Since we have more oil and gas than anyone else on the planet, we should sell as much as possible before free energy devices become a thing. Those man-made UFOs aren't using gas or diesel. Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. and make the middle class boom. $150k in CA and NY doesn't go very far. Most families need both parents working and bringing in $300k+ to afford a modest home. Eliminate income and real estate taxes so people can keep something of what they earn. The more you make means the more you keep, not having to always think of the tax man wanting his cut.
Comments (34)
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Well, the states are independent entities and make their own decisions on such matters. But people are always welcome to "vote with their feet" and move from a high-tax state to a "low-tax (or no-tax) state."
The way it works is Trump says either you eliminate your real estate and income tax or we reduce or eliminate federal funds to your state. Need a new road? We won't fund a big part. Ditto bridges, storm drains, etc. Need a new airport? Don't look to us for help. Need a new school? Fund it yourself.
Eventually, if for example, the state takes in $5 Billion in taxes per year but loses $10 Billion in Federal funding, they'll come around.
Hmmm, that might work!
property tax is already illegal. it's basically a tax on unrealized gains
Could you imagine? No taxes and reduced regulations? All those little foofoo taxes on everything. Hotels, rental cars, phone bills have 50 taxes and foofoo fees, gasoline, tobacco, liquor, (I even paid 90 dollars environmental fee for renting a tile saw) If we are paying 50% on fees and taxes then this would effectively DOUBLE my income!
If companies charged less taxes and fees and saved on their taxes and regulations they can make products MUCH cheaper and pay their employees better. We could see triple the buying power easily!
I think he's approaching it in the opposite direction as they came at us from the beginning. First it was taxes for the super wealthy and eventually it was for the poor. Trump is moving in the other direction starting with tips he'll end with millionaires
It's the chiastic structure of Holy week and the book of Acts all over
It’s the initial math. The tariffs and golden cards will offset much of the income taxes not collected. Selling Alaska oil to Japan, etc. energy lease income, the increase in business taxes (but lower rates), and the decrease in government spending will make the rest of the income tax unnecessary (hopefully). But it takes a while for all of that to happen.
Just one tax: sales. 50/50 fed/state. 33% sounds about right, because the cunts seem to love that number. So that's 16.5% to state and the same to the fed.
And that's it. A one-time sales tax with no other forms of taxation whatseover, collected by seller and transmitted during settlement.
And it doesn't apply to precious metals or other currencies because that is a currency exchange, not a sale of an item. If they want to tax those transactions, fine, but 33% means they will cripple crypto and gold sales. Therefore it must be a subsection of this tax. I think 8% split between state and fed is fair.
No tax on used items too ... Only new items. I am so fucking sick of seeing shit taxed multiple times.
This is basically how the Value Added Tax (VAT) system in Europe works. Effectively, only entities that added value pay the tax - a middle man pays VAT on the initial purchase but refunds it after selling the product. Selling someone a used item adds no value.
Although the western European countries all charge other types of taxes as well.
VAT tends to be around 20% in Europe, so would be like a 20% sales tax in the US, only that it's built into the price you pay/see on the shelf. A bit higher in Hungary due to low income and very low other taxes, lower in Switzerland due to many things covered by government being covered either privately or by the Canton (state).
It could be fiver percent each and they would kill it making bank
Eliminating income and property taxes would make the economy boom. Offset with sales tax, cutting spending, tariffs, and energy sales.
Yep, make everything dependent on sales tax. That way everybody pays.
United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)
There is in our political system a government of each of the several States, and a Government of the United States. Each is distinct from the others, and has citizens of its own who owe it allegiance, and whose rights, within its jurisdiction, it must protect. The same person may be at the same time a citizen of the United States and a citizen of a State, but his rights of citizenship under one of those governments will be different from those he has under the other.
Simply educate people that they have citizenship from their state of birth, but not federal citizenship. Federal citizenship is for freed slaves, naturalized foreigners, and Americans born in foreign nations (didn't receive state citizenship at birth).
Why do American passports say "United States of America" on the cover and list it as the nationality inside, but the tax laws apply to citizens of the United States?
Law is precise. UNITED STATES does not equal UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
i like it but there is still to many Demonrats that wont let it you really think the womans movement was about getting equality for women...think again... it was all designed to get them into the workforce to tax the shit out of them ..... in years gone by Dad went to work mom stayed home with the kids and everyone did pretty you cant keep up whats next? Jr needs to go to work thats what...............thievery, corruption,manipulation,and crooked politicians made it all happen to serve their masters
it will happen if Demonrats cease to exist.. maybe they'll all walk to Canada or move to Bangkok.. lots of girly boys there, they'd love it!
Liberals have made it clear that they'll only move to majority white countries when they don't get their way. Latinos and Asians can sleep well knowing this :-).
Some Liberals do love their ladyboys, but only on vacation in third world countries.
fuk that i dont want them to move to Bangkok.... i am moving there soon lol.. well to Hua Hin about 150 miles away
alright, move them to Myanmar, tell them nicer lady bois there.
P.S I'd move to Bali instead of Bangkok if I move anywhere for retirement.
Bali is nice but outside of that the whole country is a giant flea market in the middle of a ghetto lol
But their food is so yummy.. and lots of expats and nice people and cheap villa & coffee..great coffee and beaches
move them to HELL instead
Perfect! :D
You worry too much. Bank on this. IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. MAGA cannot happen without slave taxes going away. Taxes are incompatable with that goal. It's a done deal just watch.
My state recently had a vote put to the people if we wanted to eliminate property tax and we voted to keep it, because eliminating it would have a huge effect on our infrastructure. The federal government can eliminate federal property tax but doesn't each state have a say on their own lands?
I think we're heading that way
I think it's heading there
I personally don't believe in the "free energy" stuff. Do any of you people REALIZE how devastating that would be to not just our economy, but EVERY world economy? All the peace in the middle east that Trump has built would be dead overnight as Saudi Arabi and Qatar collapse because oil and gas became worthless overnight, so they no long have a means of funding their defense against Iran, Iraq, etc. who actively seek to overthrow them and implement their radical version of islam.
MILLIONS of jobs, lost overnight, high paying good jobs like engineers and refinery operators as well as even more middle and low paying starter jobs like gas stations and fuel shipping.
And you can't just tell MILLIONS of people to "start over" all at once. Some of these people are in their 40s and 50s and near retirement. But if their company collapses overnight because oil and gas are now useless and have no market, there you have hundreds of thousands of middle aged people who've worked in one industry their entire life with no skills to apply anywhere else.
And I'm not even getting into the fact that "free energy" is a stupid concept because that energy HAS to be generated from SOMEWHER it doesn't just appear out of the ether.
ALSO I don't think you free energy people realize JUST how important oil and gas is to the world. EVERYTHING has oil in it. CHEMICALS that make EVERYTHING from the shoes on your feet, to the clothes on your back, the medicine you take (and I DON'T mean just vaccines I mean everything from a freaking allergy pill to cancer treatments), Heck EVEN THE COMPUTER OF PHONE YOU'RE READING THIS ON, are MADE from oil/gas derived petrochemicals.
The world LITERALLY stops with oil and gas, and EVEN IF, there's some magical alternative that replaces ALL Of this I just listed it STILL doesn't fix that this would regress entire nations back to the stone age and cause mass wars in the middle east that would end up with the islamic caliphate in control of the ENTIRE middle east. Do you actually WANT the ayatollahs to get so emboldened that they create a nuke from recovered tech in saudi arabia, israel (cause realistically israel would have collapsed by this point) and aim it at every Christian nation that they deem to be their mortal enemy?
I agree we should just ax the income tax entirely, and I truly believe we're working our way to that one step at a time. But seriously people, use your thinking cap a little. Geopolitics and macroeconomics aren't as simple as "lets sell all the oil to not have taxes before magical free energy tech comes out."
You're only looking at the downside. Yes, it would disrupt the status quo but the upside would do more good than harm. It wouldn't happen overnight, there would need to be a transition period.
Free energy wouldn't eliminate the need for petroleum used to make the shoes , plastics, medicines, etc. It would eliminate the need for petroleum for transportation and electricity generating power plants. It would greatly reduce the cost of travel and transportation of people, food, home goods, everything.
Consider what happens when each home or building could be run on a unit in their basement without the need for the grid. Storms would have little effect. There would be no power outages. People wouldn't be limited to where they could live. They could move to the wilds of Alaska and have all the electricity they needed for satellite communication, water pumps, cooking, lighting, etc.
The grid would not be needed. All the land where high tension wires run all over the country could now be used for farming, housing, etc. No need for unsightly wind farms or windmills. It would eliminate urban blight caused by unsightly wires and telephone poles. Desalinization plants would have little cost to operate allowing potable water in many places all over the planet. New industries and jobs would be created manufacturing and installing and maintaining these devices.
no income tax, but sales and property tax are ok.
I hate all taxes especially if they could be eliminated through tariffs, selling our abundant oil and gas, selling diamond green cards, etc.