God bless femininity is right! My mom got their number way back in the sixties and seventies. She said "they're all just angry women who are ugly on the inside", and "they look like men". I am a happily married, very traditional wife, mother and grandmother.
My Mom was feminist when women could still be beaten to death, as long as the stick you used was no bigger than your thumb. This is were the rule of thumb came from. You could beat your wife and not your horse. The humane society changed that. We have it better than women any ware in the world, and so now there is just no need for the movement anymore.
Adding-My Dad went to my Grampa to ask for my Mom's hand , he said yes. She had to comply or leave home. She hadn't even been introduced yet, he was a lifeguard going into service and needed a wife, he saw her on the beach and asked around.
I completely understand the movement as it was needed back in the day. I am all for the freedoms of women. However feminism, as it is now, is nothing more than a virtue signal.
The D party seems to think that corruption and brains don’t matter as long as it’s a woman and especially a”black” woman. Man, woman and any shade of skin color mean nothing to me but incorrupt and wise governing do. Listen up D party, CIA and Fedbois, that’s what we’re saying!
Our great grand daughters will thank us! The first woman has got to be someone of integrity who got there on her own merits, perhaps someone like Tulsi (Who is still very young and could be a 2036 or 2044 pres)
Trump is way way more than a president, he worked with the generals to defeat an invisible enemy, this is a man's job & not any man either. IDK if even Washington would have been capable.
It’s not the fact that they are women, it’s the fact that they were unbelievably evil options propped up by a controlled media that brainwashed a population into allowing the two individuals to be anywhere near the position. The fraud that it took to get them there, the fact that both of their pasts were ignored, the gas-lighting to make them look better than they are….
In general, women vote emotionally and base actions on emotion. Hillary Clinton doesn’t do that, she recognizes it in others and exploits it herself. She is a narcissist that bends herself to her audience to gain attention.
Harris is an absolute puppet and anyone with any critical reasoning skills could see it.
Could there be a female option in the past that we might be able to support? I wouldn’t rule it out completely.
The facts show that women have been weaponized based solely on their gender. I dare say that it might even be easier to manipulate women because they generally base a lot of decisions more on emotion than on logic, facts, or consequences. I point towards abortion to illustrate this point; it should have always been a state controlled issue and the initial federal decision was based on fraud.
This is the same reason why race is such an issue. All races have been weaponized to split the country and the black population has been decimated by our own government and are a controlled voting block now. Sure, they rejected a lot that was forced on them this election, thankfully, but the crime statistics and government dependence rates show that there are underlying issues that are multi-generational. It is that way on purpose.
Look, the government and government sub-contractors have to be the biggest employer in the U.S. now. Many here do recognize just how dangerous that is. That is communism. Add to that, the government regulation on private enterprise and it is definitely communism.
The sneaking communism, the media control, the brainwashing of society, I worry way more about than anything else right now because everything else basically stems from those issues. Trace them back and take care of the causes or nothing will change, it will only be delayed.
Can we please make sure we get an actually capable, smart, and MAGA first woman for President?
Because although I don’t really care what your race or gender is, I’m actually rather spiteful of Obummer being the first black President and think black people deserved better. And women sure as hell deserve better than heels up Harris.
This site (after VOAT went offline) has been both a blessed and searchable source of cutting edge information, and a place to come for anonymous companionship as well. Every single one of us in here has lost people, and it might have been by death or by disagreement...but we can always come back in here to regain our center through interaction with folks who not only see what we're up against, but who are as focused and committed to spreading the word as we are, and in whatever ways are best within our respective spheres of influence.
It's been an honor and a privilege to be part of history with you...
Yes, he did save us from two communist / marxist broads!
you forgot, Satanist baby eating vipers.
Sadly, Elizabeth Warren got reelected. Look for her fake mug running in 2028.
I’ve never been prouder to not be a feminist!
Me, too! God bless Femininity! ✨
God bless femininity is right! My mom got their number way back in the sixties and seventies. She said "they're all just angry women who are ugly on the inside", and "they look like men". I am a happily married, very traditional wife, mother and grandmother.
Trad wife is best wife. I have a trad wife.
My Mom was feminist when women could still be beaten to death, as long as the stick you used was no bigger than your thumb. This is were the rule of thumb came from. You could beat your wife and not your horse. The humane society changed that. We have it better than women any ware in the world, and so now there is just no need for the movement anymore.
Adding-My Dad went to my Grampa to ask for my Mom's hand , he said yes. She had to comply or leave home. She hadn't even been introduced yet, he was a lifeguard going into service and needed a wife, he saw her on the beach and asked around.
I used to be 40 years ago, but now it just isn't necessary.
I completely understand the movement as it was needed back in the day. I am all for the freedoms of women. However feminism, as it is now, is nothing more than a virtue signal.
Two-Time Woman Beater LOL
Not normal women.
Actual occult practicing, child-abusing, sexually deviant, modern witches.
They even Reeee'd because their spells were being blocked, trying to play the victim card.🤣🤣😂🤣
And neither was gracious enough to appear at her own watch party and concede.
Seems dem women are incapable of honor . . .
Perhaps shes going to get rid of biden and go scoarched earth now
not even a tweet. radio silence
He's sexist only wins against women! LMFMO!
The amount of meltdown libs are going to have is going to soothe me to sleep.
When we finally get a female president, it needs to be someone of character, honesty and brains. Someone that has something to offer.
When they push a DEI hire...it is more than insulting.
The D party seems to think that corruption and brains don’t matter as long as it’s a woman and especially a”black” woman. Man, woman and any shade of skin color mean nothing to me but incorrupt and wise governing do. Listen up D party, CIA and Fedbois, that’s what we’re saying!
Repeal the 19th!!
I would love to see this become a movement. We could use the left’s own vapid argument - “We need to have a conversation about this!”
We need more than a pulse to determine our leaders. Someone got offended. I hope the downvote was on a seethefest🤣
Based Trump
you're right!! does this mean that he hates women??? kek!
Best wishes to Joe Biden's health and safety to avoid a reversal of that.
Our great grand daughters will thank us! The first woman has got to be someone of integrity who got there on her own merits, perhaps someone like Tulsi (Who is still very young and could be a 2036 or 2044 pres)
Trump is way way more than a president, he worked with the generals to defeat an invisible enemy, this is a man's job & not any man either. IDK if even Washington would have been capable.
The madman.
It’s not the fact that they are women, it’s the fact that they were unbelievably evil options propped up by a controlled media that brainwashed a population into allowing the two individuals to be anywhere near the position. The fraud that it took to get them there, the fact that both of their pasts were ignored, the gas-lighting to make them look better than they are….
In general, women vote emotionally and base actions on emotion. Hillary Clinton doesn’t do that, she recognizes it in others and exploits it herself. She is a narcissist that bends herself to her audience to gain attention.
Harris is an absolute puppet and anyone with any critical reasoning skills could see it.
Could there be a female option in the past that we might be able to support? I wouldn’t rule it out completely.
The facts show that women have been weaponized based solely on their gender. I dare say that it might even be easier to manipulate women because they generally base a lot of decisions more on emotion than on logic, facts, or consequences. I point towards abortion to illustrate this point; it should have always been a state controlled issue and the initial federal decision was based on fraud.
This is the same reason why race is such an issue. All races have been weaponized to split the country and the black population has been decimated by our own government and are a controlled voting block now. Sure, they rejected a lot that was forced on them this election, thankfully, but the crime statistics and government dependence rates show that there are underlying issues that are multi-generational. It is that way on purpose.
Look, the government and government sub-contractors have to be the biggest employer in the U.S. now. Many here do recognize just how dangerous that is. That is communism. Add to that, the government regulation on private enterprise and it is definitely communism.
The sneaking communism, the media control, the brainwashing of society, I worry way more about than anything else right now because everything else basically stems from those issues. Trace them back and take care of the causes or nothing will change, it will only be delayed.
Hahahaha I’m female… yet still… hahahaha!
The Sexiest!
To me it’s not about having a female president. It’s all about the policies and what’s good for the country!
I’d elect Candace Owen’s or Elena Habba any day over any tyrant, whether they’re male OR female.
America will cetainly elect a qualified female president in the near future, but never a maxist harpy.
It wasn't single handedly. He had help.
Has anyone ever asked komie-la what she identifies as?
Those are two kind names for two satanic piles of steaming crap.
I'm 100% on board with an awesome female president, the likes of Kari Lake!
Can we please make sure we get an actually capable, smart, and MAGA first woman for President?
Because although I don’t really care what your race or gender is, I’m actually rather spiteful of Obummer being the first black President and think black people deserved better. And women sure as hell deserve better than heels up Harris.
That's a great troll post.
Given those two particular candidates, I'm fairly certain that choice had absolutely nothing to do with their sex. /s
Hard won victory, my frens...
But this is the moment we've been waiting for.
This site (after VOAT went offline) has been both a blessed and searchable source of cutting edge information, and a place to come for anonymous companionship as well. Every single one of us in here has lost people, and it might have been by death or by disagreement...but we can always come back in here to regain our center through interaction with folks who not only see what we're up against, but who are as focused and committed to spreading the word as we are, and in whatever ways are best within our respective spheres of influence.
It's been an honor and a privilege to be part of history with you...
It's probably grape juice.
Cunt Blocker! The most effective cunt block ever made. Accept no substitutes or imitations.
This is his real victory. Repeal the 19th amendment.
And both times the woman was not elected democratically. She was selected by the party. Maybe they will learn a lesson? What am I saying... nah...
Good job!!