Anons, please pivot to "Environmental Toxins" and "how to counteract toxins" without discussing potential and unverifiable toxin sources to support the Trump/RFK Jr. MAHA agenda and to specifically NOT GRIEF THE MODS. Please link peer reviewed scientific papers where possible for sauce.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
Recently, there was a post on a woman who documented an airplane dumping chemicals on her land and the land around where she lived. She confronted the pilot and it was clear the pilot was doing some shady shit. I'd like to still be updated on things like that if / when they happen.
Yep. I saw it. I continue to test for specific toxins as well, and I am attempting to neutralize or improve the situation. The point is that the true root cause and sources are numerous and the information space on this topic is quite polluted with intentionally false and misleading information to distract us.
Genuinely curious, I understand the "conspiracy theory" aspect but what about the discussions revolving around Tennessee SB 2691/HB 2063
The wording in the Bill suggests that the compounds are being used for weather modification. Perhaps that’s a way for the White Hats to end the practice without being labeled as conspiracists? At the end of the day, isn't the primary concern to eliminate the problem?
If the Cabal is using "weather modification" as a front for "something else," and the general public thinks that "something else" is pure insanity, then let's just call it "weather modification" and put a stop to that.
I'm not necessarily justifying the mods' position on banning certain topics. I don't really care one way or the other. And you do bring up a good point. I'm interested in hearing other opinions on this. Great question, thanks for asking!
The fact of the matter is, they are spraying stuff in the sky. They’ve admitted it, we’ve seen it, and I’m pretty sure that it not for our benefit. If they’re from the government, and they’re here to help, chances are they’re not helping.
If they've been dumping chemicals on us, then it has contaminated everything, necessitating cleanup operations. I guess we'll tackle that when it is no longer a "fringe conspiracy theory"
I don’t understand this one at all. What the hell is going on here this place is getting weird and I don’t have a lot of confidence at the moment. I have never doubted until now. Feeling sick about it but hey, shit happens
While on the subject of certain topics off limits, I really think a fringe conspiracy theory is that "Viruses do not exist". To me this belongs in the category of the flat earth crap, much more so than the other topics which are banned.
Take note mods, what is your position on "viruses don't exist"? I don't believe that is even a Q topic in the drops.
I think “the elections are fine now because we won the last one,” “patriots/white hats are in total control of everything so we should kick back and eat popcorn,” “we’re waking up normies with limited hangouts brought to us by rebranded mainstream media personalities,” and “Democrats are the final boss fight” are all fringe theories that hurt the awakening.
There are many, many sources of toxins. Some of which we have may not have uncovered yet. We can test for toxins and then attempt to counter without knowing source. Root causes will likely be dealt with in time, and we will likely need high level or military (or Army Corps of Engineers) help for that, imo (similar to N. Carolina cleanup and infrastructure help, possibly).
My issue with the whole thing is "so why are they dumping chemicals on themselves at the same time? This stuff doesn't just stay where it was released."
Yea when it was presented to the committee the word “chemtrails” was used. But “law wording” labeling was “weather modification”. And there are still “trails” all through Tennessee btw. So that hasn’t stopped. I honestly feel weather modification and what’s known as chemtrails are two different things. But that’s me. I get why the mods are tackling this. There isn’t enough knowledge or information on the word “chemtrails”. Weather modification, absolutely. And honestly they didn’t say you can’t talk about that. Because legislation was passed on that topic, so it’s a thing. And plus, I feel now is a time that the Q drops need to be presented more because they are hitting back to back. Time is now.
I would assume WM is also a conspiracy.win topic right now. We have so much other higher priority stuff to analyze and decode, including going through the DOGE documents and corruption evidence. That one looks like a distraction to me as well. High quality, relevant posts that other Anons can help dig on is the objective. Eyes on the Prize. Things are moving fast. We may start seeing human trafficking disclosures and IRS, DoD, DoEnergy audit results soon. Those will be fire and need our attention.
There is historical data showing why high desert states (and maybe some others) have used silver (I think colloidal silver, but could be wrong) to help increase rain.
If these things that people are complaining about is silver, and they are the same people who use silver to help heal themselves, I just don't think they know enough to justify their worry.
If there is something else being sprayed, we can have state DOGE teams look into that & it is best that individuals contact their state reps (state senators & state representatives depending on how your government is set up in your state).
Ultimately most individuals looking at GAW for the first time will see "buzz words" and just walk away without even considering the truth that can be found here. 5th Gen Warfare is a thing & we need to help others navigate into a place where they are comfortable asking critical questions & seeking answers.
If we can get 10-25% of the population doing that, then we can go after concerns like this with a truth seeking powerhouse that will find the truth in time.
We must help them wake up first & be comfortable asking the hard questions & breaking the narratives that have kept so many of us prisoners for so long. We do that & individuals will naturally question the other stuff.
Yeah I hear you brother I live here too and see it out where I live. I wonder if all this weather isn't the waves caused by years of manipulation for Al Gore's (gay) movie.
There appear to be many potential sources of toxins. Our time may be most productively spent on countering the toxins, similarly to trying to neutralize "injected toxins" versus arguing about exactly where exactly a bioweapon might have been created.
There's no room to discuss senate bills / house bills and the like on an elite research board
Chemtrails and flat earth aren’t the same.
dude for real, how in the fuck are these two things in the same category and being treated as similar level conspiracies?????
There is probably a debate on conspiracy.win about that. Both topics are heavily polluted right now (probably CIA psyop language), and that is probably why they are both banned here right now. It is a distraction. Lots of Q posts about "fake food" and "poisons", etc. that are relevant to RFK Jr., Trump, Q, and this topic, imo.
Is what it is. Rules are clearly outlined, whether someone likes it or not.
rofl...funny. I love the mods at GAW. They are top notch. I am aware I am right ON THE LINE here. Please do not ban. That meme is a bit of humor for Cats5, hopefully I hit the funny bone just a little.
I can see the mods now, with a black cloth sack sneaking up behind our OP here. Aaaaand, he's gone. Disappeared. Black SUV quietly drives off into the night.
I've already been banned multiple times for crossing the line.
Shhh. Hey, you got any of those real clouds ?⛅️
Cumulus, the glider pilots cloud of choice.
I must be retarded because I don’t even know what this means. 🥴
Yeah wondering what I missed today.
Okay I guess it has to do with that PSA pinned. I'm in agreement about that pretty much, so tired of those first three especially as they tend to suddenly get pushed whenever something big is going on to forum slide it. There's already a whole other .win for them anyhow.
It all started 10 hours ago when I made this post. Had a conversation with one of the mods because they removed my post. Found some humor in it, and moved on with my day. Yet now here we are. 🤷♀️ talking about the same subject that my post was removed for. Just for the record I’m not butt hurt about it. It is what it is.
Hi fren
The PSA is the response to some incidents between anons and the mod team which have gone badly.
It is to prevent those situation from arising again by writing down a simple rule to avoid confrontation and unnecessary reflex responses.
If you saw what we saw sometimes, you would probably agree.
Actually, your post was just what was needed as a reason to resolve this.
Thank you fren.
Awesome 🤩 glad I could help. I can only imagine some of the content that you have to deal with. I mean, people can get pretty ugly here but on PDW it’s really bad so I totally get it. When people send messages to you behind closed doors, I’m sure they let it all out. Not something that they would post openly. 🙏
Hi fren,
yeah, modding is often a balancing act and full of imperfect compromises.
"hikingtrails" means something else, but I would have gotten banned for crossing that line (again). Besides, the mods know what it means, and hopefully find it humorous. It is very gentle and loving dig, imo.
I don’t believe in flat earth, but I’m genuinely curious about it because we have been lied to. Bottom line. About so many things.
When I watched Eddie Bravo explain “space is fake” on Joe Rogan, it piqued my interest.
And what does the Bible say about the Earth? The firmament and the water in Genesis?
My father believes in the moon landing, says he watched it live on TV. But come on, we just found out the government lied to us about the assassination of JFK. There is more logical questions to the moon landing than anything in my opinion. That’s not a crazy conspiracy theory.
Lastly, some posts, sayings, beliefs, got us through the most difficult time of our lives. We used the “JFK Jr is alive” to spread hope and enjoy a laugh, to recognize each other in the wild.
Censorship is censorship. I do understand the Mods have to Mod and they seem like good people. Like a judge, they deal with everything - the worst and the best and the most difficult decisions are theirs in the end.
Have a lovely night Frens.
My opinion: They are a distraction. Just wait until we get more info on some of those topics that are verifiably not a psyop. Information on some topics has gotten very, very polluted intentionally. There are plenty of Q things for us to focus on. There is good discussion on conspiracy.win on many interesting things.
Its a fat earth, not a flat one.
Hotdog Earth is the new thing.
Gary Larson is the original meme GOAT.
roflmao. Meme is accurate!
I may be that frog.
How can we talk about certain environmental toxins when we're not even allowed to mention certain environmental toxins without risking a ban?
Like this: Excess aluminum oxide in soil can be temporarily neutralized with phosphorous additive. Phosphorous is elemental pair of Aluminum and debonds it from oxygen, and rebonds it to Phosphorus. Posting link to study once I choose best one to share.
Phosphorous is the P in the NPK formula for healthy plants.
They don't exist? I think we're supposed to put blinders on and just try to discuss how to get the poison out of your system without addressing the fact that, even if you do, you're being poisoned again on a daily basis.
there's already a site for supporting trump and his admin
Yes. There are Q posts talking about poisons. Discussion of toxins appears to be relevant.
The problem with the Mods thinking is they are going to the same “scientific” sources to get proof that the current information is correct. It’s like going to Pfizer to get information on Vaccines. Doesn’t work. It is also the assumption that the test info is correct because it was peered reviewed by the very same peers who stood for financial gain. Secondly it assumes that ALL answers to the question are found ONLY in the very same crooked scientific community NO OTHER ASWERS are available for you. God has made many different processes for detoxing the human body and it’s found in His creation and have been used for literally centuries. So no I won’t go to scientific sources when non-scientific sources are available. Do a quick Google search on any health subject and you will be directed to the same sources. Mayo Clinic, WebMD etc, the same that gain $Billions of dollars on your ill health…just a reminder.
Maybe we're back to Fauci being "I am science!"
I can't love this meme enough
"Q" is one of the "fringiest" theories out there, except...... hiking trails.
In light of the recent (and excellent BTW) PSA, this hijacked Gary Larson meme is fantastic!!! Bravo!!!
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 A+
Certain topics are banned, and mods are not joking, so pivot and follow the rules or get banned. They have the authority to run GAW they way that they see fit.
Absolutely. I remember back in the EARLY days there were many posts about how to help the site, usually offering monetary support (primarily BTC). The mods consistently turned down any outside help, with the reason being that they wanted full control of the site. They've done a fantastic job so far... evidenced by the fact that the site lived through the great censorship purge of the last decade. I may not always agree with the mod team, but I trust and support them fully.
These mods are the best. They deserve the respect they have earned by providing such a high quality discussion forum for us ALL, free from shills and retards (in contrast to PDW mods).
I agree, they've kept the board true to the original purpose.
Yeah we run this place you anons better shape up or ship out!
Mods ban me on a semi-regular basis when I cross the line, deservedly so. I course correct and try to follow the rules as laid out. If you go right to the line, there is always the danger of going over it now and then. We can't be dicks about it or it is their perrogative to permaban. Remember it is a privilege.
I still need to document when these chemicals were introduced to the toilet paper manufacturing process.
Save it for later.
Just providing sauce 🫡🇺🇸 As stated in the original post.
Yeah. Just look out. Mods on the warpath on this issue. I deleted all posts and comments with c-word and removed some speculative question commentary. Moving these discussions over to conspiracies.win; duplicating your comment over there with new post would be helpful for interested anons to save it.
I completely understand. But since they’ve left your post up, then I thought I would at least make a comment. 🙏👍
Do you want me to delete my comment?
You could link to a conspiracy.win post. I like your sauce. That seems fair to me.
I love the meme. But is there a master list of what is allowed speech and what is not? So we aren't allowed to discuss where poisons come from anymore? Including vax? Or is it still okay to mention that vaccines are poison? Is the death jab still the death jab? Or is it good now?
This is censorship. It's their board, so we have to play by their rules, but I prefer clear rules on what is and what is not allowed. even if it seems like picking and choosing which "issues" are acceptable to discuss and which are not. If we're supposed to pretend that all the toxins we're subjected to appeared from nowhere (or just ignore the source) and ignore the multiple elephants in the room, fine, but at least tell us if we're allowed to address any of the elephants at all when they're literally crushing us to death, or if we're just supposed to try to find a solution to us not being able to breathe without addressing why that is.
Yes. You can place structure under the elephant to support it, get out from under it, breathe, and then figure out why there is an elephant in North America inside your 20 foot ceiling house.
Meme is top notch, any way it’s sliced. Do please stay on the right side of the mod fence, too good a poster when there’s the other forum!
It’s a shame that fences were made for frogs to jump over, and we’re so darn prone to it.
How about this?
Solar radiation modification: NOAA State of the Science factsheet
We will get there. Put a pin in that, and come back to it in 2 months. DOGE auditors at DoD gonna find some superweird shit. Hopefully they publish some data and explanations.
Reddit 2.0
counteract toxins with I.V. chelation. It's not free, it's not cheap, but get yourself a credit card with a good introductory rate and get er done.
Mods are way more bommery than I thought… but they do sticky that ashlandogg atrocity every day…
Uh, well, there are none. That was easy!
I agree with you but we have to focus on the mission, and that is what this site is for.
Certain language is clearly CIA psyop, and it is helpful in neutralizing the psyop to pivot, and not use certain language, imo. Not saying something damaging is not happening.