Ukraine is essentially a giant CIA base, posing as a sovereign nation.
The CIA moved into Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union, looking to take advantage of the lawless and destabilized country, using it as an offshore proxy, outside the scope of US oversight.
It began with the Nunn-Lugar Act in 1991, and then carried on into 2005, when then Senators Obama and Lugar visited Ukraine, to inspect the former Soviet bio, chemical, and nuclear facilities (pictured below), and then added Ukraine to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and began turning these former Soviet facilities into “defensive research facilities”, which opened the door for US contractors to establish their foothold in Ukraine, and set up their money laundering and racketeering operations, under the guise of “foreign aid”.
Then the CIA funded Nazi militant groups in Ukraine which led to the outbreak of civil war in 2014 in the Donbas. Amidst the chaos, the US State Department, via Victoria Nuland, leveraged the situation to install US-loyal puppets, including the infamous leaked phone call between her and fellow State Department bureaucrat Geoffrey Pyatt, about ensuring “their guy” Yatsenuik, was installed as Prime Minister. The State Department, in tandem with the CIA, covertly took control of Ukraine via Color Revolution in 2014.
Putin recognized this. He knew that the US had destabilized and taken control of Ukraine, and recognized that the US were building a proxy army on his border, by funding, training, and supplying Ukraine with weapons, and trying to bring them into NATO. This was a red line for Putin, as he has said for decades. Russia have been invaded from the West too many times before, and will not tolerate a hostile standing army and long-range missiles on their border. Just like the US didn’t like it when Russia tried to put nukes in Cuba in the 60’s, Russia doesn’t like the US trying to bring armies and weapons to Ukraine.
Essentially, Ukraine is an unofficial US territory and NATO member, and the Deep State do not want to lose out on their cash cow and strategic asset that is Ukraine, hence why they continue to send hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to protect Ukraine’s border. They are using Ukraine as a laundry mat to funnel in hundreds of billions for the war machine, and also covering up their extreme criminality in Ukraine, including crimes against humanity for bioweapon development, human trafficking, drug trafficking, etc. All the things they can’t get away with stateside, they do in Ukraine.
If the public knew the truth about the origins of US involvement in Ukraine, they would NEVER have supported sending a single penny to Ukraine. The narrative that Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022 “unprovoked”, is war propaganda to make it appear Ukraine are the righteous defenders in order to garner your support, when in reality, The US started this conflict, they are the ones who brought war to Putin’s doorstep, and the US are the ones perpetuating the war by continuing to fund and supply Ukraine.
Putin does not want to conquer all of Europe, he just wants NATO off of his border, and justice for US development of weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine, namely, gene-specific biological weapons.
Joe Lange has done a great service to America by pulling back the veil on the face behind all of the chaos in the world of today. His name.......George H.W. Bush. Yep, the President of the US is the main culprit for the evil happening through everyday life in far away places. Read the article and come away with a anger against the Bush family that you didn't know you could have. Old man Bush instigated a financial funnel for the CIA through drug dealings in Central America. Yep, Bush is as dirty as a pig in a muddy pen.
Tynyyn is right this all goes back to Pappy Bush. Every single President since Bush Sr has been a CIA asset except one, and we all know who that one is.
They have been trying to get rid of him ever since he said he was running.
I can't give a number, but here's some items to consider. I believe the head of a large bank in Ukraine is Zelensky's uncle. So anything we send to Ukraine can instantly be funneled through offshore accounts to whomever needs it in the US or elsewhere (including DNC PACs) without that pesky "audit trail" getting into the way since it traverses multiple countries which would make it difficult if not impossible. Ever wonder about the phone calls where they say if you give to XX political candidate now, and they'll double/triple/whatever multiply your contribution? Ever wonder where that extra $$ comes from, and why they wouldn't just give the candidate the money regardless of what you give? It's because when you contribute $100, you're eventually marked down as giving that and the extra money they contributed from the offshore, and voila! They've effectively laundered the money back to the US.
Wasn't Zelensky a actor/comedian for a living before magically becoming president??
That someone is Eric Weinstein… A man too intelligent for his own good… Or rather, with far too much intelligence, and far too little open mindedness. The good news is that he is a potential ally friends. Notice I said "potential" because make no mistake he is a genius and he has noticed and been shouting from the rooftop that the deep state has lead our science down a dead end. Edit: He recently stated on a podcast and then separately on Piers Morgan that "I don't think 'they' will let Donald Trump become president." He also has alluded that he is voting for Trump. He's starting to catch on to the game. We must. Forgive. The never. Trumper's.
(the sincere ones!) Eric Weinstein reminds me exactly of my father. Rich, pure genius mixed with pure stupid because he can't see what we see. But many are waking up friends.
When Eric Weinstein wakes up, it will be a great day for our side because WHEN he comes to the light, he will be a powerful, LOUD voice, specifically for the advancement of science to benefit mankind. We need to be ready to welcome him AND MANY OTHERS with open arms.
This goes for your your knucklehead brother-in-law, your friend from high school, your neighbor etc.… We need to be ready to welcome them and forgive their past ignorance.
Always remember friends, it's NOT "where we go some…" It is "Where we go ALL..."
Interesting idea… Whoever Clandestine is, he's no idiot. It's funny that there's a common theme where people think Clandestine, Shadow of Ezra, et al post "out there" stuff…
Yeah friends… The truth is "out there" AF.
I know people who think it's better to fight a proxy war thru Ukraine than to be in a real war. I'm like we shouldn't be in any war and their like but Russia.
People need to be shown what is really going on in Ukraine.
Jump in and help me break this down into logical chunks please...
Who are the key players?
What is their goal?
Who ultimately controls the 🤡s? Are we talking oligarchy with thousands of trillions of dollars of buying/influencing power?
How does Ukraine differ from 🤡 controlled north Korea? What about Iran?
Ukraine is essentially a giant CIA base, posing as a sovereign nation.
What's the purpose? End game/goal? Is it just a cash cow to influence things towards a one world government? The bioweapons and trafficking as a means to that end as well?
then added Ukraine to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and began turning these former Soviet facilities into “defensive research facilities”, which opened the door for US contractors to establish their foothold in Ukraine, and set up their money laundering and racketeering operations, under the guise of “foreign aid”.
strategic attacks against the
United States and its allies
reduce, and counter WMD and
emerging threats
against WMD-armed adversaries
in crisis and conflict
So... government sanctioned money laundering - and plausible deniability under the guise of spy craft & "national security" ??? If we can't find a threat to justify our existence, we'll create one?
Then the CIA funded Nazi militant groups in Ukraine which led to the outbreak of civil war in 2014 in the Donbas. Amidst the chaos, the US State Department, via Victoria Nuland, leveraged the situation to install US-loyal puppets..Yatsenuik installed...The State Department, in tandem with the CIA, covertly took control of Ukraine via Color Revolution in 2014.
Putin recognized this. He knew that the US had destabilized and taken control of Ukraine, and recognized that the US were building a proxy army on his border, by funding, training, and supplying Ukraine with weapons, and trying to bring them into NATO.
NATO to me is the remnants of operation Gladio, which was essentially all the Nazis from WW2 being put to use "behind the lines" and as "infrastructure" for coups and stirring up shit a la spy craft... Nobody blames Putin for feeling how he does... and "We the People" are pissed we promised we wouldn't, but then we did move weapons closer to Russia... and way more than an inch... Aside from pissing off Russia, why? Why is it so important for them to join NATO AND wtf is NATO anyway? (These days I mean... initially it was to thwart communism... now, isn't NATO the commies?)
Essentially, Ukraine is an unofficial US territory and NATO member, and the Deep State do not want to lose out on their cash cow and strategic asset that is Ukraine, hence why they continue to send hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to protect Ukraine’s border. They are using Ukraine as a laundry mat to funnel in hundreds of billions for the war machine, and also covering up their extreme criminality in Ukraine, including crimes against humanity for bioweapon development, human trafficking, drug trafficking, etc. All the things they can’t get away with stateside, they do in Ukraine.
So, what I hear is the beneficiaries of Ukraine are Lockheed, ratheon etc - weapons sales - and not only that but "NATO specification" weapon $$$ales...Who are the beneficiaries of those sales? (Beings with a heartbeat... not corps/corpse???)
So...are we actually battling nazis, hell-bent on world domination, with 🤡s at the helm? Who's controlling the clowns???
Please fill in the blanks...I can't be the only one who seeks clarity around the subtle nature of things... and with assumptions being the mother of all fk ups, maybe some of my assumptions are wrong.
Well said by Clandestine! The US is a war-mongering nation, bought out and corrupted by a handful or two of power hungry control freaks. Heads up to all you power hungry control freaks — God has it all!💯🎯
From post:
I do.
Ukraine is essentially a giant CIA base, posing as a sovereign nation.
The CIA moved into Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union, looking to take advantage of the lawless and destabilized country, using it as an offshore proxy, outside the scope of US oversight.
It began with the Nunn-Lugar Act in 1991, and then carried on into 2005, when then Senators Obama and Lugar visited Ukraine, to inspect the former Soviet bio, chemical, and nuclear facilities (pictured below), and then added Ukraine to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and began turning these former Soviet facilities into “defensive research facilities”, which opened the door for US contractors to establish their foothold in Ukraine, and set up their money laundering and racketeering operations, under the guise of “foreign aid”.
Then the CIA funded Nazi militant groups in Ukraine which led to the outbreak of civil war in 2014 in the Donbas. Amidst the chaos, the US State Department, via Victoria Nuland, leveraged the situation to install US-loyal puppets, including the infamous leaked phone call between her and fellow State Department bureaucrat Geoffrey Pyatt, about ensuring “their guy” Yatsenuik, was installed as Prime Minister. The State Department, in tandem with the CIA, covertly took control of Ukraine via Color Revolution in 2014.
Putin recognized this. He knew that the US had destabilized and taken control of Ukraine, and recognized that the US were building a proxy army on his border, by funding, training, and supplying Ukraine with weapons, and trying to bring them into NATO. This was a red line for Putin, as he has said for decades. Russia have been invaded from the West too many times before, and will not tolerate a hostile standing army and long-range missiles on their border. Just like the US didn’t like it when Russia tried to put nukes in Cuba in the 60’s, Russia doesn’t like the US trying to bring armies and weapons to Ukraine.
Essentially, Ukraine is an unofficial US territory and NATO member, and the Deep State do not want to lose out on their cash cow and strategic asset that is Ukraine, hence why they continue to send hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to protect Ukraine’s border. They are using Ukraine as a laundry mat to funnel in hundreds of billions for the war machine, and also covering up their extreme criminality in Ukraine, including crimes against humanity for bioweapon development, human trafficking, drug trafficking, etc. All the things they can’t get away with stateside, they do in Ukraine.
If the public knew the truth about the origins of US involvement in Ukraine, they would NEVER have supported sending a single penny to Ukraine. The narrative that Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022 “unprovoked”, is war propaganda to make it appear Ukraine are the righteous defenders in order to garner your support, when in reality, The US started this conflict, they are the ones who brought war to Putin’s doorstep, and the US are the ones perpetuating the war by continuing to fund and supply Ukraine.
Putin does not want to conquer all of Europe, he just wants NATO off of his border, and justice for US development of weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine, namely, gene-specific biological weapons.
The Cold War never truly ended.
Joe Lange has done a great service to America by pulling back the veil on the face behind all of the chaos in the world of today. His name.......George H.W. Bush. Yep, the President of the US is the main culprit for the evil happening through everyday life in far away places. Read the article and come away with a anger against the Bush family that you didn't know you could have. Old man Bush instigated a financial funnel for the CIA through drug dealings in Central America. Yep, Bush is as dirty as a pig in a muddy pen.
That explains why he married the offspring of Aleister Crowley.
Tynyyn is right this all goes back to Pappy Bush. Every single President since Bush Sr has been a CIA asset except one, and we all know who that one is.
They have been trying to get rid of him ever since he said he was running.
So how much of our tax dollars are funneled to celebrities to support Ukraine, as well as universities and the propaganda msm?
I can't give a number, but here's some items to consider. I believe the head of a large bank in Ukraine is Zelensky's uncle. So anything we send to Ukraine can instantly be funneled through offshore accounts to whomever needs it in the US or elsewhere (including DNC PACs) without that pesky "audit trail" getting into the way since it traverses multiple countries which would make it difficult if not impossible. Ever wonder about the phone calls where they say if you give to XX political candidate now, and they'll double/triple/whatever multiply your contribution? Ever wonder where that extra $$ comes from, and why they wouldn't just give the candidate the money regardless of what you give? It's because when you contribute $100, you're eventually marked down as giving that and the extra money they contributed from the offshore, and voila! They've effectively laundered the money back to the US. Wasn't Zelensky a actor/comedian for a living before magically becoming president??
Key word here should be "Ukraine WAS essentially a giant CIA base..."
Now most of them are dead, or soon will be.
He schooled him.
I like listening to Weinstein talk about physics stuff. He should stay in his lane though. He doesn’t know much beyond MSM politics.
Edit: Someone, kek!
To his credit,he admitted he didn't know shit about the Ukraine.
To his discredit, even though he admitted knowing nothing, he presumed to know enough to tell someone else they, too, didn't know.
Does anyone else remember hearing that Ukraine was a stopover location when the CIA was conducting those rendition flights during the gulf war?
Ukraine is deep state central. But it is being cleaned.
And Old Bush was also in Dallas the day John F. Kennedy gut shot. He was actually the one coordinating the whole plot.
I just got skooled with a recently history lesson.
What is that a picture of? Obama and a pile of chemical. Weapons?
Big Mike's fleshlight shells ....🙄😲😂😘
That someone is Eric Weinstein… A man too intelligent for his own good… Or rather, with far too much intelligence, and far too little open mindedness. The good news is that he is a potential ally friends. Notice I said "potential" because make no mistake he is a genius and he has noticed and been shouting from the rooftop that the deep state has lead our science down a dead end.
Edit: He recently stated on a podcast and then separately on Piers Morgan that "I don't think 'they' will let Donald Trump become president." He also has alluded that he is voting for Trump. He's starting to catch on to the game. We must. Forgive. The never. Trumper's.
(the sincere ones!)
Eric Weinstein reminds me exactly of my father. Rich, pure genius mixed with pure stupid because he can't see what we see. But many are waking up friends.
When Eric Weinstein wakes up, it will be a great day for our side because WHEN he comes to the light, he will be a powerful, LOUD voice, specifically for the advancement of science to benefit mankind. We need to be ready to welcome him AND MANY OTHERS with open arms.
This goes for your your knucklehead brother-in-law, your friend from high school, your neighbor etc.… We need to be ready to welcome them and forgive their past ignorance.
Always remember friends, it's NOT "where we go some…" It is "Where we go ALL..."
Great OP u/lovecymru!
So.... essentially, we need to be Christ-like... and love our neighbor as ourselves.
I wonder if clandestine is Bannon
Interesting idea… Whoever Clandestine is, he's no idiot. It's funny that there's a common theme where people think Clandestine, Shadow of Ezra, et al post "out there" stuff…
Yeah friends… The truth is "out there" AF.
I know people who think it's better to fight a proxy war thru Ukraine than to be in a real war. I'm like we shouldn't be in any war and their like but Russia.
People need to be shown what is really going on in Ukraine.
The programming runs deep.
Jump in and help me break this down into logical chunks please...
Who are the key players?
What is their goal?
Who ultimately controls the 🤡s? Are we talking oligarchy with thousands of trillions of dollars of buying/influencing power?
How does Ukraine differ from 🤡 controlled north Korea? What about Iran?
What's the purpose? End game/goal? Is it just a cash cow to influence things towards a one world government? The bioweapons and trafficking as a means to that end as well?
According to:
Deter strategic attacks against the United States and its allies
Prevent reduce, and counter WMD and emerging threats
Prevail against WMD-armed adversaries in crisis and conflict
So... government sanctioned money laundering - and plausible deniability under the guise of spy craft & "national security" ??? If we can't find a threat to justify our existence, we'll create one?
NATO to me is the remnants of operation Gladio, which was essentially all the Nazis from WW2 being put to use "behind the lines" and as "infrastructure" for coups and stirring up shit a la spy craft... Nobody blames Putin for feeling how he does... and "We the People" are pissed we promised we wouldn't, but then we did move weapons closer to Russia... and way more than an inch... Aside from pissing off Russia, why? Why is it so important for them to join NATO AND wtf is NATO anyway? (These days I mean... initially it was to thwart communism... now, isn't NATO the commies?)
So, what I hear is the beneficiaries of Ukraine are Lockheed, ratheon etc - weapons sales - and not only that but "NATO specification" weapon $$$ales...Who are the beneficiaries of those sales? (Beings with a heartbeat... not corps/corpse???)
So...are we actually battling nazis, hell-bent on world domination, with 🤡s at the helm? Who's controlling the clowns???
Please fill in the blanks...I can't be the only one who seeks clarity around the subtle nature of things... and with assumptions being the mother of all fk ups, maybe some of my assumptions are wrong.
Well said by Clandestine! The US is a war-mongering nation, bought out and corrupted by a handful or two of power hungry control freaks. Heads up to all you power hungry control freaks — God has it all!💯🎯
A giant shithole of dangerous activities run by CIA/Khazarian Mafia scum
This can't be true. The CIA is full of good guys who would have exposed it and stopped it.
Dude’s out there. This is incorrect my frog.
“Hello fellow frogs” <buscemi meme>
Isn't Clandestine a huge supporter of Israel?
Clandestine isn’t wrong in this case but why does anyone care? Who is he? A random twitter?
He's just one of millions of us anons.
But what he said,stands on it's own,no matter who he is.
This time. His spams are getting old.
By all means post your own stuff.
Maybe I will like it better.
A random Twitter with a huge ego