While a discussion burns in a separate Thread/Post about some ruckus generated by Team Trump (i.e. DJT) texting and placing the expression "anti-semitism" before "anti-American", syntactically speaking, in a recent Truth post, I suggest that serious frogs will get a LOT from listening to Chapters 7 and 8 of The Book of Trump (the most recent chapters to be released on Badlands Media. See links below.)
In that other thread, there is much debate back and forth, along with a lot of handwringing and recriminations, about the problem of pro-Israel and anti-Israel sentiments and narratives in the US, about antisemitic and non-antisemitic narratives, and what it means or what the impact is of Trump not going hard on israel right now.
Heavens? Is Trump controlled by the Israel Cabal???
The Book of Trump Series
The Book of Trump (TBOT) is (imo) an excellent series produced by the Ghost of Based Patrick Henry (affectionately referred to by many Badlanders as "Ghost").
The Series is not current events and news based. And, with so much going on, I don't blame the many frogs who are primarily focus on The News. But the BoT is (again, imo) an excellent look at the Trump Phenomena and Era, one that provides some critical insight and analysis that makes based thinking about the Great Awakening, the Plan and the current Information War, more based.
By looking at core foundational elements of The Trump, elements that many frogs may have missed if they were not plugged in and closely following Q from 2017/8, the BoT lays a strong basis for being even more based. Personally, I've found it riveting material, but also material that deepens my sense of Trump and the Plan.
Each week, Ghost of Based Patrick Henry will be joined by a rotation of guest co-hosts to document and discuss the history that we are witnessing unfold before our eyes, to the best of their discernment. Think of it as a "first draft" of the story of this age. You will get everything from TrumpaMania and geopolitics, to Devolution and Q, with The Donald serving as our story's main protagonist. The goal is to be both fun and informative; a show for anons by anons. All history is interpretation. This is ours.
See a list of Chapters at the end of this post.
What Does it Mean to Be "Based"?
And why do I mention TBOT in the context of our discussions about Israel?
In the light of the aforementioned ruckus, I think its fair to say that issue of Israel, i.e. the pro-Israel/anti-Israel narratives, the "Saving Israel for Last" drops, mixed with a lot of religious beliefs by this, that and the other frogs among us, (aka biblical agreements and disagreements(?)), still generates not only a lot of discussion, but also a lot of disagreement and to some extent, angst in our community.
I'm not saying this discussion and debate aren't valuable. I think they certainly are. But I also think that, as a community, we can really advance the Awakening Agenda by FIRSTLY informing ourselves MORE about the foundations of the Trump initiatives over the past 8 years, specifically in relation to the Middle East, Saudi Arabia and Israel, and SECONDLY, by becoming MORE based in how we, as a whole, understand or view the "Saving Israel for Last" part of the Q plan.
In other words, shine the light of knowledge, facts and research with a Q-based lens on the whole Israel thing, putting aside, for the moment, emotional, religious and political biases.
Why is this important? Because, as Q has so clearly pointed out, although maybe not everyone noticed, emotional reaction clouds critical thinking and decision making. And not many issues trigger as much emotional reaction as the whole Israel thing (for many, many reasons)?
Is Isael Vs Anti-Israel a Psyop?
Personally, I think that the Israel/Joos/ reaction narratives are by design. In my view, the whole [antisemitism is evil + the Joos are evil] narratives are a dual complementary psyop intended to create a real shadow and cloud over who the real controllers are behind the scenes. It's not that either of these narratives are purely fictional. It's that the way people approach them has been deliberately guided and directed to create an US vs THEM mindset that polarizes the populations and keeps people distracted from realizing the truth behind the veil.
That's my view, my opinion, but of course, that's all it is and not everyone will agree.
However, the question that needs to be applied in dealing with this area is, is my thinking "based" and what does "based" actually mean?
To me, 'based; means aka rooted in data, factual information, narrative breakdown, discernment, Q-type thinking.
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’. "Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. Q3038
This is important because, if I'm right, the [antisemitism is evil + the Joos are evil] twin narratives are simply a means to create more group think.
To some extent, the wider normie world (including both leftish and rightish thinking groups) have cottoned on to this sort of thing. They talk about it in terms of "tribalism", although ironically, the Marxists seem to have incorporated that into their anti-truth narratives.
But for those who escape the wider Matrix created by the Clown Propaganda Industry aka the Mockingbird MSM, there are still psyops that seek to tap into deeply ingrained ways of thinking to corral us into new and auxiliary group thinks.
We escape such group thinks by thinking for ourselves WITH an awareness of what internal elements affect my thinking. In other words, by learning to practice "Free Thought".
So, I'm saying that I've found the Book of Trump Series really helpful in making my thinking more free, aka more based. And specifically, the last 2 chapters have been particularly helpful in rounding out my sense of the overarching Q plan that the Drops were designed to make us aware of.
TBOT Chapters 7 (The Crown Prince) and 8 (The Sword Dance)
Over the past week, I've been listening to these two most recent chapters of the Book of Trump.
Chapters 7 and 8 deal specifically with the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman ("MBS"), who he is, how he came to his current position, how Trump became connected to Saudi Arabia, the Sword Dance, how the newly inaugurated Trump first visited SA before visiting Israel (a diplomatic no-no), the Purge that removed the DS Cabal from the Saudi situation, etc.
I haven't finished Chapter 8 yet, but just got to the place where Ghost describes his thoughts on how Trump and Russia, working with SA MBS, are going to liberate not only the Middle East, but also, ultimately, liberate Israel from the Cabal.
Highly, highly recommended.
[The Book of Trump - Chapter 7: The Crown Prince] https://rumble.com/v6omp70-the-book-of-trump-chapter-7.html
[The Book of Trump - Chapter 8: The Sword Dance] https://rumble.com/v6q1ch8-the-book-of-trump-chapter-8.html
Note: these are lengthy podcasts, roughly 2 ~ 2.5 hours. Well worth it, but I also recommend ripping the audio or listening to the audio when engaged in other activities. (I listen to these whenever I drive somewhere in my car.)
The Book of Trump Series
The Book of Trump - Chapter 1: Kayfabe
The Book of Trump dives into the fascinating connections between professional wrestling and modern politics in its debut episode. With special guest Absolute1776, this episode explores the concept of kayfabe, Donald Trump’s history with the WWE, and how storytelling has shaped his political persona. From the Monday Night Wars to WrestleMania, discover the lessons Trump may have learned from the ring and how they apply to the world stage today.
The Book of Trump - Chapter 2: The Apprentice
GhostofBPH, with guest host Patrick Gunnels, Chapter 2 of The Book of Trump dives deep into the creation of Donald Trump’s public persona through the iconic reality show The Apprentice. Explore how this groundbreaking series became a cultural phenomenon, blending reality TV, WWE-style drama, and political strategy to shape Trump’s brand and influence. From analyzing cast members like Dennis Rodman, Omarosa, and Joan Rivers to uncovering the intricate connections between Hollywood, politics, and global diplomacy, this episode reveals the fascinating interplay of entertainment and power in the Trump era.
Badlands Media
The Book of Trump - Chapter 3: The Art of the Deal
Hosted by GhostofBPH with special guest CannCon, this episode of The Book of Trump delves into the iconic 1987 bestseller, The Art of the Deal. Discover how Donald Trump’s principles of negotiation, timing, and “truthful hyperbole” have shaped his legacy in business and politics. From leveraging chaos to mastering media narratives, the discussion highlights parallels between Trump’s strategies and Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. Don’t miss this insightful breakdown of the mindset that propelled Trump to prominence.
The Book of Trump - Chapter 4: Narrative Seeding
Before Trump, before Russiagate, before the entire media-industrial complex turned into a weapon of mass deception, there was Deflategate—a prequel to the modern information war. In The Book of Trump: Chapter 4 - Narrative Seeding, GhostofBPH, Burning Bright, and Jon Herold break down how the corporate media’s playbook was perfected on Tom Brady long before they aimed it at Trump.
The Book of Trump Chapter 5: Lawfare - How Trump Turned the Legal Game on Its Head and Made the Swamp Regret It
GhostofBPH (Gordon McCormick) and Zak Paine take you on a wild ride through the legal and political battlefield surrounding the most famous counter-puncher in modern history...Donald J. Trump.
The Book of Trump Chapter 6: Kanye West, Mind Control, and Breaking the Narrative
Ghost is joined by special guest Cam Cooksey for a deep dive into one of the most controversial, unpredictable, and influential figures in modern culture, Kanye West. From his early days challenging the music industry’s grip on artists to his public unraveling of Hollywood’s dark secrets, Kanye has been a force of disruption unlike any other.
People, especially FoxNews Conservatives get too caught up in the "anti-semetic" narratives anytime Israel or a Jewish person is called out.
Its a trick that the right recognizes with when the left plays their -ism and anti- cards but for whatver reason they keep falling for it when it comes to Israel.
I also think its crazy when certain people talk about needing to "Destroy" Israel or Razing Gaza, you have to destroy the DeepState/Cabal running those places and the people there will get along and live together as they have before.
Fair comment. I appreciate Your balance and recognition of only the high-level cabal players being removed in the East. Very likely, when that happens, God’s prophecy for the repentance of His remnant in Israel will believe in their Messiah. Leftists take that truth and go all-in as an excuse to exercise their racism against Jews. An all-encompassing free pass to promote the deaths and beatings and riots in campuses across the U.S. and a rebellion against ICE removing the Islamic scumbag extremists agitators from the U.S.
It largely stems from or has to do with replacement theology, the idea that God has forever abandoned His immutable promise for His elect of Israel to fulfill Isaiah 53.
What does the state/country named Israel , created by Evil Globalist/Rothchilds have to do with the Israel of the Bible?
Not a damn thing, and that is what Christians need to wake up to. By the way. What is our "greatest ally" Israel doing to help Christians in Syria currently?
Yep this is a great question, as Israel has already bombed Syrian-Hamas/terrorist positions there, and could move to help. Though it would cause more problems with the neighboring Muslim countries against Israel which brings up the other immediate option.
The Russians are actually there in country but seem to be staying only in their base. I think Putin would be served with some honor if he stepped up to really help the Christians there since Syria is in political and social turmoil. And the Russians have already been accepted for a few decades being in their country to “help” out against terrorist groups. These massacres should easily fall in their current mission to stop. But I guess unfortunately we’ll have to wait and see, while more innocent people are slaughtered for their religion …… again.
It's the location (Jerusalem) that matters. We know from Prophecy that when Christ returns He will set his feet on the Mount of Olives - which is located in Jerusalem. And all throughout the Bible, God saved a remnant who were true to Him. He knows who are His.
Also, don’t forget that God used a pagan king (Cyrus) to regather the Israelites into their homeland.
Correct, pre WW1, Pre Sykes Pichot agreement, Palestine was occupied relatively peacefully by both groups. Ottoman occupation didn't change that. What changed with the SP agreement was the removal of Palestinian Muslims in 1948 by the british and deep state zionist who took over.
Fabulous post, FractalizingIron. As always, well thought out and well presented. Lots of detail here on subjects I've not looked into very deeply, so I'm saving this post to disk for browsing and research as time goes on.
+1 great overview, interesting that he goes into how the Middle East could be liberated
"based" means the opposite of "debased". That is where the word came from. If you are operating with a false understanding, you have been debased. If you have a true understanding you are thus based.
To be based on the Israel question is to understand how it was created, who created it, who died for it's creation, what lies were told surrounding it's creation, why it was named Israel, and what it has done in the world since it's creation. If you can find some truth there, it's hard not to be pretty negative about Israel (the entity in the ME, not the entity that IS me)
It’s ironic that so many of you want to study Israel, without studying religion on a site named “The Great Awakening” as you repeatedly re-post Q with messages like “God Wins”. Great Awakenings in the context of America history are religious revivals of Christianity. You can’t have a Great Awakening without the God of Israel. The whole of western morality depends on it. Your sterilized atheist approach just isn’t going to cut it. You’re in a war between good and evil. So it would seem you should ask yourself what is good? Where do you get the concept of good from? The English word good is etymologically derived from God, as in the God of Israel. God laid out what is good. This is why you inherently know it’s wrong in your heart for the cabal to carry out sadistic acts like child rape. Yet if you study Islam who was brought forth by a false prophet an anti-Christ, you see in Islam that child rape is OK. There is a conflict of morality between Israel/Christianity and Islam. It’s not a narrative, they are opposing worlds with stark disagreements. As Jesus says in John “I am the way and the TRUTH and the life”. So if you are interested in the TRUTH then you really need to start studying religion. In contrast Allah is the best of deceivers... Sufi Muslims claim to be the founders of free masonry as in secret societies (i.e the cabal). There is a real divide, it’s not just smoke and mirrors...
My father was in the Masons. I had a copy of "Morals and Dogma", the "Bible" of Masons. In that book, Jesus, Moses, and Mohammed are considered equal! No other aspect of that book needs to be considered to know it is satanic, and that no Christian, or Jew, should ever be a Mason.
That’s because in Islam Isa (what Muslims call Jesus), Moses, and Mohammed are considered prophets of Allah. Islam rejects Jesus as the Son of God and the Trinity in general. So clearly Free Masons that draw from Islam would also have similar positions. Lloyd De Jongh did a pretty decent analysis on Sam Shamoun’s channel a while back with a lot of sources. I definitely agree that Free Masonry is Satanic, and so do Free Masons, but they have crafted an alternate narrative of Lucifer being a “great guy”… It’s the upside down just like what you see with woke people today, were they insist up is down, men are women, and so on. That’s pretty much the idea behind Satanism, to blasphemy God.
Lloyd De Jongh
Free Mason
Israel is the Church. Jews stole the name because jews steal everything. And authorization of child rape was first codified in the Talmud.
Islam was not kicked out of 109 countries 1030 times.
But you know who was, right? I bet you know who who was kicked out of 109 countries 1030 times. And I bet you know why.
However they do commit a shit ton of terror attacks.
I guess there’s always one fool that will try to argue child rape is OK with Israel… Rape in the context of Israel is punishable by death. If you don’t understand that then you might want to read this analysis by Sam Shamoun of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible):
The Old Testament and Rape
Not that it should come as any surprise that rape is a bad thing given that you can read the Book of Judges in the Neviim and see that the tribe of Benjamin was almost completely wiped out in civil war over a rape case. But ya know there’s always at least one guy that thinks he can twist the scripture to make it say something else...
Civil War Against Benjamin.
While I’d argue Rabbinic Judaism goes against Torah in many ways and I’m not here to defend any Rabbi’s commentary in the Talmud, even then there’s all sorts of commentary within it that claims sleeping with/molesting children delays the coming of messiah. God punishes all of the people of Israel for allowing it to happen. They have discussions of chopping people’s hand’s off for jerking little boys off as punishment. They place child marriage on part with murder in other instances. So while I have a lot of things to criticize about Rabbinic Judaism, child rape/molestation wouldn’t be where I’d look to win arguments on the basis of logic. But you don't strike me as the logical type that actual comes with evidence. Your type of "elite research" on Israel, reminds me a lot of the commie satanic "elites" at Davos. Same mind set to solve the Jewish Question...
Defend or deny the abuses if you want to.
There is a reason pedophiles go to Israel to hide
Plenty of info like this can be found
You post some shitty articles that have nothing to contest scripture as rebuttal. What a surprise... You are aware there are pedophiles in America right? Would you argue that The Constitution of the United States supports pedophilia and it's an American value? Should America be condemned? I hope not. None the less pedophiles still exist here right? That's one of the things Q is putting a spot light on, that there are people in positions of power that do not hold the law. What is true in America, is true just about every place in the world and the goal is to end that pattern of abuse.
Nice deflection.
There are plenty of references to the Talmud in those so called "shitty" articles.
The abuse may not be ended but it will certainly be curtailed when the Israeli Deep State is dismantled. Modern day Israel is the HQ of the MOST EVIL force known to Humanity and it is why
They are being saved for last.
There is not a single quote or a single link to the Talmud in the article you posted. The only mention of the Talmud is as follows “The Jewish ‘holy’ book The Talmud condones pedophilia”. That’s called a claim and I'd argue a lie being that the Talmud isn't considered holy. The author of the article doesn’t back up the claim with a single source, provide one quote from the Talmud, or link to any discussion in the Talmud. You’re a dishonest person. You lack substance and integrity.
I am not a Rabbinic Jew, but at least I can be honest with the text and acknowledge what it is. It is a narration of Jewish traditional ceremonial and civil law for Rabbinic Jews by men. It’s not recognized as the word of God. It’s not God’s law. In many places the interpretations deviate from Torah and different rabbis have different points of view in religious legal debate.
If I continue the American analogy and we examine the narration of American civil law and we see some shit in there about congressmen doing something with transgener mice studies and then later DOGE criticizes it and opposes it, would you argue that is an American value? It might surprise you to see your tax payer money spent on that within civil law, but is that what you believe in as an American? Are those people stealing our money even Americans, or are they treasonous? Apply the same logic. Hold the same standards. Stop being a weak bitch.
Kek someone needs to study Israel a little better
Yep you should hit the books
I still feel like some black pill insurance is warranted here. Nothing we are seeing appears to be what we voted for, in terms of the phrasing and the actions. I’m personally getting tired of 5D chess, and can’t understand how it is seen as against the movement for me to question things like Trump being on stage with Larry Ellison talking about artificial intelligence mRNA vaccines? What???
Isn’t this exactly what we voted to get rid of? The “keep your enemies closer” stuff is really getting tiresome. As is the fact that I can’t even bring this stuff up here without being told that I’m a black-piller or doomer and that I’m not welcome here. Isn’t there some merit to being skeptical that we may have been played? :(
Agree, this board fails to look critically at valid concerns. I'm still optimistic but Trump pissed me off with the Massie tweet.
He’s moving the Overton Window, he did the same with the prime minister of El Salvador.
You just brought it up, and no one called you a doomer. Yet.
I think you are discounting the importance of PERSPECTIVE. Perspective is the position you take mentally, and it shapes WHAT you see.
I think you will find that there are LOT's of people here who disagree with the above statement "Nothing we are seeing appears to be what we voted for".
You may want to temper that statement by phrasing in the individual case: "Nothing I am seeing appears to be what I voted for".
Because that statement can certainly be true, but your initial (actual) statement assumes that everyone around you sees things the way you do, and voted in the way you did, for the same reasons, with the same expectations.
I guess you could either re-calibrate your perspective (maybe you are focusing on the wrong things) and see the many excellent things that are being done, and recognize a direction that you do not currently see, or yeah, you can doom on Trump and embrace the doubts and disappointments. I.e. embrace the belief that you have been played.
Speaking or thinking critically isn't the same as dooming. Personally, I do not see any merit in the idea that "we have been played". Because I know where that thinking leads. I'm far more interested in trying to find HOW things are working, trying to understand WHAT Trump and team are doing. ON the basis of understanding, then critical thinking or even disagreement becomes possible without upending the whole ship.
Have you tried listening to the podcasts I've recommended in this post? Or listened to the Defected series? Or Devolution Power Hour? These are podcasts that ANALYZE the information and applying critical thinking. They tear the information apart, and actually build sensible conclusions that offer (imo) the best insights I've found. That's after 8 years doing this stuff.
Too much NEWS, without analysis and discussion, can easily lead one in the wrong direction. IMO.
Give them a try. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Take a look at the Jesuit/Muslim connection.
Can you hit us up with some facts on it or articles please?
Thanks for this post. I finished watching the 8th episode and now onto 7th (yeah I do things in reverse order lol) and its fascinating. Must watch material for Anons.
Amairite? Pure Gold.
Have you accessed any of the other chapters? If you haven't then I suggest considering starting from the front of the book. Because apparently Ghost has a master plot that builds each episode on the other. Even so, they are all good.
That anon is going to be legendary. One day in the future, I'm guessing, he'll really publish the Book of Trump, and sell a million copies.
Great job.
Questions: if the radical left hates Israel, does that make you think that maybe we should back Israel?
Save Israel for last means what?
Is it possible that Israel or their govt or Jews are an issue, and that Islam and Palestinians are an issue as well? Can both be true?
Is it also possible there are multiple facets of this war? Like using the Soviet Union to fight the Nazis? Using the left wing crazies to fight Israel so now we can openly be antisemitic? Bc without that we would all be considered right wing extremists - probably still considered that.
The Pope, Vatican and Jesuits are clearly not good either. Where do they fit?
Ukraine? Khazarian Mafia?
Is that the real mindfuck in all this, that we hate Israel and we end up backing them because of some reason I don’t know and you don’t know yet?
Thank you for this & for digging to figure out what you believe is really true. This whole Jews Evil & Anti Semites Bad issue seems like shills trying to push, or at least seed, that narrative to creates an us vs. them problem.
I figure that Revelations 2:9 & Revelations 3:9 make it clear that there are persons who claim Jewish Heritage & have none, & that the average Jew is likely in the same boat multiple Americans are, being controlled by a deep state that is being dismantled before our eyes.