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For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11 KJV
1 Children Go Where I Send Thee Kenny Rogers/Home Free https://youtu.be/o4qNaAlZ1xc
2 Noel Nouvelet ANUNA https://youtu.be/nR9kTyrkNyY
3 All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth Big Bad Voodoo Daddy https://youtu.be/6oXwfPKujdM?si=TlyhHnTg_O9FTjT0
4 Joy Unto the World The Afters https://youtu.be/Bfp1XWMrf40?si=ZccpHFeGVGVIGwWR
5 Christmas Fantasia Jennifer Thomas https://youtu.be/Q08O5AFmUN8
This post didn’t get much attention today, but the CR gave members of Congress a 40% raise, allowed them to opt out of Obamacare, allowed them to ignore subpoenas on House data, extended the Global Engagement Center for another year, and only mentioned the border 4 times. https://greatawakening.win/p/19A0tTllWy/in-the-cr--congressional-pay-rai/c/
I hope it’s true that President Trump and Elon convinced Speaker Johnson to withdraw it.
I knew about this, but it didn't get the attention it deserved.
Can they possibly make themselves more loathsome?
What a time to be alive. Pay attention frens. This shit is gonna be in history books. Accountability, The Great Awakening. It's in front of us right now. What an amazing progression over the last couple of years. God bless each of you.
I don't remember when I typed this but turns out Scavino felt the same way at approximately the same time. Maybe he watches GC here kek
I won't be enjoying the show until the globally televised executions start happening.
Can we have a pay per throw public stoning? Could pay off the national debt.
The ad revenue they'd rake in for televising their confessions and punishment would pay off the national debt.
"Slingshots available for an additional fee."
What do you guys feed your cats? I feed my cat boneless chicken breasts that I grill on the barbecue. The way I serve the chicken is pulled apart with two forks. So in essence, shredded chicken breasts. She's always had this food since she was a kitten.
One day she started getting weak in her back legs. She would avoid jumping and use her front legs and claws to pull herself up onto the furniture. I took her to the doctor and the smart doctor said she was low on bone density in her back legs. The doctor also said she had a heart murmur. The doctor went on to say the loss of bone density was caused by a deficiency of calcium in her diet and the heart murmur was likely caused my a deficiency of taurine in her diet.
I went to the feed store and bought a calcium supplement and a taurine supplement. Within two months she was back to running and jumping all over the house again. The one thing that has persisted however is her weight. When cats are 3 lbs overweight, that's a lot for a cat. She may even be more than 3 lbs overweight by now but I'm not sure because I don't have a scale. The two outdoor cats I feed with Iams dry food and they're never overweight.
Interesting..I'd feed my cats raw fish, eggs, beef, milk, bacon, whatever I eat...
I feed her the chicken breasts as her main diet. I also give her shredded cheese as a treat as well as lactose-free milk.
I found out from searching the internet last night that broccoli and bananas can be used for occasional treats too.
I've been making my dog the majority of his food (liver, chicken, some veggies, carrots, peas, broccoli and spinach, cottage cheese) and I add in a sprinkle of turmeric. The big cyst he has has greatly reduced in size, he has more energy and I think he sees better too. He's 15.
I still give a little kibble incase I'm missing some nutrients
It's odd PDJT refers to the Debt Ceiling as the Debt Guillotine. I remember hearing that Comey and Obama were fond of those...
Boy the only thing on Nancy's health was four days ago, when it was being reported she was having hip replacement surgery.
Strange, no mentioning her recovery, only side comments about AOC failed bid.
Quick question on events tonight, since I was busy going through two season finales of my TV shows:
Is the abomination of the budget bill actually dead, or is it delayed?
Being hearing conflicting reports on what is actually happening, although leaning more towards the bill is delayed while it is cleaned up.
This representative is complaining that elon wasn't elected to anything, but is making decisions. https://x.com/RepBeccaB/status/1869509939577884936
Reminds me of fauci.
Another part of awakening?
Likely. One positive comment. The rest of the comments are thrashing her.
So I received a bunch of Merry Christmas greeting cards from customers.. I guess people are done with the PC Happy Holidays. Woot!
How is the debt ceiling meaningful?
Only as a game piece?
Are we tired of games yet?
We definitely cover a lot of medical truth here, and a bit of investment guidance, but would anyone want a general financial literacy and general investing and money/asset management thread to get put together?
They certainly didn’t ever teach a lot of Americans the basics, and if that hasn’t been dug on, I could see it still being a blind spot for a lot of people.
This article about the SES by Dr. Robert Malone is thought provoking. Like him, I think they have a lot to do with the Deep State control of our government. He cites various strategies by them and by our side to enhance or diminish their control over our agencies.https://brownstone.org/articles/never-underestimate-the-power-of-unfinished-business/?utm_medium=onesignal&utm_source=push
William Donahue: Your success door is locked
Great stuff...
That's funny, my hubby was just watching his videos. He says some crazy stuff (maybe i'm just not on that level yet) but my husband likes him. The weird part is I think they erased him from the internet or don't promote him because I can't find anything about Donahue at all other than his website. The other 2 William Donahue on search engines aren't him, a Catholic priest and some younger life coach.
Yeah... I kinda stumbled upon him last night. The video I linked was particularly good because he didn't go too much into dogma and stayed relevant to the topic.
I've been fighting myself with certain things, and seeking a breakthrough. Sometimes you just aren't ready for certain information you've heard ad nauseum, and then suddenly you are because it's do or die - or your desperate enough or finally just surrender to your own ascension.
I think we're all addicted to too much thinking, negative thoughts and emotions and don't fully realize the implications of that. I think part if that happens at a certain age and even things like illnesses play a part.
This week's take away was: You don't need a reason to be happy. You don't need a reason to feel joy. You have all of this (look around) and you can't be happy? Happiness is a choice. (Even if you're experiencing hell at the moment)
From that video - Lie to your subconscious - It will manifest whatever you tell it good or bad. (Echoes of Maxwell Maltz, Psycho-Cybernetics I read 35 years ago) I haven't read the Jung book mentioned in that video yet, but intend to.
While I don't agree with the bs that, "You chose this life and everything traumatic you'd endure" bs, I do believe I am responsible for my thoughts and emotions I put out there - that like a magnet ir tuning fork, attract the same resonance back to me... garbage out, garbage in!
I hear ya. I used to have serious anxiety and had to seek all sorts of knowledge and I think I was in my early 20s, went to Hare Krishna gathering in NYC, behind the old CBGB club.. haha.. I read so many self help books too. In the end it was Jesus Christ who gives me true peace..weird to say now.. but I remember a preacher who said Faith is like a muscle and you have to practice calm amidst the storm little by little until it becomes the norm.
The hubby still gets anxious, can't blame him, because his mother drives him nuts, and he watches William Donahue to make sense of the Bible and this channel Be Something Wonderful, if you want to check it out. It's just like a daily reminder to basically control your thoughts and visualize what you want instead of negative thinking and constantly worrying and thinking of things you don't want to happen. Good luck!
Thanks I'll check it out!
Those huge towers that are near all cities that are not cell phone towers have a shitload of big dronelike birds that always hang out around/on top of. Today there are what looks like dead birds hanging off the tower... WEIRD
Please tell me they don't really believe this, right? 'Trump has been president for a month now and Biden is still doing everything'
That baby face boy (I think his name is Harry) as also saying that.