I can normally come up with an angle for what Trump says/does but I am totally stumped.
Only angle I can see is that he is forcing the various parties to start serious talks re peace to keep the USA out. Last thing any of them want is a super power on their door step cos if the US takes GAZA there will be a strong military presence.
Other than that I am gazumped.
Israel for last
Bibi's face was not of happiness.
He definitely didn't want this. It destroys the Greater Israel plan they had.
Trump is just taking no hostages and going MAX right now.
Very satisfied with how things are moving.
Why was this comment down voted?
A lot of Christians think Israel of today is = Biblical Israel. They think that as Christians they MUST be huge supporters of Israel and 'Jews', whatever that is. So, saving Israel for last is a problem for them.
As a Christian, I think Israel is "God's people in Christ". "If you are Christ's, then are you Abraham's seed and heirs." The anti-Christs in so called Israel are not Israel.
Positioning troops for this operation.
if we're Gaza, Israel can't bomb the place every few years
I think the plan is for Trump and the US to control the canal they plan to build. Trump is seemingly taking over the routes for “trade” and “trafficking”.. maybe this is part of the ‘Save the Children’ movement
Trump’s art of war, threatening chaos to get the Arab nations to the negotiating table regarding reconstruction and security.
He said over the last 75 years they only created conflict and destability. He intends to employ Americans to build it and manage it. Trump development. So high end waterfront Canal development project. Jobs for everyone, peace, stability and progress.
They have only laundered money in the past and created investment vehicles for Black Rock. Fund both sides of the war, and invest in the cleanup job.Whats the opposite ? Peace, stablity, actual investment into society, growth and sustainability. Oh and big guns right in the middle to police the entire region.
40,000 ft view. Trump is in the process of remaking the Middle East. It will be peaceful and prosperous. It will get Isreal out of our shit because they won't need the money or protection.
25 miles of beach front property that is ripe for development.
Malicious obedience? Israel should be happy as this aligns with the lies they have told but it thwarts their plan to genocide the Palestinian people.
Israel wants the 1 trillion CF of NLG under GAZA territory and waters.
Didn't he already genocide most of them? I mean, he's destroyed 3/4 of Gaza, I thought. And, continues to bomb them. How many can be left?
I am stumped too! Still trusting the plan, it may mean rebuilding Gaza as is always done in warzones, as history shows but staying around for at least a generation to prevent future bombings by Israel! The Axis countries involved in WW2 have robust economies built back by the elite bankers! White Hats can play the same game! Gaza becomes an American Protectorate and is eventually given it's Independence!
Understand this. The CIA is going away. With them gone, the world changes. The middle east will not continue as it has been in the past. The Islamic states will collapse. Islam will go back to the camels, where it was before the CIA started running it.
President Trump knows this.
The world will be so different.
I'm going to give you a term. Write it down, and don't forget it.
Follow The Money
Doing the work as a dog for our master, the great Israel, IMO. I welcome the hate comments about this.
In my view and to over simplify, The Crown Corporation has been bankrupted and their assets are all under the control of President Trump. Israel is a made up Country that was owned by The Crown but will now be given a new role in the world. The legal construct called Israel will be terminated by the revocation of The Balfour Declaration, a new country will be established and called Judea.Certain groups are about to lose their protected status.All citizens will have equal status.
There is a considerable oil/gas field in the territory that could be used to fund the establishment of the new Country.
Isreal will become a Terrority of the United States. This gives the U.S.A. a foothold into thye middle east and all that oil over there.
Can we like not do that tho? Like annex Gaza and ignore Israel after that.
Trying to get BeBe to execute him.
He already tried and failed.