Why wouldn't a God that is beyond our comprehension create life outside of earth beyond or comprehension? ...Q told us in plain terms that there are. Plus there are at least a million points of evidence in the throughout all history. Think outside the box. Saying there aren't ETs is almost as bad as saying the earth is flat at this point.
I know I'm in a minority to say this, but when I read Q's response, I took it differently from you and others. The question asked was actually 2 questions, and they are opposite. "Are we alone? Roswell?" The first question is clear. The second question I infer to be, "Was the Roswell incident actually an extraterrestrial lifeform that crashed on Earth?"
Q provided only one answer. When I read it, I took it as no to the second question. Q followed it up with, "Consider the vastness of space." I did consider the vastness of space, and as anyone who has studied the most basic astronomy knows, the distances are so great that it is inconceivable to the human mind, given the limitations of travel approaching light speed, for alien life forms, if they even DID exist, to visit us. Was Roswell legit? No. Consider the vastness of space. Now, if Einstein was wrong, and it turns out that accelerating up to and beyond the speed of light was possible, that would open up the possibility not only of aliens visiting us, but a whole lot of other weird stuff. And maybe Einstein was wrong, who knows? But I don't think Q's answer is as plain as you mentioned.
That’s fair that there could be an alternate interpretation.
However, I believe Q was answering the first question. I have only ever heard someone respond about the size of space and universe with the implication that the universe is so unbelievably massive that the chances of us being alone are minuscule.
Also, nothing can move through space and time faster than light. However, there is no known limit to how quickly space can expand and contract. If you are able to contact space in front of you and expand space behind you then you would be able to reach a destination faster than it would take light to travel there.
Earth is not flat, it is likely a half-sphere domed terrarium (enclosed) with Polaris at the very center of the “dome” and a precessing, round habitable zone that rotates 30 degrees around Polaris every 2,160 years, taking 2160 x 12 = 25,920 years to complete the ‘Great Year’. There is more to the ‘Earth’ than the realm we see (likely about 3x more land, not including underground habitations). ETs may be from outside our land, i.e. extra terrestrial, and some may be humans.
All documented on Praugue celestial clock (despite the mods) which shows we entered Age of Aquarius on 18FEB2020. This means Spring Equinox sun location is at equator under Aquarius constellation (N.A. Spring). https://thirdeyetraveller.com/prague-astronomical-clock/
I think you are purposefully twisting Q's words here. Clearly OP was asking about aliens. Q answered that question. Space is too large for other life to not be a mathematical certainty.
What goverment classification would be given to 'A powerful creator beyond our comprehension'? That doesn't make any sense. You're hearing hoofbeats and thinking zebras.
“Space” may be a smaller bubble within a larger bubble like nested Russian Matroyshka dolls. Earth is either the 1st smallest or 3rd smallest bubble, depending on whether or not Mercury and Venus are “real planets”. In this model the Earth bubble sits on Mars round plane under half dome which sits on Jupiter (spot is Mars?), etc. to Neptune.
Clearly we are not flying through space as star constellations NEVER change from all points on Earth. This is impossible if we were moving.
ASSUMPTION: “planets” are x-ray type of projected images of additional layers below us into the sky, so image of “Mars”, below Earth, includes Earth in the projected image since we are above it. Similarly, Jupiter, below Mars would show Mars on its projected image (the Red Spot?). Venus would be above us with Mercury above the Venus plane. Don’t know how to deal with them.
It is one model that matches observations and measurements, but may be only part of the “big picture” we are not allowed to see. In person worldwide travel is required to verify additional measurements, but not possible right now.
“Good news” is that a physical place called ‘the planet Mars’ may be both accessible and habitable, but not the way NASA tells us.“Going to Mars” may turn out to be “breaking out of the prison planet” which is currently prohibited to non-elite humans. So, go Elon, I need more data on this “Mars thing”. It may end up being soft disclosure. In the “nested bubble model” Mars is about 250,000x the square miles area of Earth with half of that land.
I would remind everyone that Tucker has said recently that there is a spiritual connection with these UAP's. Some of them are evil. I think this is some angel and demon level stuff that we are seeing. I would think Tucker has had access to high level individuals in the know.
They don't have to be "out there" in the vastness of space. People argue over definitions of dimensions, frequencies, and densities but they can be in our physical space in a way we can't perceive. The Bible speaks about angels and demons, most cultures believe in ghosts or ectoplasm. There can be intelligent beings that we don't ordinarily perceive with our 5 senses.
Sometimes the "the veil" thins and we do perceive them or we may perceive them through technology. Then add the vastness of space...
The book, "A New Science of Heaven," by Robert Temple, demonstrates that 99% of space is plasma and plasma is capable of sentience, reproduction and and everything we consider to be life. Space is full of life.
Watch out for a false flag alien fake invasion, Ratcliff maybe setting it up, I don't trust Ratcliff. He was nominated unanimously, that speaks volumes.
from the video showing the formation of glowing orbs, that's classic project bluebeam, using multiple microwave beams to create ionization that shows up on radar and visually as individual crafts. I've seen it, it looks like ufo's
It sounds like the declassified version will simply say our government doesn't know what it is either
Space Nazis that escaped the fall of Berlin and fled to Antarctica with their antigravity UFOs, and later escaped Earth to the Moon and Mars.
What is operation Highjump, and why does the military had a declassed operation to nuke the fucking moon in the 1950s that they scrapped?
Flying space monkeys... LOL
Cool. Can we have them as pets?
Vastness of space doesn't need to lead to aliens.
Vastness of space can lead to an almighty powerful Creator. One beyond our comprehension. Like the God of the Bible.
Why wouldn't a God that is beyond our comprehension create life outside of earth beyond or comprehension? ...Q told us in plain terms that there are. Plus there are at least a million points of evidence in the throughout all history. Think outside the box. Saying there aren't ETs is almost as bad as saying the earth is flat at this point.
I know I'm in a minority to say this, but when I read Q's response, I took it differently from you and others. The question asked was actually 2 questions, and they are opposite. "Are we alone? Roswell?" The first question is clear. The second question I infer to be, "Was the Roswell incident actually an extraterrestrial lifeform that crashed on Earth?"
Q provided only one answer. When I read it, I took it as no to the second question. Q followed it up with, "Consider the vastness of space." I did consider the vastness of space, and as anyone who has studied the most basic astronomy knows, the distances are so great that it is inconceivable to the human mind, given the limitations of travel approaching light speed, for alien life forms, if they even DID exist, to visit us. Was Roswell legit? No. Consider the vastness of space. Now, if Einstein was wrong, and it turns out that accelerating up to and beyond the speed of light was possible, that would open up the possibility not only of aliens visiting us, but a whole lot of other weird stuff. And maybe Einstein was wrong, who knows? But I don't think Q's answer is as plain as you mentioned.
That’s fair that there could be an alternate interpretation.
However, I believe Q was answering the first question. I have only ever heard someone respond about the size of space and universe with the implication that the universe is so unbelievably massive that the chances of us being alone are minuscule.
Also, nothing can move through space and time faster than light. However, there is no known limit to how quickly space can expand and contract. If you are able to contact space in front of you and expand space behind you then you would be able to reach a destination faster than it would take light to travel there.
Earth is not flat, it is likely a half-sphere domed terrarium (enclosed) with Polaris at the very center of the “dome” and a precessing, round habitable zone that rotates 30 degrees around Polaris every 2,160 years, taking 2160 x 12 = 25,920 years to complete the ‘Great Year’. There is more to the ‘Earth’ than the realm we see (likely about 3x more land, not including underground habitations). ETs may be from outside our land, i.e. extra terrestrial, and some may be humans.
All documented on Praugue celestial clock (despite the mods) which shows we entered Age of Aquarius on 18FEB2020. This means Spring Equinox sun location is at equator under Aquarius constellation (N.A. Spring). https://thirdeyetraveller.com/prague-astronomical-clock/
Agreed...Heliocentric "prison planet" is quite captivating. I'm getting out ASAP, and probably not coming back.
Helieocentric prison planet? WTF?? Im with you. Don't forget to bring your flying space monkey pet(s), if you own one!!! LOL 🚀🛸🛰🚀🚀🛸🛸🛸
lol, fail.
I think you are purposefully twisting Q's words here. Clearly OP was asking about aliens. Q answered that question. Space is too large for other life to not be a mathematical certainty.
What goverment classification would be given to 'A powerful creator beyond our comprehension'? That doesn't make any sense. You're hearing hoofbeats and thinking zebras.
“Space” may be a smaller bubble within a larger bubble like nested Russian Matroyshka dolls. Earth is either the 1st smallest or 3rd smallest bubble, depending on whether or not Mercury and Venus are “real planets”. In this model the Earth bubble sits on Mars round plane under half dome which sits on Jupiter (spot is Mars?), etc. to Neptune.
Clearly we are not flying through space as star constellations NEVER change from all points on Earth. This is impossible if we were moving.
Where do you come up with this stuff?
ASSUMPTION: “planets” are x-ray type of projected images of additional layers below us into the sky, so image of “Mars”, below Earth, includes Earth in the projected image since we are above it. Similarly, Jupiter, below Mars would show Mars on its projected image (the Red Spot?). Venus would be above us with Mercury above the Venus plane. Don’t know how to deal with them.
It is one model that matches observations and measurements, but may be only part of the “big picture” we are not allowed to see. In person worldwide travel is required to verify additional measurements, but not possible right now.
“Good news” is that a physical place called ‘the planet Mars’ may be both accessible and habitable, but not the way NASA tells us.“Going to Mars” may turn out to be “breaking out of the prison planet” which is currently prohibited to non-elite humans. So, go Elon, I need more data on this “Mars thing”. It may end up being soft disclosure. In the “nested bubble model” Mars is about 250,000x the square miles area of Earth with half of that land.
We would have to be naive to think of the vastness of space and we are alone.
Astronomers now estimate 2 trillion galaxies exist
Avg about 100 billion stars each
Stars tend to have at least one planet
If planet like ours with beings like us is a one in a trillion phemomenon among planets...
Then there's over 200 billion more earths with fellow people out there
Yes! Full declas! Transparency! 🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸
u/#fact Not sayoing it is aliens,but it is aliens. We will have deport them to Mexico. No Illegale Aliens./s
I would remind everyone that Tucker has said recently that there is a spiritual connection with these UAP's. Some of them are evil. I think this is some angel and demon level stuff that we are seeing. I would think Tucker has had access to high level individuals in the know.
He also said he was in bed with 3 dogs and a demon clawed him in his sleep...
That's pretty much when his rep with me came down a few ticks...
Ever sleep in a king bed with 3 large dogs? Ninja prease...They literally run in their sleep and it's nearly impossible not to get scratched...
Pete is about to know fo-shure.
They don't have to be "out there" in the vastness of space. People argue over definitions of dimensions, frequencies, and densities but they can be in our physical space in a way we can't perceive. The Bible speaks about angels and demons, most cultures believe in ghosts or ectoplasm. There can be intelligent beings that we don't ordinarily perceive with our 5 senses.
Sometimes the "the veil" thins and we do perceive them or we may perceive them through technology. Then add the vastness of space...
The book, "A New Science of Heaven," by Robert Temple, demonstrates that 99% of space is plasma and plasma is capable of sentience, reproduction and and everything we consider to be life. Space is full of life.
And he’s being interviewed by Hegseth!
The rapture! Where did they go? Preparing the explanation. The aliens took them.
Watch out for a false flag alien fake invasion, Ratcliff maybe setting it up, I don't trust Ratcliff. He was nominated unanimously, that speaks volumes.
Space aliens are fake....
from the video showing the formation of glowing orbs, that's classic project bluebeam, using multiple microwave beams to create ionization that shows up on radar and visually as individual crafts. I've seen it, it looks like ufo's