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Please say a prayer for me.
I suffer general anxiety and I refuse to take medication they want to throw at me.
I am trying to do things naturally but any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
If you live in the past, you will be depressed.
If you live in the future, you will be anxious...
Focus on Jesus and the here and now.
I will add you to my prayer list friend.
Very true. I have to remind myself daily to be appreciative of the people in my past and move forward. I spent too many years grieving my loved ones and not enjoying (to the fullest extent) those still here. Plus grieving people no longer in my life even though I know the relationship was toxic for me. It’s amazing how we can self sabotage ourselves with negative thoughts. Not much else to say about Jesus, you pretty much covered it.
...you are in my prayers Pilgrim...
Aw thanks ash 🐕 prayers are always appreciated. I’ve been called many names, never Pilgrim. I’m hearing that in I think John Wayne’s voice. Have never watched him but that sounds familiar to me.
...as well they should Pilgrim...
Hence the present is called "present" = gift
I live in the future; and yes it does adversely affect me from living in the present at times. (I started living in the future due to my less than supportive childhood and it stuck.) My wife is asleep; however, she lives in the present. She works to block out all of the negative; given all of the political and other crap in the world at this time. I really want her to wake up, but she shuts it all out. Knowing this, a former colleague dropped this on me.
Now, I was smashed when I read this and I read it as this.
I thought this was profound.
I don’t know if I am helping, but wanted to share.
Thank you.
I am reading everything people commented to me.
My anxiety isn't politics or what is going on.
I believe it is a chemical imbalance.
Perhaps it is too much cortisol?
Look, given all of the weapons grade propaganda, is it any wonder why sensible people aren’t freaking the fuck out?
Perhaps you need to take a break? Like one week MINIMUM for starters.
Go “touch grass”. See if you can settle down naturally. Walks on nature trails. Time around animals. Time just feeling the Sun. Time around children if you can. (not in a pedo way; just listen to their laughter and such; remember what life is all about) Get the fuck away from the Internet. Unplug and drink in Nature. Remember the “Law of Nature and Nature’s God”.
Thank you
Politics and being on here are not a trigger.
Mine is a chemical imbalance.
I have been like this since my teens.
Thank you so much I will try this.
I read a scripture from the King James Bible every day.
Thank you.
I have read Job maybe I will have to read to read it again.
Check out Gaia herbs. There’s other good companies also. They have several different anxiety/stress options. They also have a professional line. You can’t find these on the website. Supposedly have to get from a doctor or naturopath, etc. I’ve seen that line on lots of sites from Amazon, iherb, pure formulas & more. I understand this, way back before I knew the dangers of RX I’d try them but nothing really helped and I’d stop cold turkey with out side effects. A dr explained to me if I didn’t have the bad withdrawal symptoms it wasn’t helping. Herbal medicine works differently than pharmaceuticals. It takes several months to see if it helps. Many times you won’t know it helped until you stop taking it. Basically pharma masks the problem and herbs heal. The good thing is one plant can be beneficial for multiple conditions. Also, what works for you might not work you. Just like snowflakes we appear similar but have differences. I’m a very care free spirit yet deal with anxiety, mind always going and thinking about something. Most sites like Gaia have a blog or shop by condition and that’s helpful if you are still learning herbal medicine. It takes time to research but it’s worth it. Also many essential oils can help. If you need essential oil recommendations I don’t mind. There’s lots of herb and essential oil brands that aren’t quality. I’ll be praying for you. https://www.gaiaherbs.com/collections/stress-support
Praying fren.
Philippians 4:4-7
4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I take different herbs/tinctures and supplements. Ashwaghanda is good for me but I only take it close to bed. Make sure you get enough D3, especially, though sun and just some time grounding would be better. They sell grounding pads and sheets, but I haven’t tried those just yet. Breathing well and staying active help, too. Beat of luck to you, Fren.
Thank you.
I mean technically 1 business day...
This inspired me to make this meme: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1QJYsTu/
Love it!
So ready 🍿
Their house of cards is on shaky ground. I’m loving everything. Especially getting rid of the toxins. Red Dye 3 first to be banned. So, it causes cancer in mice but not humans. They think we are idiots. Not safe for your makeup but safe for your kids.
Cowboy on horse with huge Trump flag.
My pro nouns are we/won
My English teacher’s would be ashamed of people using pro nouns to identify as what ever floats your boat.
My nouns are even more amateur than my expertise.
So Friday has come, and the weekend is upon us. Typically I don't look at this forum over the weekend as I usually try to avoid politics. I may listen to a Salty Cracker livestream on Sunday afternoon while doing hobby stuff, but for the most part I want to unwind.
This weekend, however, is different. I was expecting something on January 6th, but it was quiet. I can't imagine that they will allow the inauguration to transpire smoothly. There were so many shenanigans in 2017 with Antifa and general protesters, but I think there would be a stronger opposition somehow that would be stronger than halfwit libtards on the streets. Perhaps there might be a blackout. I don't know. Very curious what Trump's speech will be on the 19th while Biden issues last minute pardons to more hideously evil people. By then it would be Monday my time. (You know, curvature of the Earth and all that.)
It's going to be an historic weekend! Enjoy it with your family Steve!
Nice slap in the face for the flatards
The money strings cut, no funding, no Soros clown on the streets
I sure hope so!
Enjoy your weekend whichever way you spend it... o7
Good reminder I will need to clear off some rally time on Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.
(We'll sell you the whole seat... But you'll only need THE EDGE!)
My honest advice to you, as someone who has been through this joy ride for a long time, dont have any expectations. The only timeline we have is a 8 year plan ending sometime this year - could be quite possibly Oct 28th this year.
I think most people here don't realise that only a two sides of the triangle has been exposed, the third side - Zionists - are yet to be exposed and that will probably take more than a day. It will probably happen in the next few months.
I sincerely hope I am wrong, but if there is one thing I have learnt - not one of us have the full idea as to when this Plan ends and what all needs to happen.
Never looked at 916 as referring to the triangle.
Interesting perspective!
I don’t think anyone did when we first read it. But if you are using one side of the triangle against the other two in the initial phase, it makes perfect sense to save it to the last.
What’s more, read the drop from the point of view of someone in that side. It would have sounded like a code for Q being a deceptive operation supporting their side.
After i understood this point, a lot of things started clicking.
Matthew 12:25 - And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
You and I both fren.. are we the only ones here?
Thursday Poem...Mairead Small Staid - An Improvement in Stairs
Pastor Ioan Peia and Maureen Bravo from National Strategic Prayer Call
Even 1 drink a day elevates your cancer risk – an expert on how alcohol affects the body breaks down a new government report
The Normalization of Sexual Violence
Worst Of Babylon Bee
Obama To Divorce Michelle After Discovering She’s Actually A Woman
Biden Takes Credit For Developing Dementia So Kamala Would Take His Place And Lose To Trump So Hamas Would Release Hostages
Head Of Crime Family Warns About Dangers Of Corruption
Kamala Harris Delivers Farewell Address To A Bunch Of Beanie Babies Spread Out On Her Bed
Remembering The Golden Years: Here Are The 11 Best Moments Of Biden’s Presidency
I'm just happy the moment has come, what ever happens God wins, we win. The Great Awakening!
u/#q3776 u/#q3775 u/#q562 u/#q558
Maybe POTUS will give us his State of the Union at the Rally...
POTUS was on the Dan Bongino radio show yesterday. He hinted that we will all be "very happy" at the inauguration speech.
Ashland posting about Bob Euckers passing reminded me that my favorite of all of them, David Lynch, passed yesterday as well.
First time I can recall ever being even slightly affected emotionally by a celebrity passing. He was tapped into the woo woo.
Fan of Bob too.
Kid rock and Jesse waters primeime Jan 16
Stumbled upon this...
Looks juicy: https://government-scam.com/
Trust the plan people. Like Bob said "everything gonna be alright "
AUSTRALIAN police station has driven the internet into a frenzy after posting a video that showed a Portal. Broome Police in Western Australian shared the spooky CCTV footage – which quickly gained global attention.
I see your portal and I raise you I don't know what the heck I am watching here
In 3 days the New Millennium truly begins for Humanity. The People will take back control of the Future. My Dream is to help build new vibrant Cities that spread across the Nation and then the World. As these Cities progress, the long standing inhabitants benefit from all their hard work 😀, not parasitic people and their hordes of wealth. These Cities will be designed to bring hope and prosperity back to the good people of the Nation. President Trump has spoken about starting 10 new Cities. I ask that the first opportunity be given to all the faithful and loyal Frens on GAW to design and implement the first City Template. This has been my dream for over a decade and out of this first City, a new Brand will rise up. This Brand will be owned and operated by the collective of the good people. No more consuming goods and services from people and institutions that work to harm, diminish and subjugate the people of the World 🌎. God bless America. We will start a new World Heart Beat.
Inauguration timeline? Anyone have a good source & best place to watch? I just did a search and seeing multiple news pages. I’d prefer the see an official listing that’s associated with Trump.