So, how it works is that someone posts their resume on a job board, such as Then they get calls, emails, and texts, sometimes over 50 PER DAY from some random dude in India who is "recruiting" for a job. He has absolutely no idea what the job is and knows nothing about web technology. Some idiots go for this, then those resumes are sent to a "project manager" who also has no idea what the job is and knows nothing about web technology. Based on key words in the resume, the person gets hired. THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!!!
THAT is the "IT infrastructure" that everyone is so dependent on. And you wonder why airlines suddenly shut down? Why banks screw up all the time?
NO ONE stops to see: 1) Does this project really need to happen? Is it making people's lives better in some way? 2) What is the most efficient way to accomplish this goal? 3) How do we make this operation very very secure?
This also means that hiring "highly qualified" people from other countries is complete bullshit.
Ask anyone who works in this field about this.
Be thankful that all this is coming out before Trump takes office. It would have been bad news if Elon and Vivek "fixed" the government.
Also, remember, debate is part of living in a free country.
Software Engineer here!
So I am in the field.
Yes I am glad we are having this convo for sure!
Not in the field but I know many as I live in the 2nd biggest tech hub in the country.
If you are not East Indian and walking into an interview and the manager is East Indian you might as well leave. They only hire their own and stick to their own. I know Americans with CS degrees from good schools who have trouble finding work.
The H1-B East Indians don’t assimilate and become part of the community, they stink up every housing place and stain it with curry I am not kidding this is actually an issue, they price out locals and bring everyone with them. You’ll see their families out and about, why are their 70 year old parents here? Are they working and paying taxes? No.
I drafted a whole post about how this has affected my hometown and the Seattle area and how nobody I grew up with can afford to buy a house here no and how there is no sense of community here anymore. But at this point I feel like I would be beating a dead horse if I posted it.
A lot of people on this site just don’t get it cause they haven’t lived it which is why they have called people like us shills.
+1000 That's why I left Seattle for a very red state very far away from WA.
Wife and I are looking at Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia.
A brewery in Knoxville has an opening. Gonna apply. Also gonna send my resume to Jack Daniel’s and George Dickel.
Louisiana has St. George now.
What’s that? Selling Louisiana might be hard to my wife. She really prefers East Tennessee, North Georgia. I have vouched for Alabama.
A place whose residents were called racist for wanting to form their own government separate from Baton Rouge.
Sounds like my kinda place!
Would love to hear your impressions of these 3 potential options...each are on our retirement list, which we are trying to whittle down in 2025 so we can get the hell out of DC.
I grew up in San jose and saw it go from white engineers to Indian engineers, because they "couldn't find" Americans. Meanwhile the Americans decided to retire early because tech doesn't hire anyone over 50 and everyone my age moved to somewhere we could afford to live.
Yup white Americans in the Bay Area and Seattle got bent over. The cities have the exact same issues.
It's the American tax. Companies avoid a 30,000 dollar tax hiring non American workers. It's cheaper for them to hire non American workers. Fix the tax code, this is why they avoid hiring U.S. workers.
Post it - it needs to be said. Those of us who get it, get it - this needs to become common knowledge. Pajeets are cancer to your job, your company, your town, your community, your country. Cancer.
Foreign workers don't care about our rights. They'll do whatever gets them paid from CEOs down to the guy slinging coffee in the company cafeteria. Most of this woke shit is done by people who aren't from here v
No one asks if it should be done because some C level schmoozie decided it was what would be done to benefit the company, ie....them trying to prove their value to the company. By saving money or increasing revenue. Corporate is the driving issue behind about every real problem.
On the point of hiring, it should be said that at the same time any American candidate will be scrutinized. Have background checks done, employers called, schooling validated, credit checked, provide references, skills assessed etc. Its already an unlevel playing field bent in the favor of H1B workers. Everyone assuming the contracting company did all the due dilligence. Which they dont. Because recruiters are just sales persons in the end. And I can say from first hand experience. People on H1B are not smarter or harder working. There are standout individuals. But the majority come here and their knowledge/experience is far less than their US counterparts. And their work ethic is garbage. 100% of them expect to be able to take a month or more to go back to their home country every year. And a majority of the time if you are not pushing they all hit cruize control. Especially on holidays. Because they think Americans dont really work on holidays, so its safe to just skate by like no one is watching. And because most are under contract its way way harder to get rid of people who suck. If you do the company they work for will just throw them on another project at another company. And lie out their ass about all the great work the person did at their previous company. You can always tell who the really smart ines and really gard working ones are. You'll never know they exist. Because no one will let them go. And your going to oay doubke for their time.
That one month back in India is just fucking ridiculous. They say they’ll work our hours and be online like normal, but the internet there mostly sucks, they can’t effectively use VoIP and be on required meetings, to work our hours they would need to stay up all night…which they won’t because they do the family/friend thing. So work suffers, everyone else covers, you can’t get ahold of them, and when they come back you wonder why they’re there in the first place.
They changed the term "product manager" to "system engineer" where I work. They do the same retarded things a bad product manager does, but have a much more important sounding job title. They have no need to know anything more than taking notes and repeating them to her boss + making sure everyone keeps their fucking Jira bullshit up to date (I see the value in Jira for bug reporting from QA to engineering, but fuck the rest ... That's MS Project crap the "system engineer" should handle. Turns out all of the "system engineers" are hags too!!! DEI fucking retards.
I've worked with product managers that couldn't care less about their title ... All they did was make sure we were on time, not blowing cash, and helped on tasks where they could since they had some engineering background.
Also, I know at least 5 people that have lied on their resume for their job. They're still there too ... Pretty frightening since they work for robotics companies. Keep in mind what I am saying next time you see some 20 ton machine under computer control managed by these worthless faggots and hags.
Ive had it there, but there aren't any real places that need my, uh, particular set of skills where I live. I wish packing up and moving were an option, but that's impossible at this time. Im going to be paying off my house in 2025 ... I'm thinking of becoming a design mercenary instead of working for retards.
I collect job titles that sound important but mean nothing. I will add "system engineer" to the list.
I can't think of any titles that actually mean anything anymore. The incompetence at every level is breathtaking if you actually look. Worse is it's increasingly showing up in the products for sale - cars, software, infrastructure, appliances, medicine, etc.
The sad thing is that there are fewer and fewer of us left who remember when things weren't so enshitified. The kids coming up these days have never known a time when competence and quality were commonplace.
Ffs, what's not to like about "Design Mercenary"?
What about Americans already sitting in the job ? Why is the CEO looking online for foreign help?
Maybe just "Government IT" is corrupt needs to be clarified. I have been working for a small albeit large in what we do global tech company for 25 years. I have interviewed, hired, then fired many. I have contracted with companies for developers based out of India as well as the US, Bulgaria, and many other places. So glad there isn't all of the political mumbo jumbo in communications sector when compared to others I hear about. I'm not talking "media" though and the tech sector I'm in so little public perception is involved in who is working on what... and talent does indeed rise to the top in most cases. Worst you get is some good-ol-boy mentality and hiring friends and such that you know share your vision as opposed to maybe the best talent.
I absolutely endorse this concept. IT IS ABSOLUTELY what is going on. I speak as an IT Pro with 28 years in
Totally nailed it.
Yes. I can confirm. There are “recruiters” like that.
It’s even worse. There is a platform context that people don’t discuss yet. The platforms like LinkedIn or any other used to publish the ads.
They filter the CVs shadowing some candidates.
They fake the figures.
See my other comment here:
Just more typical corporate greed. 🤷♀️ But what can you do, really?
So you're just referring to government IT recruiting? That's certainly nowhere near what happens at any of the companies I've worked at. There is usually some placement firm, I would say located in the US, that's supposed to filter out the list of candidates. Then there is a round of phone interviews. If they make it past that they there are in-person interviews. The interviewers then meet to come up with a final yes/no whether the person will be offered a job. That's at least the high level. People from HR could do some of the initial interviews before having the hiring manager and people from his/her team conduct more in-depth interviews.
Damn near everyone on here forgets the DOJ went after Elon and SpaceX for not hiring non-citizens. SpaceX wouldn't hire non-citizens because of the ITAR regulations (International Traffic in Arms Regulations). Merrick Garland tried to force him to hire asylum seekers and other illegals. Musk sued and won.
SpaceX may be a rocket company, but that's how you make ICBMs...
That stood out to me when it happened because it meant they were genuinely worried about national security. Hell - even Elon doesn't have a high-enough security clearance to know what some of the most important government projects are at his own company.
He could've just accepted the govt's mandate to hire the non-citizens and brought in whomever he wanted - but he did not. I may be the only one left on here, but I am giving him the benefit o the doubt.
To be devil's advocate, where is Melania from?
she's from Slovenia
She's American born in your opinion?