WATCH: This Spring Break Video Proves Exactly Why Trump Is Shutting Down the Department of Education - Conservative US
A viral spring break video just exposed the catastrophic failure of America’s education system—and it’s exactly why President Donald Trump
I said it before and I'll say it again.
They're raised to be stupid, and taught to be nothing at all...
Young people often times have a tendency to be contrary especially when they are among peers. They will purposefully answer wrong, because it is cool to be funny/cute, instead of giving a correct answer.
We need to make it cooler to be high IQ, to know things and give the correct answer. The mighty DOGE Team could be helpful. Youth that know shit!
By the system, for the system.
Computers tempt us to be lazy ----- being lazy can cause us to be stupid.
I’ve never seen a better video proving why the Department of education needed to be abolished!
I tutor math and work with many college students since I’m within 10 miles of two division I universities. You would not believe how bad at math incoming freshmen are. I am working with a 25-year-old taking basic math. Last week he took an exam my daughter could have passed in 3rd grade.
Our education system will graduate someone with a full ride to Harvard that doesn't know how to cook scrambled eggs or fold their underwear.
Maybe hire an illegal invader to cook and do laundry never said a Democrat (satire)
The only spring break interviewee that I have ever seen answer the questions correctly was an Air Force Academy student. A proud day.
I have seen the videos of that guy who does all the colleges and they cant answer the simple questions. He even gave them questions where the answer was already in them. Such as what Country does the Queen of England rule over? Name 4 states? All of his questions should be able to be answered by anyone. The only one that answered them was the one girl that was Canadian.
I dont like the way he does it though. They all get wrong answers and he always says yes. I think he should have clued them in to how dumb they are.
I wish this was shocking.
It would be shocking if they answered 10% of the questions correctly.
The future seems bleak...
Honestly the $100 bill question shocked me. "Benjamins" or "Franklins" are very common slang words for a c-note. How many rap/hip-hop/R&B songs talk about the Benjamins? Stunning.
DoE has been a control arm of the left to promote woke ideology in schools by awarding them $$$
I can't remember the name, but there's guy on YouTube who interviews twenty-somethings about; geography, world events, world leaders and US history. The ignorance of his interview-ees is truly astounding. Answers like: there are thirty states in the US, the Civil War took place in the 1700 hundreds. Most of them couldn't do simple math at about a third grade level.
Mark Dice
Yes, thank you
I bet the parents are so proud.
The CIA has done well destroying our education !
This is why I don't date being college age. Girls are everywhere, mindless or without value. If they ain't fugly, they are idiots. I want a Woman, not some overgrown child. I know they show the worst answers to make a point and entertainment but it's not far from the truth. Been waiting for my generation to mature all my life. Maybe I should seek out some Eastern European, like Trump.
Letting them vote was a civilization ending error.
Best case Ontario, they affirm their husbands’ votes. Worst case Ontario, they cancel out their husbands’ votes, or become cat ladies and cancel out the votes of those few based woman voters that exist.
It’s not hatred or misogyny or any other retard buzzword to say it. Life was better for women when they didn’t have the vote.
At least none of the girls were morbidly obese.
"They be stupid and proud of it."
Completely worthless from the top lip and up...
Letting others educate your children seems way to trusting. These kids probably received good grades, the parents think their kids are smart. No such reality
And these are the ones that stuck through HS. When we lived in Upstate NY only 50 graduated HS in the city schools. Imagine if you wil how bad they would be when asked these questions.
Education has been a joke since the 60's when the liberals fled into the school system to teach.
So this dude went around and cherry picked interviews for people for some of the dumbest answers he could get? And now we are using this to make generalizations about entire generations of human beings.
No there are tons of people that go and interview college students and they all answer the same. They know absolutely nothing. Your young people have grown up stupid because you education department only taught them to hate their country, hate whites and how to be a trans. You have seen the democrats do many stupid things. They were taught to be stupid and they are good at it.
I doubt they were cherry picked answers but I can kinda see what you are getting at. If you go to a beach where a bunch of drunken children on a hedonist rampage are hanging out you are unlikely to get something other than moronic answers.
Go to NC where all those students went to help with flood victims on their spring break and see how they answer.
But really every question asked I have known the answer to since 2nd grade and all those answers I sought out on my own.
The culture war leads right here with stupid people everywhere. Stupid is compliant.
Yep. They could have the greatest grades ever and be really smart with what their teachers are telling them but they have absolutely no frame of reference for outside of their tiny little bubbles and away from their screens. I think the greatest harm our educational system has done to us is that it's killed our curiosity and our independence, forcing us into a mindset of learned helplessness as a nation. If you kill that, then America dies forever.