(((they))) know we're on the cusp of giving their influence and status to other groups, like Hispanics, Asians, and Indians who have greater numbers and resources, and have become eager to destroy us with their media organs, out of spite.
At the end: "A man is in control of my pussy! A man!"
Just one??
PS These liberal women (there are only 2 men in this compilation) are crying like BABIES for attention to their perceived pain (real babies don't cry except for actual needs). Or like toddlers throwing a tantrum for attention -- as though some parental figure will give in to their tirades and get them what they want.
SORRY K LOST! Cry and scream as you will, NO ONE is going to change it!
Funny we didn't melt down when you stole an election. You've believed a horrible lie and now are in fear. Once their bullshit grieving is over they'll live more free than they deserve. Perhaps a few will turn to God and be healed.
This is crazy & scary, to see that these people are so brainwashed into believing the crazy shit the left & msm has told them to believe, that they meltdown so bad they need a safe space and a few mental health days off of work, if they work that is. Just unreal! They stole the last election, and they were all ok with that because it's what they wanted. They don't care how much the dems cheat, as long as they get to lord over the rest of us with their lunatic ideals.
Divided? Damn straight.
We are not the same and will never be.
These are not my countrymen.
All a direct creation of weaponized media, culture & institutions.
(((they))) know we're on the cusp of giving their influence and status to other groups, like Hispanics, Asians, and Indians who have greater numbers and resources, and have become eager to destroy us with their media organs, out of spite.
Liberal tears for breakfast ! Thank you !
Nothing finer than a little snake bite and salt in yer morning covfefe!
Make Mental Health Great Again
Give them a year, year and a half and they'll all be down on their knees thanking God that Trump won.
But seriously, what a bunch of low info lunatics.
At the end: "A man is in control of my pussy! A man!"
Just one??
PS These liberal women (there are only 2 men in this compilation) are crying like BABIES for attention to their perceived pain (real babies don't cry except for actual needs). Or like toddlers throwing a tantrum for attention -- as though some parental figure will give in to their tirades and get them what they want.
SORRY K LOST! Cry and scream as you will, NO ONE is going to change it!
At least a man will make decent choices... we've seen what liberal women can do and who wants more of that?
Men voted to give women the vote, just saying. HA!
That's a good point.
Wow is this pathetic! Lord help me, I think I lost IQ points by watching these lunatics.
Funny we didn't melt down when you stole an election. You've believed a horrible lie and now are in fear. Once their bullshit grieving is over they'll live more free than they deserve. Perhaps a few will turn to God and be healed.
Well, they identify with a cunt, and show themselves to be useless cunts at that. radical extreme Solipsism
This is crazy & scary, to see that these people are so brainwashed into believing the crazy shit the left & msm has told them to believe, that they meltdown so bad they need a safe space and a few mental health days off of work, if they work that is. Just unreal! They stole the last election, and they were all ok with that because it's what they wanted. They don't care how much the dems cheat, as long as they get to lord over the rest of us with their lunatic ideals.
They're all mockingbird creations
Wow these are the people who will never wake up. Very sad. Mental illness
It is painful to be brainwashed.
Obama divided this country! Trump will unify it!
cope. seethe. cope. and dilate. leftards.
Jesus Christ. I can't stand these retarded motherfuckers.
Make Assylums Full Again!! MAFA!!!!!