Stop gaslighting. No "psy-op" forced Elon to call MAGA "retarded," "subtarded," "racist," and to go "F ourselves in the face." No "psy-op" forced Elon to say he'd go to war with Americans in order to keep his low wage foreign labor. This mess is 100% Elon's fault.
Elon was talking about hiring skilled technical workers and not enough of them locally. How do you know they are low wage? You got receipts? Maybe you're a retard and a racist. People working for Space X make at least 200k a year.
25 years as a software engineer here. The field is dying for Americans. Top notch highly skilled experienced Americans cannot even get interviews. Indians only hire Indians and are rude, unprofessional and uncooperative with Americans (a few exceptions but 90% or so).
Hundreds of thousands are laid off and companies are replacing with cheap foreign replacements who are often lazy and incompetent. There is no fico tax and they cost 20-50% less depending on the position and they are unlikely to report illegal behavior since they will get sent back.
The problem is way worse than most people think and it’s baffling why people believe we are making it up.
It will eventually be true though since Americans are finding out they will be iced out and STEM will plummet… most graduates will not be American… colleges charge way more tuition of foreigners too…. And thus incentivized even further to discriminate against Americans.
And Major Mountain...You HAVE hit on a VERY sore spot...I spent 30 years in the field and was at a MAJOR financial services firm and I saw the writing on the wall when they brought in the Indies...AND believe me...these people could NOT think their way out of the box, if the box was already opened. Some of them were good and the good ones did not pass on info like they were supposed too. Caused a lot of hang ups. I told a friend of mine before I left, NOTE: I LEFT FIRST BEFORE THE SKY CRASHED THE COMPANY and ECONOMY that the company was going down...he didn't believe me.
My company is mainly owned by Indians, and from first hand experience, not trying to be rude but they're not as highly intelligent as the media likes to portray...recently they just completely changed a perfectly working process that we've been doing for 2+ years into some convoluted and confusing process to "save on bandwidth", but we've just been sitting around, wasting time, waiting for "them" to give us something to do....everyone on my team (who are Americans) know it's stupid, but can't say anything because we're at Indias mercy 🫠 have hit upon something that I just found out by accident when trying to install Windows Server 2022. The VERY first thing I did was too look AT THE NUMBER OF PROCESSES RUNNING OR IN SLEEP is a hodge podge of doggie things REAALY DO NOT HELP THE is mind boggling!!!!
Graduated with a degree in Network Infrastructure and held various certifications. Was replaced 2 years ago for foreigners as well as half my team at a job I worked for 5 years.
The cheap labor is why Elon told us that he is "going to war" to save his precious foreign labor. All of those jobs at Tesla should have gone to American workers.
Then Elon should move to India and have all the skilled laborers he needs. Since we don't get the jobs here and our taxes fund his company we lose nothing and save money. And whatbwould be the value of musk name calling of those MAGA who oppose his opinion. U haven't really thought this through.
No no let's not join their ranks(and resort to) using the race card and uneducated card, as Democrats do (when we don't agree with them) Let's remember "A House divided will fall" and that's what they want. Let's just sit back (be cool) and let this play out, Trump has been four or five moves ahead of them, for the last eight years, I don't think anything's changed.
Agreed. The truth is that the H1B visas are being severely exploited and abused - and that needs to be stopped. I am hopeful that it will be fixed, fairly soon.
However, it is also true that we need some talented people from around the world to help us build our US economy, because a large number of people in the US have been deliberately "dumbed down" by the corrupted education system... and that is going to take a long time to fix. I realize people don't want to hear that, but it is what it is.
In addition, the US population is set to decline (by an unknown amount) thanks to the deportation of illegals and the increase in all-cause mortality from the mRNA injections. We will need some LEGAL immigration to make up for the population decline.
America and many other Western nations are being completely obliterated by mass immigration.
It is to the point of genocide, since things are too crowded and the quality of life is to low for most citizen to have children. And genocide is probably the primary purpose of the massive immigration quotas in all Western nations.
To give approval to a extermination and replacement like this is a total failure of love for ones neighbor.
No and I have been here for a long time. Even longer than gaw, going back to the original t_d days on reddit. Context matters. As many have pointed out over and over this wasn't started by the deep state. It was started with Elon himself.
Trump always said he wants LEGAL migrants... can you help me remind people of that? Because Trump said it since 8 years ago in almost every rally. Don't people remember what he said? Did they even watch his rallies? I don't get why everyone is up in arms.
Elon telling us to get fuked,is a lot of it. The program is abused and the workers abused by many companies.
I work with a lot of legal immigrants from Vietnam. They are very good workers and very good Americans,and they are very good friends. These guys have a lot of relatives and friends, they would like to bring over. We should go back to the old system,when immigrants needed sponsors, to guarantee they are not a burden on the govt and can help them.... If we want to make america great again,we will need a lot of workers. Their should be enough jobs for Americans first and then bring in good people.
A lot of Americans would love to have Vietnamese, Flilipino, Laotioan families, etc etc but what we end up with are scammers from India who have no real qualification and are simply hostile to everyone unless they want something.
Nor I, Elon is in charge of DOGE not immigration policy lol. Trump has stated his stance on h1b.
End of story. This is a non issue.
In fact, it may be Elon testing the maga influencers to get some data points for the upcoming precipice. It's best to test them now on a simpler issue.
Trump also stated how bad the H-1B program was in 2016 and how badly it was being abused. I guess you don't remember what he said or watched his rallies either.
It is abused a lot, my dad used to own a seasonal resort buisness, and had no problem hiring locals. Most of his employees lived within 5 miles. The new owner cheated and abused workers so much, that they now hire people from the Dominican Republic and Africa under this program I belive.
The deeper investigation has already been done and surprise surprise the abuse is rampant. But instead some people here would rather try and tell pedes to turn their brains off and blindly follow.
I can not believe that people here of all places are falling for the H1B visa division shit. The crying and wetting of pants is at historic levels on GAW. How fast people are willing to just dump Elon and shit talk the boss after all we've been through is fucking maddening!
I've come to realize that even here, half the people are going to be shocked when the Q plan comes to fruition. So many think they are awake but they're still in their pajamas munching MSM-approved narratives for breakfast.
Agreed. And the traitorous MSM is seizing upon this division to color-revolutionize it against "factions" here. We all, most certainly MYSELF, need to become better versed in the H1B visa pros, cons and that we can debate THEM and not tear each other apart.
If you look at this as simply as "H-1B visa division shit". You're either not paying full attention, thinking emotionally, or lack critical thinking skills.
Tell me where Q said trusting the plan meant to be a passive passenger in the process.
Also thinking people raising concerns about an issue equates to fixating on a single issue is nonsense. The outcome of people doing the opposite of what you're demanding the past few days has been a net positive.
My guess is that Trump will use the kerfuffle to reform H1B and other categories of legal immigration to make them fair and beneficial to American citizens. I have no problem bringing in the best and brightest who want to resettle in the US and be profitable citizens, adapting to America's historical values and culture and contributing in major ways to the American economy.
Reinstate the requirement that immigrants be sponsored by productive Americans and that they prove they will not be a burden on the system. No criminals need apply. No chain migration and no birth right citizenship. If a person enters or stays illegally, they and their next two generations of descendents are banned from applying for legal admission. Make it a privilege to be let in, as it once was. And a serious crime to do so illegally.
The amount of posts with H1B in the title on this site right now is absolutely retarded. Between the drones and this, we’re being distracted from something.
Stop telling folk what to say and do. You don't know anything more than anyone else
I don't trust anyone but Jesus Christ.
Especially a frog in a yogi pose.
Lmfao. I am a liberal lefty cause I want to defend America’s cultural heritage? And that I don’t want the country my ancestors fought for to become mini Mumbai?
You pro immigrant people blow my mind. Do none of you realize that this country was founded as a European Centric country. Are you that ignorant of history? Look at immigration policy from the past.
My parents were immigrants. Most people I know including President Trump has families who are immigrants, including 2 wives. Umm so yeah.. I'm ok with immigrants as long as they come here legally and are law abiding citizens and patriots who can assimilate. Your extreme views are non attainable.. just to cause more fights and arguments it seems. Whatever.. opinions are just that.
Also, it's the left side who always take the Lord's name in vain.
The problem isn't immigration, it is mass immigration. A nation cannot afford it and there were times we temporarily shut down immigration in the past. Assimilation is a big issue, and if you're mass importing from areas of the world that don't share our values that is a major way to erode our cultural fabric.
When people constantly cite "we are a nation of immigrants", it is often an appeal to emotion and a tactic used to mislead. It is also a shallow argument that ignores the complex nuance.
Foreign people are generally less likely to care about a country's people. Trump is unusual among the elites, because he has a very high degree of care for Americans.
Edit: And obviously I am not disagreeing because you are an immigrant's child. I am disagreeing because you are watching the American's children being snuffed out and are unconcerned.
who says I'm unconcerned? If I'm not a patriot I wouldn't be here. I'm merely saying stop over reacting.. I know this is an issue.. Wait Jan 20th and see wtf this is all about? Everyone is going nuts getting fired up, maybe that was what they wanted.. left wants division, right is taken aback with Musk' F you... I'm here like Whoa! Calm Down! There must be something else going on... Calm.... Chill.. don't attack our own and see the whole movement crumble now.
Feeding the firestarters. I as well have taken notice of all the attacks going on, seems many have fallen for it or, are tossing gas on the flame on purpose. I have been skipping over such posts personally.
Stop gaslighting. No "psy-op" forced Elon to call MAGA "retarded," "subtarded," "racist," and to go "F ourselves in the face." No "psy-op" forced Elon to say he'd go to war with Americans in order to keep his low wage foreign labor. This mess is 100% Elon's fault.
Elon was talking about hiring skilled technical workers and not enough of them locally. How do you know they are low wage? You got receipts? Maybe you're a retard and a racist. People working for Space X make at least 200k a year.
25 years as a software engineer here. The field is dying for Americans. Top notch highly skilled experienced Americans cannot even get interviews. Indians only hire Indians and are rude, unprofessional and uncooperative with Americans (a few exceptions but 90% or so).
Hundreds of thousands are laid off and companies are replacing with cheap foreign replacements who are often lazy and incompetent. There is no fico tax and they cost 20-50% less depending on the position and they are unlikely to report illegal behavior since they will get sent back.
The problem is way worse than most people think and it’s baffling why people believe we are making it up.
This whole "there's not enough skilled workers" is a flat-out lie.
It will eventually be true though since Americans are finding out they will be iced out and STEM will plummet… most graduates will not be American… colleges charge way more tuition of foreigners too…. And thus incentivized even further to discriminate against Americans.
Yes, the illusionary problem Elon and Vivek have pointed to is called a self-fulfilling prophecy.
And Major Mountain...You HAVE hit on a VERY sore spot...I spent 30 years in the field and was at a MAJOR financial services firm and I saw the writing on the wall when they brought in the Indies...AND believe me...these people could NOT think their way out of the box, if the box was already opened. Some of them were good and the good ones did not pass on info like they were supposed too. Caused a lot of hang ups. I told a friend of mine before I left, NOTE: I LEFT FIRST BEFORE THE SKY CRASHED THE COMPANY and ECONOMY that the company was going down...he didn't believe me.
My company is mainly owned by Indians, and from first hand experience, not trying to be rude but they're not as highly intelligent as the media likes to portray...recently they just completely changed a perfectly working process that we've been doing for 2+ years into some convoluted and confusing process to "save on bandwidth", but we've just been sitting around, wasting time, waiting for "them" to give us something to do....everyone on my team (who are Americans) know it's stupid, but can't say anything because we're at Indias mercy 🫠 have hit upon something that I just found out by accident when trying to install Windows Server 2022. The VERY first thing I did was too look AT THE NUMBER OF PROCESSES RUNNING OR IN SLEEP is a hodge podge of doggie things REAALY DO NOT HELP THE is mind boggling!!!!
Graduated with a degree in Network Infrastructure and held various certifications. Was replaced 2 years ago for foreigners as well as half my team at a job I worked for 5 years.
Elon fired 2 Indian executives right off the bat.
Elon pays Space X employees $200K because he is forced to hire American workers for national security reasons.
Elon pays his low wage foreign labor at Tesla significantly less.
The cheap labor is why Elon told us that he is "going to war" to save his precious foreign labor. All of those jobs at Tesla should have gone to American workers.
My guess is replacing with American workers would significantly impact profit margins as well.
Remember when biden's DOJ sued Musk for NOT hiring "Asylees and Refugees" at SpaceX?
Then Elon should move to India and have all the skilled laborers he needs. Since we don't get the jobs here and our taxes fund his company we lose nothing and save money. And whatbwould be the value of musk name calling of those MAGA who oppose his opinion. U haven't really thought this through.
No no let's not join their ranks(and resort to) using the race card and uneducated card, as Democrats do (when we don't agree with them) Let's remember "A House divided will fall" and that's what they want. Let's just sit back (be cool) and let this play out, Trump has been four or five moves ahead of them, for the last eight years, I don't think anything's changed.
People actually pulled up the fucking receipts but you wouldn't know because you're too busy here gaslighting people into towing the line.
Good grief, anons - President Trump is MARRIED to a legal immigrant. He's not against immigration, only illegal immigration.
This should be a post and highlighted.
Agreed. The truth is that the H1B visas are being severely exploited and abused - and that needs to be stopped. I am hopeful that it will be fixed, fairly soon.
However, it is also true that we need some talented people from around the world to help us build our US economy, because a large number of people in the US have been deliberately "dumbed down" by the corrupted education system... and that is going to take a long time to fix. I realize people don't want to hear that, but it is what it is.
In addition, the US population is set to decline (by an unknown amount) thanks to the deportation of illegals and the increase in all-cause mortality from the mRNA injections. We will need some LEGAL immigration to make up for the population decline.
Thank you, well said!
We don't need any more immigration, period. And you're a fool if you think we do.
There are a lot of the "dumbed down" retards I was talking about posting in this thread. Good luck with that.
America and many other Western nations are being completely obliterated by mass immigration.
It is to the point of genocide, since things are too crowded and the quality of life is to low for most citizen to have children. And genocide is probably the primary purpose of the massive immigration quotas in all Western nations.
To give approval to a extermination and replacement like this is a total failure of love for ones neighbor.
Calling people racists when they disagree with you is what communists do. He's a spoiled spaz, Trump never needed him.
We are not doing good on our first stress test.
We have much bigger battles ahead.....
This is a big battle, this issue is more rampant than most realize, and if not solved will have a major ripple effect on our near future.
Will you say that about everything the DS tries to make us fight each other over?
No and I have been here for a long time. Even longer than gaw, going back to the original t_d days on reddit. Context matters. As many have pointed out over and over this wasn't started by the deep state. It was started with Elon himself.
Trump always said he wants LEGAL migrants... can you help me remind people of that? Because Trump said it since 8 years ago in almost every rally. Don't people remember what he said? Did they even watch his rallies? I don't get why everyone is up in arms.
Elon telling us to get fuked,is a lot of it. The program is abused and the workers abused by many companies.
I work with a lot of legal immigrants from Vietnam. They are very good workers and very good Americans,and they are very good friends. These guys have a lot of relatives and friends, they would like to bring over. We should go back to the old system,when immigrants needed sponsors, to guarantee they are not a burden on the govt and can help them.... If we want to make america great again,we will need a lot of workers. Their should be enough jobs for Americans first and then bring in good people.
A lot of Americans would love to have Vietnamese, Flilipino, Laotioan families, etc etc but what we end up with are scammers from India who have no real qualification and are simply hostile to everyone unless they want something.
Agree. The system needs a lot of work.
elon defending h1b != elon defending h1b abuse
too many idiots conflate the 2 and conveniently forget that h1b is meant to be temporary.
with that in mind, if they end the abuse, are you still against the program?
I have no problem with the program as it's intended.
Nor I, Elon is in charge of DOGE not immigration policy lol. Trump has stated his stance on h1b.
End of story. This is a non issue.
In fact, it may be Elon testing the maga influencers to get some data points for the upcoming precipice. It's best to test them now on a simpler issue.
This is a military operation.
Trump also stated how bad the H-1B program was in 2016 and how badly it was being abused. I guess you don't remember what he said or watched his rallies either.
President Trump may approve of LEGAL immigration, but he doesn’t want them coming here to take jobs from qualified Americans.
It is abused a lot, my dad used to own a seasonal resort buisness, and had no problem hiring locals. Most of his employees lived within 5 miles. The new owner cheated and abused workers so much, that they now hire people from the Dominican Republic and Africa under this program I belive.
The deeper investigation has already been done and surprise surprise the abuse is rampant. But instead some people here would rather try and tell pedes to turn their brains off and blindly follow.
This is just one example from someone who downloaded 5 years worth of H-1B data and sifted through it:
Upvote to undo the four unnecessary downvotes.
Trump actually said he opposed the h1b abuse
I can not believe that people here of all places are falling for the H1B visa division shit. The crying and wetting of pants is at historic levels on GAW. How fast people are willing to just dump Elon and shit talk the boss after all we've been through is fucking maddening!
I've come to realize that even here, half the people are going to be shocked when the Q plan comes to fruition. So many think they are awake but they're still in their pajamas munching MSM-approved narratives for breakfast.
I could not agree more.
Agreed. And the traitorous MSM is seizing upon this division to color-revolutionize it against "factions" here. We all, most certainly MYSELF, need to become better versed in the H1B visa pros, cons and that we can debate THEM and not tear each other apart.
If you look at this as simply as "H-1B visa division shit". You're either not paying full attention, thinking emotionally, or lack critical thinking skills.
How about trusting the plan and stop fixating one a single issue?
Tell me where Q said trusting the plan meant to be a passive passenger in the process.
Also thinking people raising concerns about an issue equates to fixating on a single issue is nonsense. The outcome of people doing the opposite of what you're demanding the past few days has been a net positive.
Don't fall for the "MAGA is upset because ABCDE" line either. Don't even engage so their post falls in the algorithm instead of rises.
Stop cucking out to rich foreign oligarchs who tell you to "get fucked, retard".
Stop excusing and gaslighting bad behavior and shit takes from Elon and Vivek.
You want to unite? Go back to the RINOS.
I’m not going down this sewer hole
My guess is that Trump will use the kerfuffle to reform H1B and other categories of legal immigration to make them fair and beneficial to American citizens. I have no problem bringing in the best and brightest who want to resettle in the US and be profitable citizens, adapting to America's historical values and culture and contributing in major ways to the American economy.
Reinstate the requirement that immigrants be sponsored by productive Americans and that they prove they will not be a burden on the system. No criminals need apply. No chain migration and no birth right citizenship. If a person enters or stays illegally, they and their next two generations of descendents are banned from applying for legal admission. Make it a privilege to be let in, as it once was. And a serious crime to do so illegally.
I need more popcorn. This part of the movie is hilarious. Can't stop laughing from the reactions.
H1b isn't about immigration it's about jobs
The amount of posts with H1B in the title on this site right now is absolutely retarded. Between the drones and this, we’re being distracted from something.
Yes we need to focus and not be confused:
Illegal aliens vs immigration
H1b abuse vs real talents h1b
A legal Immigration Ceremony is one of the best possible ways of celebrating the greatness of our collective spirit.
Stop telling folk what to say and do. You don't know anything more than anyone else I don't trust anyone but Jesus Christ. Especially a frog in a yogi pose.
Lmfao. I am a liberal lefty cause I want to defend America’s cultural heritage? And that I don’t want the country my ancestors fought for to become mini Mumbai?
You pro immigrant people blow my mind. Do none of you realize that this country was founded as a European Centric country. Are you that ignorant of history? Look at immigration policy from the past.
I am a liberal lefty? Good fucking lord.
My parents were immigrants. Most people I know including President Trump has families who are immigrants, including 2 wives. Umm so yeah.. I'm ok with immigrants as long as they come here legally and are law abiding citizens and patriots who can assimilate. Your extreme views are non attainable.. just to cause more fights and arguments it seems. Whatever.. opinions are just that.
Also, it's the left side who always take the Lord's name in vain.
Oh brother.. now I'm being persecuted for being an immigrant's child?
Trump's mom is also an immigrant.. What do you say about that?
Another lefty libtard trying to cause division from within I see. Not falling for the bait. Have a good day, or not.
The problem isn't immigration, it is mass immigration. A nation cannot afford it and there were times we temporarily shut down immigration in the past. Assimilation is a big issue, and if you're mass importing from areas of the world that don't share our values that is a major way to erode our cultural fabric.
When people constantly cite "we are a nation of immigrants", it is often an appeal to emotion and a tactic used to mislead. It is also a shallow argument that ignores the complex nuance.
Foreign people are generally less likely to care about a country's people. Trump is unusual among the elites, because he has a very high degree of care for Americans.
Edit: And obviously I am not disagreeing because you are an immigrant's child. I am disagreeing because you are watching the American's children being snuffed out and are unconcerned.
who says I'm unconcerned? If I'm not a patriot I wouldn't be here. I'm merely saying stop over reacting.. I know this is an issue.. Wait Jan 20th and see wtf this is all about? Everyone is going nuts getting fired up, maybe that was what they wanted.. left wants division, right is taken aback with Musk' F you... I'm here like Whoa! Calm Down! There must be something else going on... Calm.... Chill.. don't attack our own and see the whole movement crumble now.
Feeding the firestarters. I as well have taken notice of all the attacks going on, seems many have fallen for it or, are tossing gas on the flame on purpose. I have been skipping over such posts personally.