Frens, Q has told us time and again that there are no coincidences and to trust the plan.
The Plan does not contain coincidences or surprises to those executing it, only to us on the outside watching the movie. If this is true, then this public fluff-up about H1-B's is not random. It is part of the plan.
Q has also told us that some disinformation is necessary, and that only 20% of what is actually happening is public. I'm willing to put money on the idea that this "disagreement" is not one at all, but a feature designed to mask what is really happening behind the scenes. Q's version of look-here-not-there.
I believe the best response to this is curiosity, not anger or judgment, as some of the more suspicious types among us seem so eager to pass.
Let the thing play out, without the insecurities of being a losing team. We're not.
Gasp, a voice of reason in a sea of “they took our jobs” posts. Great bits of wisdom fren
I agree 100%. Everyone running around with their hair on fire should take a deep breath, go outside and CALM DOWN. The enemy is making us look foolish. DOGE must be successful....... What's wrong encouraging the best and brightest from other countries to legally enter our country while deporting all the dregs???
Apologize...BUT that is the wrong idea to use...IF WE as a country need to grow OUR technology base, WE need to do it from within...The H1B Visa Program has been hijacked and needs to be done away with...There are MORE THAN ENOUGH Engineers/Technologists that can fill the gap and help teach aspiring graduates of our US COLLAGES to learn what is NECESSARY!!!!
We really think our woke colleges have been focused on the right things that will get us ahead? Do we just let the other countries who haven't been focused on woke agendas out run us?
Both of my sons are infosec engineers so I am familiar with what they've both claimed they didn't learn in college but other countries have taught.
Even getting hung up on the idea of it being the best and the brightest… even if they aren’t the best, they’re still documented in this country and not running around under the radar. So, sure, it needs reforming to make sure it is actually beneficial and fulfilling an unmet need but also we need to fix the underlying problem of why we have those unmet needs internally in parallel
You had me until the last sentence. You assume we as a country can’t have the best and brightest. You are dead wrong there.
Not what he said though....his words are What's wrong encouraging the best and brightest from other countries to legally enter our country while deporting all the dregs???
Do you see how that is NOT EVEN CLOSE to assuming we as a country cant have the best and brightest
Supply and demand have answered it already, there is no need to "assume, I want US workers to be first also, Yet, the Tech community does not just hire good talent from abroad because it only more profitable, feel free to ask any Tech HR person why.
Because H1B visas (and probably ALL of the special interest visas) are indentured servitude, only the indenture never expires. Indentured servitude is illegal, and H1Bs are far worse. It's not just about the pay, it's about a permanent underclass who fears to tell management to get stuffed.
Unemployment of citizens does NOT MAGA.
IMO there should be exactly ONE class/type of work visa. One. And as long as unemployment is greater than 0.75% then zero of this visa should be issued. Let the free market work. Or stay with corporate slavery. Those are your choices.
The Scaramucci tactic? perhaps,
You are correct, this is part of the plan and its pretty easy to come up with some conjectures.
First - there is really no actual debate even though there is much heartache from the rhetorics. These two statements are both correct and consistent with MAGA:
So all the heartache is being caused by assuming some extreme positions like "Elon wants to keep H1-B as it is and expand it to bring in millions of Indians".
Second - why is this happening now? Very easy. we have seen this happen again and again. Gay marriage. Abortion rights. Every single time everyone gets upset, tempers flare, but it fizzles away because there was nothing to fight really, when you think carefully.
So why do these things happen? These are safe switches the WHs can turn on to cause apparent friction within the MAGA, while being perfectly confident that nothing bad will happen, because it can be turned off as easily as its turned on.
Why? "Appear weak when you are strong". Usually these things mean some crucial moves are being made elsewhere, but they want the enemy to be focused on flaming these apparent "infighting". And as an added goal, it also brings out the real shills in the movement, while also helping patriots slowly refine their own understanding of the problem.
How do you think patriots went from "Pro-life" and "Pro-choice" to state's rights, and abortion ban with exceptions?
This is such a dumb statement.
Proper education since early years is essential for a country to succeed. Living wages are essential for people start families and raise kids, thus a country has enough population to succeed.
So people like this exist. Good to know. Elon was referencing such people in his tweet and I can see why he was so mad.
BTW, you must really hate John Trump for working with an immigrant.
"There is no actual debate" "Heartache is being cause by assuming some extreme positions"
Two incredibly wrong assertions that show either: A) you're not fully following everything that is happening, or B) you are dug into a position with unwillingness to see anything to the contrary.
Do you disagree with the two statements I made?
Yes, because they are categorically false.
1.) There was real debate being had, and if you deny that then you are either being willfully ignorant or aren't paying close enough attention.
2.) "Heartache is being cause by "assuming" some extreme positions is bullshit.
Yeah the whole knee jerk "Elon can't be trusted" switch was pretty abrupt. We have waited this long, why won't we allow this particular phase to play out?
Never was taken in by his Bs. It wasn't a switch. I was waiting for him to mess up. They always do I only trust GOD. NO man or plan is worthy of blind trust. This is the AMERICAN Way. Everything is scrutinized. Failure to do so leads to the mess we have today. Talent runs deep in America. saying you can't find smart talented people for these tech jobs is a rich man's lie. wake up for your children's sake.
Immigration is about cheap labor, always has been.
Of course it is. And it destroys prospects of American youth.
Dude, American youth is destroyed by complacency, social media, and expectations of instant gratification, not the H1B.
And I never said I agreed with H1B or supported Musk 100%...just saying "chill and let it play out". Period.
In NC our youth can walk and chew gum. Most of them work hard for the few dollars they get. Many of them serve in the military risking their live so ungrateful people like yourself can prosper. The ones that are able to go to college are on a mission. Our youth was key in overcoming the disaster in Western NC. There are millions of such youth in the USA and more are on the way because we don't believe in abortion. Truth is, We don't need you. never did. Your nation needs you. You should be making your nation great instead of blocking our children's opportunities to prosper. If you were a person of honor. This would either make you get right with America or you should leaving to serve your nation and maybe come back the right way. Y'all watch too much TV little boy. Come to Sw Virginia that's where hard working young men are working hard and playing still playing video games. I don't think you like America or her people. I wouldn't disrespect your nation as you ours. We owe you nothing kid. Somebody done told you wrong.
Again, "The Plan" is a military movement to remove the deep state globalists and pedophiles from power. Once that's done, the military's involvement and "The Plan" is over.
What we're talking about right now, is what to do about an entirely political dilemma outside of the plan. We're talking about the vision that all of us have for rebuilding America.
Elon thinks America is an organization to be exploited. A sports team where he can simply cut the roster and replace us with foreign players in order to do what he calls "winning".
I am totally and completely against that. I don't care if America the organization loses every game to its competitors. The purpose of America is to build back its domestic talent, and the current roster IS America. I will be damned if I let the likes of Elon sell us out.
Fixing the immigration abuse that the globalists created? Sure. That is likely part of the plan. But what it gets replaced with? That is a political vision outside the Plan, and we need to be vocal, loud and argumentative enough to make sure Trump understands in no uncertain terms that Elon got it wrong and we will not tolerate his vision.
Fixing the immigration system abuse means enforcing our current immigration laws at the very least then deporting anyone in the country illegally. The next step is to eliminate citizenship by birth by any non-citizen in the country, family chain migration, government subsidies for immigrants, and all temporary work permits. Most of the fix is elimination. Any replacement laws need to favor anyone who can and will contribute to the country and wants to be an American, not just the benefits.
I am in complete agreement with you - America and Americans first. H1B is just another modern-day indentured servant program. They aren't even immigrants, just cheap temporary labor that can be abused and discarded when they outlive their usefulness. Americans will always win on an even playing field. If Elon and Vivek want to hire Indians, let them move their operations to India and pay tariffs to sell their products here. No one should reap the benefits of American business opportunities while shutting American workers out of the job market. I don't know about Vivek's financial support, but Elon benefitted handsomely from US government subsidies, also known as US taxpayer funding.
I do, however, suspect this kerfuffle is not what it appears to be. Elon's tweet quoting Tropic Thunder sounded like a signal or a comm. His posts are always quietly sarcastic or sardonic, never outright threatening, as far as I recall.
Even if Elon truly sees America as an organization to be exploited, he has no power, and the same for Vivek. My take on their views is that their current roles are to focus attention on the H1B program and force the conversation into the spotlight.
Put tariffs on the salaries of H1b's and put the proceeds into programs to educate Americans to do those jobs.
I support that. If these imported foreign engineers were so much better than American engineers, they would be paid more, not less.
I also support that any company receiving government subsidies be disqualified from hiring H1B.
Well said
FINALLY! A sane thought on this. Thank you.
I've stayed out of the H1-B arguments even though H1-B has directly affected my pay. I've probably lost 10-20% pay over the years. That pales in comparison to unconstitutional taxes, China given our factories and jobs, and illegal immigration.
I work with an H1-B guy, and I'm glad he is with us. His skills are specialized and it takes months to find even one or two under qualified candidates to fill that job role (which doesn't work out because they would need to take an entry level position but expect senior pay and rank). If we do find a red blooded American who is well qualified, they usually get offered more to stay where they are and we lose out.
I think a few simple rules would make H1-B work out ok.
Make H1-B part of the overall legal immigration plan - no extra immigrants due to H1-B.
Limit the number of H1-Bs a company can apply for. A large company might only get 2 or 3 - so they have to chose carefully
Put a fee and equal pay requirement on each H1-B a company has. Force the H1-B to be a skill requirement rather than a discount advantage.
Require proof of job postings, unqualified applicant reviews, interviews, etc before an H1-B is issued.
Well said. People need to calm their tits and start acting and thinking logically.
Speaking of movies, tv.... I know it's just a coincidence lol but!
The Ghosts show came through for me again. Strangely enough, this episode was locked for the wknd.
Jay's family came to visit for Christmas. I love the show but all of a sudden, it mostly Indians (Jay is Indian), and I found myself reminded of the white replacement in America, yet again.
Literally, a few days later the whole world was bitching about them, too.
Not everything that happens on earth is part of the plan. There are billions of individuals out there who think and say whatever they want. When someone takes a big fat shit on you then tells you it's your own fault for being retarded, you gonna stand up for yourself or say "gee, it's all part of the plan so i'll let myself lose everything, become enslaved, then die in ww3 because I dare not to think for myself".
Look I get where you are coming from, but Q did not come out and tell you this is the plan and Trump has been silent. You can assume this is all for show but there is no way that you know that. I could just as easily assume that two snakes have been exposed publicly, just like many in his last administration.
Nailed it.
Well said.
Indeed... there is a lot going on right now. A large portion of it is manufactured distractions inserted into the plan. Human beings have a limited amount of free time to invest. Even so, today, more people are paying attention and focused on the paradigms that are shifting right in front of us and are not than the headlines.
It is a most interesting time to observe. I never forget, however, that if Trump delivers (correctly) then it will be the first time (ever) that the "powers" didn't control both sides.
I think what excites us the most is imagining what we will construct, build and put in play without these freaks and deranged creeps running the show!!
Indeed, imagine that!
It forces to shift the Democrats efforts to helping those illegals to obtain a valid visa, but … by doing that the Dems might incriminate themselves even more.
As for everyone in the public eye, here's a reminder to ignore what they say and watch what they do.
Correct … lets be real hear, we sadly have faggots on our side too… just as these faggots look at leftists and mock them claiming, muh hurt emotional feelings, these faggots pretty much melted down the same way when musk and vivek started the h1B talk…
The right doesn't know what to get fired up about.
"Don't mass deport, that's cruel" ...VS "Mass deport those people saving Elon money"
Their brains have to be hurting! Haha
Folks, We are obviously Not Tech Employers, here, Here is a take from someone in the industry.
Danny Tran Director, Digital Marketing Automation (2008–present)
There are multiple reasons for this, I have worked in tech for over 12 years and worked with many H1B employees, offshore companies in India, Mexico and few more.
One of the main reasons is that there aren't’ that many qualified Americans in the US and with qualifications it also includes attitude, work ethic, expectations, etc. besides just the work itself. Tech is a very fast paced environment and the industry requires more and more from developers & software engineers. There used to be a time where you could be good in a few programming, scripting languages like Javascript, XML, PHP, etc. however in today’s world these companies look for “full stack” developers which really means that a developer has expert knowledge of a multitude of platforms, applications, programming languages, and environments.
When I started over a decade ago, you could be a JS developer and that’s all you needed but today they want you to know JS, .NET, SQL, Jira, Rally, SCRUM Methodologies, Salesforce, Splunk, Angular, React, Vue, GitHub, Bitbucket, Confluence, and so many more things, it’s an ongoing process even within those, you have to specialize most likely because your job requires it. You may come in as a developer but may work on a project that is built on certain tech stack, you need to know how to work with it .
Also, yes immigrants are completely obedient and controllable (might sound real douchey but that’s a fact I experienced in many organizations). They won’t question working more than 40 hours consistently, after hours, weekends, etc. H1B Visa holders can’t quit easily, if they do their Visa can get canceled and they have to go back to where they came from including their family.
Their job because their life. Americans always have something to do like going to a game, hang out, go to the beach, shopping, etc. They will jump ship much quicker because they can. They don’t have to worry about getting kicked out of the country. And their expectations are usually very high and always look where else they can go. So the investments are much better bringing in someone that dreamt their entire life to be in the US. You get more for your money because most won’t get paid as much initially as a US Citizen and what I mean by that that their salary expectations are not as high as Americans because where they come from their market value is probably a fraction of what they can get here.
So an American may frown at a Sr. Tech role barely hitting 100K where as an immigrant thinks this is hitting the jackpot also depending where you live. It is already said that if you live in San Fran, you need to be making about 160K just to survive.
Me personally, I worked with Offshore with I completely hate, it’s having team members that work out of their location in India or where ever they reside. The problem is language and cultural barriers. Their comprehension is not the same and you wind up explaining and going over thing many times. Also the time difference most likely if you work during the day, they will be working late nights.
But I think the main issue for companies are cost and return of investment. It’s easier to get things out of someone that is grateful just to be here and have this job vs. someone that has all the options available to them.
Here is an example, I just witnessed. One American refused to return back to work because they still collect unemployment (after the COVID furlough and citing not feeling safe to go back) and if they would go back it would cancel that easy money.
Since we have so many Americans who are unsuitable for jobs, why not restrict H1Bs to 6 months to year in a training capacity only?
Do we really have "so many Americans who are unsuitable for jobs"? I highly doubt it. H1B became a thing because it allows corporations to pay less for similar skills. Those similar skills are often not the same. There are many H1B recipients who are under qualified for the jobs they get. Also, let's not forget that when these H1B recipients get in management positions, and they do, they tend to hire more H1B workers.
Correction - 40% will be make public.
I'ts the what about America first crowd thats fueling the Debate ,it's the DEMS ,nothing to see here LITERALLY !!!!