Wonderful. Did she get disbarred? Nope. Did she or Nathan Wade repay the state of GA for their malfeasance? Nope. Did Nathan Wade get disbarred? Nope. So, the bottom line is she and Wade won't have to work as hard as before but still keep the stolen money and their jobs? Seems to me they made out on the deal. Trump had to pay his lawyers for their sham trial. Can he sue GA for the money his trial cost him? Probably not. Willis and Wade getting 20 years in the slammer would have been a much fairer outcome but alas, the world is not a fair place.
Happy Christmas you fat f….
I ain't sayin she's a vote rigger...
She looks like an old deflated semi truck tire
Looks like Danny Devito's Penguin kek
She looks like heelsup’s even uglier, even MORE ran thru cousin. 🤮
Faggots and faggettes are dropping all over the place this week. So much winning!
“I dindoo nuffin” — Fani
she went to a cabin with her BF phuck buddy. Mr Wade
Now Lock Her Up.
Wonderful. Did she get disbarred? Nope. Did she or Nathan Wade repay the state of GA for their malfeasance? Nope. Did Nathan Wade get disbarred? Nope. So, the bottom line is she and Wade won't have to work as hard as before but still keep the stolen money and their jobs? Seems to me they made out on the deal. Trump had to pay his lawyers for their sham trial. Can he sue GA for the money his trial cost him? Probably not. Willis and Wade getting 20 years in the slammer would have been a much fairer outcome but alas, the world is not a fair place.
I’d say this process is only beginning, the fact that so much like this is happening BEFORE Trump is sworn in is very important for optics.
It also demoralises the crap out of the lunatic civil service and DNC.
More winning! 🏆
Alvin, get ready, you are up
How many folks here think she and Wade are still bumping uglies?
Do you think HE used HER?
SHE used HIM?
Or was it mutual?
Cause it seemed to blow up in both of their faces.
Gorilla grip
They showed up together when Fani's daughter was getting arrested. It's on police cam. They are definitely still dating.
Lawyer up, Fani!
no more ghetto hoes in politics
Now disBar her..
Fani got SPANKED!
They’re still waiting for the paddle to return from the dark recesses of her flabby fat ass.
Fani's fanny is toast 😍
IDK, It isn't any smaller 😍
I want to see license revoked, perp walk, tribunal, and result. Is that too much to ask?
'She's a big kentucky fried chicken mother fucker.
Personally, I think they planned it together.