I have looked through a few threads, and seen a few people say various amounts, but never for my weight. I am about 220lbs, never taken ivermectin before but i want to try and kick this cold i have fast. I bought the 1.87% apple horse paste, could anyone help me out with how much to take how often? Thanks in advanced!!
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I just squeeze it out on my finger...about the same amount as a blob of toothpaste. I think it's one click per 50 lbs but tbh I never measure..a little more or less won't hurt anything and it kicks an illness pretty fast
I do the same. A toothpaste-sized dab. There's normally a dial that doses by weight on the tube, though. And yeah, a little extra won't hurt you.
Thank you!!
50lb clicks on the horse paste from Tractor Supply, I do 250lb to 300lb but I'm your size, better off with a heavy dose, Ivermectin isn't something you have to worry about going extra on.
Don't forget to include Zinc as a supplement. You can find it anywhere they sell vitamins.
Ivermectin is the vehicle and Zinc is the payload that will help take out whatever it is that your body is fighting.
I always thought it was the other way around, i.e. Zinc allows minerals/vitamins to be absorbed more readily.
Nope, NAC/Quercitin/Ivermectin are all zinc ionophores Ivermectin just also has antiviral properties as well. Also avoid consuming calcium at the same time as zinc and iron as they compete and the body always prioritizes the calcium. It's one of the reasons why multivitamins are retarded.
Great thank you!!
We have the horse paste and each notch on the blue plunger thingy is 50 lbs so we pull it out to 250 lbs and then tighten down the white screw and push the plunge to squirt it out. I put it on the very back of my tongue and drink water to take it down. I hope that helps a little.
Great sounds like a plan, thank you!
Yes. This will work just fine.
Remember, the whole tube is meant for one 1,200-pound horse. Look at the blue plunger thingy and you will see the numbers on it - 50, 100, etc. That's your dose by weight.
(Ivermectin is safe enough for foals, including small pony foals, so that's why the dose goes down so small.)
If you weight 180 pounds, just do the 200 pound dose.
FWIW I take one dose by weight the first of every month. Have been doing that for over a year. Never felt better. And I'm kinda old.
Ive seen on a box it notes amount per weight. Youll need to get a calculator and do some math. Im sure someone on here has an answer, but never hurts to check for yourself. Let us know how it worked. If you start craving apples and carrots, you might have overdosed.
Lmfao thanks
Wil-bur.... that's funny.
I usually mix with my oats and alfalfa
Found this on FB: (Curt M Graydon)
Cancer/cold/parasite protocol. Seven days every month starting three days before the full moon. 40-50 mg per day of "I V E R" dissolved in 10-20 ml of vodka and heated (microwave or stove) for 2-3 hits of 30 seconds intervals noting that vodka boils at approximately 80 degrees celsius and you do not want the solution to boil as otherwise it will "explode" as it reaches its flash point and will then distribute your solution over your stove or microwave (not what you want). My suggestion is to use a microwave but don't do more than 30 seconds for each interval and then feel the glass before initiating another 30 seconds. Stop heating the I V E R/vodka solution when the glass is slightly "hot" or very warm to the touch. Top up with grapefruit juice and drink on an empty stomach. Tastes rather decent as vodka and grapefruit juice is a cocktail known as a "greyhound." Literally, no better protocol to take as far as taste is concerned.
Do you need alcohol?
Yes as the I V E R drug is brutally insoluble at a level of about 0.005 mg per ml of water at room temperature meaning you theoretically need 10 litres of water for the suggested therapeutic dose.
Do you need to heat the alcohol? No but one, two or three 30 second intervals in the microwave for 30 seconds each will speed up the solubility issue. If you don't want to heat the alcohol, then let the paste or tablets sit for a few hours in the vodka. The paste will dissolve but tablets usually don't depending on the fillers.
And note that alcohol is both a great solvent and a great carrier.
You can also add full moon notifications to your calendar.
And yes, my kids and I do this protocol if we ever feel a cold coming along (something my kids get quite often given that they are elite athletes and are always stressing their bodies).
Please leave out the full name of the drug in your comments or questions.
Note: what is pictured is a paste made up of 1.87% of the drug noting that each tube contains 120 mg of "I V E R."
Can be found on Amazon or any animal/farm supply store always located outside any major city.
WHAT’S THE DOSE? Ivermectin, at doses of 3–5 mg/kg, was able to suppress the growth of human melanoma and a number of other cancer xenografts in mice without adverse effects [Source] That dose equates to about 150 mg per person which is high as most European clinics are doing 75 - 100 mg. https://health.sabhlokcity.com/.../can-ivermectin-help.../ "Importantly, IVM is an established drug used for the treatment of parasitic diseases such as river blindness and elephantiasis. It has been widely used in humans for many years, and its various pharmacological properties, including long- and short-term toxicological effects and drug metabolism characteristics are very clear. In healthy volunteers, the dose was increased to 2 mg/Kg, and no serious adverse reactions were found, while tests in animals such as mice, rats, and rabbits found that the median lethal dose (LD50) of IVM was 10-50 mg/Kg [112] In addition, IVM has also been proven to show good permeability in tumor tissues [50]." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7505114/
Thank you, very interesting info.
Not a doctor, but I would not mix alcohol or ibuprofen or Tylenol with IVM. You could cause liver damage. I recall FloridaSharkman group saying no alcohol within 48 hours before or after IVM but no sauce. It was on Truth a long time ago.
Also not a doctor but will note that I believe the alcohol (less than a tablespoon) is meant to act as a solvent and not a beverage. I have used vodka with my iver though I can't attest to impact on the liver except to say - I don't think there is any. But I also don't do a lot of recreational alcohol consumption. In the research that I have done, I have seen most recommend liver support like milk thistle or tudca while doing these parasite eliminating meds. Makes sense to me.The liver is called on to handle die off and debris that the body is creating. Using this small amount of alcohol IMO has more potential benefits than any potential downside.
I'm seeing a great cup of coffee with a splash of Irish cream and then ivm.
I take about an inch worth. From what I have read, you could eat a whole tube and it is still safe.
Over an hour and no jokes yet?? Come on GAW you can do better!
This is what I did, and I have to say, the taste is not very appealing lmao
Agree, but not as bad as black eyed peas.
I can now confirm that the fake walmart pizza rolls taste worse than ivermectin, so there's that.
Or my mil's pork "tender"loin. Ghastly. She has an aversion to flavors. Quad-vaxxed.
Chase with peanut butter
… u/ILoveIvermectin of all numbers, why did they choose “187” for the percentage of ivermectin in horse paste?
Why not? It's probably the sweet spot they found in clinical trials.
Why is "two tablets" the recommended dose of ______ medicine?
What do you want it to be, 100%? Then you would have to measure a dosage the size of a pencil lead tip... Very difficult to do at home or at the farm
Yep people don't get just how small the amount of active ingredients are in many pills and why there's a lot of filler, I have some folate capsules with no filler and they're not much bigger than a grain of rice. If I can easily fumble them how do you expect the elderly to not drop them all over the place?
Same reason I’d raise an eyebrow if it was 0.33% or 1.313% or 6.66%, won a Nobel prize (which often seems to mean something bad), and was called a “miracle medicine” in the media of the day.
Ok fine if something was .666%
But why 1.87%
What's so special about 187
Ah. That’s supposedly a code for an assassin to run a hit job.
Sublime song: "April 26 1992"
Movie: Demolition man
This came out a while ago. I found it useful. https://greatawakening.win/p/13zzHjFDOx/ivermectin-tier-list-and-guide/c/
Yep, it would be nice if this could be stickied on the sidebar or something.
Link to the dosing protocols are at the top of this page:
Hey there, haven’t seen you active on here in a while. Hope all is well, and God bless you for all of the helpful posts and links you share.
Howdy! I'm always around, but no longer actively post much. My focus post-Plandemic and pre-election was totally on redpilling people in real life, off the board. Now I'm taking a bit of a break to catch my breath. LOL.
The stuff I've bought has a little collar on the plunger for dosage. Each notch is 50#, so you would be 4-5 notches. Ivermectin has a low risk for overdose, so I'd probably do 5 notches, and if you're worried about it, maybe try to pack on another 30# over the holidays.
I’m starting to get frustrated because we can’t buy ivermectin pills for people over the counter when we can buy ivermectin lotion for lice for people OTC. I can buy ivermectin for my livestock without prescription. It’s not an antibiotic.
Yeah it's pretty stupid all around. Hopefully that changes soon.
You can in what, Tennessee? Over the counter for humans
That’s nice for TN.
I had some luck buying 200 tablets at reynoldsmeds
Good to know. 👍😁
Two peas
My paste is about 4.55mg per click which is for 50 pounds. I use duravet
I had a Farmer tell me not long ago when i asked if cats should take a dewormer ,he said no that they get enough around the farm eating horse/cattle poop and such ,that if you give it to a cat directly it can cause death from killing off to many heart worms at once thus clogging the valves.
Drink a lot of water. It tends to dry you out.
Here is something more recent and more scientific it has a cancer protocol and also
information on dosing .....https://isom.ca/article/targeting-the-mitochondrial-stem-cell-connection-in-cancer-treatment-a-hybrid-orthomolecular-protocol/
I follow "Dirt Road Discussions" on Telegram for a long time now. They made it easy with doing a "2 pencil sized eraser dose every morning and every evening. You go through a tube in 7 days straight. Been doing this for years now as preventative and also when I am feeling under the weather. Usually always clears things up in 24 hours if your starting to feel an onset coming on. I know a couple that has been doing it daily for 4 years straight now and claim they have never felt better in there life.
The dose is on the plunger, albiet awkward to use.
The dosage per pound (or kilogram) of body weight is the same for horses, humans, and all other mammals. The horse paste syringe is marked by body weight, usually in pounds here in the US. Just push the plunger to the appropriate body weight mark for your body weight, and that is your dose.
Take it until the tube is gone there is numbers on the blue part of the tube
if you start whinnying and stomping your feet, or neighing, please stop using the horse paste then...
Really Wilbur??? Errr Eeee Heeee Heeee Heee. Snort snort
My horse paste says 1 click per 50 lbs. That would be 5 clicks for your weight.
Go to Dirt Road Discussions and Telegram. There is some great protocols for ivermectin.
The tube has tic marks for the weight of the horse. You can dose to your own body weight. Or do more to be sure. It's just about impossible to overdose.
Invermectin doesn't get rid of the tapeworms because they are attached to the intestinal lining with hooks. Praziquantel does. You can get that in the Quest plus horse paste but boy does that taste nasty. Worse than Invermectin, but does the trick. I've have been taking Invermectin for 5yrs now, every month alternating with Praziquantel.
You may experience Herx reaction (Herxheimer reaction, also known as a Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction or "herx", is an adverse reaction that can occur when antibiotics kill bacteria and release toxins: ) Pending on the amount of parasites you have, examine the stool to see results of parasites leaving your body after every bowel movement.
Look for Sesame seed looking products floating in the water, opaque looking " bean sprout " , flat rectangular and other shapes. You can find images on Google under human parasites. This will freak you out when you realize you were loaded with them so don't get discourage. It takes time to remove parasites so continue taking the dewormer in moderate doses and frequency. I speak from experience.
I take fenben about once a month for parasites, I didn't have any adverse reactions. I woke up the next day feeling good, but thank you foe the info!
Awesome! I'm glad. Everyone is a different case and effects are different. I was loaded with them, obviously, and I'm convinced that we are infested with parisites. I'm a country girl that hung out in horse barns, swimming in lakes here in Florida. My history proved to me that I had a problem and I thank God that I was brave enough to go ahead and deworm myself years ago.
Dose by weight same as horse.
It is the same dose per pound as listed on the box for horses
I have an excel sheet that does the math. Not sure how to upload it, but for 220lbs, you should take 0.728 grams if using 1.87 percent paste. That's . 2 mg/kg.
Here's a link to some protocols I had saved.
Paste is 1.87% IVM, assuming the tube is 6.08 g, then the tube contains 0.0187 x 6.08 g = 0.113696 g IVM.
At 220 lb, that is 100 kg. 1 mg of IVM per 1 kg of body weight. You would need 100 mg IVM.
One shot contains 113.696 mg. You need 100 mg x (6.08 g/113.696 mg)=5.35 g of paste from a 6.08 g tube.
This was the calculation I used to determine the amount of IVM I needed from horse paste.
I now use tablets for convenience.