OUCH! I'm guessing Biden's pardon doesn't cover these crimes. I'd call this a well played Trump card! Anybody seen Anthony? He is going to need to pack a toothbrush.
You know, the sick part of this is that the radical left, possessed by ideology, will still cover for fauci. The Devil has a hold of these people and tightening its grip.
Lord Jesus : please put this in the hands of those who will stead this far and wide we must not stop the truth from getting to the minds of those who are so brainwashed by these demon liars in the press !
This is from page 466 of "the Real Anthony Fauci"...
BBC’s heartbreaking 2004 documentary, Guinea Pig Kids, chronicles the savage barbarity of Dr. Fauci’s science projects from the perspective of the affected children.
That year, BBC hired investigative reporter Celia Farber to conduct field research for the film, which exposes the dark underside of Big Pharma’s stampede to develop lucrative new AIDS remedies.
“I found the mass grave at Gate of Heaven cemetery in Hawthorne, New York,” she told me. “I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a very large pit with AstroTurf thrown over it, which you could actually lift up. Under it one could see dozens of plain wooden coffins, haphazardly stacked. There may have been 100 of them. I learned there was more than one child’s body in each. Around the pit was a semi-circle of several large tombstones on which upward of one thousand children’s names had been engraved. I wrote down every name. I’m still wondering who the rest of
those kids were. As far as I know, nobody has ever asked Dr. Fauci that
haunting question.
“I remember the teddy bears and hearts in piles around the pit and I
recall the flies buzzing around. The job of recording all those names took
all day. NIAID, New York, and all the hospital PIs were stonewalling us.
We couldn’t get any accurate estimate of the number of children who died
in the NIAID experiments, or who they were.
I went to check the gravestone names against death certificates at the NYC Department of Health, which you could still do at that time. BBC wanted to match these coffins to the names of children who were known to have been at ICC. It
was a very slow, byzantine project with tremendous institutional resistance, but we did turn up a few names.
We learned the story of a father who had come out of prison looking for his son. He was told his son had died at ICC of AIDS and there were no medical records, as they’d all been ‘lost in a fire.’ He was devastated.
This story ran in the NY Post, believe it or not. But one after the other, every media outlet that touched this story got cold feet.
Even then, the medical cartel had this power to kill this kind of story.
This. Forgive us, God. We were deceived and knew not. These little ones are with you, Lord. Please let them know there are great cries of grief and outrage. They will not be forgotten. And thank you for sending RFK Jr to lead us to correct this horror.
The book has been out for a couple of years so far - nobody has successfully discredited any of this, to my knowledge. And RFKJr is a lawyer - he knows the boundary lines.
OUCH! I'm guessing Biden's pardon doesn't cover these crimes. I'd call this a well played Trump card! Anybody seen Anthony? He is going to need to pack a toothbrush.
You know, the sick part of this is that the radical left, possessed by ideology, will still cover for fauci. The Devil has a hold of these people and tightening its grip.
Even so, no way he out runs this.
I don't think he'll be able to escape.
An eternity in hell with his daddy Josef Mengele!
It's a great weekend for suicides...
Bidens pardon covered all crimes back to 2014
Biden's pardon won't help Fauci for his pre-2014 crimes and there are enough of them to convict him.
Biden and Fauci are dead and its actors you see that play them.
Nope, can and will be charged in New York state court.
Lord Jesus : please put this in the hands of those who will stead this far and wide we must not stop the truth from getting to the minds of those who are so brainwashed by these demon liars in the press !
Fauci, arrest, GITMO, gallows, make it happen no later than 12/31/2025
This is from page 466 of "the Real Anthony Fauci"... BBC’s heartbreaking 2004 documentary, Guinea Pig Kids, chronicles the savage barbarity of Dr. Fauci’s science projects from the perspective of the affected children. That year, BBC hired investigative reporter Celia Farber to conduct field research for the film, which exposes the dark underside of Big Pharma’s stampede to develop lucrative new AIDS remedies.
“I found the mass grave at Gate of Heaven cemetery in Hawthorne, New York,” she told me. “I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a very large pit with AstroTurf thrown over it, which you could actually lift up. Under it one could see dozens of plain wooden coffins, haphazardly stacked. There may have been 100 of them. I learned there was more than one child’s body in each. Around the pit was a semi-circle of several large tombstones on which upward of one thousand children’s names had been engraved. I wrote down every name. I’m still wondering who the rest of those kids were. As far as I know, nobody has ever asked Dr. Fauci that haunting question.
“I remember the teddy bears and hearts in piles around the pit and I recall the flies buzzing around. The job of recording all those names took all day. NIAID, New York, and all the hospital PIs were stonewalling us. We couldn’t get any accurate estimate of the number of children who died in the NIAID experiments, or who they were.
I went to check the gravestone names against death certificates at the NYC Department of Health, which you could still do at that time. BBC wanted to match these coffins to the names of children who were known to have been at ICC. It was a very slow, byzantine project with tremendous institutional resistance, but we did turn up a few names.
We learned the story of a father who had come out of prison looking for his son. He was told his son had died at ICC of AIDS and there were no medical records, as they’d all been ‘lost in a fire.’ He was devastated.
This story ran in the NY Post, believe it or not. But one after the other, every media outlet that touched this story got cold feet. Even then, the medical cartel had this power to kill this kind of story.
Thank you! This is truly a heartbreaking story and it would seem even back then Fauci was "untouchable".
Crimes against humanity. GITMO.
Nobody hates Anthony Fauci enough.
OMG, this is unimaginable!!
This. Forgive us, God. We were deceived and knew not. These little ones are with you, Lord. Please let them know there are great cries of grief and outrage. They will not be forgotten. And thank you for sending RFK Jr to lead us to correct this horror.
In the name of your beloved Son, Jesus, amen.
When do his trials begin?
First, arrest Joe Biden for the pardons. Then arrest everyone he pardoned,
ARREST SOMEBODY!!! There I feel better.
Top Kek!
I doubt his pardon covers these crimes.
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See, this is why I no longer watch this stuff. I'm so effing enraged right now. UGHHHH!!!!!
Tony Fauci will never see the true gates of heaven.
Sounds like he's been fed a fake story to discredit him
Kennedy has been researching Fauci for years. He is not new to this.
Yah it’s almost too incredible. 72 hour rule, at minimum.
The book has been out for a couple of years so far - nobody has successfully discredited any of this, to my knowledge. And RFKJr is a lawyer - he knows the boundary lines.
This man is truly a monster. He must face justice!
No pardon, death penalty..
He really is worse than mengele. Public beheading would be too good for him.
covid was an international issue. be a shame if we extradited him... real shame...
We've been seeing the corruption and theft and incompetence.
Now the horrors are starting to come out into the open.
There will be a lot more.