Opinion: Trump’s Canada Plan and the Overton Window Strategy Donald Trump has never been one to shy away from bold ideas, and whispers of a plan involving Canada have begun to circulate in political circles. While the notion of Canada joining the United States might sound like a geopolitical fever dream, it’s worth considering how Trump, a master of disruption, could approach such an audacious goal. One plausible strategy? The Overton Window—the concept that defines the range of ideas deemed acceptable in public discourse—and Trump’s knack for shifting it to suit his ends.
The Overton Window isn’t static; it moves with public perception. What’s unthinkable today can become policy tomorrow if the ground is prepared. Trump’s political career thrives on this principle—think of his border wall or trade wars, once dismissed as outlandish, now normalized in Republican rhetoric. Applying this to Canada, Trump could be laying the groundwork to make annexation (or some form of deep integration) not just palatable, but desirable—to Americans, Canadians, or both.
Start with economics. Trump could frame Canada’s inclusion as a natural extension of his “America First” agenda. The U.S. and Canada already share the world’s longest undefended border and a trade relationship worth over $600 billion annually. Why not streamline it? He might pitch a unified North American economic bloc to counter China’s dominance, dangling promises of jobs, energy security (hello, Alberta oil), and a beefed-up military footprint. It’s not annexation—it’s “partnership,” he’d say, with a wink. By normalizing this narrative, he’d nudge the window open just a crack.
Then comes culture. Trump’s a showman—he knows optics matter. Expect him to lean on shared history (forgetting 1812, of course) and play up a “North American identity.” He could host Canadian leaders at Mar-a-Lago, crack jokes about hockey and maple syrup on Truth Social, and push a media blitz framing Canada as America’s wayward cousin, ready to come home. The more he talks it up, the less absurd it sounds. Critics would scoff, but that’s the point—outrage keeps it in the news, inching the idea into the realm of “maybe.”
Policy-wise, he wouldn’t go for a full-court press—not at first. Trump could float trial balloons: a joint customs union, a shared currency (goodbye, loonie), or even a “security merger” to “protect” against Arctic threats (looking at you, Russia). Each step would be small, digestible, and framed as common sense. Canadians, wary of losing sovereignty, might resist—but if economic carrots (or sticks, like tariffs) were dangled, public opinion could shift. The Overton Window thrives on gradualism; Trump’s not above playing the long game when it suits him.
Of course, this assumes Trump has a plan—and that’s a big “if.” He’s just as likely to toss out “Canada should be the 51st state” as a late-night musing, then watch the chaos unfold. But that’s the beauty of his Overton approach: even chaos moves the window. If he normalizes the conversation, others—think tanks, MAGA lawmakers, even Canadian populists—might pick up the thread. Precedent exists: Alaska and Hawaii weren’t always states, and Texas joined by choice. Why not Canada? The counterargument? Canada’s national identity is fierce, its politics lean left, and its people aren’t keen on trading Ottawa for Washington. Trump’s bombast could backfire, galvanizing Canadian resistance. Yet that’s never stopped him before—he thrives on defiance. And with a polarized world, economic uncertainty, and a U.S. eager for wins, the idea might not stay fringe forever.
Trump using the Overton Window isn’t about forcing Canada in; it’s about making the unthinkable thinkable. Step by step, quip by quip, he could shift the frame until “North America United” isn’t a punchline—it’s a platform. Whether it works is another story. But if anyone can sell a wild idea, it’s the man who turned “Build the Wall” into a movement. Canada, take note: the window’s creaking open.
But the most important factor about Trump's Canada Stand is "WHY?"
I believe with the impending dissolution of the biggest criminal gang in the history of humanity - "The Crown" - the supposed British monarchy (its actually just a corporation at this point) commonwealth countries like Canada and Australia are about to become true orphans.
Trump is getting ready to find a new home for these orphans. If you dont find a new home for Canada, it will be used to create more divisions for US, so the best option is to assimilate it as part of these United States.
It's to keep China from getting it, just like Greenland.
good point! Canada is clearly within China's grasp
I think so too. China knows if they can't own US farmland anymore Canada is a good backup. Good for surveillance, training.. they can also have soldiers and armories there -war ready- if the occasion arises.
This I can at least conceptualize.
The Chinese attempt to subvert the USA has, for the foreseeable future, been stopped. Which means that any conflict with the USA runs the risk of going hot. The Chinese navy is garbage. They can't go to war with the US if they have naval supply lines. So if they take Canada, even if it's only on paper, now they have a drastically shortened supply line that doesn't cross water.
Actually, I think you might be a bit off on this point. As far as I understand it, "the Crown" is actually the embodiment of all historical British Law, aka the sovereignty of law, manifesting through the British government. The Monarchy is not the Crown, per se. The Queen/King is a representative of the Crown, but not the Crown itself. This is why the Monarch has limited powers under the 'British Constitution'.
Putting aside the corruption and unlawful things that both the Monarchy and the government do, the 'Crown' itself is the basis for law and rights in the UK.
Why is this significant? One reason is because the evolution of common law (which to a large extent the US Constitution is a codification of) involved drawing a distinction between law, derived from Divine Law, and what the King and later the Parliament make into law, via statutes.
That distinction established that law is law not because the King (or parliament) says so, but because it reflects natural law, that pre-exists man-made laws.
Thus, the 'constitutional monarchy' became the stepping stone to the establishment of the US, where the sovereignty (aka the Crown) is actually claimed by the People.
Where the British Monarchy and the government have devolved into corruption (just as the US government itself has done), this does not negate the original value or source of the sovereignty.
I would say that the British Monarchy is one player in the corrupt criminal gang that the British Cabal is, including the corrupt government aspects. They are certain due for a cleaning.
But how can this be done while preserving the foundations of the nation, aka the laws, starting from the Magna Carta through the 1689 Bill of Rights, to the modern day?
I think the "constitutional monarchy" is actually a precursor of the Kingdom of God on Earth, where Christ, representing God, and his heirs are King, but where that same sovereignty is invested in each individual and family.
The US is a 'kingdom' without a king. Sovereignty lies with the People, but ultimately, God must be recognized as sovereign.
I've diverged from the original topic significantly, but these are some musing inspired by the topic of "the Crown" in Britain. Should be noted that the sovereignty of the People in Australia, via the Aus Constitution, also derives from the Crown, as far as I understand it.
It is that entire foundation that has been corrupted and undermined to produce what Australia is today: corrupted, unlawful, where the (corporate) govt has usurped the sovereignty of the people.
Did you see this comment the other day?
I’m still trying to figure out common law, of course.
I like this particular discussion
Christian Foundations of the Common Law
A few comments: The whole area of law, statute law vs common law, British common law vs Roman civil law, law of the land (common law) vs commerce law (law of the sea, law of the admiralty), etc, the foundations of law in the modern world and how it has been corrupted, these are elements of the rabbit hole to end all rabbit holes.
BUT, extremely complex area, and LOTS of different theories, beliefs, etc, regarding all of these. I think this is one reason why the Law of War manual thing has captured so much attachment from a sector of frogdom (aka awakening folk and anons).
Re: LoW manual & Q: I'm not certain that Majic Eyes interpretations are right or wrong. He brings a lot of compelling content to light. However, I also think that a lot of frogs have attached themselves to this and imbued certain ideas with the power of belief, even when the logic or empirical data are debatable.
I believe DJT when he says he is the President of Law and Order. Restoring the law and the authority of the law is critical to the future. But ultimately, humanity needs to understand God's perspective on law and how it works.
From the document you linked:
And THAT is the real problem, because an entity without a single accepted definition is the dead of the state of the commonwealth countries. This allowed the deep state to weaponise the term "Crown" into a corporate entity to control these countries.
"Common law" is the legal term for what forms the basis of of law and rights in UK and by extension (through the declaration of independence) for US as well.
Common law itself is the interpretation of law over the centuries by various courts in the UK, the God given laws based on the Bible and the commandments.
There are different definitions of 'common law', as far as I know, but in the strictly 'legal' sense, it refers to the case law that has developed as you state.
I still think the distinction is worth noting: that in the development of law in the UK and then the US, the fundamental principle is that law transcends. Thus, it is not so much "God given law", but the law that God has established transcendent in Creation. Certainly, the Bible and the Commandments were critical in the development of this mentality, but the idea is that natural law is defined by God and that man-made law must reflect that transcendent law, at a minimum to conform to it.
Outside of the 'legal' realm (a realm that should be understood distinct from the lawful realm), common law is widely understood to be the law of the land, contrasting with mercantile or admiralty law, which is the law of the sea.
I don't know that this is true. Depending on who you listen to, the rightful Crown government in Australia was 'legally' deposed and transformed into a corporate govt system. I don't know that the Cabal has as much weaponized the term as it has undermined and hijacked the authority of the Crown.
Without belabouring the point too much, I think we both agree that countries like Australia and Canada (and any other country for that matter) should be Republics.
Specifically, no matter what the definition of the "Crown" is, we don't want a Governor General appointed by someone (or something) with the ability to dismiss the duly elected government.
Timeline of Treason in Australia
Introduction This document outlines a detailed timeline of alleged acts of treason and constitutional breaches in Australia, focusing on governance shifts, legislative actions, and systemic changes from the Crown Commonwealth to a corporate governance model. It is based on research and analysis by Dick Yardley, highlighting significant events and their implications on Australia’s constitutional integrity.
Key Events and Allegations
1959: Removal of Crown Authority
1965: Creation of the Australian Dollar
1972-1973: Gough Whitlam and Duumvirate Government
1973: Redefinition of Constitutional Terms
1973: Royal Style and Titles Act
1976-1980: Removal of Religious References
1986: Australia Acts
1994: Amendments to the Victorian Constitution
2001-Present: Consolidation of Corporate Governance
Key Themes
Shift from Constitutional to Corporate Governance:
Fraudulent Legislation:
Impact on Citizens:
Call for Accountability:
The timeline highlights alleged acts of treason and governance shifts that have significantly altered Australia’s constitutional framework. It calls for the restoration of the Commonwealth Constitution and accountability for those involved in the alleged breaches. This document serves as a foundation for further discussion and investigation into Australia’s governance structure and constitutional integrity.
Saved this, looks interesting.
More here:
I'm not so sure.
Starting in 2021, I began getting educated (to a small extent) on law, the Australian constitution, and other stuff.
A republic in Australia like the French Republic would remove a LOT of our fundamental rights that should be secured under the Constitution (but which have been undermined and stolen via the corrupted govt system).
If you listen to Darryl O'Bryan, one gets the impression that the Constitution in Australia is actually a very powerful and effective document, BUT that it has been undermined and corrupted.
I've sat in on a few talks by this man addressing issues about the govt, law and constitution, and this opened my mind up massively. he changed my mind on the constitution and the Crown in a big way. There is a reason by the Globalist / Marxists want to get in a 'republic' in Australia and abolish the constitution.
Sadly, his content is very hard to find on the tube.
No it has to be a republic similar to the USA, created by specifically invoking the unalienable Rights endowed by the Creator, and with a new constitution similar to USA that clearly specifies the limits of the government.
A republic with a bad constitution is obviously bad, and until now people had no idea what a good constitution looks like. But now the time is getting ripe - people have experienced tyranny first hand, and appreciate how US has stood in front of the world as a first line of defence. We can also learn all the shortfalls of the US constitution (like explicitly banning private central banks) through this exercise and plug in the gaps.
I think that is where we are headed. Commonwealths are defunct whether you believe they are good or not.
Thanks BB. I know we both have a strong interest in this area.
I found a talk by O'Bryan that you can access via Yutub. Take a listen when you have time and interest. I found this area was THE rabbit hole to end all rabbit holes, and O'Bryan came across as the mad hatter who has the tiger by the tail.
This area: law, constitution, lawful governance, and what has been done to it all by the Cabal is THE rabbit hole to end them all. Because it relates to how the satanic forces both in Spirit World and on the Earth have been waging war on humanity in order to increase and further enslave us, while the Creator has been working likewise to do the exact opposite.
Before I sat in on O'Bryan's talk, I used to be very envious of the US and the US constitution. Not so much anymore. I think maybe I know about 4% about the Australian Constitution, but that's about 99% more than the average Australian knows.
Actually, the patriots in Australia who drafted our constitution did, I think. But because we gained 'independence' from the UK as a sovereign nation and people NOT by revolution and blood, Australians have essentially zero awareness or understanding of how powerful our constitution actually is.
Our constitution is the embodiment of the common law in the UK (plus with content referencing and learning from the US const. and one or two others) up until the time of federation. It's not that its not powerful. It's that it's been undermined and replaced, and Aussies have been blind to it all the while.
The problem is not the constitution. Just as in the US, it's not the constitution that is the real problem. It's that satanic evil does unlawful things but cannot be held to account by a public that is ignorant, asleep and apathetic.
Anyway, that's my view broadly speaking, and learning about this in 2021+ has led to a quantitative leap in my understanding of the problems and the issues, not just in Aus, but around the world.
But I do recommend listening to the O'Brian talk. If you do, I'll be keen to hear what you think about it.
We already have that happening::
""…establish a common approach to security to protect North America from external threats, prevent and respond to threats within North America, and further streamline the security and efficient movement of legitimate, low-risk traffic across our shared borders.""
IF this becomes a Reality, it will Destroy OUR American Economy, even as it Improves Both Canadian and Mexican Economies....
Not to mention all the Gibsicans will be here and back on the dole....
And that THING they call a President in Mexico isn't going to secure any of Mexicos Borders, how???
I mean, really, almost nobody respects her, and a Woman just doesn't command in the same manner as a Man, not mentioning the ""J"" thing....
EU style NAU was Globalists' wet dreams, because that is how they weaken and destroy constitution of individual countries.
Trump is not suggesting that. He wants to incorporate Canada as 51st state, not as a member of an Union with seperate set of rules.
If this happens, Canada will be absolutely bound by US constitution as much as Texas, of Florida.
The PROBLEM with what's being suggested comes own to WORD DEFINITIONS, and although some 99.999% of Americans think and believe they know exactly what the words mean, they actually Don't Know Jack Shit from Shine-O-la....
The word ""STATE"" literally means Nation....
It's just that simple, and with all the many ways that a bunch of Dumbasses have tried to redefine it, they didn't change a single thing, Nation and State still mean the same thing....
Neither Canada nor the U.S. are ""Nations"", EXCEPT for External International Purposes.....
As for IN-ternal International Law Purposes, we have the Founding Documents to look at for the correct Regulation of our >INTERNAL< International Law and Processes....
Otherwise, Both Canada and the U.S. are Officially Federations, aka, Groups of Nations, and this one little FACT cannot be IGNORED, because if it is Ignored, that would make us IGNORANT....
Beyond the Semantics of Law, we still would have to deal with both of their Failing Socialist Economies, and WE the Americans would have to suck up their DEBTS, you know, debts that are NOT OURS....
Plus we will still have to deal with our own Socialist GibsMeDats, so why would we want to also have theirs on our dole too???
That's just Nonsense....
Greenland, sure, it's just 1 Nation, a Single State that we can easily incorporate and they have some good resources we can use, and are in a Military Strategic Strongpoint when it comes down to World Affairs, it is Good Common Sense to gain them as either another Member Nation to our Union, or at very least as a Territory....
Mexico has almost Nothing to offer us beyond Fruits and Vegetables, most of which we can grow for ourselves, but in the Winter, sure, we can BUY all we need from Mexico, and do not NEED much else....
Either way, it's all sounding a lot like the NAU Plan, which I abhor....
We o not need the::
Mexican Federation....
Canadian Federation....
Because we already have the U.S. Federation....
Agreed! All Commonwealth countries, in essence still belong to the British monarchy; they just don't know it! By Trump trolling them about making them the 51st state; it opens dialogue about their true state!
Agree with the Overton window concept in grneral - and they are likely using social media AI analysis to determine the score, or at least some type of feedback loop on public opinion. No clue though - really.
I’m using that hypothesis to rationalize why things might not seem to happen as rapidly as I’d like. It helps make datefagging / hopefagging a thing of the past and ease me into ‘trusting the plan’.
Strategically the US needs British Columbia to kick out the CCP operation there, take away a strategic port from the British/globalists and to connect to Alaska. Claiming all of Canada and then just getting the part we need might be the point.
Theoretically, a physical connection to Greenland (railroad/tunnel/pipeline) via Canada is also possible via some sort of negotiated or "land-bridge" corridor. Even a tunnel might need consent of Canada or some sort of public agreement with some entity.
Yeah - i think at this point, the Canada thing is a foregone conclusion (stragegery😀) Lots o libs there but, maybe 1/3 of them (libs) or more will see the light eventually - even if kicking and screaming while being dragged by conservatives and MAGA’s.
The Overton window is most likely being used. It satisfies (my) needs in terms of ‘it had to be this way’ & ‘trust the plan’ and ensures victory before battles are fought.
waaay ahead of him... this Canadian has been asking to be annexed for years
Me too. I've made lots of posts here in the past saying it would be great, but it was not something I honestly thought would be discussed at this point in the T47 administration. It seems crazy for DJT to be talking about it so soon before the mass awakening, but I suppose OP's point of planting the seed now for something that's going to be inevitable later makes sense. Except for Quebec. No way will those frogs join us frogs unless there is a huge coming to Jesus (literally) for them.
I, for one, welcome our new American overlords!
But seriously, this may be the only way it could work. As a Canadian resident of BC, I can tell you, contrary to popular belief, you'd probably like us more than you realize. Our blueness is concentrated in the cities, like yours. But the trucker protest kicked off here. The land between the cities is bright red. Maybe closer to center, but it's better than what the media reports.
For the annexation to happen, the average Canuck will have to support it. Or will Trump suspend the 2nd amendment for us alone? Folks don't often see us angry, but when we are, we can be somewhat difficult.
So as a strong supporter of sensible unification, I hope it happens something like this.
And call it "North Montana". (I want that Meet the Robinsons quote to be real.)
Glacier National Park enters the chat...
People were laughing at “Gulf of America” a month ago, now not so much.
He got the world ready to accept new changes quickly
I think this happened because he didn’t make it a conversation. He didn’t allow discussion. He was like, this is happening. Period. He seems to be doing a lot of that this time around
Canadian politics do not lean left. They have been a victim of the same voter fraud that the US endured.
They have too many recent 'canadians' (muslims, africans, indians etc) that 100% lean left.
And they have too many nazis. 'Ukrainians'. The galician SS division was relocated there. Freeland is a descendent of a nazi.
So yea....they have issues.
It's funny to me that most of these people, muslims, africans, indians lean far right in their own countries but magically change their politics when they come to the west. I think it might be more of a language / information / fraud issue than anything else.
We can deport them too. And influence them to self-deport.
1000% Agree!!
If so, I would bet the majority would want to join a Trump led America
Hence the shifting of overton window to meme it into reality.
The French Canadians will never give up their special privileges.
Most Canadians live in the big cities. The big cities are mostly full of far-lefties to centrists. Even the conservatives are so-called "Progressive-Conservatives" so they might be in favour of lower taxes and smaller governemt but still want to ban guns and/or protect socialized healthcare and/or support the LGBTQ+ agenda. Those who would align with Trump are absolutely in the minority in Canada... at this point in time. However, the Great Awakening has not reached critical mass YET. Hopefully over the course of the next several months.
I believe you are 100% correct. Reflecting on Trump's first term, I realize that it may have appeared somewhat underwhelming due to the setbacks from congress and what the public believed at the time. This isn't to say his first term was bad, but rather that his second term may overshadow it significantly. Trump has wanted to do certain things for a long time, but couldn't due to how the public would perceive certain things. Now, he has the chance to. And it seems we are very close to "The Storm" happening, once and for all.
That was very well written. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for posting.
May I chime in on this Canada 'integration' discussion.
Disclaimer. I was born to Canadian parents, and my father had dual citizenship because he signed up for the American Army during Korea. I was conceived in Canada (or at least that's what I think, never actually asked mom about that detail lol) born in Maine, but I lived in Canada after birth. Around two years we all moved to Maine. However I did live in Canada in 1982 for a short stint. But I visited quite often as a considerable amount of my family, mainly my grandmothers lived in New Brunswick. When I lived within rocks throwing distance of Canada we used to walk across the St John river into Canada without a passport. Talk about being free. That's freedom. Suffice to say I spent lots of time in Canada and as I remember enjoyed every bit of it.
I do not believe the United States and Canada shouldn't integrate. Not as one nation. Although we speak the same language, use the same currency, and have many cultural similarities Canada is not the United States. It is different. Different in many positive way, at least it was when I was a kid.
What can be done is to work with Canada to strengthen security agreements. Economic integration should be done very lightly and with great respect. There is no good reason I can think of why the two should become essentially one nation. I don't think Canadians even want that, even those conservative who appreciate Trump's policies. I suspect that Canada being a Dominion of the British Commonwealth would raise serious eyebrows. We just can't go bullying around and expect good results especially with a neighbor that has been 100% peaceful with us and has supported us in the international arena when it most mattered. Some say Israel is our greatest ally. I say bunk! Canada is and should always be.
What I'd like to see is the open border without a passport I enjoyed as a child come back. That right there would help both economies. Plus there is the Quebec question. They are a different breed. They love their language so much even to the point of unrealistic arrogant bigotry. Yes Canada does have its French speaking bigots. I don't think the United States needs that headache. If dealing with Quebec's stupid carve-outs, exceptions, the their worship of the French language to the point of stiffing good relations with the rest of Canada is hard on Canadians then you can bet Americans will have none of it at all.
So that's all I have to say for that right this moment.
PS: Truth is if Canada wants some leverage then they absolutely have to elect a blowout majority Conservative government to be taken seriously. Trudeau has been an unmitigated WEF disaster for Canada, which directly or indirectly has affected us all.
So maybe it is better as a territory instead of a state?
As a french speaking Quebecer I'd wish Quebec to be part of the USA if it was duly considered as a different state from the ROC, for cultural reasons. We have battled against the British Empire too, fought alongside natives and american scottish and irish patriots. We have been excluded from Canada since 1982, but politicians have always put that aside to play along the pedo Trudeau/Central Banking cartel game. Quebecer have been brainwashed completely to mostly have TDS and tolerate the Trudeau theatrics because induced blindness. Sickening. There is a growing number of awakened souls, yet we are largely outnumbered. This Quebec nation needs the cold shower of annexation before waking up from a long trance. Help.
Quebec is just too different from the USA. The Quebecois are not going to assimilate (nor should they) and Americans are not going to be so open to Quebec's quirks. I don't know what Trump has in mind for la belle province.
Personally as a Southern old man I do not see the need to open a flood gate of liberal left thinking Canadians loose on our Republic! You see what kind of crap their liberal thinking has got them in their government! I personally know a couple that moved here from Canada and they are still die hard Obama fans! IMO
Sorry, eh? The media brainwashing is strong with my countrymen. In Canada, the government openly subsidizes the legacy media (no DOGE investigation needed) and shuts out alternative media whenever possible. Canada lost the Information War years ago. :(
I do believe this is why POTUS keeps calling for Canada to be the 51st state. It is not to absorb Canada but to build Canadian patriotism and spur the populace to take control of their government. IMO
For sure it has had that effect. But one thing I've learned about Trump: he always makes moves towards checkmate. He always makes moves where no matter what the unknown variables work out to, there's winning. If Canada embraces joining the US, that's a win against the finalist elite . If they awaken their patriotism and strengthen their national economy, that's also a win against the globalist elite.
Amen to that!
Nice post. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
I can see bringing in Alberta and Saskatchewan, but Quebec? Ontario? British Columbia may as well be New Hong Kong right now. Yukon and Northwest Territories would probably be good for security reasons.
Exclude the Greater Vancouver Area and Vancouver Island and add the rest of B.C. to the Alberta/Sask deal. Pretty much everything east of the Sask/Manitoba border should be excluded, as well. The last thing anybody should want to add to the U.S. is a gifting, whining Quebec.
I would prefer to leave Canada alone. BUT and it is a BIG BUT, Canada has been allowing China in its borders allowing Fentayl to come over ourt border and Russians with in throwing distance almost in Canada.Canada becomes a National Security issue. We will have to sucre Canada and the best way to do that is for Canada to become a Terrority of the U.S.A.
Well stated and thought provoking but who really wants anything to do with diluting our sovereignty. I’m ride or die with GEOTUS. His patience is both to be admired and the one thing that frustrates me the most lol
I'm not a fan of the North American Union.
Not seeing the discourse reflecting the Canada/Greenland assimilation causing the DS to divide its focus & resources to counter the play. Am I off thinking this?
So the nWo in this timeline is actually patriots and the USA conquering everything everywhere. Nice,