Honestly, lack of understanding of the real problem leads to wrong solutions.
The problem is not that people own a lot of properties. The problem is that the Fed and the banks controls most properties through various direct and indirect means and people’s ability to save money is destroyed with the money printers while at the same time theft by inflation destroys what remaining purchasing power you may have
TL;DR The problem is not that some people own more than 3 properties but that we are slaves
Don’t we all understand central planning doesn’t work?
Of course the very wealthy would have no limits, they would just buy special dispensations to acquire more.
The Chinese also know their stock market is not a good place to store wealth since the numbers are all BS, so they buy apartments, hold them to sell to others, and never finish the interiors because it’s considered bad feng shui for new owners. Consequently, there are buildings full of ghost apartments where the speculators never finished the building and not enough people live inside to demand the buildings finished. Another house of cards…
Blackrock, like Vanguard, holds the savings of two to four generations of prudent American savers--middle class families who managed to sock money away despite that neofeudal destruction planned by the elites.
Blackrock is buying houses as the buyer of last resort.
Ok, so freedom is not your gig, then? Cool. You limit yourself to three properties, one child, etc. Do you have any idea that you are spouting Communist ideas? Have you ever spoken to a Chinese person who fled Communist China? I have, and I’ll pass.
I did get a bit sensitive to this gesture when I realized what the three monkey statues were actually about, and all the musicians and actors doing it (search “vigilant citizen”, if you haven’t seen it). That said, this was really just throwing a little shade at a bad idea, same as you noted.
And now that I’ve explained the joke, if it didn’t suck before, it definitely does now. It’s ok though. Even if I can’t land a joke, we can land rocket ships now, so let’s call it a draw.
They want to ban themselves from setting up Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) and ban Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS), which securitizes American mortgages without proper records in the county recorder's offices?
Umm, if you have agricultural land that you choose to live on, the government counts it as 2 separate properties, you have no say so in that. Also, do you plan on limiting the amount of acreage a person can own in the one property? Yeah, this is a huge overstep. Go live in China.
Idk that kinda sounds communists to me
Have some nuance. Not everything is black and white.
Honestly, lack of understanding of the real problem leads to wrong solutions.
The problem is not that people own a lot of properties. The problem is that the Fed and the banks controls most properties through various direct and indirect means and people’s ability to save money is destroyed with the money printers while at the same time theft by inflation destroys what remaining purchasing power you may have
Stop American Property Ownership by Foreign Nationals/Companies.
We have been letting countries like china buy our land, businesses and ports. Then our leaders pretend to care about National Security.
Unconstitutional bud...
Americans should be able to OWN (not lease from the government) as many properties as they please; WITHOUT property taxes!
Nice handle though
The constitution says nothing about this. Government determines property ownership, so of course it is within their power and oversight.
Limiting ownership…how very unAmerican.
Don’t we all understand central planning doesn’t work?
Of course the very wealthy would have no limits, they would just buy special dispensations to acquire more.
The Chinese also know their stock market is not a good place to store wealth since the numbers are all BS, so they buy apartments, hold them to sell to others, and never finish the interiors because it’s considered bad feng shui for new owners. Consequently, there are buildings full of ghost apartments where the speculators never finished the building and not enough people live inside to demand the buildings finished. Another house of cards…
Owning property is the bedrock of Capitalism and the American way. Don't f#@k with property ownership!
Blackrock, like Vanguard, holds the savings of two to four generations of prudent American savers--middle class families who managed to sock money away despite that neofeudal destruction planned by the elites.
Blackrock is buying houses as the buyer of last resort.
People surviving is more important than your return on investment. You can invest in something else.
Not sure China is the example we want to model. More government is NOT what we need!
You could accomplish this with probably 10 lines of computer code.
Ok, so freedom is not your gig, then? Cool. You limit yourself to three properties, one child, etc. Do you have any idea that you are spouting Communist ideas? Have you ever spoken to a Chinese person who fled Communist China? I have, and I’ll pass.
He's a fucking monarchist according to someone further down. Cringe lord in the flesh
This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard.
Yes, housing prices in the short term are higher because blackrock is buying up all the houses.
So you have blackrock expending TONS AND TONS of money buying up houses. Outright. No loans.
What happens when those housing prices go down? Or they can't find people to rent said properties?
Blackrock starts selling properties pushing prices down.
Rinse, repeat
China will also "pay you a visit" if you don't buy a property though.
Don't Forget ---There are also a lot of property owned by government entities, like Urban Redevelopment Authorities and Housing Authorities.
3 per person, unlimited for corporations?
Corporations can own zero.
And be happy. Sucks to be you Blackrock
<3 lol
Imagine believing that the government telling you how much you're allowed to own is a good idea. The world needs less governance, not more.
It makes real estate available for those who don't have any. Land is a limited resource and should be managed.
Using occult symbolism to sell “freedom”?
Seems legit.
What occult symbolism?
I am in my 40s and I have seen people use that gesture for my entire life.
It was used for "be quiet" when I was a kid in the 1980s.
It was used innocently, dude.
It's just a meme. A stupid idea, but just a meme.
I did get a bit sensitive to this gesture when I realized what the three monkey statues were actually about, and all the musicians and actors doing it (search “vigilant citizen”, if you haven’t seen it). That said, this was really just throwing a little shade at a bad idea, same as you noted.
And now that I’ve explained the joke, if it didn’t suck before, it definitely does now. It’s ok though. Even if I can’t land a joke, we can land rocket ships now, so let’s call it a draw.
Wait, I think I've heard this before, but remind me about the three monkey statues?
I know it's "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," but what's the deeper meaning?
And "speak no evil" was covering the mouth with both hands, not one finger, if I recall.
“You do not acknowledge that you see evil.
You do not acknowledge that you have heard evil.
You do not speak of any evil that you have seen or call it out.
Allow the evil to fester, unnoticed, and unaccounted, you feces flinging beast, and you will be rewarded, or at least unpunished.
Monkey see, monkey do.”
You tend to see those statues in a lot of areas that harbor not-good activity, too.
Search engines fail me as to the origin of this paragraph.
Also, the monkeys are apparently Japanese? The hell?
They want to ban themselves from setting up Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) and ban Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS), which securitizes American mortgages without proper records in the county recorder's offices?
Arent you guys always talking about revolution and how bad things are? What is wrong with you?
What system would you sugguest? Where do you fall on this spectrum: https://greatawakening.win/p/199OB9Bf0w/-the-true-political-spectrum---n/c/
edit- Dare you say? We won't show up to your house, but if you had your way you might show to ours yeah?
Check the OP, lol
I didn't downvote you but if you're saying you want a CCP-style government I'd have to strongly disagree
So you think a 90% homeownership rate is bad and should be avoided?
You would rather landlords own 35% (soon to be 50%) of the housing market?
Let's just see what the landscape looks like after Trump 2.0 before we go looking for another entire form of government
No one needs more than 1 property.
Umm, if you have agricultural land that you choose to live on, the government counts it as 2 separate properties, you have no say so in that. Also, do you plan on limiting the amount of acreage a person can own in the one property? Yeah, this is a huge overstep. Go live in China.
Everyone should have the equivalent of a camp/cabin leisure property.
Equity is fairness, giving someone something they did not earn is not equitable.
Tell Blackrock. Tell Bernie Sanders
no one NEEDS property. you will have nothing, and be happy...
China has 1 max for foreigners and 2 max for citizens.
Who are you, Tim Walz?
lol. His posts continually confuse me
Trav is a monarchist. Of course he's confusing--this only make sense to the king.
Oh then he's my mortal enemy lol
Hey man go live in the UK or something, we don't want you here, we (America) are the antithesis of what you want
Careful, or he'll keep this going for WEEKS.
By the way, Trav, if you see this, get a website or something and shill it THERE, not here.
You are just proving my point. You arent allowed to discuss this policy anywhere online.