Biblical experts here, what do you think about this?
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This has come up before on this forum, and I posted this about it the last time.
This is the official explanation: "The flag consists of four colors: red, white, green, and black, inspired by the poetic verse of Safi al-Din al-Hilli, a 14th century warrior poet: 'Our actions are bright, our battlefields are dark, our lands are green, and our swords are red with the blood of our enemies.'"
I just don't think there's anything to this connection the man in the video is attempting to make.
there is a small problem with his interpretation.... nowhere in the Bible is a green Horseman... the one he identifies as green is in fact, the Pale horseman, sometimes also as the color of ashes, simbolyzing Death... so... nope!
In the Bible's Book of Revelation, the horse ridden by Death is described as "pale" in English translations, but the original Greek word is chlōros, which can mean "greenish-yellow" or "pale"
"Chlorophyll is any of several related green pigments found in cyanobacteria and in the chloroplasts of algae and plants.[2] Its name is derived from the Greek words χλωρός (khloros, "pale green")
I dunno man... .that's a stretch.
No it's not. It's literally a translation issue. Chloro is how green is described in Greek and was based on plant coloration.
This. It's where we get the word chlorophyll. Picture it as the color of flesh starting to rot.
valid point
That has nothing to do with the Bible.
The guy in the video is retarded.
A lot of people who are related use similar symbolism in their flags.
These are all arabs, and not surprising they use similar colors, which has meaning to them.
UK and its former colonies often use Red, White and Blue (UK, USA, Australia, NZ).
Scandanavian countries all have the Christian Cross in their flag, just with different color variations.
Former USSR communist flag was similar to communist China.
Japan and South Korea.
Several Central American flags.
Or it could….no coincidences in scripture either.
Interesting, good find = a possibility.
I watched this when it came out. However, one of my friends thinks Trump is the rider on the white horse, and that after Trump comes 3 deadly leaders.
A 3rd interpretation which I like is the historical /allegorical that symbolizes truth going forth to the world when Immanuel God With Us came around 1st Century A.D. = the rider on the white horse. Subsequent horses represent deceptive leaders through the ages bringing deeper deceptions leading people further and further away from simple truths and righteousness and toward the abyss and destruction. Then full circle in Revelation chapter 19 verses 11-6 the good horse rider returns, whose name is Faithful and True.
In the books of the prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the shorter books following them, the word “Arabiy” is there, and there’s a prophecy that no longer will these people bother God’s people. The local library stuffed away in a storage facility somewhere the book that explains this, it is very hard to find, I haven’t seen it in about 18 years, but Menachem Kohen’s book “Prophecies for the Era of Muslim Terror” discusses this. The Hebrew reveals some things that English translations hide.
My comment is far off the main topic, but I've always used the term A.D., as I believe C.E. was introduced at some point in the 90's solely to de-emphasize Jesus as the starting point for our calendar. I encourage you to think about it and potentially change the wording in the future, if you find yourself in agreement. Cheers.
sure, can do to honor the Son’s life and work, I don’t like secularization. Thanks, cheers!
It definitely was. Absolutely zero doubt.
Long ... fucking...sigh
Just keep muddying those waters with bullshit...
I know someone who can explain this (and many other things that I do not understand) with absolute certainty. I look forward to meeting Him very soon. He is my personal Saviour, Jesus Christ. I urge people to accept Him too before it is too late.
This book was written for the audience of its day. AD 96 ish. Everything is different, but nothing has changed.
You could say the same thing about these countries but with red, white and blue.
New Zealand
North Korea
Netherlands + around another 30
What are you trying to ask?
he is talking about the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse.
So what?
He's trying to relate two things together which have nothing to do with each other.
yes... see my other reply: there is a small problem with his interpretation.... nowhere in the Bible is a green Horseman... the one he identifies as green is in fact, the Pale horseman, sometimes also as the color of ashes, simbolyzing Death... so... nope!
In the Bible's Book of Revelation, the horse ridden by Death is described as "pale" in English translations, but the original Greek word is chlōros, which can mean "greenish-yellow" or "pale"
Also, the arabs have nothing to do with the Bible.
Today, they are all muslim anyway, so why would they use New Testament colors for their flags, even if it was green instead of pale?
Just a dumb take by the speaker.
Its the other way round... not the arabs that picked NT colors, but the NT describes some future happenings using colors.
Green is a color that has particular symbolism to them. The others are so common that their inclusion I dont think has particular relevance.