❗️🇸🇾 BREAKING: Former President Bashar al-Assad has released his first statement
'As terrorism spread across Syria and ultimately reached Damascus on the evening of Saturday, 7th of December 2024, questions arose about the president's fate and whereabouts.
This occurred amidst a flood of misinformation and narratives far removed from the truth, aimed at recasting international terrorism as a liberation revolution for Syria.
At such a critical juncture in the nation's history, where truth must take precedence, it is essential to address these distortions. Unfortunately, the prevailing circumstances at the time, including a total communication blackout for security reasons, delayed the release of this statement. This does not replace a detailed account of the events that unfolded, which will be provided when the opportunity allows.
First, my departure from Syria was neither planned nor did it occur during the final hours of the battles, as some have claimed. On the contrary, I remained in Damascus, carrying out my duties until the early hours of Sunday 8th of December 2024. As terrorist forces infiltrated Damascus, I moved to Lattakia in coordination with our Russian allies to oversee combat operations.
Upon arrival at the Hmeimim airbase that morning, it became clear that our forces had completely withdrawn from all battle lines and that the last army positions had fallen. As the field situation in the area continued to deteriorate, the Russian military base itself came under intensified attack by drone strikes. With no viable means of leaving the base, Moscow requested that the base's command arrange an immediate evacuation to Russia on the evening of Sunday 8th of December.
This took place a day after the fall of Damascus, following the collapse of the last military positions and the resulting paralysis of all remaining state institutions. At no point during these events did I consider stepping down or seeking refuge, nor was such a proposal made by any individual or party. The only course of action was to continue fighting against the terrorist onslaught.
I reaffirm that the person who, from the very first day of the war, refused to barter the salvation of his nation for personal gain, or to compromise his people in exchange for numerous offers and enticements is the same person who stood alongside the officers and soldiers of the army on the front lines, just meters from terrorists in the most dangerous and intense battlefields. He is the same person who, during the darkest years of the war, did not leave but remained with his family alongside his people, confronting terrorism under bombardment and the recurring threats of terrorist incursions into the capital over fourteen years of war.
Furthermore, the person who has never abandoned the resistance in Palestine and Lebanon, nor betrayed his allies who stood by him, cannot possibly be the same person who would forsake his own people or betray the army and nation to which he belongs.
I have never sought positions for personal gain but have always considered myself as a custodian of a national project, supported by the faith of the Syrian people, who believed in its vision. I have carried an unwavering conviction in their will and ability to protect the state, defend its institutions, and uphold their choices to the very last moment.
When the state falls into the hands of terrorism and the ability to make a meaningful contribution is lost, any position becomes void of purpose, rendering its occupation meaningless.
This does not, in any way, diminish my profound sense of belonging to Syria and her people - a bond that remains unshaken by any position or circumstance. It is a belonging filled with hope that Syria will once again be free and independent.'
I wonder if Syria is going to be used to escalate conflicts with Israel? The current “leader” is denying these ideas but so many of the people near/around him seem to want Israel gone, as they usually cry for. Plus just seems like a good opportunity for the Cabal over there to push.
This whole situation in Syria is one I intend to really watch/keep eyes and ears on.
Escalate how? Israel exploited the vacuum by bombing all meaningful military equipment and facilities on the Syrian side. Israel also took over new Syrian land, including the highest point in the region.
It’s just what I was wondering I’m just learning more about side differences during their Civil War. Still researching myself on the subject out of many haha.
Terrorist state israel bombing civilians and stealing land they have no right to, murdering children and women. Just like they have done since their forming.
If I had a dollar for everytime Syria or Damascus has been conquered..
I really hope Anons don't divide over some of these positions example:
one side is a pro Zionist position aka the Jews overthrow Assad what bad Jews.
The Anti Zionist which would be pro Assad and Russia
One thing Q has led me to believe is that there is 100 of sides and that they can boil down to good an evil. But remember:
40,000 FOOT VIEW
Terrorist state israel bombing civilians and stealing land they have no right to, murdering children and women. Just like they have done since their forming.
So Unfortunate to say but Q is big on truths no matter how hard.
Which country since there forming has not engaged in warfare killing children an women in the name of State!
Which successful and grand State has not had to do exactly what your saying are you going to call them all out too and hold them equally accountable?
Maybe you need to research history including war history, techniques and tactics including how it has been fought and atrocities committed and why?
Google "how many children died in the Korean war?"
Now you can try any war an see they die in large numbers and that's not special with the current conflicts.
It's just a really shit horrible part of war. Understanding the philosophy of war and it's purpose can be a hard truth.
A very small percentage is honourable man on man combat.
Pre-emptive revenge is real, both sides in a conflict always want to prevent revenge attacks. In war especially ones that last years or decades last thing you want is family of opposing soldier returning for revenge especially if it's your family at risk. This is a really sad, painstaking reality of conflict open your eyes, except when you pray.
It really doesn't matter though that nation has been the most successful chess move in that area since the short reigning kingdom of Jerusalem almost a thousand years ago. Its goals still align with our goals and it enemies are against our goals.
Reasons aside your a fool if you help Israel's enemies and god bless that Australian regiment and 2 British who took that land in 1917 from those damn Moslem Ottomans!!! God bless America.
President Trump has said that Turkey was behind the coup in Syria. Along with Israel's aggressive operations in Syria it seems a power keg is being laid forth.
That is why President Trump emphasized the removal of US troops once more from Syria like he did last time.
It appears “our greatest ally”™️ bribed all of his generals to throw down their arms. Once again subverted from within, a mossad speciality.
I don’t think any of us would have him die like Ghadaffi or Sadam, with his family and have it televised so the world can see what happens when you mess with ZOG?
They already hung his cousin, the dirty animals.
I’m hoping at some point in the future he returns with an army and wipes the Islamic scourge from the face of the planet. His people will soon realise what they have betrayed.
DON'T FORGET THE CIA/DIA/ any other damn 3-letter agencies!!!
From my perspective of 30 yrs in military and multiple hot-spots it would NOT surprise me one tiny bit that that the CIA/DIA and other damn 3-letter agencies caused this JUST BEFORE President Trump Takes office...this is not something that comes up and BOOOOOOOM it's there...this has the ear-marks of a "ground-swell" purposely generated to cause as much ANGST AS POSSIBLE BEFORE PRESIDENT TRUMP TAKES OFFICE!!!!! AND ESP. IN THAT REGION...which means Israel takes the whole kitten-and-caboodle and that's that!!!
IMO, Islam should be banished from this world. No other "religion/faith" in memory constantly threatens to kill those who don't agree with them. Even the "Christians" of earlier times were not this bad.
"...[WW3] should be conducted (read orchestrated) in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other…"
-Albert Pike circa 1872
I offer no opinion on Albert Pike per se but here's a bit of food for thought I found in my research:
If more of my friends on here really dug into Albert Pike and his letter I just quoted, they would be quite curious.
They would discover that the powder keg that is the Geo political environment right now (interestingly) perfectly matches what Pike suggested 'had to be done' vis-á-vis WW3 to essentially 'show humanity the result of atheism and immorality: savagery.'
A fool is never noble. Instead, he did as his greatest ally had asked him to & as such, I presume he remains as Syrian govt in exile. This way it does leave open the possibility to once again enter to fight for his people, at a time when this fight would be more than just an exercise in futility,
If he is really as the letter portrays him and his people genuinely feel similar, then his best course of action is to remain abroad as a symbol for liberation.
Syria is caught in the cross hairs of history. This is not of their making.
Has Israel ramped up bombing?
An interesting thought -- Could Israel (and all the other rat intel agenices, basically the cabal) have staged this terrorist takeover as part of the larger plan of "Greater Israel"? Maybe in with Turkey as they stand to gain the Kurdish North (who they would love to genocide)? Israel uses the cover of 'terrorist groups' to bomb them into the stone age and then a 'peacekeeping' force, instead of outright conquering a sovereign nation.
my sense is that there are many factions with different agenda. Better to let them fight each other & then sweep in later after they all weakened each other
So Assad wants to gripe about terrorists on one hand, while supporting palestinian, and Lebanese literal terrorists on the other hand. Ya, umm, no thanks. Russia can keep him.
No, I'm one of those "Netanyahu is literally on fucking video saying that they need to 'continue to fund Hamas' types." You complete and utter dipshit.
For some reason I believe this has got to be connected to "We are saving Israel for last".
Copypasta begins below this point.
❗️🇸🇾 BREAKING: Former President Bashar al-Assad has released his first statement
'As terrorism spread across Syria and ultimately reached Damascus on the evening of Saturday, 7th of December 2024, questions arose about the president's fate and whereabouts.
This occurred amidst a flood of misinformation and narratives far removed from the truth, aimed at recasting international terrorism as a liberation revolution for Syria.
At such a critical juncture in the nation's history, where truth must take precedence, it is essential to address these distortions. Unfortunately, the prevailing circumstances at the time, including a total communication blackout for security reasons, delayed the release of this statement. This does not replace a detailed account of the events that unfolded, which will be provided when the opportunity allows.
First, my departure from Syria was neither planned nor did it occur during the final hours of the battles, as some have claimed. On the contrary, I remained in Damascus, carrying out my duties until the early hours of Sunday 8th of December 2024. As terrorist forces infiltrated Damascus, I moved to Lattakia in coordination with our Russian allies to oversee combat operations.
Upon arrival at the Hmeimim airbase that morning, it became clear that our forces had completely withdrawn from all battle lines and that the last army positions had fallen. As the field situation in the area continued to deteriorate, the Russian military base itself came under intensified attack by drone strikes. With no viable means of leaving the base, Moscow requested that the base's command arrange an immediate evacuation to Russia on the evening of Sunday 8th of December.
This took place a day after the fall of Damascus, following the collapse of the last military positions and the resulting paralysis of all remaining state institutions. At no point during these events did I consider stepping down or seeking refuge, nor was such a proposal made by any individual or party. The only course of action was to continue fighting against the terrorist onslaught.
I reaffirm that the person who, from the very first day of the war, refused to barter the salvation of his nation for personal gain, or to compromise his people in exchange for numerous offers and enticements is the same person who stood alongside the officers and soldiers of the army on the front lines, just meters from terrorists in the most dangerous and intense battlefields. He is the same person who, during the darkest years of the war, did not leave but remained with his family alongside his people, confronting terrorism under bombardment and the recurring threats of terrorist incursions into the capital over fourteen years of war.
Furthermore, the person who has never abandoned the resistance in Palestine and Lebanon, nor betrayed his allies who stood by him, cannot possibly be the same person who would forsake his own people or betray the army and nation to which he belongs.
I have never sought positions for personal gain but have always considered myself as a custodian of a national project, supported by the faith of the Syrian people, who believed in its vision. I have carried an unwavering conviction in their will and ability to protect the state, defend its institutions, and uphold their choices to the very last moment.
When the state falls into the hands of terrorism and the ability to make a meaningful contribution is lost, any position becomes void of purpose, rendering its occupation meaningless.
This does not, in any way, diminish my profound sense of belonging to Syria and her people - a bond that remains unshaken by any position or circumstance. It is a belonging filled with hope that Syria will once again be free and independent.'
Dec 7th like Pearl Harbor was on same day
I wonder if Syria is going to be used to escalate conflicts with Israel? The current “leader” is denying these ideas but so many of the people near/around him seem to want Israel gone, as they usually cry for. Plus just seems like a good opportunity for the Cabal over there to push.
This whole situation in Syria is one I intend to really watch/keep eyes and ears on.
Escalate how? Israel exploited the vacuum by bombing all meaningful military equipment and facilities on the Syrian side. Israel also took over new Syrian land, including the highest point in the region.
It’s just what I was wondering I’m just learning more about side differences during their Civil War. Still researching myself on the subject out of many haha.
Terrorist state israel bombing civilians and stealing land they have no right to, murdering children and women. Just like they have done since their forming.
Thank you for posting this. All prayers, by the grace of Jesus Christ, for Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine and it's people.
If I had a dollar for everytime Syria or Damascus has been conquered.. I really hope Anons don't divide over some of these positions example: one side is a pro Zionist position aka the Jews overthrow Assad what bad Jews. The Anti Zionist which would be pro Assad and Russia
One thing Q has led me to believe is that there is 100 of sides and that they can boil down to good an evil. But remember:
Israel is not black an white.
Good advice.
Terrorist state israel bombing civilians and stealing land they have no right to, murdering children and women. Just like they have done since their forming.
So Unfortunate to say but Q is big on truths no matter how hard. Which country since there forming has not engaged in warfare killing children an women in the name of State! Which successful and grand State has not had to do exactly what your saying are you going to call them all out too and hold them equally accountable? Maybe you need to research history including war history, techniques and tactics including how it has been fought and atrocities committed and why? Google "how many children died in the Korean war?" Now you can try any war an see they die in large numbers and that's not special with the current conflicts. It's just a really shit horrible part of war. Understanding the philosophy of war and it's purpose can be a hard truth. A very small percentage is honourable man on man combat. Pre-emptive revenge is real, both sides in a conflict always want to prevent revenge attacks. In war especially ones that last years or decades last thing you want is family of opposing soldier returning for revenge especially if it's your family at risk. This is a really sad, painstaking reality of conflict open your eyes, except when you pray.
It really doesn't matter though that nation has been the most successful chess move in that area since the short reigning kingdom of Jerusalem almost a thousand years ago. Its goals still align with our goals and it enemies are against our goals.
Reasons aside your a fool if you help Israel's enemies and god bless that Australian regiment and 2 British who took that land in 1917 from those damn Moslem Ottomans!!! God bless America.
Those pesky drones again. 6th gen AI swarm warfare is here.
President Trump has said that Turkey was behind the coup in Syria. Along with Israel's aggressive operations in Syria it seems a power keg is being laid forth.
That is why President Trump emphasized the removal of US troops once more from Syria like he did last time.
Coincidentally… Unless a spending bill is passed in 4 days, the "government shuts down" Dec 20.
I think the Q370 delta of Dec18th is a date to watch.
We are at the top of the roller coaster.
What happens after you get to the top?
I've heard Dec 18 elsewhere as well. Could be a false flag - my guess nuclear - on the 18th, related to the drone activity.
Yea, so he ran like a scared little girl. He should have stayed and fought like a man...
Fight with what?
It appears “our greatest ally”™️ bribed all of his generals to throw down their arms. Once again subverted from within, a mossad speciality.
I don’t think any of us would have him die like Ghadaffi or Sadam, with his family and have it televised so the world can see what happens when you mess with ZOG?
They already hung his cousin, the dirty animals.
I’m hoping at some point in the future he returns with an army and wipes the Islamic scourge from the face of the planet. His people will soon realise what they have betrayed.
DON'T FORGET THE CIA/DIA/ any other damn 3-letter agencies!!!
From my perspective of 30 yrs in military and multiple hot-spots it would NOT surprise me one tiny bit that that the CIA/DIA and other damn 3-letter agencies caused this JUST BEFORE President Trump Takes office...this is not something that comes up and BOOOOOOOM it's there...this has the ear-marks of a "ground-swell" purposely generated to cause as much ANGST AS POSSIBLE BEFORE PRESIDENT TRUMP TAKES OFFICE!!!!! AND ESP. IN THAT REGION...which means Israel takes the whole kitten-and-caboodle and that's that!!!
IMO, Islam should be banished from this world. No other "religion/faith" in memory constantly threatens to kill those who don't agree with them. Even the "Christians" of earlier times were not this bad.
As per the Ashtiname of Muhammad, Muslims have a duty to protect and respect Christians.
Jews, on the other hand, want to sit back and watch them destroy each other, which is why they work overtime to foment the hate.
"...[WW3] should be conducted (read orchestrated) in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other…"
-Albert Pike circa 1872
I offer no opinion on Albert Pike per se but here's a bit of food for thought I found in my research:
If more of my friends on here really dug into Albert Pike and his letter I just quoted, they would be quite curious.
They would discover that the powder keg that is the Geo political environment right now (interestingly) perfectly matches what Pike suggested 'had to be done' vis-á-vis WW3 to essentially 'show humanity the result of atheism and immorality: savagery.'
Now sit and think about what that means...
Genocidal apartheid israel constantly calls for the murder of anyone that is against them.
Despicable israelis spit on Christians in the street, ffs.
A fool is never noble. Instead, he did as his greatest ally had asked him to & as such, I presume he remains as Syrian govt in exile. This way it does leave open the possibility to once again enter to fight for his people, at a time when this fight would be more than just an exercise in futility,
If he is really as the letter portrays him and his people genuinely feel similar, then his best course of action is to remain abroad as a symbol for liberation.
Syria is caught in the cross hairs of history. This is not of their making.
Has Israel ramped up bombing?
An interesting thought -- Could Israel (and all the other rat intel agenices, basically the cabal) have staged this terrorist takeover as part of the larger plan of "Greater Israel"? Maybe in with Turkey as they stand to gain the Kurdish North (who they would love to genocide)? Israel uses the cover of 'terrorist groups' to bomb them into the stone age and then a 'peacekeeping' force, instead of outright conquering a sovereign nation.
my sense is that there are many factions with different agenda. Better to let them fight each other & then sweep in later after they all weakened each other
Kek, gr8 b8 m8
what a wise a$$
I bet it's a Budweiser.
So Assad wants to gripe about terrorists on one hand, while supporting palestinian, and Lebanese literal terrorists on the other hand. Ya, umm, no thanks. Russia can keep him.
Found the nazi muzzie shill. These are your frens, not mine:
No, I'm one of those "Netanyahu is literally on fucking video saying that they need to 'continue to fund Hamas' types." You complete and utter dipshit.