it appropriately and not abuse it. That's what pisses me off on the "war on drugs". They just outright took them away from us and left us with toxic and useless alternatives, like Tylenol and Advil, cigarettes (thank God for vapes!) and alcohol (they tried to take it though! kek)
My cousin has struggled with meth his entire adult life. Supposedly he is clean, but I still do not trust him. He's even tried to kill his own mother and have it look like an accident so that he could collect life insurance money or something.
What makes (consumable!) alcohol so dangerous is its function as a beta blocker, which can deal cumulative damage to your brain and heart especially when combined with beta blocker medications.
Obviously damage to liver as well.
If people drank responsibly (say, a couple beers on the weekend or wine with dinner etc.) this would probably not be a problem but it is addictive so people rarely do drink so responsibly.
I think people tend to overlook other effects of alcohol unless they've seen someone abuse it, fall into alcoholism, develop dementia and then Alzheimer's despite warnings for decades from their doctors, and die.
That's not me saying I think it's as bad as any of these drugs of course, but it's good to have the information that tends to be overlooked IMO.
Meth makes you go insane. Fent makes you OD faster than heroin. Pick your poison
That chart only looks at one aspect of drug dangers. Statistically it makes sense but its really a complicated issue. Reality check: The main drug problem in America is food (mostly because of highly processed junk food). Look around and see how many significantly over weight and morbidly obese people there are. Then look around and see how many drug abusers and hardcore addicts there are. __________________________________________________________________ I think the most logical solution to the psychoactive substance problem in America would be to legalize all psychoactive substances. Make the minimum penalty for committing any crime while under the influence of any psychoactive substance (that was previously scheduled federally) 10x higher. Require mandatory drug tests for anyone receiving/applying for welfare or food stamps. End the "war on drugs" federally. Redirect all that money into actual law enforcement, rehab programs, and churches that reach out to addicts. Legalization would end all profit for the cartels and put them out of business permanently.
Based on what metrics?
Fentanyl is a murderous weapon of War. It's a crime of the century.
Bleh. Make cocaine legal and I'll be able to knock on 5 X as many doors for President Trump.
The headline should read "Harris ONCE pledged." By saying "Harris pledged" of course we're going to think it was something she just recently announced, as she's just now barely running for president.
Cool, she checked "yes" to a questionnaire back in 2019 that read "Since drug use is better addressed as a public health issue (through treatment and other programming), will you support the decriminalization at the federal level of all drug possession for personal use?”
That was 5 years ago. This headline is misleading and that's unfortunate because this is a decent story. But by making it sound like she just barely announced this in the headline, you lose credibility and the story deflates. Especially by specifically claiming she said that about heroin and fentanyl, things the question doesn't specifically mention.
Do better, Breitbart.
*Edit - and for that matter, do better, OP. What kind of grossly misrepresentative headline is that for an already grossly misrepresentative headline? My God.
Even the Portlandia libshits learned that shit doesnt work...
Worked out well in Canada ,,depopulation comes in many forms !
At least their medical system will euthanize you when you’re ready.
Just take a nice drive down Kensington Ave in Philly if you want to see the reality of drug legalization.
But if they decriminalize the drugs, doesn’t their profit margin go way down? So “they” are not going to want that. 🤔
It was legal to buy cocaine and morphine over the counter without a prescription until around the 1910s.
You could buy amphetamines over the counter without a prescription until the 1960s.
The government doesn't have any right to tell people what drugs they can and can't do.
Making all these drugs illegal was done so the pharmaceutical companies that were getting big at the time could control the production of those substances and thus control who made the money.
Drug cartels are like the old bootleggers and gangsters during Prohibition.
I'm convinced that the majority of the drug cartels would cease to exist if there were legal means to purchase these drugs.
Many drugs are needlessly dangerous because there is no overseeing of production and no standards of quality in illegal drugs. Legalizing drug manufacturing would put an end to things like people lacing joints with fentanyl or cutting coke with who knows what.
It's none of my business what someone else decides to do concerning drugs. Sure, you'll have some idiots that get fucked up on them and wreck their cars, or beat the hell out of their spouse, but that's common with alcohol and I don't see anyone screaming to reinstate Prohibition.
I think people have been brainwashed into thinking that people who take those drugs are bad and "junkies", but once you strip all the BS away, it's no different than booze and cigarettes.
There are plenty of recreational or medicinal drug users who can use drugs responsibly. They shouldn't be penalized because other people have little self control.
If you don't like drugs, then don't do them. If your family members have problems because they can't control themselves concerning drugs, that's a shame. But millions of other people shouldn't be penalized because your family members have addiction problems.
I don't say this because I use drugs, because I don't. I don't smoke or drink, either. I have a family history of addiction so I decided to not ever go there because of it.
I'm speaking on behalf of people like my grandfather who was dying of pancreatic cancer at 89, and the doctors didn't want to prescribe him stronger pain meds because they didn't want him to become addicted to them. The idiocy of that still pisses me off, 20 years later.
I'm speaking on behalf of people who are able to control issues like anxiety with small amounts of marijuana with little to no side effects, rather than taking various drugs from Big Pharma that causes multiple serious issues.
So yeah, if you don't like drugs, don't do them. Expecting the rest of the world to abstain because you don't like it is the epitome of Karen behavior.
She comes across as so weak
Can Christians smoke weed? No, and yes pot is indeed a sin. This new generation of professing Christians don’t care for God’s Word. They will make so many different excuses and twist words to justify sin. Before I became a Christian I was a pot head. It was my idol.
I personally know someone who died while smoking a joint. It kills your lungs. It increased my anxiety. This world is cannabis crazy. Medical marijuana is a complete joke. Weed is a gateway drug that is making many people broke. Even though people try to deny it, weed is addicting and many people have to go to rehab for it.
People are spending 20 dollars a gram for a few hours high. Is it really worth it? People are making extremely poor decisions and the devil is promoting this through worldly music. If you’re a teen you must not try to fit in with the bad crowd.
God’s ways are higher than our ways. I used to always make excuses and Satan was deceiving me, but God showed me and convicted me and I couldn’t lie to myself anymore. Stop making excuses! You know it’s a sin! Repent and turn to Christ!
“She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”-John 8:11
Protestant founder Martin Luther is quoted as saying that Jesus died for nothing if we don’t sin! In a sense he is correct. Jesus would not have to have died if sin didn’t exist, but sin came into being in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil! Therefore, we all sin, because we have a sin nature! However, we must TURN OR BURN!!!!!!!
It becomes necessary to turn from sin in your life! You can’t be saved without a sincere heart! It’s true we can’t save ourselves with our good works, because the Bible says that our righteousness is as RAGS! We can NEVER EVEN HOPE to come close to the sinless perfection that Jesus Christ did when He was on the Earth! He never had a sexual thought, never succumbed to temptation of the devil, never even did as much as steal anything! He never would’ve even stolen a ketchup packet from Burger King because He was not a sinner! We are! We have all sinned!
Even if we are all sinners and can’t get to Heaven on our own accord, Luther is still wrong! Being saved is NOT a license to sin! We shouldn’t get High on the devil’s lettuce, go to a strip club, place thousands of dollars on the breasts of harlots, drive a gin and tonic, and then go to Taco Bell to gorge on burritos and then go to a hotel room to fornicate! Christians MUST stay away from the sinful excesses of the world! Even if truly saved people can’t go to Hell due to the sacrifice of Christ, we cannot mock Christ by living as the world! The Bible says to congregate with other believers and to be in the world but not of the world! Set yourself apart from the world! If you’re not doing that, are you having a quality walk with Christ?! Doesn’t sound like it! If you’re not even saved, pray that Christ will save you from your sins and repentance will be what you need to do to show you’re truly a new creature in Christ! Don’t listen to former papist turned fecal fetishist Martin Luther! Listen to the KJV Bible and then a good local IFB preacher!
A Physical and Spiritual Sin — Controversy over marijuana seems partially from confusion on the subject. Effects differ from person to person with the same amount of the drug and even occasion to occasion in the same individual. Some emphasize this and the pleasure of the high, to argue that everyone should be "free" to use cannabis. To clear the confusion, we have to open our Bibles.
(1 Corinthians 6:20) Scripture reveals that our bodies and minds are not our own to abuse. God commands us "Glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." An incredible, eternal future awaits each of us when we turn to God to let Him develop our minds and character. Intoxicating ourselves on the "pleasures of sin." (Hebrews 11:25) and the "lust of flesh" destroys this incredible human potential. (Galatians 5:16, 1 John 2:16). If you have a problem with drugs, you can beat it! Philippians 4:13 says all things are possible with Christ strengthening us. "Come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)
Is Caffeine a sin too?
Speaking from personal experience, I operate much better without cannabis. When I'm not using, I am much sharper, better mood, more motivated, sleep better, dream vividly, eat healthier, work harder. List goes on. No one "needs" cannabis, but I will continue to grow my own nonetheless.
Obviously you are not medically disabled. Try having your stomach cut in half and living with chronic pancreatitis and the inability to digest food. Then ya might say otherwise fren because it sure as shit helps this frog to keep on hopping.
Then God wants you to be that way. Taking medicine subverts His will. You should accept it and make the most of the time you have
Oh come on don't get your stomach in a twist. I would still argue you don't "need" it. There are plenty of other natural remedies for pain that don't cause intoxication. Typical cannabis users will argue to the death about this, though. None of them want to be honest about it.
CBD hemp flowers don't intoxicate, but are a great healing strain of cannabis. Just because it's cannabis, doesn't mean it gets you high. Trump legalized the non-high CBD hemp strains because he believed they were safe and good.
I literally cannot digest fiber or fat at all and eat once a day with extreme pain although out the 72 hr digestion process (takes me 3 days to fully digest a small meal and poop it out)... and that's not considering pancreatic and ischemia flare ups.
But no, you're totally right! I should go back on heavy prescription opiates just so I can eat a bowl of rice.
One of the biggest reasons we fall back down into lust is because of the things we think about, the images we imagine in our mind, the things we watch and see on TV and the computer, the music we listen to etc etc etc........
When JESUS does kick the lust out, we feel better, we feel free again, we can breathe deeply again, we can read the bible again!!!
Yet what I found is, 99% of the time, it will come back at different levels! While most of the time we ourselves are doing things to allow the lust to come back into our lives. Did you know internet gaming can bring lust? Oh yes it can! Did you know drinking alcohol can bring a demon of lust? Oh yes it can!! Did you know drinking caffeine can bring a demon of lust? Oh yes it can children of GOD..........
Sometimes GOD gives the lust permission to come and attack us as a test, trial, tribulation, or a humbling experience!!! It is very very humbling to us when we children of GOD fall back down into another terrible porn addiction.
I remember when the LORD JESUS set me free from gaming... This is internet gaming that is. I thought I was free forever. Little did I know, the flesh, the evil nature in me and the demonic who are behind internet gaming would rise up against me over & over again.
So............ Children of GOD, we need the LORD to set us free from that terrible lust that burns us up inside!
Yet even when he frees us, most likely it will come back on a semi regular basis! This is war we are in........
Different addictions torment us in different ways.
For example, an addiction to cigarettes will not stop you from praying, worshiping, or reading the bible!
Yet, an addiction to crack can quite possibly STOP you from praying, worshiping JESUS or reading the bible!
Addiction to food is just as sinful, but I know a ton of fatfucks that are diehard Christians
True... but they are not saved and are not True Christians
You do NOT have the authority to decide that- time to humble yourself
It is not me who descides that, but God
I am simply observing what He has told me
Wow dude. As soon as i start liking and relating to what you say, here you go out of left field with the bullshit.
Simply relaying the Word of God... I suppose that might sound like LEFT field bullshit in the fake worldly reality
Username does not check out.
It Is Always Dark Before Don
Take Back Your Power
Moving Froward
We Will Be Free
Twenty Twenty Five
Aquarius The Water Bearer
Presidential Immunity
Did the medbeds scramble your hard drive or was it the delusional dreams of JFK Jr dancing in your head?
Nikola Tesla created technology that proved the existence of Life Force Energy (hence the name Tesla Waves) and discovered how to harness Life Force Energy that is naturally occurring in the environment. We are carrying forth Nikola Tesla’s discovery in order to create powerful, yet completely non-invasive therapeutic devices. Tesla BioHealing OTC Medical Devices act as amplifiers to create a concentrated field of pure Life Force Energy. Essentially these devices produce an amplified field of Life Force Energy, and as long as you are within this environment,, your cells will be able to uptake this vital energy as needed, utilizing as much Life Force as is necessary for optimal cellular support and functioning. Life Force Energy is what we are made of and what nourishes our body on a cellular level. The body is incredibly intelligent; cells are already designed with their own self-repair mechanisms. The more Life Force Energy our cellular structures have available, the more they are able to activate those self-repair mechanisms. Tesla BioHealing OTC Medical Devices provide a completely natural yet powerfully therapeutic environment where cells can be optimally supported in order to activate the body’s remarkable capacity for self-healing. Tesla MedBed Generators™ are our most powerful health solution created specifically for addressing challenging and severe conditions in the shortest amount of time. By placing our MedBed Generators underneath or beside your bed frame, a powerful, concentrated field of pure Life Force Energy is generated during crucial sleep and recovery time, providing an optimal environment for cellular repair, at 100x the power of our Tesla Biohealers™.
JFK Jr Audits are coming. Durham is coming. Hunter’s laptop is coming. Hillary’s emails are coming. Weiner’s laptop is coming.Donald J. Trump is coming. Full DECLAS is coming. All lies will be revealed, [they] are just trying to get ahead of it. It won’t work. The invisible enemy is throwing everything they’ve got at us. They know Trump has a War-chest of dynamite ready to blow. He has them on the edge of a cliff & they know it. Q: Does it make sense that the worst pandemic & extreme weather phenomenon, mass immigration & totalitarian tyranny are happening at exactly the same time as the World wakes up to: ELEKTION FRAUD, FAUCIGATE, CCP SPY OPS, ELITE HUMAN TRAFFICKING, THE DURHAM REPORT, LAPTOPS FROM HELL, BIDEN CRIME SYNDICATE, WALL-STREET FIX, PEGASUS / HAMR, SPYGATE, CLINTON FOUNDATION, CRT MALPRACTICE, FBI FALSE FLAGS, BIG PHARMA TYRANNY, UFO DISCLOSURE, GOV / BIG TECH COLLUSION, BIG TECH CENSORSHIP Did I miss anything? These are ALL potentially devastating to the Cabal & have only just begun to trickle out to the public. Is it a good time to be coerced to take an experimental medical concoction directly from the bad guys? Buckle up. What did I tell you about XRP – SEC Case Tuesday? Same day 2 Separate Typhoons are hitting China (3GD, Wuhan) & Japan. Have said absolutely happens until the 3GD collapses. The EVENT begins with 3GD collapsing. BTC Servers getting hit. What have I told you about BTC? I told you they want Regulation on July 28 – the day after. Mr Pool showed Document signing. I posted last year that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happens until the Three Gorges Dam collapses and the Nuke Event Reactors and Bitcoin Servers are whacked. It is all about the EVENT. PARIS shooting his arrow into ACHILLES to Kill The Cabal forever. BIG PHARMA LABS in Wuhan. We get 6000 Tesla Cures. It is how everything starts. Including the S.E.C XRP case. It is not meant to settle normally. It is all a show. That date ahead means 0. SEC Conf will be Analysed. Dark 10
weed taught me how to deal with my anxiety. it's a medicine. i've since quit, but if it's increasing your anxiety, that's only a sign that its a medicine you can benefit from. not to rely on, but definitely to learn from.
It makes no difference, weed is Satanic. There is literally no difference between using weed as a ritual anxiety cleanser and killing and eating a cat to gain Satanic power like the Africans. Either way, the cost is your soul. You should stop using all medicine and pray instead
I DO NOT want whatever you're smoking. That's for sure.
Folks, the trends thing especially shows that GETTING RID OF SMOKE IS IN FACT NOT 'improving' ANYONE's health. Those are NOT BY ANY STRETCH OF IMAGINATION 'cause and effect' relationships!!!! They LIE LIE LIE about our health. I put on the bottom of both of those posters EXACTLY WHY I am SO HOT about this issue. I LOVED my parents, and I watched BOTH of them suffer for DECADES the ILL HEALTH effects of their QUITTING smoking. MY dad's WEIGHT killed him about ten years AFTER he quit smoking (when he was almost 80). He's actually WON A TENNIS TOURNAMENT when he was almost 70, as a 50+ YEAR TWO PACK OF KENTS - weren't THOSE the ones in the Rose Cipalone case, with the ASBESTOS FILTERS??? - a DAY plus he smoked a PIPE. Oh, it was an amateur tournament (he was a retired engineer) - but in LOS ANGELES, so it was BIG and very competitive. He had put on some weight as he got older, but he was FIT. Then he remarried an antismoker, and he quit. I WATCHED him spend the REST OF HIS LIFE hardly able to WALK, let alone play tennis, DUE TO THE WEIGHT he gained after quitting. BTW, his new younger NEVER smoker wife kicked the bucket about 5 YEARS before he did.
And, everywhere I go, and talk to folks, and yes, believe it or not (those of you who have met me) I don't ONLY talk, I LISTEN FAR MORE than some realize
I won't even start about my mom, the short version is she quit at only TWENTY years old, right after I was born, and died of breast cancer at 60 (only ONE year older than I am now), after an ENTIRE ADULT LIFE spent as an INVALID (or semi-invalid) due to SEVERAL of those things on that sign!!!
Nearly everyone I LISTEN to is telling me of a parent, brother, friend, etc. whose health problems STARTED AFTER they QUIT smoking! The 'high risk' of lung cancer among smokERS actually IS NOT among smokers, but among EXsmokers. For at least forty YEARS these so called 'studies' have LUMPED smokers & EXsmokers into a SINGLE category 'EVER smokers', and they FALSELY say smokERS have a higher risk of LC, when actually the HIGHEST risk is among EXsmokers. BY the way, the DRUG companies are laughing ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK.
The WHOLE 'smoking isn't healthy' bit is EVERY BIT AS PHONY as the 'humans are causing global warming' thing. And watch and listen, the climate change hoax is borrowing ALL the SAME tactics, and even using the SAME RHETORIC as the anti-smoking hoax. Yes, you are ADDICTED to OIL - you are BAD (demonize those who turn up their thermostats in winter because they don't want their babies to freeze, etc), then JUSTIFY EXTORTION every time someone turns on a light switch, justify adding EXTORTION to the price of a gallon of gas, etc. BOTH hoaxes (anti-smoking AND 'climate change) are JUSTIFIED NOT by 'mountains' of 'science', but by MOUNTAINS of JUNK 'science'. These EVIL people are PSYCHOLOGICALLY MANIPULATING every one of us, and UNTIL the TRUTH comes out they WILL CONTINUE TO GET AWAY WITH IT. In the case of anti-smoking, if you follow the MONEY as some of us have, you will find the PHARMACEUTICAL industry financing and driving it. If you follow the $$$$$$ on the 'climate change' hoax, you will find GE as well as some very big politicians (many who are invested in SELLING CARBON CREDITS - INCLUDING BARAK OBAMA, and of course Al Gore) behind that.
EVERY ONE of US must find out the truth, and promote THAT, or WE ARE STILL PART OF THE PROBLEM.
It should be well known that there IS such a thing as the Placebo effect. There is ALSO a NOcebo effect - yes, some SMOKERS GET SICK JUST BECAUSE they've been told over and over and over again that smoking is making them sick. Our minds and bodies ARE WIRED together. Folks tell me all the time how much better they feel because they quit smoking. OF COURSE they do, they are feeling a PLACEBO effect. Can't tell you how much better I FEEL since I learned smoke is mostly WATER VAPOR, and the pics of supposedly black 'smoker's' lungs are actually COAL MINER'S BLACK LUNG DISEASE (or sometimes DOCTORED PIG'S lungs) : )))) NEWS FLASH - if you smoke, you MIGHT have 'black lungs' IF YOU'RE ALSO A COAL MINER! Folks THAT sort of thing goes WAY BEYOND propaganda and disinformation. THAT is in the category of OUT RIGHT BIG FAT WHOPPING LIE FRAUD.
I can understand those who just don't 'like' to be confrontational or too controversial to want to avoid dealing with the whole 'smoking REALLY IS BAD for you' issue. But geesh, how about, if you don't want to be so controversial, just AVOID that whole subject. We should NEVER help spread the lies.
I am burning to Smoke in the Light of God and Trump
In that context, many other things could be Satanic as well. The trouble is allowing fear to dictate policy, as fear of fear leads to trouble. Satanism is stealthy and cannabis makes people prefer to initially not be stealthy. People become paranoid when they feel targeted by fear. Where fear becomes paranoia is the real theme between Good and Evil.
Virtually everything in the world is Satanic
The solution is not fear but prayer and RAGE
Rage Against the dying of the light? Or Rage against the machine. Pray dont choose cratzy!
Rage against both, especially the communist corporate machine
Im trying to disambiguate your argument. Does it play along these lines.
Seed bearing plant my guy. So it's GOD’S devils lettuce. 😂😂😂
Youtube Prophecy Experts aka False Prophets of Today
Matthew 18 Who Is the Greatest?
18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
2 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 3 and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.
Jesus Warns of Offenses
6 “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!
8 “If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into the everlasting fire. 9 And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire.
Satan’s puppets are at large on Youtube and the internet, they are supposed sheep, who are most definitely WOLVES, but speak like a sheep, but their words are poisonous and deadly. They smile as shepherds with charismatic skill, but they are most deadly and with their shepherd’s hook, they snatch away from GOD’s Flock, the weak, lazy, and baby Christians, who follow most willingly to these Serpents in Sheep’s clothing. They are Truly Not of GOD and are only self serving and glory hounds and more often Prophets for Profit, manipulating and guilting the weak minded sheep into their False Agenda !
You’ll know them by their ‘Cult’ following, by their merchandise they are selling, by their charms and cleaver snake speak, ‘Hissing’ soothing scriptural lingo into your ears, but yet making you feel guilty if you dare question them. And don’t be surprised when ‘others’ who are under these Charlatan’s spell, who come to their defense and judge you for daring to judge them, yet God tells us to test the spirits, but with a False Prophet, it’s against ‘THEIR’ rules to dare confront them with the truth, to test them, though commanded by GOD, you are labeled a false christian for judging them, even though they are blatantly wrong and causing sin upon the masses.
Don’t be fooled PEOPLE,,, The False Prophets of Today, use every manipulative angle they can on you. They will throw scripture at you, desperate to NOT BE EXPOSED. Just as Satan tempted our beloved Savior, the Son of GOD, don’t kid yourselves, JESUS is GOD, Satan had no power over him, BUT Satan is more powerful then us and he’s influenced these seemingly so called godly prophecy experts, ( who often claim they never set dates, don’t call themselves prophets, but sure allow others to label them as such and they don’t rebuke them for it either, of course not, it’s part of the false agenda ).
They will use today modern technology in ways to Bolden their False Agendas, like with computer programs, that map the stars and planets, mixing Astrology (which is a sin, sorcery, divination, zodiac signs,etc.) Stellarium is the popular one being used now to promote theories of these Frauds, much like the recent Sept 23rd Rev 12 Great Sign, which was a Hoax and Non-Event, False Sign created by these wicked men and women today who are fleecing the flock.
Oh by the way, there is more to this False Agenda as of late, There are other great signs suppose to happen as well and even great is the fact, that many of these False Prophets and so called Prophecy Experts who have a HISTORY of being Wrong, Years of being Wrong (yet many excuse them ) The Latest is, that the Jubilee Year, is off by one month, so What was suppose to happen in September, is actually going to happen now in October, still the same great sign/hoax, but a month later, they just conveniently make another (ANOTHER) oops, so it’s this month now instead—. The Rapture, is set once again for around the 21st to 23rd of October, They just can’t be sure once again— Gosh funny how a True Prophet of GOD is Absolute, 100 % on the Mark,,, yet these so called prophecy experts are always guessing, always implying they know the date, always being excuse for just being human and it was a mistake, WELL MAKE NO MISTAKE< True Prophets of GOD MAKE NO MISTAKES, PERIOD !
(to be continued) but for now, get away from these FRAUDS< you are to Expose them and have nothing more to do with them. GOD COMMANDS ! Flee from them and help your fellow weak siblings in Christ to wake up and flee as well, if they refuse, then so be it, they are as guilty and as false at their satanic puppet— Cling to God and put your faith in the One and ONLY TRUE PROPHET, JESUS our LORD AND SAVIOR !
I picked the above scripture to show what Jesus says about those who use/deceive babes in Christ, they are absolutely accountable for every baby christian and all they deceive/delude with their False Agendas, God is very clear on what awaits those who ARE False Prophets/Teachers/Preachers and so called Non-Claiming Prophets of God yet pretend to be of God and giving so called Expert Teachings, And the very false followers, who will not be corrected/rebuked, by God’s warnings, His Truths, you lazy weak and baby christian’s who so willing follow these Puppets of Satan,, you will follow them right to the very pits of the lake of fire, for your rebellion and blatant pride in not being honest and standing for the Faith, so says GOD !
One thing is for sure: Muslim assassins smoked weed before they went on a hit job, because it removed their inhibitions and made them focus on the goal so hard that they couldn't be persuaded not to carry out the deed no matter what. That's where the name "hashish" came from. Hash, hashish, hashashin (assassin).
So it definitely does something to temporarily "harden your heart", which doesn't sound like a good idea. Sure, if your goal is truly righteous, being fully committed to it would be a good thing. But what if you're in the wrong? You will get high and lock in, regardless. Someone once told me something that I've never forgotten:
We know what the Bible says about the heart of man, that it is "desperately wicked"... now, whether this translates over into amplifying a believer's NEW "heart of flesh" is up for debate....or does it merely amplify the dead carnal "heart of stone" that we had before coming to faith in Christ?...
I'd say people who get anxious when they smoke already have concerns in their heart, and those amplify. Conversely, those who it relaxes probably have contentment in their heart, and whether or not that contentment is justified, IE they're not just comfortably oblivious to things that should concern them, determines whether that state is a good thing to be locked into for a few hours..
Here, you dropped this...
In what feels like a previous life I actually believed in kane bosm first and then I was introduced to the miracle of the gospel that way.
A lot of repentance and acceptance brought me here, and the residual effect, a desire for mass repentance and living a life that is free to have coincidences, is what remains.
This is suggestible to the dark agendas of countless groups that began quietly attaching themselves to this movement.
CONnabis is not an innocent, positive celebration of life as it's leaders insist. It is NOT about recycling cans and bottles or "going green". Radical feminists use it to to promote infanticide or remaining childless altogether to protect the air we breathe. And don't get me started on the marajuana advocates ..... Cannabis is a pothead's dream.
Atheists, false religions, and apostate Christians embrace this day because they need something--ANYTHING-- to fill the vacuum in their empty hearts. Satan is always more than willing to oblige.
"We shouldn’t get High on the devil’s lettuce, go to a strip club, place thousands of dollars on the breasts of harlots, drive a gin and tonic, and then go to Taco Bell to gorge on burritos and then go to a hotel room to fornicate!"
Oddly specific there, preacher.
Kek!!!!!!!! Fuggggg who got time for that shit. Trine to burn one quick cause we got work and bills n shit