All names in a hat. Audit by lottery. If they resign first, before their name is drawn, no audit. But if another audit implicates them then that can be pursued.
I think they should be used to calculate how much each of us is owed by the Fed for having stolen from Americans over generations. Those 70+ airplanes of gold have to land somewhere, no?
And yeah, then audit political servants going forward.
(It's been discussed in a bunch of places, the easiest place to find it is the first Jan Halper-Hayes interview that Trump recommended on his truth feed. But she doesn't cite any witnesses either, just anonymous insiders. But it's a great rumor!)
Okay, I'm going to try and explain my thoughts.
Several years ago I saw a news cast on fox about something I can't remember. In the cast it shows different places in DC.
One of those places was the IRS.on the sign at the bottom it says Dept of Treasury. What really got me thinking was the address 1111 Constitution avenue.
That's when I thought what if the 87,000 IRS agents are actually under white hat control through the department of Treasury and are going after people for taxes like they did Al Capone.
The reason I thought the white hats might be in control of department of Treasury and IRS is because the media kept talking about Donald Trump not releasing his taxes. And I thought if there was anything wrong with Donald Trump's taxes why wouldn't the IRS give it to the up.
So maybe they are working for the white hats and that's where a lot of these sealed indictments came from. I don't know just my thoughts. Thanks for listening.
That would be fucking hilarious. There needs to be some sort of verification checks in place though.
I propose each politician is audited at first by a single auditor and that audit is reviewed by the following auditor for accuracy and provided a social honesty score that is adjusted based on how accurate their auditing is. Repeat the process through however many auditors there is per politician until politicians end up paying their fair share.
Any auditors found performing in bad faith or poorly will be banned along with their immediate family from government positions for life.
Surely Democrats and their voters would be in full support of this action as it is based on their political end goals.
The US was "sold out" with the passing of the Organic Act of 1871. The people became "debt slaves" when the Federal Reserve Bank was created in 1913 (conveniently after the three well-to-do first class passengers blocking its creation ALL managed to go down on the Titanic). It's a long story from there, but that should give you the basis to start looking into why we've been under a military run country over the past 4 years with Trump as commander in chief but a group of generals operating the country under the law of war manual. Ergo, the civilian government and "private" entities like the IRS (get digging) working under their control.
Sounds nice and all... but say ur a corrupt agent, wouldn't you use the audit to bribe the politicians to line your own pocket and then submit a fake report to IRS?
I'm not naive.. watched too many movies, read too many books.. who's gonna make sure those agents do their jobs right and be held accountable?
I wouldn't be surprised if they don't owe and can't be audited. One of the major problems is that they make none of the shit laws oppressing the American people apply to themselves.
The sons of those who oppressed you will come bowing down to you [in submission], And all those who despised you and treated you disrespectfully will bow down at the soles of your feet...
After I fretted over how to report non-standard corporate actions for some investments, while filing my income taxes over the past few decades... They should take a closer look at these people like these, who seem to sail right on through every year.
Hell yes.
ANNND the IRS agents.
yeah this, people tend to overlook that part
Audit every one of them, and release their tax returns.
Dead or alive. Audit them all
All names in a hat. Audit by lottery. If they resign first, before their name is drawn, no audit. But if another audit implicates them then that can be pursued.
Just pondering.
I think they should be used to calculate how much each of us is owed by the Fed for having stolen from Americans over generations. Those 70+ airplanes of gold have to land somewhere, no?
And yeah, then audit political servants going forward.
Misdirection is neccesary.
any source on the 70+ airplanes of gold? I must have missed that
Trust me, bro!
(It's been discussed in a bunch of places, the easiest place to find it is the first Jan Halper-Hayes interview that Trump recommended on his truth feed. But she doesn't cite any witnesses either, just anonymous insiders. But it's a great rumor!)
Okay, I'm going to try and explain my thoughts. Several years ago I saw a news cast on fox about something I can't remember. In the cast it shows different places in DC. One of those places was the IRS.on the sign at the bottom it says Dept of Treasury. What really got me thinking was the address 1111 Constitution avenue. That's when I thought what if the 87,000 IRS agents are actually under white hat control through the department of Treasury and are going after people for taxes like they did Al Capone. The reason I thought the white hats might be in control of department of Treasury and IRS is because the media kept talking about Donald Trump not releasing his taxes. And I thought if there was anything wrong with Donald Trump's taxes why wouldn't the IRS give it to the up. So maybe they are working for the white hats and that's where a lot of these sealed indictments came from. I don't know just my thoughts. Thanks for listening.
First... fire all the ultra-liberal Democrat brainwashed IRS agents.
Then, let the remaining 10,000 IRS agents do the audits.
They should audit the FED, too!
Start with Pelosi. If you need to find her, follow the empty liquor bottles.
That would be fucking hilarious. There needs to be some sort of verification checks in place though.
I propose each politician is audited at first by a single auditor and that audit is reviewed by the following auditor for accuracy and provided a social honesty score that is adjusted based on how accurate their auditing is. Repeat the process through however many auditors there is per politician until politicians end up paying their fair share.
Any auditors found performing in bad faith or poorly will be banned along with their immediate family from government positions for life.
Surely Democrats and their voters would be in full support of this action as it is based on their political end goals.
Not just career brotherfuckers! Anyone elected or appointed.
Yes but let them go after so they arenβt later turned against We The People.
It would be very Interesting!
i think thats a hell of an idea
Why would you even ask?
Maybe this was a purpose of Biden hiring them in the first place
I hope so !
At the risk of pooping at the party.
There is a risk of "separation of power"
The courts would naturally get involved.
Could be a battle royal if they first sent the agents after the judges. Could it be a conflict for a judge to say he can't be investigated?
"Separation of power"...
The US was "sold out" with the passing of the Organic Act of 1871. The people became "debt slaves" when the Federal Reserve Bank was created in 1913 (conveniently after the three well-to-do first class passengers blocking its creation ALL managed to go down on the Titanic). It's a long story from there, but that should give you the basis to start looking into why we've been under a military run country over the past 4 years with Trump as commander in chief but a group of generals operating the country under the law of war manual. Ergo, the civilian government and "private" entities like the IRS (get digging) working under their control.
Take the risk and see what happens π
Sounds nice and all... but say ur a corrupt agent, wouldn't you use the audit to bribe the politicians to line your own pocket and then submit a fake report to IRS?
I'm not naive.. watched too many movies, read too many books.. who's gonna make sure those agents do their jobs right and be held accountable?
I wouldn't be surprised if they don't owe and can't be audited. One of the major problems is that they make none of the shit laws oppressing the American people apply to themselves.
Um... just a slight modification, boss:
Isaiah 60:14
lol, what?
Yes, please!
Yes, and let the chips fall where they may.
Is there a statute of limitations?
I think you should fire those 87000 IRS agents, and dismantle the IRS... wtf... you RETARDS cheering on the IRS, fuck you.
After I fretted over how to report non-standard corporate actions for some investments, while filing my income taxes over the past few decades... They should take a closer look at these people like these, who seem to sail right on through every year.
That would clean the house in 30
I think he can get any initiative from here on out through with this sword of Damocles.
Great meme, and yes it should be done-it needs to be done!
YES!!!! Just do It!!!
5am raids. Full gear
Affirmative sir!
Make it so