i agree 100%. it's like do these parents even think before they do this to their children? how much bullying is this kid going to endure, etc? idk, i would def think of the child's best interest before doing this.
maybe let this be as a nickname at home??? but for it to be a legal name, for me, that's a def No.
He will have access to the best education and be surrounded by other kids whose parents are highly successful or highly educated. Bullying is a learned behavior that often starts at home and results from domestic violence or parental verbal abuse.
He and his peers will likely be trained to unlearn and avoid bullying at a young age.
Totally different than the environment of a government school where kids from different socio-economic and different cultural strata are lumped together and expected to survive. The teachers there are glorified babysitters and have little or no parental support.
being the richest man in the world gives you the right to make your child's life a living hell? i don't care how much money his dad has, kids are cruel, they have no idea what money can buy.
Mar-A-Lago is the "center of the universe", which looks out upon an obelisk that projects 911 imagery onto a nearby skyscraper. (scroll down for a crystal clear image of that)
Elon the former FAT MAN and LITTLE BOY x are out and about, perhaps attending a Holy Door opening of sorts. The Gaetz of Hell?
yes, def could read both ways. Gates asked to come or Gates was asked to come.
either way, i would hope that if Gates does go to MaL, that POTUS and everyone in MaL are seeking the Lords guidance. Gates has been at this satanist crap probably his whole life. can't imagine the demons that are possessing him rn.
Great post!
That's right.
Elon's son is named x?
Ahh.. very good awareness there Mary!
X Æ A-Xii Musk is his full name. don't even know how you would pronounce it.
That is the most f'ed up thing to do to a kid namewise I've ever seen
i agree 100%. it's like do these parents even think before they do this to their children? how much bullying is this kid going to endure, etc? idk, i would def think of the child's best interest before doing this.
maybe let this be as a nickname at home??? but for it to be a legal name, for me, that's a def No.
If your dad is the richest man in the world, I'm sure you'll be fine.
exactly^ his kids won't be going to public schools, etc...
money is all that mattera
yeah, except five year old's don't really care who your dad is.
He will have access to the best education and be surrounded by other kids whose parents are highly successful or highly educated. Bullying is a learned behavior that often starts at home and results from domestic violence or parental verbal abuse.
He and his peers will likely be trained to unlearn and avoid bullying at a young age.
Totally different than the environment of a government school where kids from different socio-economic and different cultural strata are lumped together and expected to survive. The teachers there are glorified babysitters and have little or no parental support.
A boy named Sue
Governor Hogg of Texas once named his tow daughters Ima Hogg and Ura Hogg.
Ain't nobody gonna be gutsy enough to bully Elon's son, let's be real.
do you really think a five year old knows who Elon is? do you really think a five year old cares who Elon is?
he won't be around regular five year olds...
Bullying at 5 doesn't really happen. It is generally at the latter stages of elementary school forward.
Except when your father is the richest man in the world
Especially then
The kid's already going to be born under a microscope - no need to saddle him with a literally unpronounceable name on top of it
No Kevin Miller or Anne Thomas will ever understand what it's like to grow up with a weird name
As one of the most famous kids in the world he should have a unique name.
Did you ever hear the Cash song "A boy named Sue"? Not saying that's the case here.
being the richest man in the world gives you the right to make your child's life a living hell? i don't care how much money his dad has, kids are cruel, they have no idea what money can buy.
When u are the richest man in the world, I'll consider your opinion on the matter
when you've had a couple kids, i'll consider your opinion on the matter.
Even worse than this. LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOHPuY88Ry4
he's doing it to reveal how stupid people are that do that kinda thing. Art Of War shit.
Musk pronounces it "Ash" I think
lol. same here!
Xi ?????
Xii. The Roman numeral for 12.
It was actually going to be X Æ A-12, but Californian law wouldn't allow it as a naming convention.
The A-12 is named off of an aircraft, and apparently it's pronounced "X Ash A-12" as that is apparently what he said on a Joe Rogan episode.
Nice post!
Where are you ? Is in one post. u/#q790
Good catch..."The day of reckoning is upon us."
Mar-A-Lago is the "center of the universe", which looks out upon an obelisk that projects 911 imagery onto a nearby skyscraper. (scroll down for a crystal clear image of that)
Elon the former FAT MAN and LITTLE BOY x are out and about, perhaps attending a Holy Door opening of sorts. The Gaetz of Hell?
Is this the Eve of [their] destruction?
ES = Elon’s Son?
Edward Snowden
Yeah that would have automatically been what I thought back then that’s true
I'm ready for the dam to break how about you ?
Eric Schmidt or Ed Snowden
All caps - odd for Q, normal for DJT
@JACK and YOU ARE NOW A LIABILITY relate to this post about Jack Smith lawyering up and Q Post 3599:
The liability is either Jack Smith himself, or is referring to Jack Smith removing the liability of Edward Snowden.
Notice, the second question is actually a statement.
@jack? https://qalerts.net/?q=%40jack
Why did Elon name Twatter- X ? X marks the spot? Honest question
He names everything X, Twtter, SpaceX. Paypal was originally called X.com
I’m not sure that Trump said Gates was coming. He said Gates asked to come.
yes, def could read both ways. Gates asked to come or Gates was asked to come.
either way, i would hope that if Gates does go to MaL, that POTUS and everyone in MaL are seeking the Lords guidance. Gates has been at this satanist crap probably his whole life. can't imagine the demons that are possessing him rn.
Weird ...
Possible clue:
Comms people, now settle down
Trump should blast gates in the face with a pie at the countdown.
Bill Gates is a clue.
Looks like he meant to send a text to Musk.
"Center of the Universe" is 1 S Boston Ave, Tulsa, OK 74103 (sez google)
Tulsi is DNI nominee. Connected?
On the other hand, capital letters CU could just mean "see you", and Gates could mean Gaetz, so who knows...
it says 'Bill Gates'
“X” can mean unknown in mathematics “X” can also be an abbreviation of the word Christ. As in Xmas=Christmas
I think he is talking to Jesus Christ
Elon is showing not -America-first vibes
The spice must flow.
Elon is controlled by WHs.
Bezos? AMAZING is in caps. Amazon?
hard to see on my phone, are the commas in the wrong place?