Everyone lost their nation to the deep state but it started with the sinking of the titanic to get rid of those elites that were against the federal reserve in 1912. That was the reason they opened the Federal Reserve in 1913.
And then one man in the middle of the 20th century stood up to save his nation its people, and the rest of the Western world from ruin, and now he’s both the most famous and most hated man of the 20th century.
And now in the 21st century we have another man standing up to save his nation, its people and the rest of the Western world from ruin, who is also the most famous man in the world now, and if he fails, the most hated too.
It actually started when we went into debt when we into debt funding our Revolution and was solidified by the debt from our Civil War. The country known as the united states of america was lost in 1871 to the international banking cartel. From there it just further degraded as the control was expanded to each individual Citizen.
"In order to fully understand the Deep State and the breadth of corruption, the public will need to know how this all started. If the JFK files reveal what most Americans suspect, that US/foreign intelligence agencies were involved in the JFK assassination, that opens the door to explore all the other corruption that followed, and establishes a baseline confirmation for the public that a “Deep State” truly exists.
If the public know the CIA assassinated Kennedy, they will be much more willing to believe the CIA were capable of other heinous acts in more recent history, like Ukraine, Epstein, etc.
My overall point is, that I think Trump and his team have a plan to release all these secrets in a scheduled manner that is easy to follow and comprehend.
Exactly this. The info needs to be released in bite sized, easily understood chunks due to limited attention span and comprehension skills of modern people.
This is also a reason to destroy the DOE, which has purposely caused people to be functionally illiterate.
JFK isn't the rallying call it once was. I WAS 5 and remember the commotion. My eldest sister a staunch liberal and now retired teacher wasn't persuaded at all when I got her to watch his press corps speech. To people born after his assassination it's just old history and they don't care. I doubt if any earthshattering facts will come out and it will just be a slight disturbance in the force. This should have been released decades ago where it might have helped wake people up. The CNN, FOX watching seniors who were adults in those days aren't relevent.
GenX'ers definitely heard plenty of stories from Mom & Dad ... because it was normal to talk to each other at dinner or just hanging out in the same room with one another... not retreating to your box with your own A/C unit and color tv...
We were told, pretty much bar none, of the immense personal AND collective sadness and disappointment by practically everyone across the nation when that happened. People were genuinely upset... JFK represented so much more than just a president of a corporation.
It was also at that time, the "party of the working man" was hijacked and replaced with communism. In true fashion, exactly how the evil ones do everything else they built their abominations right on top of the ashes they conquered. USAID started out as a benevolent thing to actually help people in need - then the CIA perverted it and used it as cover to do what they did. Exactly the same play as so many other things, such as Jekyll Island - forming the federal reserve directly over a sacrificial altar of the civilization they wiped out.
The Warren Report was not just a cover-up. It was a psyop on the American people, and the world. It was executed by overt manipulation of the narratives.
I'm inclined to not expect any bombshells in the JFK declas. Rather, I think that the KEY Point in the whole saga is the recognition that there was a psyop here, and that the public was lead to believe what were essentially lies.
THAT'S the real 'keystone' of the situation. Because since 1963, the 'accepted' establishment position was the Warren Commission Report. And when there is a tipping point, when the accepted public view is that in fact, the WCR was fake, false and deceitful, THEN, the lid is lifted off the situation, as it were. People can freely and openly question.
The truth is really out there. I don't think there needs to be specific documents. All the information is in the public sphere. The dots can be joined. But it has been suppressed by the psyop that was executed in the form of the Warren Commission.
Once that psyop 'pops' like an exploding balloon, then the public will be truly free to think and discuss and realize. The cover up will no longer be a 'conspiracy theory', but an obvious truth.
I have noticed over the past year or two or three, that there has been an overall concerted (white hat, imo) effort to raise the issue of the JFK assassination, AND the alternative views, via RFK jr himself coming out to say the CIA murdered his uncle, and Tucker Carlson promoting the questions, etc.
I think the declas is the final stage of this operation (positive psyop?) to put the JFK situation firmly in the mainstream public mind, to break the effects of the Warren psyop.
As I consider all the 'declas' stuff, from JFK to Epstein, to 911, and Covid, etc, I think its like an onion with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of intertwined layers.
The Military Intel Plan (aka "The Plan") involves systematically, constructively, peeling back the layers one by one by one by one until, with each little increment, the wider public, and more importantly, the mainstream thinking, is effectively freed from the matrix of deception and then, the truth can shine through and actually become mainstream thought.
In other words, looking at the overall forest (the plan) instead of the trees (declas of the "JFK files") and keeping an open mind, not to wedded to expectations.
For those of us in our 60s and over, JFK and MLK files will be of interest. But personally I think 9/11, Bengazi and Epstein will be the one that triggers the most.
9/11 will get grand parents and parents talking and disseminating. Kids can't help but listen in as they are nosey, they will pick up on Govt lied talk, then sprout it off as their own ideas ( watched my grandson do the same thing). The ripple effect on social media will be very interesting and could really cause a huge awakening of youth still sleep walking. Just my personal opinion.
The video of the young men dancing and cheering as the plane hit the tower was a huge eye opener to me.
I just turned 70. People have been mocking me for decades calling me a conspiracy theorist. At least now this country is having the discussion about JFK which opens the door to all the other atrocities.
Even now some normies think the attempts on Trump's life were just rando crazies. JFK files should allow them to make the connection that " yes there actually is a shadow gov that will kill a sitting President in order to retain power ".
This will also show them just how long this war has been going on. Perhaps some will reevaluate all past major public events with a bit more suspicion. This will make them a little more open to accept our current true reality as well.
Hoping there's something in there too about them inventing the shame label " conspiracy theorist " for anyone that did not buy the official story. This too may make normies a bit more accepting of " conspiracy theorists " dropping the truths of today.
80k pages is a lot to sift through, but a crucial part of the story normies need to know.
They lack the intelligence to connect dots, even if they were given all the info and evidence they still wouldn't get it. They are brain dead imbeciles that lack critical thinking and logic centers in their brain.
It's as Yuri Bezmenov said, the useful idiots could be taken to the gulags and shown the atrocities and they still would not believe.
Totally agree, but they do love their TV. Maybe Sean, Jesse, or Greg will help them connect some of those dots. I dropped Fox 25 yrs ago, but many still watch them only because the other ones are so brazenly anti - American and crazy.
I'm with ya tho. I could care less at this point what normies believe or understand, although I would still explain it all if asked.
This is about history for the future too. Now their conspiracy ( which is exactly what it is ) gets officially etched in history books.
I agree,most of the people who voted for him are now dead of old age. The proof of govt fukery will be hard on some people,but the people who loved and voted for him,are mostly gone.
We will find out there were 2-3 assassins involved, one being the driver(SS). The CIA and LBJ were behind it along with GHWB, and other DS individuals (maybe from Israel, Britain, France). Just my guess. Just like with DJT, the CIA and SS were involved, but chose incompetent people. But for the grace of God, DJT survived. Vigilance with DJT is important. The media scumbags are allowed way to close even in the WH and on the grounds, but also in AIR FORCE ONE. Put them on a different plane. Even the media can’t be trusted. One thing is clear, the push for a one world government, 15 minute cities, pandemics is not by accident. There is a quest by a select group at the top to depopulate for better control of the minions. Then herd the remainder into 15 minute cities worldwide to watch and control movement, just like cattle being led to slaughter. One step out of control and you are terminated. The fee at the top are pullingthe strings in all countries, hence the mass migration into countries to destroy the cohesiveness of their way of life, religions and traditions.
True, but unfortunately a lot of this will be preaching to the choir. We know the media won't point people to it because Trump's name isn't mentioned anywhere in those docs. So, it is up to us, awakened, to present this to our friends and family, the lost. To people who hate Trump with a passion, and have probably kicked you out of the family for voting for him. Father, we ask that you open the hearts of our friends and families to the truth....Your Truth. Amen
Tell me something we've known for 60 years. It's a step in the right direction, I guess. But there can be no Justice until the agencies that were responsible are completely and utterly destroyed. Until real, public, action is taken. I don't really care.
Your solution is one but the sheep must agree as well. Most info is only for us to stop the speculation (so many theories) and to wake the millions who don't have a clue. Patience from all is needed now.
I think there are plenty of arguments that other, earlier events were the beginning of the Deep State (and the Cabal that controls it) taking over our country. But none where as public or as psychologically impactful to the masses than the JFK assassination.
I was born after the assassination, but like most of us, I went through a phase where I was deeply involved in research on the subject. All of the facts, theories, etc. But also the psychological impact which is an oft-overlooked element of the assassination.
And it was thanks to those few researchers that talked about the psychological elements that helped me understand what a scabbed-over, festering infection the JFK assassination is for this country. And until it's ripped open and drained, this country will never be healthy again.
So yes, we can argue about earlier milestones in the Cabal's control of the U.S., but none had such a psychic impact. I pray that everything truly will be revealed soon.
Everyone lost their nation to the deep state but it started with the sinking of the titanic to get rid of those elites that were against the federal reserve in 1912. That was the reason they opened the Federal Reserve in 1913.
Which was rapidly followed by WW1 and the Balfour Declaration.
The systematic planned destruction of the White Christian Western World through subversion, lawfare, immigration and usery.
If you consider who is behind the distruction of Christians, it all makes perfect sense.
And then one man in the middle of the 20th century stood up to save his nation its people, and the rest of the Western world from ruin, and now he’s both the most famous and most hated man of the 20th century.
And now in the 21st century we have another man standing up to save his nation, its people and the rest of the Western world from ruin, who is also the most famous man in the world now, and if he fails, the most hated too.
I agree 110%. You know what I mean brother.
That’s the real red pill, knowing that history is repeating itself.
Synchronicity? I only read what you wrote after I commented just above... have a look
Ha. Like minds think alike. I posted this before I read the comment section.
Abe was shot only hours after creating the Secret Service to stop counterfeiting and apparently to punish Abe for PRINTING GREEN BACKS.
It actually started when we went into debt when we into debt funding our Revolution and was solidified by the debt from our Civil War. The country known as the united states of america was lost in 1871 to the international banking cartel. From there it just further degraded as the control was expanded to each individual Citizen.
"In order to fully understand the Deep State and the breadth of corruption, the public will need to know how this all started. If the JFK files reveal what most Americans suspect, that US/foreign intelligence agencies were involved in the JFK assassination, that opens the door to explore all the other corruption that followed, and establishes a baseline confirmation for the public that a “Deep State” truly exists.
If the public know the CIA assassinated Kennedy, they will be much more willing to believe the CIA were capable of other heinous acts in more recent history, like Ukraine, Epstein, etc.
My overall point is, that I think Trump and his team have a plan to release all these secrets in a scheduled manner that is easy to follow and comprehend.
There is method to the madness.
The JFK files are Deep State 101."
Thank you for adding source text as context to the post.
Exactly this. The info needs to be released in bite sized, easily understood chunks due to limited attention span and comprehension skills of modern people.
This is also a reason to destroy the DOE, which has purposely caused people to be functionally illiterate.
So it's the Jews.
JFK isn't the rallying call it once was. I WAS 5 and remember the commotion. My eldest sister a staunch liberal and now retired teacher wasn't persuaded at all when I got her to watch his press corps speech. To people born after his assassination it's just old history and they don't care. I doubt if any earthshattering facts will come out and it will just be a slight disturbance in the force. This should have been released decades ago where it might have helped wake people up. The CNN, FOX watching seniors who were adults in those days aren't relevent.
member the comotion
GenX'ers definitely heard plenty of stories from Mom & Dad ... because it was normal to talk to each other at dinner or just hanging out in the same room with one another... not retreating to your box with your own A/C unit and color tv...
We were told, pretty much bar none, of the immense personal AND collective sadness and disappointment by practically everyone across the nation when that happened. People were genuinely upset... JFK represented so much more than just a president of a corporation.
It was also at that time, the "party of the working man" was hijacked and replaced with communism. In true fashion, exactly how the evil ones do everything else they built their abominations right on top of the ashes they conquered. USAID started out as a benevolent thing to actually help people in need - then the CIA perverted it and used it as cover to do what they did. Exactly the same play as so many other things, such as Jekyll Island - forming the federal reserve directly over a sacrificial altar of the civilization they wiped out.
yes i was about the same age as you and i remember being pissed because they took off bugs bunny for all the funeral coverage..lol
All these files and roads lead to one group of people, hence why they've been saved for last. Islam is toast first.
The Warren Report was not just a cover-up. It was a psyop on the American people, and the world. It was executed by overt manipulation of the narratives.
I'm inclined to not expect any bombshells in the JFK declas. Rather, I think that the KEY Point in the whole saga is the recognition that there was a psyop here, and that the public was lead to believe what were essentially lies.
THAT'S the real 'keystone' of the situation. Because since 1963, the 'accepted' establishment position was the Warren Commission Report. And when there is a tipping point, when the accepted public view is that in fact, the WCR was fake, false and deceitful, THEN, the lid is lifted off the situation, as it were. People can freely and openly question.
The truth is really out there. I don't think there needs to be specific documents. All the information is in the public sphere. The dots can be joined. But it has been suppressed by the psyop that was executed in the form of the Warren Commission.
Once that psyop 'pops' like an exploding balloon, then the public will be truly free to think and discuss and realize. The cover up will no longer be a 'conspiracy theory', but an obvious truth.
I have noticed over the past year or two or three, that there has been an overall concerted (white hat, imo) effort to raise the issue of the JFK assassination, AND the alternative views, via RFK jr himself coming out to say the CIA murdered his uncle, and Tucker Carlson promoting the questions, etc.
I think the declas is the final stage of this operation (positive psyop?) to put the JFK situation firmly in the mainstream public mind, to break the effects of the Warren psyop.
As I consider all the 'declas' stuff, from JFK to Epstein, to 911, and Covid, etc, I think its like an onion with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of intertwined layers.
The Military Intel Plan (aka "The Plan") involves systematically, constructively, peeling back the layers one by one by one by one until, with each little increment, the wider public, and more importantly, the mainstream thinking, is effectively freed from the matrix of deception and then, the truth can shine through and actually become mainstream thought.
In other words, looking at the overall forest (the plan) instead of the trees (declas of the "JFK files") and keeping an open mind, not to wedded to expectations.
Discovering the Warren Commission was a fraud also opens minds to the un J6 UnSelects.
For those of us in our 60s and over, JFK and MLK files will be of interest. But personally I think 9/11, Bengazi and Epstein will be the one that triggers the most. 9/11 will get grand parents and parents talking and disseminating. Kids can't help but listen in as they are nosey, they will pick up on Govt lied talk, then sprout it off as their own ideas ( watched my grandson do the same thing). The ripple effect on social media will be very interesting and could really cause a huge awakening of youth still sleep walking. Just my personal opinion.
The video of the young men dancing and cheering as the plane hit the tower was a huge eye opener to me.
I just turned 70. People have been mocking me for decades calling me a conspiracy theorist. At least now this country is having the discussion about JFK which opens the door to all the other atrocities.
Ive heard this video talked about but I haven’t found it myself. Do you have a link?
You got a timestamp? I scanned through it and didn't see any videos of dancing.
OK, they were celebrating, not "dancing." I can't find the video of them jumping up and down and celebrating. Did you watch the video?
I watched segments of it, and scanned through the rest, but still didn't see any video of celebration. Do you have a timestamp?
Even now some normies think the attempts on Trump's life were just rando crazies. JFK files should allow them to make the connection that " yes there actually is a shadow gov that will kill a sitting President in order to retain power ".
This will also show them just how long this war has been going on. Perhaps some will reevaluate all past major public events with a bit more suspicion. This will make them a little more open to accept our current true reality as well.
Hoping there's something in there too about them inventing the shame label " conspiracy theorist " for anyone that did not buy the official story. This too may make normies a bit more accepting of " conspiracy theorists " dropping the truths of today.
80k pages is a lot to sift through, but a crucial part of the story normies need to know.
Which is why I’m pissed they didn’t seem to take him getting hit in the face by a mike more seriously.
I think you give the normies too much credit.
They lack the intelligence to connect dots, even if they were given all the info and evidence they still wouldn't get it. They are brain dead imbeciles that lack critical thinking and logic centers in their brain.
It's as Yuri Bezmenov said, the useful idiots could be taken to the gulags and shown the atrocities and they still would not believe.
Totally agree, but they do love their TV. Maybe Sean, Jesse, or Greg will help them connect some of those dots. I dropped Fox 25 yrs ago, but many still watch them only because the other ones are so brazenly anti - American and crazy.
I'm with ya tho. I could care less at this point what normies believe or understand, although I would still explain it all if asked.
This is about history for the future too. Now their conspiracy ( which is exactly what it is ) gets officially etched in history books.
Makes sense and what I have been counting on, a base to build disclosures upon.
Thank you Clandestine... Also, patience is a virtue. Many seem to have forgotten both...
Precedes that. The JFK assasination was their coming out party
The Plan might be to un-brainwash the normies with something that is back in time, because they cannot handle something newer.
JFK was the last true Republican-who-wasn't-a-RINO before Trump
JFK wasn't republican. He was the last common sense democrat.
I agree,most of the people who voted for him are now dead of old age. The proof of govt fukery will be hard on some people,but the people who loved and voted for him,are mostly gone.
It will be much easier than 60 years ago.
Well I dunno about that but I believe the deep state has been around a lot longer than before Kennedy got offed.
They were definitely in charge of taking down the Titanic so they could install the Federal Reserve.
That’s when they really took over the US
We will find out there were 2-3 assassins involved, one being the driver(SS). The CIA and LBJ were behind it along with GHWB, and other DS individuals (maybe from Israel, Britain, France). Just my guess. Just like with DJT, the CIA and SS were involved, but chose incompetent people. But for the grace of God, DJT survived. Vigilance with DJT is important. The media scumbags are allowed way to close even in the WH and on the grounds, but also in AIR FORCE ONE. Put them on a different plane. Even the media can’t be trusted. One thing is clear, the push for a one world government, 15 minute cities, pandemics is not by accident. There is a quest by a select group at the top to depopulate for better control of the minions. Then herd the remainder into 15 minute cities worldwide to watch and control movement, just like cattle being led to slaughter. One step out of control and you are terminated. The fee at the top are pullingthe strings in all countries, hence the mass migration into countries to destroy the cohesiveness of their way of life, religions and traditions.
And Now it's Pay Back Time "Pain is Coming"!!!!!!!!!
True, but unfortunately a lot of this will be preaching to the choir. We know the media won't point people to it because Trump's name isn't mentioned anywhere in those docs. So, it is up to us, awakened, to present this to our friends and family, the lost. To people who hate Trump with a passion, and have probably kicked you out of the family for voting for him. Father, we ask that you open the hearts of our friends and families to the truth....Your Truth. Amen
Tell me something we've known for 60 years. It's a step in the right direction, I guess. But there can be no Justice until the agencies that were responsible are completely and utterly destroyed. Until real, public, action is taken. I don't really care.
Your solution is one but the sheep must agree as well. Most info is only for us to stop the speculation (so many theories) and to wake the millions who don't have a clue. Patience from all is needed now.
The assassination of JFK, the USS Liberty, Epstein's blackmail files, all of it goes back to Israel.
I think there are plenty of arguments that other, earlier events were the beginning of the Deep State (and the Cabal that controls it) taking over our country. But none where as public or as psychologically impactful to the masses than the JFK assassination.
I was born after the assassination, but like most of us, I went through a phase where I was deeply involved in research on the subject. All of the facts, theories, etc. But also the psychological impact which is an oft-overlooked element of the assassination.
And it was thanks to those few researchers that talked about the psychological elements that helped me understand what a scabbed-over, festering infection the JFK assassination is for this country. And until it's ripped open and drained, this country will never be healthy again.
So yes, we can argue about earlier milestones in the Cabal's control of the U.S., but none had such a psychic impact. I pray that everything truly will be revealed soon.
Until you can admit the jewish involvement, you can never reconcile any of this.