Hello Friends, Pedes, Countrymen. With Donald's campaign Era ending, it got me thinking about this board.
Does a board like this still have a place once the large truths about the world are accepted by the public?
Beyond being the most based social space, what's next?
Does the Q operation have an end date, or does our research become always ongoing, and the fight for the truth never stops?
When America has been made great again, is our purpose to live our best lives, aware of how to fight future infiltration and attack on this nation?
I've been on the ride since the escalator, and in this boat since 2020. I wouldn't have traded it for the world.
What do you want your place to be after the collective fight gives us what we wanted?
We don't see the world like other people, I'm not sure where that leaves us and will influence our actions going into the future.
The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance.
We can't afford to go back to sleep, ever!
The fight is not over, it's just beginning.
Ergo, there will always be a need for us to remain unified, vigilant, and active.
What was it BF said, “you can keep it ma’am”?
Asked what form of government had been created, Benjamin Franklin said, "A Republic, if you can keep it ma'am. "
It will be a searchable archive at the Smithsonian so future generations can learn about the war we fought.
You meant Keksonian museum right?
Yes, after the renaming ceremony at the national mall.
Mods…you better get on that GAW Dictionary so Normies can get up to speed 😂
Oh my fren, we are FAR from done here; There is still SO much work that needs to be done to undo the damage the Cabal has done to civilization and humanity as a whole
> Vaccines need to be eliminated forever and replaced with proven universal cures like Ivermectin and Fenbendazole
> Big Media must be replaced by based new citizen journalism; End the abuse of Patents, Copyrights, and DRM software by legal reforms and cement Fair Use into constitutional law.
> Cabal narratives about history and science must be ret-conned by the soon-to-be-unsealed truth; End scientific dogma so we continue to discover new things about our world
> Hollywood is doomed to collapse once the Diddy files are unsealed, and once that happens, We must fill the vacuum of the movie industry with based new media free of woke narratives and subliminal comm messaging.
> Most important of all, We must NEVER ensure the power of the government grows to the size it is now ever again! Dissolve both political parties forever, force Congressional term limits, END ALL Corrupt Career Politicians!
I’m thinking we all be besties and have barbecues on the weekend.
Yes Scooter, Regional Frog Reunions shall pop up with colored t-shirts and our usernames on the back. And barbecues, definitely barbecues
The fight will go on for years. There may be more shit-posts in the future, And as long as there is the Sunday Funnies,this site will never end.
The fight will never be over
“Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.”
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
-Ronald Reagan
We replace reddit as "tHe FrOnTpAgE oF tHe iNtErNeT"
LOL Reddit was the frontpage for the Leftist Controlled Opposition
The front page of the litter box.
I’m never going to stop updooting frens u/#updoot
Based to space!
I would say we should all graduate full time to X and continue our work.
Most certainly. This is only the beginning; it has to go worldwide. Orban in Hungary is on the same page as us. Need to get Geert Wilders into power in the Netherlands (he's not quite there yet), get Marine Le Pen as President of France, and AfD into government in Germany. Meloni is not quite as strong as was hoped-for in Italy and needs to consolidate power. Still lots of work for European Anons.
Milei in Argentina is a beacon of hope. Lots of work to do in south/central America, where the leftists are far too entrenched.
Need to get Trudeau out of Canada.
Even in the USA, Trump getting in is only a start. There will be a lot of muck at the bottom of that drained swamp that needs shovelling out. There is a lot of work to take back society, a every level of society, from little league to city council, to make sure the leftist/wokists don't come back. Even if you are sitting at city council playing crossword puzzles, the fact that YOUR butt is in the seat means some worke tranny's butt is NOT.
Lots and lots of stuff to discuss.
I hadn't thought about that... I don't know what I'd do without you guys.
Even if only 4-6% will be lost after this (it's more than that), we are still looking at 15-20 million people out there (in the U.S alone) completely zombified, checked out, and potentially dangerous. So the work will never be done. I also really struggle to see a world where everyone buys in and understands what they were oblivious to their whole lives quickly and without issue. It won't be like a child learning to tie his shoes over a weekend. Unfortunately, or fortunately for this board, there is plenty for us to do here
America just the start
Q worldwide
I hope the discussions here continue. I can't count how many times I've said under my breath "wow I never thought of that" while learning about very important things. I hate the possibility of losing my bookmarks.
When we win tonight, we will enter into glorious Chapter 47. Chapter 47 will be the most fun, rewarding, and grace-filled chapter yet. As our fren fractal has said - "we are leaving the Satanic world behind."
I predict this forum will remain just as important during Chapter 47 and after as it has for these first nine+ years of the Great Awakening.
When Chapter 47 closes this fight will continue, because it will take many many years to right this ship. Decades in fact. Who knows what it will look like after Chapter 47 closes, and who the main characters will be? JD Vance? Alina Habba? Eric Trump? RFK Jr? Barron? And many many names we haven't even thought of yet.
What I know for certain is that none of this could have happened without the chief, Donald J Trump. He truly is the best there is - the funniest, warmest, most brilliant, and courageous leader we could have asked for to lead us through this desert. No normal human being could have endured what the demons have thrown at him and his loved ones over the last 9 years - no one. The man is a tank!
God works through His children. In His infinite grace and wisdom he knew exactly who was needed at this time in history. Who ever thought a "politician" could open the eyes of millions of people so wide that we would never see the world in the same way again?
These last nine years and especially this election cycle are forever burned into my soul. I thank the God of heaven and earth for our beloved President Trump, for the Great Awakening, and for all the anons on this forum, because I have loved being here with each and every one of you.
Hopefully nothing happens to this board.
It's great to have a place to freely discuss politics & world events from an open-minded Q understanding perspective. Heck, even just be an open Trump supporter without having to deal with other people trolling.
I'm a refugee from Hot Air (I know there are few others here also), which seemed pretty conservative at the time, but once Trump became the likely nominee in 2016 they became openly hostile to Trump and his supporters. That coincided with a switch to Facebook commenting and it was a mass exodus.
If what we all hope is coming actually happens, this place will be amazing. We'll know what's going on and everybody else will be losing their minds, lol. Things have stagnated a bit here from the Q perspective because there haven't been any posts in a long time, but if Q ever returns or we start seeing some of the things foretold in the posts come to fruition, this place will be lit.
We will be analyzing the policy revisions being handled by Elon and Bobby and their public health and government ethics committees.
We are the news!! We never go away 🐸🐸🐸
This election is very likely to be the first battle in one hell of a war. My guess is that the next 6 months are going to be lit.
Further revealing of the truth
Planning, researching, same as always
Transition to a post Q world, from the current state to the new republic and then from the new republic to the new Kingdom
Will require a lot of heavy lifting, especially in the existential sense. Even lots of people on this Q board right now will require clarity from those here who are fully awake.
we will still be here dealing with the scum
Once USA has Trump (on the warpath for truth) then the fight goes international. Me? I will be turning my attention to the lunatics in the UK, who frankly, all need to get ousted (being polite) quicksmartonthedouble.
This thing goes WW and every nation gets a political earthquake. With lynchpin Trump in office, nothing can stop the WW mission for truth. Traitors out world wide.
Unfortunately, this fight will never end until heaven descends upon earth.
yes. this movement never dies
I say we remain to continue the legacy of online memes, a place of protected communication, and proper media coverage.
It should be shut down.
Becomes a news board. Not so different then it is now. Hopefully, it will be, more so than it is now, a celebration of free speech and information sharing.
What happens to this board? We use it to coordinate as we are ushered into "America's golden age". The fight is only just beginning! What has been can't happen again.
I'm glad to see that the consensus is to fight it out. Both the liberation of Frens abroad and our own endless war on evil at home.
I'd rather have nobody else alongside me in the information war which will continue, and the endless battles we will fight.
I hope we all stick around. I'll probably still need a sane place to come as hubby will have a very hard time accepting the truth as it all comes out about all the lies over our entire lives. Thankfully my kids are all very awake.
I don't think I know any of you personally, but I am so grateful for this place, you all, your friendship and this community of people. 4 years ago I found out about Q through a friend, who disappeared from facebook. I have no clue where she is now, but thank her for her nudge to investigate. My life is so much more peaceful because of GAW. I am still unsure of much, but I have faith that everything will be ok, thanks to you all! We still have a lot to accomplish since our country has been pillaged for so long, so I feel this site will still be awesome for many years!!! I love you all and thank you for your support!!
You report on the great things happening! Our very souls need refreshing to once again embrace freedom from corruption and perversions that have taken root. Our Children need a future! Remember….without Hope, the people perish.
There will always be a need for vigilance, and because of this, we or some form of us will be necessary to keep things above board.