When talking to non-normie crowd the problem I face is not them claiming that the hand gesture is just a comfortable position, but that its exactly the same as the normal pyramid and he is "one of them". Good to hear this - exactly what I have I suspected all this time, but then my knowledge of TRUE theology & symbolism is in the 10th percentile.
BTW, I would highly encourage you to make post about other symbology that we come across and is usually topics of debate. Like red shoes, black eyes, etc.
( I have heard so many different explanations for black eyes that I am sure whats put out there is a disinfo)
Continuing further, since these secret symbology is clear communication for the initiated, every initiated Cabal member would know that Trump belongs to the "upside down pyramid" society. Wouldn't that blow his cover?
BTW, I would highly encourage you to make post about other symbology that we come across and is usually topics of debate. Like red shoes, black eyes, etc. that
I should've wrote "theological symbolism" instead of theology/symbolism.
For instance, does anyone know why Jesus has been depicted with an alembic in very old paintings? That is by far the biggest kitty of them all frens. Enormous. And the most consequential theological symbol/concept I could possibly think of to discuss but that's for another post, when the time has come.
The truth is I know about as much as the average GAW user about the red shoes… And probably less than most about the black eyes.
For instance, does anyone know why Jesus has been depicted with an alembic in very old paintings?
Got a link?
I don't have a link because this information is mostly in very old books rather than some specific article or post someone has made about it.
The reason why this is so is because this SPECIFIC topic is on the absolute cutting edge of humanity's awakening.
And like any science or philosophical concept, at the beginning it will NOT be accepted by the vast majority.
But there's good news… "Opinions change like the weather."
What I think he is referring to "could be totally off" is the painting by Leonardo Da Vinci called (the Salvator Mundi), where if you look in Jesus's hand there appears to be a transparent orb that he is holding.
Explanation from Wikipedia: "Nicolas Flamel lived into his 80s, and in 1410 designed his own tombstone, which was carved with the images of Jesus Christ, Saint Peter and Saint Paul."
this SPECIFIC topic is on the absolute cutting edge of humanity's awakening
I could tell people the first few stages in creating an actual philosophers stone, but what good would it do them if they are not ready to learn?
There is a very good reason the old alchemists said that the only way to achieve the stone is through God.
I studied for 20 years, only learning what it is not, and in the end the key that unlocked the knowledge was to be found in a 2" x 2", 30 page coffee book :)
I could tell people the first few stages in creating an actual philosophers stone, but what good would it do them if they are not ready to learn?
There is a very good reason the old alchemists said that the only way to achieve the stone is through God.
I studied for 20 years, only learning what it is not, and in the end the key that unlocked the knowledge was to be found in a 2" x 2", 30 page coffee book :)
The irony. I laughed myself silly for days.
"The pearl of great price."
"A stone carved out by no human hand."
"The stone the builders rejected."
"… These stones will serve you."
"To him who overcomes I will give a white stone, some of the heavenly manna…" -Jesus, Revelation.
"If you bring forth what is within you, what is within you will save you…" ~Jesus
"If you lay gold in the dust, and gold of Ophir among the stones of the torrent-bed, then the Almighty will be your gold and your precious silver." ~Job 22:23-24.
"And do not presume to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father, for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham." ~Jesus, Matthew 3:9
"I will choose you 1 from a thousand and 2 from 10,000." ~Jesus
Not everyone is predisposed or predestined to accept this.
This is a topic GAW is not ready for.
It is also coincidentally the ONLY thing I came to GAW some 11 months ago to share.
Everything else from that moment to now has only been filler for that One. Single. Post.
I find that there is a big lack in the understandings of the occult here. I myself do not pretend to have a great in-depth understanding of specific areas pertaining to it, but I have obtained a decent general amount of knowledge.
Wizards and Warlocks Q said.
There is much more for us all to uncover, and I feel like for a place called the Great Awakening we should see much more digging and and learning in this area. However, I do understand that putting the name aside the purpose of this place was always to be a Q-focused board.
One conclusion I have started to form is that despite the many different faces, at the end of the day all of the occultists are likely two sides of the same coin. You have a black path which emphasizes the physical and the animalistic urges. Then you have the white path that emphasizes the spiritual. All religions in the previous age acted as a sort of filtering mechanism or initial stage of initiation to determine who was ready to receive the true hidden knowledge.
Even the life of Jesus and his teachings are full of many occultic messages, and he likely hailed from a gnostic sect. Anyways that's just me trying to quickly pair down some of it into an overly condensed nutshell. Out of the house on my phone. Would be interested to hear your thoughts on this and if you have any materials worth reviewing on the matters.
Hey anon - I may be on a similar rabbit hole that you are though to a lesser extent. Is this related to The Book of Aquarius? Are the instructions in that book true?
“I can state with confidence that my knowledge of TRUE theology & symbolism is in the 99th percentile, just like my ASVAB score.”
Just gonna ask, why do you feel the need to toot your horn on an anonymous board?
“Like several 'out there' ideas, concepts, (secret therapies) & interpretations that I have posted for you all here on GAW, I'm glad to see this is yet another one of the myriad examples that I've spoken on that will now get its proper understanding because it has finally made an appearance in public.”
Are you suggesting that WE on the board will “finally” understand the real meaning of the upside triangle because YOU decided to post the real meaning?
It is in certain categories, such as mechanical shit. If your mind isn't mechanically inclined you'll fail that part. But, yeah it's not like it asks if weezles are wozzles and whos are weezles but not wozzles then who is a wonzzle and what kinda crazy shit is this?
Wait, whos are weezles but not wozzles? I have it on good authority that all dems are weezles and all commies are wozzles, so weezles and wozzles are, in fact, the same.
I would say Trump is the genius of geniuses and he sees nothing morally wrong with touting one's intelligence.
In a merit-based society, this is perfectly acceptable. In the "we are all the same" society we've been suffering with and are now finally escaping, it's frowned upon.
Are you suggesting that WE on the board will “finally” understand the real meaning of the upside triangle because YOU decided to post the real meaning?
Yes, besides the ones here who already knew it or had researched the topic. Just like u/bubble_bursts said in his comment above:
When talking to non-normie crowd the problem I face is not them claiming that the hand gesture is just a comfortable position, but that its exactly the same as the normal pyramid and he is "one of them". Good to hear this - exactly what I have I suspected all this time, but then my knowledge of TRUE theology & symbolism is in the 10th percentile.
u/BooniesRedneck This is an elite research board fren. We all have our strengths and interests. We find things and share it with each other.
I'm sure I've contributed far far less than 1% of the total "new/original ideas and concepts" to GAW.
But I have brought several consequential ones (artery cleanse, etc). A growing number of which are being accepted/understood.
It just so happens that many of the topics I share here are rarely accepted initially (including some topics that used to be outright verboten), Only to become widely excepted the more I post/comment on them and the more time that goes by.
That's why I say constantly "Opinions change like the weather on GAW."
I don’t disagree with your presentation of ideas Titor, even though I may not agree with all of them. I do agree with this one, but it’s not a really tough concept to even figure out or research. Your posts are beautifully formatted and obviously well thought out. I don’t question your intelligence or even your agenda here although Q told us to question everything and everyone. You posting about how intelligent you are and that you are now showing us the answer, yeah, that’s how I took it, is antithetical to the Q approach. Yeah, I see the opinions change that you throw out, it’s at the end, almost as if it’s an afterthought. I get that you put effort into your posts, they really ARE nice and easy to read, but maybe let them stand on their own, maybe a little less chess thumping.
These are excellent points u/BooniesRedneck. I guess I thought it would be understood to be obvious quasi-narcissist sarcasm.
And to your point… The "opinions changed like the weather" always comes at the end because I reread what I typed several times before I post it and think to myself "hardly anyone's gonna believe this out-there shit."
On one hand I'm relatively indifferent as to whether people accept my out there concepts sooner or later or never.
On the other hand, I do delight in seeing some of these out-there ideas become more accepted as time goes by because it makes me feel like I'm contributing my small grain of sand into the collective mountain we are all building of greater knowledge that is The Great Awakening.
he probby stated that so we know he's so socially awkward that he can only be an autist.. so we can have more comfort in his interpretation due to his OCD approach to understanding symbology
he probby stated that so we know he's so socially awkward that he can only be an autist.. so we can have more comfort in his interpretation due to his OCD approach to understanding symbology.
Metatron's Cube = In sacred geometry, Metatron's Cube is a geometric shape that represents the universe and the connection between God and humanity. It's named after the Archangel Metatron, who is believed to have created the cube. Note how the "cube" is constructed.
Merkaba = 2 pyramids. One up, one down. One representative of the physical, or lower self. It rotates counterclockwise. (From YOUR standing position inside of it) The other one representative of the spiritual, or higher self. It rotates clockwise. If you visualize both spinning in the correct directions, simultaneously, energy is pulled from the earth and the heavens simultaneously - and directed to your heart - in the center where they both meet. This is a key for those who it is intended for only.
There are physical permutations of the merkaba used in agriculture that rotate as described, and output a specific wave/frequency pattern, that has been scientifically proven to increase health and growth of crops. It's not foo foo bullshit.
Side note: Yoda is a demon ...
Matthew 6:22 - If thine eye be single, the body will be filled with LIGHT.
Genesis 32:30 - I have seen the face of God, in the place called Pineal.
srael Submitted to Trump Note the hand position. There are several instances of this.
Did you see him push in the chair for BB. On the surface it looks like T submitted to B. But I viewed it as T playing a chess move of sorts, as we know Trump has destroyed almost everything Isreal had taken over in the past.
" And Jacob called the name of the place, Peniel: for, said he, I have seen God face to face, and [a]my life is preserved." ---Genesis 32:30 --- 1599 Geneva Bible
It has been used from the beginning:
"Come on, let us go down, and there confound their language, that everyone perceive not another’s speech." --Genesis 11:7 --- 1599 Geneva
Yoda's full quote: "The force (God/creator) is everywhere. It surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."
The entire overarching premise of Star Wars is the battle between good and evil. Between The Light and the darkness.
"The force" is understood to be God or the creator, the Light and consciousness of the entire universe. Unfortunately they picked a demon looking bugger to deliver such a profound line.
Jesus says: "If they say to you:
‘Where do you come from?’
say to them: ‘We come from the Light.
The place where the Light is manifest from itself,
has established itself and manifests through their image.’
If they ask: ‘Is it you?’
answer: ‘We are children of the Light, the chosen of the living Father.’
He isn't off though. I don't think in this board of all places we should be dismissive and shut down thought because it doesn't fit our theological paradigms. There is a lot of indications that Jesus himself indeed was a gnostic.
I don't think the selection of Yoda was something that was just unfortunately done. It was international from all I've seen. Iirc Yoda fits the visual description of the demon Alistair Crowley claimed to have made contact with.
Where was Jesus from the age of 12 to 30?
The biggest red pill in existence.
Difficult to accept for 99%
"Those with ears to hear…"
"I will choose you 1 from a thousand and 2 from 10,000."
Why read any part of the Koran to find out about Jesus’ life that was written a long time after Jesus’ time on Earth and is not a basis for Jesus’ teachings or even his life? Why not just read scripture to find out about that time period of his life?
The Qur'an calls Jesus "Al-Masih" which means "The Messiah" or "anointed one" but does not provide context beyond that. It also affirms the virgin birth, healing the blind and lepers, raising the dead, and creating a bird from clay and giving it life.
So though it may have come hundreds of years after Jesus, it still has a good handful of consistencies with the Holy Bible regarding the life of Jesus.
Why read
Information. Different points of view. Thought exercises. The list goes on and on and on. Should we also ignore the writings of Josephus, Tacitus, and Pliny just because their writings are not in the Bible?
For instance, does anyone know why Jesus has been depicted with an alembic in very old paintings? That is by far the biggest kitty of them all frens. Enormous. And the most consequential theological symbol/concept I could possibly think of to discuss but that's for another post, when the time has come.
An Alembic is a type of distiller. Which could represent Alcohol and Purification.
Drunkenness is a symbol throughout ancient text, including the Bible. It is a reference to our current state in this simulation. Basically its a symbol of our ignorance, anger, violence, stupidity ect. Jesus turned our water into wine, the water is a symbol of clarity and soberness. We have been put into the simulation to learn ignorance and evil, also to be purified.
The symbols of Drunkenness and Purity appear throughout all ancient religions, Brahma sitting on the lotus, the lotus purifies stagnant water. Dionysus the god of drunkenness is often seen leaning against a stump of a tree. The Cosmic Tree, which was the source of the Cosmic Waters (energy) ,was cut down and replaced with the "Grapevine". Jesus/Dionysus turned the water into wine. In order to purify us. I also suspect this is partly what "Watch the water" may relate to, bring back the purifying waters.
"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." Our true essence is spiritual/light, not earthly/body - 5:5?
This is quite correct, but so few accept or acknowledge, let alone realize this is the case. Which is the product of societal brainwashing and multi-generational, multi-lifetime karmic load, all of which leads to the cabal's "liberal agenda", which is Victim Consciousness.
Universities are filled with arrogant assholes at the 99% SAT scores and PHD's from the best who are also dumb as rocks. Tunnel vision is often and mostly not useful. And they seldom question or reevaluate their own abilities..
Sometimes when you find yourself out near the edge of your ability and little self backslapping is needed to keep going. But this is not the condescending arrogance of the above group. So yes it was useful information for me.
Yeah, the halftime show was essentially a Playstation controller, but the Triangle button was reversed into the positive/upright way. They lit it up with white when the singer was on it.
Yes and coincidentally a circle inside of a square inside of a triangle (shapes pictured in your link) is the exact alchemical symbol for the philosopher stone. u/JonathanE 👀
"Squaring the circle", which involves constructing a square with the same area as a given circle using only a compass and straightedge. However, this problem was proven impossible in 1882 due to the transcendental nature of pi.
Carter signaled the 5:5 with a neutral zone infraction with 5:05 left to play. Jimmy Carter signaled the 55 mph speed limit, but I don't know what that was about. Maybe SALT II?
Anyhow, I guess they like to use a Carter because of the Mars War god connection.
Our true essence is spiritual/light, not earthly/body.
Christians, don’t believe this gnostic nonsense. This statement does not mesh with the belief that Jesus rose from the dead with his body, and appeared to his followers in the flesh. As it is written in the Bible. If the body was something to disregard or leave behind, why didn’t Jesus?
As a human being, my body is an intrinsic part of who and what I am. I believe our lives depend on our bodies. Death is the separation of body and soul. When God promises eternal life, the body is going to be a part of that.
Gnosticism is Christianity. Its older than Catholicism. Its the original Christianity.
Almost all of todays Christianity steams from Catholicism. If you're on this board and don't know that Catholicism is EVIL, you are not paying attention.
Catholicism eradicated Gnosticism and took over Christianity turning it into a death cult.
Read the Gnostic text, it tells you. Yahweh is the evil god. We are "prisoners" in his evil world. Yahweh wants you to worship him and all but eradicated Gnostic texts, and wrote his own, the New Testament. The Eucharist is a demonic ritual, the worship of Jesus' suffering and death on the cross is worshipping death, its a graven image.
Your Bible states;
Jesus is a descendant of Lucifer. Rev. 22:15
To eat flesh and drink blood. John 6:53-59
Then all but 12 disciples leave him because of the" Eucharist". John 6:60-66
For the Bible, I use the Septuagint.
I study all ancient religions and associated text.
This might be your problem if the only source you use is the Bible. Its like only reading the WSJ to find out about Trump.
Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the scribes have taken the
keys of Knowledge and hidden them. They themselves have not
entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. You,
however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves."
I've yet to determine if the Pharisees are good or evil.
I read the “gospel of Thomas”. It’s garbage, and has been discredited since the beginning.
No one should be surprised that there were some people a long time ago saying “the church is wrong, I have the real answers here in this text I wrote found”. Such a thing would happen regardless of who is correct. You can’t prove the church has been corrupt all the way back to first generations of christians using the mere existence of heretics as evidence.
The question remains: Why would God allow “true christianity” to die out so quickly?
To bring you into ignorance, to learn about evil. We ate from the "Tree of Good and Evil", because of this we needed to learn about evil. That is why we are here, in this simulation, outside of Eden.
Im not here to convert you to Gnosticism, Im not Christian, I don't care what you believe. But if you are here to champion The Catholic Church and its off shoots, I don't think you are understanding what Q is saying.
The "Chair" is all Popes and yes they were all evil.
When talking to non-normie crowd the problem I face is not them claiming that the hand gesture is just a comfortable position, but that its exactly the same as the normal pyramid and he is "one of them". Good to hear this - exactly what I have I suspected all this time, but then my knowledge of TRUE theology & symbolism is in the 10th percentile.
BTW, I would highly encourage you to make post about other symbology that we come across and is usually topics of debate. Like red shoes, black eyes, etc.
( I have heard so many different explanations for black eyes that I am sure whats put out there is a disinfo)
Continuing further, since these secret symbology is clear communication for the initiated, every initiated Cabal member would know that Trump belongs to the "upside down pyramid" society. Wouldn't that blow his cover?
I should've wrote "theological symbolism" instead of theology/symbolism.
For instance, does anyone know why Jesus has been depicted with an alembic in very old paintings? That is by far the biggest kitty of them all frens. Enormous. And the most consequential theological symbol/concept I could possibly think of to discuss but that's for another post, when the time has come.
The truth is I know about as much as the average GAW user about the red shoes… And probably less than most about the black eyes.
Got a link?
I don't have a link because this information is mostly in very old books rather than some specific article or post someone has made about it.
The reason why this is so is because this SPECIFIC topic is on the absolute cutting edge of humanity's awakening.
And like any science or philosophical concept, at the beginning it will NOT be accepted by the vast majority.
But there's good news… "Opinions change like the weather."
So you cannot prove the existence of pantings that include Jesus and an alembic? Take your meds pede, you're spinning out on your LARP.
What I think he is referring to "could be totally off" is the painting by Leonardo Da Vinci called (the Salvator Mundi), where if you look in Jesus's hand there appears to be a transparent orb that he is holding.
Oh you're asking for a link to a centuries-old depiction of Christ with an Alembic?
Explanation from Wikipedia: "Nicolas Flamel lived into his 80s, and in 1410 designed his own tombstone, which was carved with the images of Jesus Christ, Saint Peter and Saint Paul."
If you seek, you will find more even older.
Yes I was, and you failed to provide.
I could tell people the first few stages in creating an actual philosophers stone, but what good would it do them if they are not ready to learn?
There is a very good reason the old alchemists said that the only way to achieve the stone is through God.
I studied for 20 years, only learning what it is not, and in the end the key that unlocked the knowledge was to be found in a 2" x 2", 30 page coffee book :)
The irony. I laughed myself silly for days.
+1 u/JonathanE
"The pearl of great price."
"A stone carved out by no human hand."
"The stone the builders rejected."
"… These stones will serve you."
"To him who overcomes I will give a white stone, some of the heavenly manna…" -Jesus, Revelation.
"If you bring forth what is within you, what is within you will save you…" ~Jesus
"If you lay gold in the dust, and gold of Ophir among the stones of the torrent-bed, then the Almighty will be your gold and your precious silver." ~Job 22:23-24.
"And do not presume to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father, for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham." ~Jesus, Matthew 3:9
"I will choose you 1 from a thousand and 2 from 10,000." ~Jesus
Not everyone is predisposed or predestined to accept this.
This is a topic GAW is not ready for.
It is also coincidentally the ONLY thing I came to GAW some 11 months ago to share.
Everything else from that moment to now has only been filler for that One. Single. Post.
u/queue-anon fren👆🏽
If predestined , then nothing matters.
If predisposed , then who but they should decide "to accept this."
I see what you're saying and my answer is "yes, exactly!"
It reminds me of this quote:
"If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.
I find that there is a big lack in the understandings of the occult here. I myself do not pretend to have a great in-depth understanding of specific areas pertaining to it, but I have obtained a decent general amount of knowledge.
Wizards and Warlocks Q said.
There is much more for us all to uncover, and I feel like for a place called the Great Awakening we should see much more digging and and learning in this area. However, I do understand that putting the name aside the purpose of this place was always to be a Q-focused board.
One conclusion I have started to form is that despite the many different faces, at the end of the day all of the occultists are likely two sides of the same coin. You have a black path which emphasizes the physical and the animalistic urges. Then you have the white path that emphasizes the spiritual. All religions in the previous age acted as a sort of filtering mechanism or initial stage of initiation to determine who was ready to receive the true hidden knowledge.
Even the life of Jesus and his teachings are full of many occultic messages, and he likely hailed from a gnostic sect. Anyways that's just me trying to quickly pair down some of it into an overly condensed nutshell. Out of the house on my phone. Would be interested to hear your thoughts on this and if you have any materials worth reviewing on the matters.
Swallowed the bait, you have.
"all of the occultists are likely two ...different views... of the same...side of the coin.
Good v Evil (the coin)
Thank You...And look who is decoding the messages for everyone
If you don't have a link can you explain what it looks like? And what it means?
A vessel formerly used in chemistry for distillation, and usually made of glass or copper.
Hence Anything which works a change or transformation: as, the alembic of sorrow.
To distil as by an alembic; obtain as by means of an alembic.
Was the alembic perhaps used with frankincense and myrrh, among other things, to heal????
Frankincense and myrrh, no.
Healing? A resounding yes!
Hey anon - I may be on a similar rabbit hole that you are though to a lesser extent. Is this related to The Book of Aquarius? Are the instructions in that book true?
“I can state with confidence that my knowledge of TRUE theology & symbolism is in the 99th percentile, just like my ASVAB score.” Just gonna ask, why do you feel the need to toot your horn on an anonymous board? “Like several 'out there' ideas, concepts, (secret therapies) & interpretations that I have posted for you all here on GAW, I'm glad to see this is yet another one of the myriad examples that I've spoken on that will now get its proper understanding because it has finally made an appearance in public.” Are you suggesting that WE on the board will “finally” understand the real meaning of the upside triangle because YOU decided to post the real meaning?
ASVAB is a test given to high school kids, although any enlisted person can take it. It's not exactly a MENSA test.
Yeah, this is a hilariously stupid 'flex'.
My doge is 15”
It is in certain categories, such as mechanical shit. If your mind isn't mechanically inclined you'll fail that part. But, yeah it's not like it asks if weezles are wozzles and whos are weezles but not wozzles then who is a wonzzle and what kinda crazy shit is this?
Wait, whos are weezles but not wozzles? I have it on good authority that all dems are weezles and all commies are wozzles, so weezles and wozzles are, in fact, the same.
Damn weezles!
kek. I took mine in 1998. I couldn't begin to guess what my score was.
It's good info but the posters name says it all .
MENSA test : created by men to search for specific mental attributes.
Why ?
Poll test (polls) : created by men to search for specific opinions.
Which test is more accurate/useful ?
I would say Trump is the genius of geniuses and he sees nothing morally wrong with touting one's intelligence.
In a merit-based society, this is perfectly acceptable. In the "we are all the same" society we've been suffering with and are now finally escaping, it's frowned upon.
Yes, besides the ones here who already knew it or had researched the topic. Just like u/bubble_bursts said in his comment above:
u/BooniesRedneck This is an elite research board fren. We all have our strengths and interests. We find things and share it with each other.
I'm sure I've contributed far far less than 1% of the total "new/original ideas and concepts" to GAW.
But I have brought several consequential ones (artery cleanse, etc). A growing number of which are being accepted/understood.
It just so happens that many of the topics I share here are rarely accepted initially (including some topics that used to be outright verboten), Only to become widely excepted the more I post/comment on them and the more time that goes by.
That's why I say constantly "Opinions change like the weather on GAW."
I don’t disagree with your presentation of ideas Titor, even though I may not agree with all of them. I do agree with this one, but it’s not a really tough concept to even figure out or research. Your posts are beautifully formatted and obviously well thought out. I don’t question your intelligence or even your agenda here although Q told us to question everything and everyone. You posting about how intelligent you are and that you are now showing us the answer, yeah, that’s how I took it, is antithetical to the Q approach. Yeah, I see the opinions change that you throw out, it’s at the end, almost as if it’s an afterthought. I get that you put effort into your posts, they really ARE nice and easy to read, but maybe let them stand on their own, maybe a little less chess thumping.
It got people to react and engage though, did it not?
Learning happens in both directions, Titor may be working on Hubris. As is the entire Left.
We are all constantly working on rapid discernment and the "Q approach" is to stimulate thought.
These are excellent points u/BooniesRedneck. I guess I thought it would be understood to be obvious quasi-narcissist sarcasm.
And to your point… The "opinions changed like the weather" always comes at the end because I reread what I typed several times before I post it and think to myself "hardly anyone's gonna believe this out-there shit."
On one hand I'm relatively indifferent as to whether people accept my out there concepts sooner or later or never.
On the other hand, I do delight in seeing some of these out-there ideas become more accepted as time goes by because it makes me feel like I'm contributing my small grain of sand into the collective mountain we are all building of greater knowledge that is The Great Awakening.
It's horse-shoe nails all the way down matey 🥸
Much thanks for the kind words u/Fourth_Horseman!
I'm very happy to hear the artery cleanse protocol has helped you and some people you know and love!
The u/mods deserve half the credit. If they had not given it a sticky, maybe a lot less people would've known about it.
he probby stated that so we know he's so socially awkward that he can only be an autist.. so we can have more comfort in his interpretation due to his OCD approach to understanding symbology
Israel Submitted to Trump Note the hand position. There are several instances of this.
Pyramid = Fire in the Center
Metatron's Cube = In sacred geometry, Metatron's Cube is a geometric shape that represents the universe and the connection between God and humanity. It's named after the Archangel Metatron, who is believed to have created the cube. Note how the "cube" is constructed.
Merkaba = 2 pyramids. One up, one down. One representative of the physical, or lower self. It rotates counterclockwise. (From YOUR standing position inside of it) The other one representative of the spiritual, or higher self. It rotates clockwise. If you visualize both spinning in the correct directions, simultaneously, energy is pulled from the earth and the heavens simultaneously - and directed to your heart - in the center where they both meet. This is a key for those who it is intended for only.
There are physical permutations of the merkaba used in agriculture that rotate as described, and output a specific wave/frequency pattern, that has been scientifically proven to increase health and growth of crops. It's not foo foo bullshit.
Side note: Yoda is a demon ...
Matthew 6:22 - If thine eye be single, the body will be filled with LIGHT.
Genesis 32:30 - I have seen the face of God, in the place called Pineal.
Dark to LIGHT
Did you see him push in the chair for BB. On the surface it looks like T submitted to B. But I viewed it as T playing a chess move of sorts, as we know Trump has destroyed almost everything Isreal had taken over in the past.
Where did this event happen ?
changing definitions = changing spellings
" And Jacob called the name of the place, Peniel: for, said he, I have seen God face to face, and [a]my life is preserved." ---Genesis 32:30 --- 1599 Geneva Bible
It has been used from the beginning:
"Come on, let us go down, and there confound their language, that everyone perceive not another’s speech." --Genesis 11:7 --- 1599 Geneva
Thanks for noticing my typo.
Probably not yours. But we are all stuck in this contrived / changing Matrix.
Yoda's full quote:
"The force (God/creator) is everywhere. It surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."
The entire overarching premise of Star Wars is the battle between good and evil. Between The Light and the darkness.
"The force" is understood to be God or the creator, the Light and consciousness of the entire universe. Unfortunately they picked a demon looking bugger to deliver such a profound line.
Jesus says: "If they say to you:
‘Where do you come from?’
say to them: ‘We come from the Light.
The place where the Light is manifest from itself, has established itself and manifests through their image.’
If they ask: ‘Is it you?’
answer: ‘We are children of the Light,
the chosen of the living Father.’
~ Gospel of Thomas
Ever wonder why Q talks about "Light" so much?
Star Wars = Textbook Pantheism
Gospel of Thomas = Gnosticism, not Historical Christianity.
Hahahaha, sorry Fren, but that gave me a proper laugh (which I sorely needed).
Would it shock you to hear that Jesus was a Gnostic? As were all the original followers of Christ?
I'm laughing harder.
He isn't off though. I don't think in this board of all places we should be dismissive and shut down thought because it doesn't fit our theological paradigms. There is a lot of indications that Jesus himself indeed was a gnostic.
No there's not.
And this has been debated throughout the centuries before us - and left wanting. I'll be more than happy to continue that debate if interested?
Few will permit themselves to understand this to the extent that it is ...
I don't think the selection of Yoda was something that was just unfortunately done. It was international from all I've seen. Iirc Yoda fits the visual description of the demon Alistair Crowley claimed to have made contact with.
Everything has a base in alchemy ;)
Alchemy = Chem = Egypt
Where was Jesus from the age of 12 to 30?
The biggest red pill in existence.
Difficult to accept for 99%
"Those with ears to hear…"
"I will choose you 1 from a thousand and 2 from 10,000."
He traveled to learn from the masters.
Um, where do you think Jesus was living during that time frame?
In the Bible, Mary and Joseph took Jesus to Egypt after an angel told Joseph to flee in a dream. This story is told in the Gospel of Matthew, 2:13–23.
Yes, that’s true, but in that same chapter, verses 19-23, the angel reappears and tells Joseph to return because Herod is dead.
Read an intro to the Koran
He traveled to India for 10 years to the temple of Necal
Why read any part of the Koran to find out about Jesus’ life that was written a long time after Jesus’ time on Earth and is not a basis for Jesus’ teachings or even his life? Why not just read scripture to find out about that time period of his life?
The Qur'an calls Jesus "Al-Masih" which means "The Messiah" or "anointed one" but does not provide context beyond that. It also affirms the virgin birth, healing the blind and lepers, raising the dead, and creating a bird from clay and giving it life.
So though it may have come hundreds of years after Jesus, it still has a good handful of consistencies with the Holy Bible regarding the life of Jesus.
Information. Different points of view. Thought exercises. The list goes on and on and on. Should we also ignore the writings of Josephus, Tacitus, and Pliny just because their writings are not in the Bible?
Jesus Christ is King.
Near Tibet
The Land of Chem.
5:5 u/JonathanE? ;)
All symbols have multiple meanings.
An Alembic is a type of distiller. Which could represent Alcohol and Purification.
Drunkenness is a symbol throughout ancient text, including the Bible. It is a reference to our current state in this simulation. Basically its a symbol of our ignorance, anger, violence, stupidity ect. Jesus turned our water into wine, the water is a symbol of clarity and soberness. We have been put into the simulation to learn ignorance and evil, also to be purified.
The symbols of Drunkenness and Purity appear throughout all ancient religions, Brahma sitting on the lotus, the lotus purifies stagnant water. Dionysus the god of drunkenness is often seen leaning against a stump of a tree. The Cosmic Tree, which was the source of the Cosmic Waters (energy) ,was cut down and replaced with the "Grapevine". Jesus/Dionysus turned the water into wine. In order to purify us. I also suspect this is partly what "Watch the water" may relate to, bring back the purifying waters.
All roads lead to Rome, fren :)
It's all about control.
Maybe you should start your own board Mr Smartypants.
Your panty's are knotted.
Perfectly to support my giant balls , ma'am
Ahh , Dog Faced Pony Soldier
This is quite correct, but so few accept or acknowledge, let alone realize this is the case. Which is the product of societal brainwashing and multi-generational, multi-lifetime karmic load, all of which leads to the cabal's "liberal agenda", which is Victim Consciousness.
Good info but wished it was delivered with a lot less condescension.
"condescension" is something heard only by the recipient.
Others may hear it as information / ideas.
The 99th percent asvab, useful information?
He thought so.
Universities are filled with arrogant assholes at the 99% SAT scores and PHD's from the best who are also dumb as rocks. Tunnel vision is often and mostly not useful. And they seldom question or reevaluate their own abilities..
Sometimes when you find yourself out near the edge of your ability and little self backslapping is needed to keep going. But this is not the condescending arrogance of the above group. So yes it was useful information for me.
The pyramid represents their top down, centralized control over the base.
Upside down pyramid represents the people controlling them.
My wife says that when Trump does his hands as he does with point down that it's a military thing, "Tip of the Spear".
Was there an upside down pyramid shown in the super bowl?
Yeah, the halftime show was essentially a Playstation controller, but the Triangle button was reversed into the positive/upright way. They lit it up with white when the singer was on it.
Yes and coincidentally a circle inside of a square inside of a triangle (shapes pictured in your link) is the exact alchemical symbol for the philosopher stone. u/JonathanE 👀
I often wondered where JK Rowling got her alchemical source material for her books, it's amazing how accurate some of it is.
e.g. deathly hallows symbol.
As you would expect. More recently:
"Squaring the circle", which involves constructing a square with the same area as a given circle using only a compass and straightedge. However, this problem was proven impossible in 1882 due to the transcendental nature of pi.
Exploring reality is fun.
Nice. Tells me patriots are in control of JZ
Carter signaled the 5:5 with a neutral zone infraction with 5:05 left to play. Jimmy Carter signaled the 55 mph speed limit, but I don't know what that was about. Maybe SALT II?
Anyhow, I guess they like to use a Carter because of the Mars War god connection.
Christians, don’t believe this gnostic nonsense. This statement does not mesh with the belief that Jesus rose from the dead with his body, and appeared to his followers in the flesh. As it is written in the Bible. If the body was something to disregard or leave behind, why didn’t Jesus?
We are spirit and body.
So you believe our existence depends on the body?
As a human being, my body is an intrinsic part of who and what I am. I believe our lives depend on our bodies. Death is the separation of body and soul. When God promises eternal life, the body is going to be a part of that.
Gnosticism is Christianity. Its older than Catholicism. Its the original Christianity.
Almost all of todays Christianity steams from Catholicism. If you're on this board and don't know that Catholicism is EVIL, you are not paying attention.
Catholicism eradicated Gnosticism and took over Christianity turning it into a death cult.
Explain why God would allow “true Christianity” to be eradicated, and so early on?
Also, my source is the Bible. What’s yours?
Read the Gnostic text, it tells you. Yahweh is the evil god. We are "prisoners" in his evil world. Yahweh wants you to worship him and all but eradicated Gnostic texts, and wrote his own, the New Testament. The Eucharist is a demonic ritual, the worship of Jesus' suffering and death on the cross is worshipping death, its a graven image.
Your Bible states;
Jesus is a descendant of Lucifer. Rev. 22:15
To eat flesh and drink blood. John 6:53-59
Then all but 12 disciples leave him because of the" Eucharist". John 6:60-66
For the Bible, I use the Septuagint.
I study all ancient religions and associated text.
This might be your problem if the only source you use is the Bible. Its like only reading the WSJ to find out about Trump.
My first question was the more important one.
Gospel of Thomas
I've yet to determine if the Pharisees are good or evil.
I read the “gospel of Thomas”. It’s garbage, and has been discredited since the beginning.
No one should be surprised that there were some people a long time ago saying “the church is wrong, I have the real answers here in this text I
wrotefound”. Such a thing would happen regardless of who is correct. You can’t prove the church has been corrupt all the way back to first generations of christians using the mere existence of heretics as evidence.The question remains: Why would God allow “true christianity” to die out so quickly?
To bring you into ignorance, to learn about evil. We ate from the "Tree of Good and Evil", because of this we needed to learn about evil. That is why we are here, in this simulation, outside of Eden.
Im not here to convert you to Gnosticism, Im not Christian, I don't care what you believe. But if you are here to champion The Catholic Church and its off shoots, I don't think you are understanding what Q is saying.
The "Chair" is all Popes and yes they were all evil.
QPost #998
The "Chair" serves the Master.
Who is the Master?
P = C.
P = The Rune P
P = Thor (Thunraz)
QPost #290 Confirms Thor is "The Master"
C = The Rune C
C = Torch / Ulcer = wound (Lucifer/Christ)
Thor = Indra / Zeus / Yahweh (all the same god)
The God of the Winged Wheel Coin confirms Yhwh is the same as Zeus.