Hello frens,
I just found out my mother has stage 4 rectal cancer. I'm in a bit of a state of shock right now. This all happened so quickly over the last two weeks. The doctor only seemed to want to offer chemo and radiation, but she doesn't want to go that route, and I don't want her to either.
I wanted to reach out to all you here because I know so many have talked about and shared information about Ivermectin and Fenbendazole healing cancer, even stage 4. I did some research and found out that the state I live in is a right to try state.
For those who have used these medications to treat cancer or have done research, how do you get it? Is there a specific website? What about dosage and how often should you take it daily/weekly?
Any advice, tips, and prayers are welcome.
Thank you all. Keep the faith & God bless.
Hello there is have done plenty of research in this area. I will link you to my protocol. I use it for my father stage 4 lung cancer.
Here is the protocol: https://communities.win/c/Protocols/p/199hXDmDtx/nonsmall-cell-lung-cancer-protoc/c
Here is a list of the best formulations i could find: https://communities.win/c/Protocols/p/199O1gBCDt/chemical-formulations--running-l/c
Since it's rectal cancer i would assume she is on FOLFOX treatment. In that case EGCG would really help most out of the phytochemicals. And fenbendazole would help most of all.
Thank you so much, I appreciate this greatly. I hope your father is doing well.
Please reach out with any questions. I am more than happy to help. I can provide clinical info, reasoning, pharmacokinetic info etc.
Thank you so much! I am humbled by the caring of people on the GA site. What I see from people on this site gives me hope for humanity.
No problem, currently have a person I know IRL. They too have colon cancer. Spread. They are now on the protocol I gave, I have a couple oncologist contacting me to talk about it
u/NOT_ADMIN knows their stuff & is a tremendous wealth of information. Utilize them, I am glad I have.
Thank you!
Here's the Joe Tippens protocol and a previous thread of people recommending doses.
Joe Tippens protocol archive
This protocol destroyed the cancer in a friend of mine in months!
That is awesome!
My brother is using the Tippens protocol for stage 4 melanoma in his brain and having good results. He has also been through a round of radiation and has had two "immunotherapy" treatments, which have been rough on his liver. One thing my brother added is Cordyceps mushrooms. We got the fenbendazole on Amazon: FENZOL 444 mg.
My advice from what we've dealt with during my brother's battle: you probably don't want to tell the oncologist that you're doing anything like fenben. They will discourage it despite the September mainstream med study: https://isom.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Targeting-the-Mitochondrial-Stem-Cell-Connection-in-Cancer-Treatment-JOM-39.3.pdf <--------- IMPORTANT PDF
I printed the above for my brother's oncologist, but he has still discouraged my brother about the fenben even though it appeared to be the only thing working. And my brother has trusted the oncologist so when the immunotherapy made his liver enzymes go way up, my brother stopped the fenben. It's been 2 weeks now. And now he's back to feeling like crap, so he said yesterday that after his blood test tomorrow, he's going back on the fenben.
Look up Dr. William Makis on X. He's got good info.
Other links
I have lots of other links. Message me if you would like more links. I don't want to swamp you with them.
Please post them all here. Many of us love to collect the info & share when we can.
Prayers going out for your brother & hope that he gets well again using the correct protocols.
Thank you for this! It is awesome! And I will look at every single one.
You're most welcome. I've been on this cancer journey with my brother for nine months now. Do NOT give up hope. The doctors use veiled language these days to keep everybody hopeful (decent doctors anyway). They don't use the word cancer, they'll say "metastasis" or "metastasizing disease". They don't say "chemotherapy" if they can avoid it. They say "immunotherapy." They don't say, "your liver has been injured by the immunotherapy", they say, "there's some inflammation in the liver" or "the liver is angry".
But sometimes the doctors know the right thing that can help for the moment. When this first started with my brother, he went from climbing on roofs doing home inspections to entirely paralyzed on his left side literally within a 36-hour span of time. The biggest tumor in his brain is at the brainstem so it had begun to push on nerves and thus he was suddenly dealing with not just cancer in his brain, but life-threatening nerve damage (i.e. stroke symptoms) as well. Within one day of the paralysis starting, he was losing the ability to swallow. They gave him a combination of drugs: mekinist and taflinar (which, scarily enough, can only be taken by mouth so had to be swallowed). Those drugs literally saved his life when he was probably within just 48 hours or so from dying. 2 weeks after he started the drugs, he was walking again (though he had to relearn how to walk after the nerve damage). But then 5 months later the cancer developed immunity to those drugs. That's when he finally started on the fenben, which my Mom and I had been trying to get him to take for months. The progress after that was amazing--as impressive as the original drugs.
My point in telling that part is to let you know that you and your mother have to listen to your own inner guidance (or, as I think of it, that little voice of God talking to us in our hearts). Doctors can be helpful and critical for good outcomes on occasion. They can also--and often are--an impediment you have to work around, often covertly.
What I'm saying is: Don't just hand your outcomes over to a doctor. They don't know everything, by a long shot, though some of them think they do or don't care if they don't. My brother's oncologist is a good guy, but he's also been an impediment on more than one occasion (telling my brother not to take the fenben, for instance).
Do the research. The fact that you're here at GA.win shows you're not afraid to do that. Your research now will likely not just help your Mom, but also dozens of other people that you'll come into contact with from this point forward.
Another book to lread: Cancer and the New Biology of Water by Thomas Cowan, MD. Also, Dr. Thomas Seyfried's Cancer as a Metabolic Disease. These two books will impress upon you how helpful a ketogenic diet will be for your mother in this battle, as well as how truly curable cancer is despite what the medical establishment tells us all.
Hang in there, fren. Our mothers are so often our grounding anchors. In a situation like you're in, the roles shift. It's challenging. I lost my Dad in 2002 when he was 55 to kidney cancer. I wish I knew then what I know now. But I know in retrospect that what my Dad went through prepped me for this situation with my brother. And I know my Dad is right with us watching over us. The ways he's made his presence obvious are stunning. But that's a story for another day. Blessings to you and your mother. My prayers are with your mother and family. Again, hang in there, fren.
ThanQ so much for this!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share this information! This means a lot to our family.
Sorry to hear about you mother. I'm a stage 4 cancer survivor for 10 years. I recommend you read. " Beat Cancer Naturally, Now " It gives you details of the five most powerful natural alternatives to prevent and treat cancer Author- Terry Lemeround & Ajat Go PhD., AGAF Blessings to you and you Mom.
10 years?! That’s incredible
Thank you for your help! And God bless you, too. This means so much to us. I will see if I can find the book. I didn't see it on Amazon, but will do a search.
https://mycancerstory.rocks and go to the blog to read the actual story of his stage 4 cancer- but,, this being said, my dad passed from cancer even when he did this- and as we studied, it seems some cancer are better with panacur-c than other cancers. My Aunt has been doing this she had stage 2 stomach cancer and it seems to be good for her. I just want to tell you how sorry I am to hear about your mom. I will add her to my prayers.
Thank you so much! And I am sorry to hear about y our dad. We are Christians, so we do believe in prayer. It really means a lot to us.
FloridaSharkman on Truth Social will answer questions and give specific advice. This is what he does.
And prayers up for mom.
Thank you so much, I'll reach out to him as well. Thanks for the prayers! God bless you.
Thank you! Someone else suggested it and I am reading through the info on his site. It looks promising.
i've been taking fenbendazole daily for several months just in case I have cancer and it has not made me sick, I feel fine. A naturopath clinic that has stuff like vitamin C & ozone Intravenous infusions might be worth finding
I;m sorry about your mother going through this. What if I tell you that it's an immune system and if your mom declares there is no such thing right here and now and do the ivermectin and keto diet and lots of prayers, humility, surrendering, reading the Bible and not believing one moment whatever doctor told her she will be healed, would you believe me or say I'm crazy? Somehow this sickness goes to those who believe in them and you allow them, but by signing a new agreement of reality these things wouldn't even exist..
We are believers. My dad died of heart disease almost 2 years ago at 86 years old. But before he passed from that, he had a cancerous growth on the top of his right hand. He was determined to do nothing but prayer for it. We all prayed for months, and that thing grew until it covered the entire top of his hand. But he was still determined, so we kept praying. One day, the entire thing just fell off like a scab, and underneath was new, pink skin. I know if he had seen a doctor for it, they would want to do a skin graft. But he was on blood thinners and it would have been very difficult. He didn't want anything like chemo. It would have finished him off then. We did pray for his heart disease, too. And I believe he lived longer because of it. His parents had both died pretty young. He lived longer than anyone else in his family. Thank you!
When you have more than a few minutes to spare - try these guys:
These are the same group of doctors who spoke up about the COVID scam, the treatment protocols, the vax, etc, and offered their own effective treatment alternatives to COVID. They’ve now branched out into cancer care, with a very different theory on what causes it (metabolic vs. genetic).
Very good stuff and very informative. Their protocols include, among other medicines, the use of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole as primary agents against cancer.
Good luck and God Bless!
Ketogenic or carnivore diet. See Dr Shawn Baker and Ken Berry also Dr Jason Fung on intermittent fasting. Parasite cleanse and heavy metal detox.
My Dr bud has had good results from sending his cancer patients to Envita Clinic in Scottsdale Az Good Fortune.
Give your mom, Invermectin, even if you have to steal it! Cancer is parasitic! No foreign body that should be in your body is allowed in your body! Your body takes it out! Chemo is a trap just like the Covid Jab was! These people at the top ensure the use and those at the bottom go along because they are indepted!
So much great & better researched advice than I can offer is already on here. I just saved links that others shared in the past, though a couple of these anons you already responded to are a wealth of cancer info & can help with that research as you have already seen.
Your mother is in my prayers.
Webster Kerr had a amazing original website cancertutor.com he sold it a few year back, I used to be able to find the original online, then with difficulty, however the last few times I've searched it always only leads to the new site, Mr. Kerr sold the website some years ago. I did find his original site on the wayback machine
These, are well researched, alternative protocol I guarantee if you thumb through the site you will be amazed jam packed with information. A note from Webster Kerr Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments by R. Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. https://web.archive.org/web/20080306091257/http://www.cancertutor.com/Other/NoCancer.html Part 1 - The Medicine
Introduction Most people could not name five of the more than 300 alternative cancer treatments. Fewer still could name the five most potent alternative cancer treatments for advanced cancer patients.
Some people wonder why the scores of billions of dollars spent on the "War on Cancer," that President Nixon started in 1971/72, has not produced a cure for cancer. Have researchers been looking for more profitable treatments for cancer or have they been looking for cures for cancer?
In fact, the average person knows almost nothing about either orthodox cancer treatments or alternative cancer treatments, outside of what they have heard on television or read in the media.
If a survey were taken, the average person would probably think that the true cure rate of orthodox cancer treatments was 40% or more and the true cure rate for alternative cancer treatments was close to zero percent. This is total nonsense, but more will be said about that later in this article.
Is what you know about cancer treatments based on who has the most truth, or is it based on who has the most money? Is what you know about cancer treatments carefully designed to deceive you? Are you being sold a "bill of goods?"
This website is just as important for people who don't have cancer as it is for people who do have cancer. Why would someone who doesn't have cancer be concerned about the truth? The reason is that if they are diagnosed with cancer, their doctor will immediately put intense pressure on them to commit to chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Unless you know whether alternative cancer treatments or orthodox cancer treatments are superior, BEFORE YOU ARE DIAGNOSED, there is a 100% chance you will make the wrong decision.
If you read all three parts of this article, you are assured of hearing many things that have never entered your mind before. You will read things that you will never, never hear on television or read in print.
You will learn a lot about the techniques of deception that you are exposed to every day. You will learn things that the people of orthodox medicine don't want you to know. And all this information is free. Nothing is sold from this website.
To visualize what is going on in the "cancer industry" today, and to see behind their massive facade, here is a short story that will describe how orthodox medicine currently treats cancer patients.
A Story
What he had done is classify cancer's alternatives by type.. some times depending on the type of cancer, several alternatives protocols options.
it also shows the battles and history some of the people went through to just to try and get the research, evidence protocols out to the people for free cure cancer by their " indemnity bonded ? " " Public Servants " to destroy their protocols and shockingly all to coinvent they paid with their lives!
the sold https://www.cancertutor.com/
Have her check out Dr Thomas Seyfried on YouTube
Thank you! I'll definitely check him out and show her too.
You’re very welcome!
When people first take anti-parasitics they can become very sick due to the Herxheimer reaction.
Oftentimes this reaction is so severe people blame the medicine and stop taking it.
An easy way to prevent the Herx reaction is to take activated charcoal pills for three days before beginning the anti-parasitics.
That is from the Facebook Fenbendazole Cancer support group.
It lists their recommendations plus where to purchase / which brands.
Prayers for your Mother!
Don't have any advice that hasn't already been posted.
Will say that my Dad got very aggressive cancer before I was fully awake and engaged on this site. Didn't last a year with the treatment - had no symptoms until diagnosed.
I wish I had known about some of these protocols back then. Maybe they wouldn't have helped, but we'll never know. And I'm certain the chemo made the last months of his life miserable.
I sometimes wonder if death by cancer is all that much worse than the death by chemo so many people get instead.
First go to Joe Tippins facebook group and read his personal story-then join and read what Fenben users are saying. Ivermetkin is available on Amazon. Fenben is available at pet stores. I use PetPawsRx where you just order it and it is delivered quite quickly. I would definitely read about DMSO. And, there is a very well established clinic in Tijuana that has an "80% improvement rate". Their words not mine. I translate that as 80% of their clients did not pass away. God bless you and your Mom.
Thank you so much, I will do this. I have heard about DMSO. I ordered some once because I read it works for pain. I'll look more into that. Do you know how to calculate the dosage of the Ivermectin and Fenben? Thanks again and God bless you, too!
Both are natural and determined by weight. There are two other things I personally think are important. The first is attitude and replacing "fear" with knowledge, thus taking self control back from the "establishment". The second is diet. I removed all chemicals from my environment and sugar, wheat and all prepared foods and oils from my kitchen. I realized the other day that I never go into a grocery store anymore but shop almost completely at our farmer's markets surrounded by lovely people and happy faces. What a wonderful response you have gotten on this site. So many caring people-so much to be grateful for. Your Mom is lucky to have you!
Lots of info in this post from yesterday: https://greatawakening.win/p/199i44iYFj/friend-was-just-diagnosed-with-p/
Prayers for you all, especially your mother’s spirit to keep faith and work on healing.
Thank you so much for that post. Looking through it now and found a lot of helpful information. Also, thank you for the prayers! God bless you.
Great information on high dose Vit C
Does anyone know if this works for stage 4 bone cancer and lung cancer that has spread. I don't want to give my uncle false hope if it doesn't
Place keeper cancer
Very sorry to hear about your mom. Good news is that, even though she's suffering and likely in shock like you, there are many cures.
I encourage you to do a lot of research yourself, and to speak sincerely with your mom. Many patients have limits on the advice they will take, and it's good to get that up front. You don't want to find 20 different cures only to find out that she has firmly decided on cure X, for example. Regardless of the treatment you think is best, she is the one that needs to commit to it, so a bit of work on that front can be a practical guide your efforts. From your post, it sounds like you're already on top of it, and the fact that she doesn't want the chemo - rad treatment is a good indicator already. (I've read a lot about how chemo always is harmful.)
In the line of do your own research, I encourage you to read this link: https://darkovelcek.wordpress.com/?s=Cancer. While the recommendations there don't seem like aggressive approaches, the diet and hydration recommendations don't conflict with other treatments and have been reported as curative by themselves.
Prayers for your mom and your family. There is more hope than ever, and where there's a will, there's a way. God bless!
Thank you so much for the advice, prayers and the link you provided. I was curious about the best approach for diet and vitamins as well because I know that will help with this process. Thankfully, she is unvaccinated and doesn't have a lot of trust with doctors. She wants to try Ivermectin and fenben. I've been looking around and the research looks promising. I'm hoping with the right to try, she can request Ivermectin from her doctor, but not sure what his reaction will be. Hopefully, he adheres to her wishes. I greatly appreciate your comment.
Most doctors are fully indoctrinated. And they often employ scare tactics, as well practiced (and effective) as any car salesman. I've been in the room with patients who get a full rundown of all the bad things that await them if they don't agree to go along with the recommended treatment, even saying that they'd have to find a new doctor if they didn't take (in this case) the recommended tamoxifen. This was a year before that drug was taken off the market for causing more cancer than it ever pretended to cure, but well after the evidence was publicly available. I was disgusted. I hope her doctor is not like that, but you never know. So be careful. I'm glad for both of you that she wants to try something different.