Did anyone notice a completely unbothered Nancy Pelosi at the Speaker vote a couple days ago? How does an 80+ year old woman overcome a broken hip and surgery to repair it so fast?
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Androchrome and baby blood.
And vodka. Lots of vodka.
Best answers ever
Don't forget the ice cream in her new fridge/freezer...
Maybe it's not really her........ central casting????
Anyone who thinks that woman is her is either deeply asleep or retarded.
Most of the people we see now have been replaced by actors and they don't even bother to have them look alike now because people are so stupid.
The "broken hip" story might have been a ruse to have more cosmetic surgery, maybe lift her eyebrows up a little higher.
Those eyebrow lifts have been so frequent that they were last seen on the back of her neck.
Another face lift, and she'll have a goatee. (rim shot here)
Her McDonalds golden arches eyebrows!
Hip surgery has progressed tremendously. Now, as part as your rehab, you are gotten up to walk the same day as your surgery. Typically, it is only an overnight stay and physical therapy starts right away. You have to do as much walking (assisted) as possible. Speaking from experience as I was a caregiver for a family member who had a hip replacement two years ago. The rapid recovery these days is amazing.
This. You are up as soon as the spinal wears off. Full weight bearing but not without a walker. If she is walking unassisted….. then it’s BS.
Dude she is 80+ years old. Your thinking a much younger, healthy person who isnt carrying 40 extra pounds. My parents are 85. I take care of them. Trust me at that age walking becomes far more difficult and that is if your hip hasnt been injured. Hip injuries at that age signal that death is near. Not many octogenarians recover.
40 lbs of knockers filled with vodka. He’s right about the hip surgeries though. If it’s not a bad break and they do a replacement, healing time is minimal. My wife is a DPT and sees surgery patients like this daily. Broken ankles are much worse than hips. You can’t replace an ankle nearly as easily.
You are up right but she is 80 years old. And drinks.. it is too quick a recovery for a broken, fx hip then a replacement. Fractured hip is a bit different than just going in for a hip replacement. Did she wear heels on the floor for the vote?
I only ever saw her from the waist up.
So, you couldn’t see her tits ?
best comment i've seen today...made me BUST out laughing!! thanks!
Now, that's funny, right there........
Yea if youre 25 or 30. Not when you are 80+.
My family member who had hip replacement surgery was 70, not 25 or 30.
My grandpa had two knees done and was up walking around the next day. Doing farm chores two weeks later. Amazing what surgeons abs physical therapists can do now. And this was twenty years ago.
Truth on that. Hip surgery is so much easier than a knee, which i had both of my knees done in 2024. During my PT, I saw two Hips recover and gone while I was still working my legs.
Those who watched the Jan 6 shamcertification live will remember how she was out of that chamber on springheels, the Republican speaking at the time didn't even notice she had gone and been replaced with Pence, and visibly did a double-take.
Everything about them is surreal
"Good morning, Sunday morning" is unexplained to this day.
And where did her broken hip story come from? The MSM!! Once again another lie by the people who are suppose to tell the truth.
Was never a broken hip. She had plastic surgery.
It was never 'broken'?
Link, please. I wanna check out those boobs.
Her "Plastic fantastics"..
Right. Just wanna check up on her. A true feminine boss lady. Politics aside. You have never seen her acting masculine.
She doesn’t. More likely to end up in a casket at her age, if I’m being a bit crude.
Very strange as she had a fractured hip first. Then the repair or replacement surgery.
That is tough on a healthy person but if anterior hip replacement is done recovery is faster......but the difference is that she fractured her hip first and she is 80+. Interesting....
That’s an old video
Broken hip...by Central Casting
By lying about everything.
They didn't have surgery......