Pretty sure his wine vineyard somehow managed to acquire water rights on a hotly contested fully appropriated steam. Honesty, it wouldn't surprise me at this rate if his vineyard is a front for money laundering. There are thousands of vineyards. What makes his particularly special? For those that don't know, his operation is called plumpjack vineyard.
Now, Trump could do his deal with Newsom (where he gives money to the fire recovery only if CA goes back to voter ID). Then, the citizens need to recall all those congressmembers who didn't actually win their elections. We need to get them out so that we have a bigger majority in the House.
With Homan hauling the illegals out of CA, with the citizens happy with Trump and disillusioned by the democrat lies, and with voter ID in place, CA won't be able to cheat enough during the recall vote.
I work in ca infrastructure for the state. Wait till you see how many critical projects have been shelved by the state. Because reasons (climate, dei, equity). Build Sites Reservoir now!!!!
We won't need the corrupt CA legislatures to agree to a 2024 election audit. We just need these awakened CA residents to hold recall votes for all those congressmembers who stole their seats.
If they wait and hold the votes until after Newsom agrees to voter ID (in exchange for federal emergency funds from Trump), it should be an easy win for us...especially since illegals are being deported.
I wish Trump would come to Maryland, no we don't need a disaster-the politicians are doing that by themselves. All of them (at least most of them) are Liberal/Dems/Commies in the state I reside in, California east, Maryland.
Feel your pain, fren, and agree 100% with your assessment. Parts of MD are beautiful, but you couldn't pay me enough to reside's bad enough I have to serve out another year or so living in the People's Republic of Northern Virginia.
Celebrations aside, wouldn't this mean that we'll be at war with "that couple" who "own" all that California water, or have they already been taken care of?
"The federal government restarted federal water pumps after they were offline for maintenance for three days. State water supplies in Southern California remain plentiful."
Someone tell me that we are not under martial law. From coast to coast we have operations going on. We have the Gulf of Mexico being changed to Gulf of America. We have a fleet of dump trucks in North Carolina and the military in California, Texas, Arizona.
We see deportations in states too.
I think it is amazing but tell me we are not under martial law just like we were when the evil side did martial law with a vaccine.
Newscum will never recover from the Trump curse. I hope the water route bypasses his vineyards - watch the water that it not be sabotaged!
Next step: redirect sewage to his vineyards.
Pretty sure his wine vineyard somehow managed to acquire water rights on a hotly contested fully appropriated steam. Honesty, it wouldn't surprise me at this rate if his vineyard is a front for money laundering. There are thousands of vineyards. What makes his particularly special? For those that don't know, his operation is called plumpjack vineyard.
I did not know that. He is so grossly corrupt nothing should surprise me.
His and Nancy's are exempt from some employment regulations. An unfair advantage that is used nation wide for certain politicians.
Guarantee you're right. It's all a scam. Everything Democrats touch is corrupt
The last week and a half has been like the ending of 'Total Recall' when Arnold turns on the oxygen generator on Mars.
Newscum: "Nooooooo! The reaction will spread to all the turbinium on the planet! You'll kill us all!!!"
Watch the water.😁Kick that ass POTUS!
Now, Trump could do his deal with Newsom (where he gives money to the fire recovery only if CA goes back to voter ID). Then, the citizens need to recall all those congressmembers who didn't actually win their elections. We need to get them out so that we have a bigger majority in the House.
With Homan hauling the illegals out of CA, with the citizens happy with Trump and disillusioned by the democrat lies, and with voter ID in place, CA won't be able to cheat enough during the recall vote.
Newscum would refuse the money.
But the people would be up in arms for sure!
They’d want his head on a platter.
I work in ca infrastructure for the state. Wait till you see how many critical projects have been shelved by the state. Because reasons (climate, dei, equity). Build Sites Reservoir now!!!!
This is AWESOME! They have needed this for decades!
All those years of telling us we were in a draught.
We won't need the corrupt CA legislatures to agree to a 2024 election audit. We just need these awakened CA residents to hold recall votes for all those congressmembers who stole their seats.
If they wait and hold the votes until after Newsom agrees to voter ID (in exchange for federal emergency funds from Trump), it should be an easy win for us...especially since illegals are being deported.
We can get a big majority in Congress.
We are watching you California and rooting for your success. If the deep state machine goes down in Cali - Otegon and Washington wont be far behind!!
I like that idea!
If the deep sate is eradicated in California, I’ll probably move to NorCal. It’s so beautiful there.
Same here, we have and are fighting, but criminals do what they do.
The Truth Social post if anyone wants to see the original.
I wish Trump would come to Maryland, no we don't need a disaster-the politicians are doing that by themselves. All of them (at least most of them) are Liberal/Dems/Commies in the state I reside in, California east, Maryland.
Yes, horribly governed state. I grew up there and got out asap.
My dear fellow, the California East moniker belongs to New Jersey.
A friend of ours lives there.
He refers to it as Jew Nersey.
Well, we can battle over that. California is so big, it can encompass Maryland, New Jersey, and several more Eastern states.
Feel your pain, fren, and agree 100% with your assessment. Parts of MD are beautiful, but you couldn't pay me enough to reside's bad enough I have to serve out another year or so living in the People's Republic of Northern Virginia.
Return prop 13 to original language. Stop the land steal!
Watch CA. + Watch the water ...
Absolute Boss 😆
Celebrations aside, wouldn't this mean that we'll be at war with "that couple" who "own" all that California water, or have they already been taken care of?
You mean the billion-dollar Delta water tunnel was not needed after all?
"The federal government restarted federal water pumps after they were offline for maintenance for three days. State water supplies in Southern California remain plentiful."
Next for California restore prop 13 to the original bill. The democrats have gutted Prop 13 to steal properties!
Ha! California claiming that didn’t happen.
Watch the water 💦🌊💦🌊💦🌊💦 AF
I wonder what % of L.A. is gnashing their teeth over this and screaming about what a dictator Trump is.
Willing to bet it's a shockingly high percentage.
Someone tell me that we are not under martial law. From coast to coast we have operations going on. We have the Gulf of Mexico being changed to Gulf of America. We have a fleet of dump trucks in North Carolina and the military in California, Texas, Arizona.
We see deportations in states too.
I think it is amazing but tell me we are not under martial law just like we were when the evil side did martial law with a vaccine.
Wondering what exactly this means?
Nearly all of California is suddenly getting rain in the next 2 weeks. after a long dry spell!
Back to normal weather?
Did he tho? Not sure lunatics will Be happy either way
Hope Tom sellecks avocados are ok
Just like that, amazing.