^^^ Came here to post this. Only US citizens should be allowed to own land. And dual citizenship should not be allowed. You're a US citizen, or you aren't, period.
Please note that corporations aren't citizens, businesses aren't citizens.
<Rod Serling voice> Imagine, if you will. a group of people so vile they've been kicked out of over 30 other nations. A group so disgusting that they feel the need to make any criticism of them illegal. </Rod>
yes, they do. Unfortunately, it's all about money. and easy to get some the younger generations to make bad decisions, sell the land, etc.
couldn't believe All of the windmills around the Des Moines area, made it look apocalyptic..red lights flashing at night.
the farmers rent the land to big companies, and they put up the ugly windmills. when I asked one of the salesman where the 'power' goes, they said Chicago...
no way the old time farmers would agree to such schemes.
The chinese buy land all over the world to grow their own crops, because they don't have enough production locally to sustain their population. Same goes for some middle eastern and european countries. If anything, I'd say the chinese are using us as a banana republic. At this moment, these chinese farms are the biggest leverage Trump has, because if we appropriate them, they will starve.
As big as China looks, alot of it is a wasteland. I saw a documentary likening the the surrounding wasteland to the oceans surrounding the US, and how the strategic value is similar.
Don't communists hate us?
So why do we allow them to control what we eat?
That is all.
Why do we let them own ANY land in the US? No non USA citizen should be allowed to own land in our country. Period!
^^^ Came here to post this. Only US citizens should be allowed to own land. And dual citizenship should not be allowed. You're a US citizen, or you aren't, period.
Please note that corporations aren't citizens, businesses aren't citizens.
"And dual citizenship should not be allowed. You're a US citizen, or you aren't, period."
That's anti-semitic!
Oh nose! Anyway...
<Rod Serling voice> Imagine, if you will. a group of people so vile they've been kicked out of over 30 other nations. A group so disgusting that they feel the need to make any criticism of them illegal. </Rod>
No non-citizens should own land, condos, malls, or anything else in any country. God help those who don't put a stop to that.
They do that in Mexico.
because they own the democrats and because of that, that is why they get to buy farm land in the US.
yes, they do. Unfortunately, it's all about money. and easy to get some the younger generations to make bad decisions, sell the land, etc.
couldn't believe All of the windmills around the Des Moines area, made it look apocalyptic..red lights flashing at night.
the farmers rent the land to big companies, and they put up the ugly windmills. when I asked one of the salesman where the 'power' goes, they said Chicago...
no way the old time farmers would agree to such schemes.
Big bucks to lease the land for windmills and cell towers. Serious money.
Well, when you own the printing press, big money is easy to come by.unfortunately.
Or solar farms ...in ohio
wow. didn't know about that.
bet there's a lot of 'equipment' involved:(
definitely no sense of efficiency or organization with these 'ideas'
There are signs up in rural areas against this....but they are offering millions to poor farmers
Or take away the goverment subsidies for incentives like taxes, free money, ect.,
The chinese buy land all over the world to grow their own crops, because they don't have enough production locally to sustain their population. Same goes for some middle eastern and european countries. If anything, I'd say the chinese are using us as a banana republic. At this moment, these chinese farms are the biggest leverage Trump has, because if we appropriate them, they will starve.
What if this has been going on for decades and it’s just that we are only now finding out about it.
As big as China looks, alot of it is a wasteland. I saw a documentary likening the the surrounding wasteland to the oceans surrounding the US, and how the strategic value is similar.
Maybe you remember the title? Sounds like a worthwhile
Big food hates us too, so....