NEW: Robert Kennedy Jr. says that Donald Trump is breaking tradition by privately funding his transition team and has already started it three months early.
Kennedy began by talking about why he's chosen to trust Trump, saying, "I've talked to Donald Trump specifically about this, and I said, 'Look, the last time you were in there, you put John Bolton in charge of NSA, and Mike Pompeo in charge of the CIA… and he said, 'Here's the difference… when I got in last time, I had no idea how to govern, and I got surrounded by donors and corporate people who said you appoint this guy and appoint that guy… I appointed a lot of bad people.'
He continued, "I was listening this morning to this extraordinary interview that Donald Trump did with Joe Rogan yesterday… and he said, 'This time I'm not gonna do that.' He told us that (too), and he didn't just promise that, but he did something no other president's done before. Normally, the transition team is not created until November 6th because GAO, the General Accounting Office, pays for all the cost of the transition team. Trump said, 'I'm not gonna do it this time. I'm not gonna do it their way. I'm gonna start my own transition team three months early.' And he got private donors to fund it, and he's appointed 20 people including me and Tulsi, and there's people of all different kinds of ideology and people who we're gonna have to go up against on that transition team and fight for our vision. But I can tell you this, which is unique: there are no corporate lobbyists on that transition team. And, usually, it's 100% corporate lobbyists. So, it's very, very different, and it gives me lots of hope that this government is gonna be different than any government we've ever seen."
3:20 AM · Oct 27, 2024
Breaking tradition is going to be a common theme.
The point of this one article was the that "transition process" is NOT traditional--it's a new thing cooked up by Obama. Here, we see a RTURN to tradition, not using the modern Obama innovation.
Going head to head against the Corporation. I love this man.
Because if he accepted the GAO funding he'd have to allow their swamp critter saboteurs in again.
Yep, no deep state moles this time.
Also why he's not taking intelligence briefings - they'd leak and blame him.
He should tell them he doesn't need their intelligence briefings as he gets those from his own sources. They'd be like WTF??
No, normally he wouldn’t have funding to start until he won. By privately funding it, he can start anytime we wants. Nobody is forced to allow lobbyists, they choose to.
Q plan has been in the making for decades before Military asked Trump to run. The goal was to expose the corruption and end it at the same time. Bolton and others may have been playing a role we don't know about. Lot of moving chess pieces. He appointed everyone the Q team told him to appoint. My 2c. No way did Trump just stumble into office and have to figure everything out himself while being wildly successful at the same time regarding:
A) Fighting the deep state / global cabal
B) Dealing with overseas adversaries
C) Entire media complex against him
D) Accomplishing all the great things he did
E) AND waking up the public at the same time
Right. Optics are important.
Also the whole "pretend to be weak when you are strong" Sun Tzu Art of War stuff.
Summed up as "all war is deception".
Yep. Yet only those that are aware of a war will critically think. Those unaware will laugh and scorn. Confusion is needed and lots of patience and even at times humility.
Absolutely agree.
Wow, this is the BEST news! Thanks for sharing this, outstanding!
Not only MAGA but also MAHA -- Make America HEALTHY Again -- are in our future!!!
Thanks be to God! May our compassionate God forever bless and protect DJT and RFK Jr.
Username checks out
HOO AH! Art of War: don't let your opponent control your power.
Kek I don't think that's in the book but I get your point
yeah, he wants us to apply his precepts to whatever situation confronts us!
Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse has covered this a couple of times recently.
See here for his latest piece on the topic:
An excerpt:
No corporate lobbyists on the transition team! I'm lovin' it.
Love it, cant wait
God has Chosen(WHAT IS CONSIDERED) the foolish things (BY) this world to confound the wise" (1 Corinthians 1:27) TRUMP 2024
I like that he named names. So, then, what could 'trust Kansas' actually mean? And was it smart to let this info out (about a transition team) before the election? Might it make people (lefties) angry that he's anticipating a win and maybe stimulate their people to go vote?
Sounds good to me!!!
The best way to predict the future is to invent it yourself.
2606 Dec 12, 2018 6:42:51 PM EST Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0836cc No. 4280202 Dec 12, 2018 6:42:27 PM EST Anonymous ID: aafacb No. 4280192
Exactly, breaking tradition is what's needed right now. After the election when Trump wins BIG, and after the election we need to start locking up these criminals!
this one thing changes everything. not that that hasnt happened already. but this is actually absolutely huge
Breaking the bondage of the deep state paradigm is more like it.
As long as Reince Preibus, Pompeo, Pence and Haley are not part of it, I will be pleased...
My guess is that these 20 people have been involved for a long time. Like maybe even back before 2020. I'd call this the sub Q group, the ones step under Q. I think RFK, Garbbard & Musk have been on it at least since 2021. Their timing on things seems too good otherwise
btw JFk broke traditions too I heard
What about The Mooch???
It needs to be broken.
This is called, stepping into your destiny and manifesting it!! #WalkingIntoTheFuture