Note: He did not actually call for Congress to abolish it. Not yet. He simply stated that its something that should be done. To return to the system when the Income Tax did not exist. He does this by describing how it was back then.
Should do....
Title is misleading, and very clicky.
It seems clear that he is going in this direction, and there is plenty of signal around the idea, but it's not quite at the level when he's "calling on Congress" to do any specific X.
It was posted around 8 hours ago. I think 8 hours is close to an acceptable time difference. Different frogs access the board at different times. I tend to think that generally, there are three x 8 hour time bands where stuff that is posted can be re-posted for a new bunch of readers.
That said, it's NOT stickworthy IMO) because the Twitter/X OP is clearly exaggerating and miswording the post. Very clicky. No call on Congress.
"Trump really wants to abolish the income tax" would be a much better headline.
Agreed. Shortcomings if the original X post notwithstanding, posting something 8 hours after a separate post with the same content is more than acceptable, in my opinion.
purkiss80...everyone is forgetting that PDJT plays the long game by messing with the idiots heads...this is a "psychological ploy" to get the "congress" to start the "questioning" of such a thing....that is all!!!!!
People tend to forget that PDJT has too talk in a way that the "ordinary" people don't pick it up and the ones he is really communicating to try to discern what he is really saying...That is ALL!!!!!
Donald Trump speaks like a lawyer who knows the historical context of the law. The general public has almost no knowledge of history regarding the correlation of the IRS, Federal Reserve, and taxation in The United States of America, but the same people desire paying no taxes. Trump commits the act of the legal term tacit admission to teach truth in such public speeches, which the education system omits from curriculum deliberately.
"tacit admissions - An acknowledgement or concession of a fact inferred from either silence or from the substance of whate one has said" (Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Ed. page 1302).
Your title is accurate to those who no longer sleep, but appeals best to the people aforementioned who awaken from the slumber of deceit or brainwashing regarding taxation.
Your comment has been flagged and downvoted by Frogs Against Clarity And Discernment Everywhere. We are a militant, anti-informational group that downvotes anyone and anything that points out logical and rational ideas that make us feel less than 100% comfortable, and which in any way might be construed (by us) as criticism or as giving off a less than 'team player' vibe (to us).
This was a public service announcement. You're welcome.
Won’t happen because it would have massive inflationary pressure which wouldn’t be a problem usually because everyone has more money. However the inflationary pressure would be immediate and the savings in people’s account would be decimated.
So if you are paying 25% combined federal and state income tax wouldn’t you rather keep that money and possibly pay 25% increased prices on imported goods. That would be discretionary as opposed to mandatory. I’ll make that trade any day of the week.
Yes that makes sense on discretionary spending of imported good. But also there's will be increase in money within the economy which will lead to higher demand for non discretionary spending which means these prices increase leading to higher inflation.
Note at some point into the future demands = supply and therefore the economy becomes balanced or in equilibrium again. How long this takes is unknown.
Also, it will discharge people who have cash savings as their savings will but much less during the initial inflationary period.
It's a simple supply/demand equation. Inflation is caused by excess amount of money supply. This is why the Reserve Bank increases interest rates to reduce the money supply.
If there is a sudden increase in money supply achieved through a huge reduction in income tax or 0% income tax, this will lead to an increase in demand but supply remains constant or stable and therefore leading to an increase in prices and therefore increase in inflation.
There are economic equations which describes the same thing but I'm trying to simplify the action of money supply.
So in essence and increase in demand --> shortage of supply and leading to inflationary increasing in prices..
A decrease in demand (caused through income rate increases. Tax increases also have the same effect) --> reduction in demand --> reduction in pricing to meet demand (deflationary pressure)
Note: He did not actually call for Congress to abolish it. Not yet. He simply stated that its something that should be done. To return to the system when the Income Tax did not exist. He does this by describing how it was back then.
Should do....
Title is misleading, and very clicky.
It seems clear that he is going in this direction, and there is plenty of signal around the idea, but it's not quite at the level when he's "calling on Congress" to do any specific X.
Dude! I love that [Narrative Buster] Title!
My prime directives are:
Fractalize Iron
Bust narratives
Bust chops
... In that order.
Lol nice. I would like my title to change to something like: [Bias Auditor]
LOL then you'll really love this from Clayton Morris:
Holy SH*T! Trump is REALLY serious about eliminating Income Tax
You're right! Love that title!
Definitely we need money coming in from tariffs before he can abolish or slash the income tax.
Says who? Every dime pays for interest only. Stop spending. There are zero reasons anyone should want to pay a tax. It's brainwashing.
Isn't there a bill pending someone posted here recently to do this?
This was stickied earlier today
It was posted around 8 hours ago. I think 8 hours is close to an acceptable time difference. Different frogs access the board at different times. I tend to think that generally, there are three x 8 hour time bands where stuff that is posted can be re-posted for a new bunch of readers.
That said, it's NOT stickworthy IMO) because the Twitter/X OP is clearly exaggerating and miswording the post. Very clicky. No call on Congress.
"Trump really wants to abolish the income tax" would be a much better headline.
Apologies...would you like me to delete?
Keep doin you. You just copypasta'd, who cares, we are anons and can use our brains to discern and reconcile. This is an easy one.
Agreed. Shortcomings if the original X post notwithstanding, posting something 8 hours after a separate post with the same content is more than acceptable, in my opinion.
They're really splitting hairs on you here. I loved your post/title
purkiss80...everyone is forgetting that PDJT plays the long game by messing with the idiots heads...this is a "psychological ploy" to get the "congress" to start the "questioning" of such a thing....that is all!!!!!
People tend to forget that PDJT has too talk in a way that the "ordinary" people don't pick it up and the ones he is really communicating to try to discern what he is really saying...That is ALL!!!!!
Correct. This will be walked into Congress after midterms imo
Got it, Thank you...👍😎
Delete and repost with a better/more accurate title would be good.
Your comment has been flagged and downvoted by Frogs Against Clarity And Discernment Everywhere. We are a militant, anti-informational group that downvotes anyone and anything that points out logical and rational ideas that make us feel less than 100% comfortable, and which in any way might be construed (by us) as criticism or as giving off a less than 'team player' vibe (to us).
This was a public service announcement. You're welcome.
Signed, FACADE
I've been posting that there would be no more income tax... since I was new here on GAW, long before Trump ever mentioned anything about 'no taxes'.
My Sauce is a time traveler from 2036 named John Titor.
Yeah, at the Vegas Rally he as much as said so. When he was mentioning No tax on tips..he said something like.. how about no tax?! Etc
Kek Kek Kek
Are you enjoying the show anons!
Enh......get back to me when it really happens ....
I see the 3 stars above his head as a crown. From ai below.
A three-star crown can represent a military rank, a symbol of authority, or a crown of stars that represents immortality
—so much symbolic things that one could become dizzy.
Won’t happen because it would have massive inflationary pressure which wouldn’t be a problem usually because everyone has more money. However the inflationary pressure would be immediate and the savings in people’s account would be decimated.
So if you are paying 25% combined federal and state income tax wouldn’t you rather keep that money and possibly pay 25% increased prices on imported goods. That would be discretionary as opposed to mandatory. I’ll make that trade any day of the week.
Yes that makes sense on discretionary spending of imported good. But also there's will be increase in money within the economy which will lead to higher demand for non discretionary spending which means these prices increase leading to higher inflation. Note at some point into the future demands = supply and therefore the economy becomes balanced or in equilibrium again. How long this takes is unknown. Also, it will discharge people who have cash savings as their savings will but much less during the initial inflationary period.
Inaccurate and vague.
Please elaborate without the doublespeak.
It's a simple supply/demand equation. Inflation is caused by excess amount of money supply. This is why the Reserve Bank increases interest rates to reduce the money supply. If there is a sudden increase in money supply achieved through a huge reduction in income tax or 0% income tax, this will lead to an increase in demand but supply remains constant or stable and therefore leading to an increase in prices and therefore increase in inflation. There are economic equations which describes the same thing but I'm trying to simplify the action of money supply. So in essence and increase in demand --> shortage of supply and leading to inflationary increasing in prices.. A decrease in demand (caused through income rate increases. Tax increases also have the same effect) --> reduction in demand --> reduction in pricing to meet demand (deflationary pressure)