You're right. Proportions are WAY off. Truck doors are huge compared to the body.
If he was that short, he would need a booster seat and could never reach the gas/brake pedals.
That truck has a huge lift package on it, look at the wheel wells. Normal truck gap between the tire and the truck would maybe be 5 inches. Also looks like he is well beyond the back door and both doors are fully opened, camera perspective.
I am 6 ft tall and look small next to my full size truck. I know it looks questionable, but it is more the camera and the lens and angle of the shot in my observation.
This guy was likely helped to travel and enter the U.S., supported while he was here and given everything needed to carry out a terrorist attack. He was just awaiting orders to attack.
Trace back the money. Who paid for his apartment or housing? Who paid for his food? Who bought that truck? What mosque did he attend? Trace back his cell phone and see who he met with recently.
The terrorists are controlled. Find and expose the controllers.
Now is not the time to be participating in big crowds. Our society is in shambles. There are too many crazies out there. There are too many evils in play. Be smart! If you must go, do not assume things will go well. ALWAYS have your head on a swivel. ALWAYS trust your inner voice. Film everything! If something feels wrong, something is wrong. Get out and get out fast. Good be with you.
Isnt that what terrorist want? To instill fear and keep you hiding so they can dominate your society?
How about arm up and go make your presence known, that you will not be intimidated by them and instead will protect yourself and your family in public... just sport a red maga hat while open carrying. No one will question you as a threat.
When you enlarge the photo, not only does his hand look like a claw, but kinda distorted - like as a fake AI created image? Same with his head? Doesn’t look real at all!
So we're supposed to buy that the "terrorist" decided to wear short knickers out to his 'terror attack' along with seemingly disappearing 'body armor'? LOL!
This image looks fake to me, he's too small, the front of the truck looks like a different photo to the bed of the truck, the shades are wrong.
We are being led a dance here.
You're right. Proportions are WAY off. Truck doors are huge compared to the body. If he was that short, he would need a booster seat and could never reach the gas/brake pedals.
Makes me think it was taken with a wide angle lens? I noticed his shortness as well.
Yes. See the fisheye distortion of the other vehicle? Pretty obvious, IMHO.
It's the angle of the shot.
That truck has a huge lift package on it, look at the wheel wells. Normal truck gap between the tire and the truck would maybe be 5 inches. Also looks like he is well beyond the back door and both doors are fully opened, camera perspective. I am 6 ft tall and look small next to my full size truck. I know it looks questionable, but it is more the camera and the lens and angle of the shot in my observation.
It is fake they said he was wearing body armor and I dont see any. Or did he take his body armor off in order to get shot for the pic.
Great catch
It's broad daylight, too. Why didn't anyone put a sheet over the body? It's been laying there for hours.
It's cool here, lol. He won't decay to nothing in mere days yet. /S
...somethings rotten in Denmark...
Body Way to small!! is that truck from land of the giants ? In comparison , no way !
Remember that NONE of these terrorists act alone.
This guy was likely helped to travel and enter the U.S., supported while he was here and given everything needed to carry out a terrorist attack. He was just awaiting orders to attack.
Trace back the money. Who paid for his apartment or housing? Who paid for his food? Who bought that truck? What mosque did he attend? Trace back his cell phone and see who he met with recently.
The terrorists are controlled. Find and expose the controllers.
...workings of clowns....
Midgets apparently
Oh no…that all can’t be traced…they’re too busy tracking the $601 you got working part time for extra Christmas cash at the local nonprofit.
Now is not the time to be participating in big crowds. Our society is in shambles. There are too many crazies out there. There are too many evils in play. Be smart! If you must go, do not assume things will go well. ALWAYS have your head on a swivel. ALWAYS trust your inner voice. Film everything! If something feels wrong, something is wrong. Get out and get out fast. Good be with you.
Isnt that what terrorist want? To instill fear and keep you hiding so they can dominate your society?
How about arm up and go make your presence known, that you will not be intimidated by them and instead will protect yourself and your family in public... just sport a red maga hat while open carrying. No one will question you as a threat.
I did say if you go to keep your head on a swivel and film everything.
What is the collar-like thing around his neck? device...
*POTENTIAL dead suspect, sorry
...doggy winks...
he will definitely not do that again....prayers for all the innocent victims...
Nice to see her is only 3 feet tall.
Show me the phone books on the seat, and blocks on the pedals, and I'll believe it.
kill a dozen people just for suicide by cop?
not a white supremacist btw . . .
100% fake and gay. Don't fall for it.
What’s that around his neck?
I can't tell either
Why does this guy’s hand look like a claw?
When you enlarge the photo, not only does his hand look like a claw, but kinda distorted - like as a fake AI created image? Same with his head? Doesn’t look real at all!
That’s what I’m thinking. The guy is like a 3/4 size guy next to the truck. Someone else mentioned the collar. What’s up with that??
Perspective a relative size look wrong.
So we're supposed to buy that the "terrorist" decided to wear short knickers out to his 'terror attack' along with seemingly disappearing 'body armor'? LOL!
I hope he’s happy with his 72 …. virg
Demons in hell.