I see similar posts on our side..... we really are not too different from them if you factor out the sexual perversions, lack of morals, and total disregard for the law.
I had a vivid dream about two years ago that Kamala Harris had flipped and was controlled opposition working with President Trump. Even though it was vivid, it doesn’t mean it’s true.
I have gone to some of these charlatans on youtube, for amusement, mind you. God givesthe blessing of prophecy occasionally. The amount of false prophecies have been around before Christ. They take your money, ask for donations, on "both sides" of the spectrum. Plenty of false prophets took good peoples money because they prophesied things that people wanted to hear, or played on their fears.
lol... these fucking nutters...
this is why it was a bad idea to close down insane asylums...
I see similar posts on our side..... we really are not too different from them if you factor out the sexual perversions, lack of morals, and total disregard for the law.
Oh no, we definitely have some righties who need to be in insane asylums too... but let's be real... they would be overflowing with liberals.
Yeah, that was their biggest mistake.. democrats doing of course, to close down the insane asylums.
She got the arrests part right just not Trump.
Exactly that was my thought.
I rolled my eyes so much that it gave me a headache. Gonna take the next 30 minutes off...later....
These 'psychic' don't even have enough discernment to realize we've been dealing with doubles/actors/clones/CGI etc for 4 years now.
They prob still wear face diapers let alone the voluntary boosters they got....... So, consider the source(s)
Honestly it sounds weirdly similar to Q.. what is a for leftists?
Blue Anon is what they call themselves.
no way😄 that's funny. reminds me of stubborn little kids who admire they're older siblings, but can't admit it, yet...
Kid Love Anon
Bill Maher has entered the chat
These people would have been Heaven’s Gate and Jim Jones followers.
Wait a minute! Isn't that the same person who lost is $44k in savings to FartCoin?
Top ten largest psychiatric hospitals in the US by bed size in 2021
Hey there are none in PA.
That explains a lot.
Oh yeah....
Fetterman enters the chat...🤪🤪🤪
(Korean rooftop shopkeepers enter the chat)
This actually give me hope. They’re looking for patterns and signs now. It just a matter of tuning that radio dial now.
Good for them
I had a vivid dream about two years ago that Kamala Harris had flipped and was controlled opposition working with President Trump. Even though it was vivid, it doesn’t mean it’s true.
interesting, thanks for sharing. there Are people who can make predictions, using discernment, spiritual insight, remote viewing, etc.
few & far between these days, so as with anything; use your Best judgment when reading such info...does this person have a good track record, etc.
"Electron night" that's all you need to know about these people.
I'm guessing they spend much time on tiktok
Why don't any of these "psychics" ever win the lotteries and just go out and enjoy their miserable little lives being rich?
Tomorrow at 12:00:00
I have gone to some of these charlatans on youtube, for amusement, mind you. God givesthe blessing of prophecy occasionally. The amount of false prophecies have been around before Christ. They take your money, ask for donations, on "both sides" of the spectrum. Plenty of false prophets took good peoples money because they prophesied things that people wanted to hear, or played on their fears.
Ok handshake.