Oh God, please protect the people of Oklahoma, and everyone in the path of this storm.
Please let them all be okay, and please let them get the help they will need very quickly, without our evil government blocking help as they're prone to doing.
There was a metric shit ton of chemtrail spraying in Colorado yesterday…which is upwind of OK…it was serious 90 degree trails that ended up covering the sky by late morning. Worked outside all day and watched it.
yep. i was up on shadow mountain in Conifer working, looking at the back of mt evans and it was literally a checker board. my work partner and i made the comment that the commercial airliners were "Tesla airplanes" cause they didn't leave any trail whatsoever. Only a few hours after they checkered the sky, you could clearly tell a haze between us and the mountain across the valley. And isn't it weird that these planes dont make any noise, and also weird that you can't visibly make out a color to them like a Southwest airplane for instance. my partner grabbed his ibuprofen from the truck and said we would need them by lunch. he wasn't wrong.
also, isn't it weird you have to clarify the partner type now just so you don't sound gay?
We’ve had the same in Northern Nevada. Spraying like crazy. Sporadic rain and it’s really cold. The weather channels say it’s 47 but it gets right to your bones. The wind is what makes it rough.
The guy is just stating that right now there is a huge tornado on the ground approaching Harrah and Choctaw. He is saying that he has never seen a debris signature on radar this big ever. 🙏🏼
And it’s happening worldwide. Look at Valencia. So many weather disasters worldwide. One after another. Evil beyond evil. Justice has to be served. I think of all the awful things happening - even to what happened to defenceless Peanut - but the crimes against little children is what disturbs me the most. I had to turn off as it really affected me. Anyone hurting animals and little children have a special place reserved in hell itself.
What's interesting is that Hollywood has relocated to Louisiana - mostly just south of New Orleans. Years ago Louisiana set up a film commission - tax incentives are included in that. The cost of movie production is significantly less in Louisiana. And of course harsh winters are practically none existent. But that being said I wish Hollywood would just go away.....
Scorched earth strategy!!! PA has had next to zero rain since the storms in July (that brought down trees). It’s normally a lush & green with rain weekly and now I have dust in parts of my yard. I worry about fires at this point.
I'm also in NJ, the drought is really bad. No outdoor fires, firepits, no lawn watering etc.,. The past few days the sky is literally filled with chemtrails, and no rain in sight.
Didn't someone on here from Oklahoma post about fours days ago that they were flying planes in large amounts and he believed they were trying to cause a weather event for election day?
I remember reading it and thinking let's see if he is correct.
Oklahoma has lithium, quick Google search will show you that. Weather manipulation and land grabs at its finest. Prayers for those people, I’m tired of seeing this. Still living through the nightmare from Helene.
Oh God, please protect the people of Oklahoma, and everyone in the path of this storm.
Please let them all be okay, and please let them get the help they will need very quickly, without our evil government blocking help as they're prone to doing.
Thank you, God. Amen.
This one died out,right after it started. I was just a few miles away, I watched the radar and stood in my garage looking towards it last night.
Came here to echo this sentiment. Prayers for everyone in this storm’s path.
There was a metric shit ton of chemtrail spraying in Colorado yesterday…which is upwind of OK…it was serious 90 degree trails that ended up covering the sky by late morning. Worked outside all day and watched it.
yep. i was up on shadow mountain in Conifer working, looking at the back of mt evans and it was literally a checker board. my work partner and i made the comment that the commercial airliners were "Tesla airplanes" cause they didn't leave any trail whatsoever. Only a few hours after they checkered the sky, you could clearly tell a haze between us and the mountain across the valley. And isn't it weird that these planes dont make any noise, and also weird that you can't visibly make out a color to them like a Southwest airplane for instance. my partner grabbed his ibuprofen from the truck and said we would need them by lunch. he wasn't wrong.
also, isn't it weird you have to clarify the partner type now just so you don't sound gay?
I was in Dumont, front side of Mt Evans. Clear as day those weren’t coincidental passenger plane routes.
I just assume all pedes are gay
From a naturopath friend of mine - her chemtrail protocol. I ibuprofen is terrible…
Apple pectin (Now) 2 per day https://a.co/d/7s4AVqW
L-glutamine (Jarrow) 2 per day https://a.co/d/96soYfe
Affiliate links 😩
We’ve had the same in Northern Nevada. Spraying like crazy. Sporadic rain and it’s really cold. The weather channels say it’s 47 but it gets right to your bones. The wind is what makes it rough.
Is the entire police department in OK resigning in any way related to this?
Good point.
Could be.
There gotta be some meaning to "entire police department resigns" comms, but I don't think it's tornado-related...
We've got Iowa, Missouri, Texas, Minnesota, Kansas...and it seems like I could have kept going...
The tornado hit Valley Brook OK
We have been watching MAX VELOCITY and he reports live and stays on the job.
Max Velocity Inception
The guy is just stating that right now there is a huge tornado on the ground approaching Harrah and Choctaw. He is saying that he has never seen a debris signature on radar this big ever. 🙏🏼
This is the Deep State.
Trump will become President, and they're the tenants destroying everything on their way out.
These "natural" disasters keep happening at night, when people will be most vulnerable.
And it’s happening worldwide. Look at Valencia. So many weather disasters worldwide. One after another. Evil beyond evil. Justice has to be served. I think of all the awful things happening - even to what happened to defenceless Peanut - but the crimes against little children is what disturbs me the most. I had to turn off as it really affected me. Anyone hurting animals and little children have a special place reserved in hell itself.
North Carolina, Roswell New Mexico, Valencia Spain and the Sahara Desert, 'a year's worth of rain in just 2 days.'
I even ordered a Life Jacket recently because at this rate, it can happen to anybody anywhere at any time.
Also a helmet for earthquakes cuz I'm in CA.
What's interesting is that Hollywood has relocated to Louisiana - mostly just south of New Orleans. Years ago Louisiana set up a film commission - tax incentives are included in that. The cost of movie production is significantly less in Louisiana. And of course harsh winters are practically none existent. But that being said I wish Hollywood would just go away.....
Totally agreed, that’s why they are going to hell
Oklahoma counties are exclusively RED for PDJT.
Scorched earth strategy!!! PA has had next to zero rain since the storms in July (that brought down trees). It’s normally a lush & green with rain weekly and now I have dust in parts of my yard. I worry about fires at this point.
No rain in NJ for months...we just had a fire near my house...dust is sooo bad...ponds are drying up...it is terrible
Yup!! Our reservoir has a huge shoreline that normally doesn’t exist. Seems like the Northeast is being targeted for drought!
I'm also in NJ, the drought is really bad. No outdoor fires, firepits, no lawn watering etc.,. The past few days the sky is literally filled with chemtrails, and no rain in sight.
Very little rain here in coastal Maine either. Fire danger is on high.
Same here in NE PA. My yard is turning to dust!
It's not the tornadoes themselves, it's how odd they act, unnatural.
Correct, the evildoers are helping his master to destroy everything before they go
A statement of historical fact. But now it is a matter of manipulated intensities added to OK traditional cycle.
Thanks! Sadly 1 fatality already. 🙏🏼
NO RAD keeps this weather shit up there won’t be a Country left to save. Maybe that’s their plan USA desolation.
PDJT warned of voting early. How much worse can it get in the next 3 days? Go vote
Dear God, please take the strength out of this storm. Make it fade out quickly to a small breeze. Amen
Need group prayer again, just like the last hurricane in Florida.
Yes exactly. We need to pray that the storm never develops, and dies out quickly, and to pray for the safety of the people in it's path.
Didn't someone on here from Oklahoma post about fours days ago that they were flying planes in large amounts and he believed they were trying to cause a weather event for election day?
I remember reading it and thinking let's see if he is correct.
Emergency Instructions from Max Velocity:
-Stay away from windows.
-Locate to the lowest level of your home.
-Hide inside an interior room.
Praying those in its path find a place of refuge, and are lifted up by the love and support of their communities when the storm passes.
🚨NEW tornado warning just now.
Oklahoma has lithium, quick Google search will show you that. Weather manipulation and land grabs at its finest. Prayers for those people, I’m tired of seeing this. Still living through the nightmare from Helene.
so what happened?
Tornado :^)
I was thinking I was going to wake up and some massive 'nado destroyed Oklahoma