She's 19. She's hasn't had a real life yet. The fact she's willing to understand that a Trump Presidency will allow her to have a better chance at a job is better than most of her same description. I give it about 3 years before she's a "libertarian" and 6 until she's a full fledged American loving conservative.
Like wise- conservative vs. libtard is the new civil war. Hopefully after Liberation Day November 5, 2024 the Libtard Yell will be heard around the Nation…REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Dark to light. Take it easy on her, let her see how good things get, let her watch things unfold, and when she is ready, you can fill her in on what she has missed
My mother's boyfriend left the President vote blank. I could not believe it. I have been trying and trying to show him. He said that he could not do it. He could not vote for either one of them. He still has it in his head that Trump only wants money and that he made us 7 trillion in debt.
We are trying to win over an acquaintance who lives in California, not going so well. He's 80 years old and well educated, but all we keep hearing from him is "I don't understand, why would I vote for someone who said Liz Cheney should be executed". He has a bad case of TDS and we are not getting through to him. I think he might be a lost cause.
She'll be proud of her decision in the future! When the world begins to be cleansed from the elites cult of death many will hold their heads down in shame! It's only a matter of time for those that the narrative has conquered to be finally freed! They are being freed from a prison, they don't even know exists!
We are at 23.79554329870208% of our goal to BUILD THE WALL starting from Imperial Beach, CA to Brownsville, Texas! Let's make sure everyone gets a brick in the United States! For every Centipede a brick, for every brick a Centipede!
At this rate, the wall will be 1857.7156350439043 MILES WIDE and 495.09782294401987 FEET HIGH by tomorrow! DO YOUR PART!
She's 19. She's hasn't had a real life yet. The fact she's willing to understand that a Trump Presidency will allow her to have a better chance at a job is better than most of her same description. I give it about 3 years before she's a "libertarian" and 6 until she's a full fledged American loving conservative.
Nice win. I don't know any liberals so I can't do the same.
Like wise- conservative vs. libtard is the new civil war. Hopefully after Liberation Day November 5, 2024 the Libtard Yell will be heard around the Nation…REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Me neither. I just can't see myself around libs. They're beliefs are evil, I feel like Im subjecting myself to Satanic thinking.
Dark to light. Take it easy on her, let her see how good things get, let her watch things unfold, and when she is ready, you can fill her in on what she has missed
She'll probably always be a leftist at heart. I love her but she's selfish and only supporting Trump out of personal self interest.
At least she's self-aware enough that her self interest is pointing her in the right direction!
That is how the new generations are socio engineering, sadly. The fact she could find her way out of that on a ballot where it mattered is hopeful.
That works well enough. At least her brain works when it comes to that issue.
We will take it.
That last part of your statement just goes to show... 'It's about the economy, stupid'. People ultimately vote in regards to their wallet.
My mother's boyfriend left the President vote blank. I could not believe it. I have been trying and trying to show him. He said that he could not do it. He could not vote for either one of them. He still has it in his head that Trump only wants money and that he made us 7 trillion in debt.
What a retard
And you did it right after a loss to Ohio State at home! Very nice work!
Great work, pede!
We are trying to win over an acquaintance who lives in California, not going so well. He's 80 years old and well educated, but all we keep hearing from him is "I don't understand, why would I vote for someone who said Liz Cheney should be executed". He has a bad case of TDS and we are not getting through to him. I think he might be a lost cause.
Because 15 years ago he probably said Dick Cheney was a Nazi and should be executed.
But because his IQ is sub functional he forgot Dick Cheney even existed.
Well, he lives in California so his vote one way or the other really doesn't mean much.
Don't plan on visiting him, ever.
She'll be proud of her decision in the future! When the world begins to be cleansed from the elites cult of death many will hold their heads down in shame! It's only a matter of time for those that the narrative has conquered to be finally freed! They are being freed from a prison, they don't even know exists!
This is how we win. This is how we save the country.
Well done, patriot.
She still doesn't like Trump. She just thinks he's more competent.
She is just becoming self aware or growing up.
Nice feel good story - thanks! NCSWIC!!!
u/pdwbot brick
We are at 23.79554329870208% of our goal to BUILD THE WALL starting from Imperial Beach, CA to Brownsville, Texas! Let's make sure everyone gets a brick in the United States! For every Centipede a brick, for every brick a Centipede!
At this rate, the wall will be 1857.7156350439043 MILES WIDE and 495.09782294401987 FEET HIGH by tomorrow! DO YOUR PART!
Find a job after college? She should find a husband and have babies instead.
How many parents actually raise their daughters to do that?
Wow Good Job!