These people ruined our health with their genetic tinkering, pesticides, spraying aerosols, suppression of cheap natural cures. Then tell us the solution is AI and brain chips.
Talk about biblical.
Edit: it all makes sense now
The massive push for Obamacare
The changes to the DSM and ICD9- ICD10 codes
Then COVD and the approved genetic modification as alleged medicine.
The entire health and medical establishment has been turned into a a Nazi medical experiment with better PR
Zero talk about cleaning up the food supply…. Just pills pills pills needles surgury injections. Never ending interventions. This may also be the reason the political elite gave themselves Obamacare waivers and kept their private insurances for life.
I suspect that the AI push has nothing at all to do with computers being able to figure out how to achieve better health.
If you carefully listen to this monster's speech, what she is really saying is that AI computers will be able to push the pro-vaxx, pro-Big Pharma narrative to make patients and doctors THINK that Big Medicine's agenda is the one we MUST follow.
There is ZERO chance that any computer (AI or otherwise) will be able to come up with REAL answers to good health, because natural solutions will NOT be programmed into the computer's "understanding" of the world.
Rockefellers got with of that natural health database. They will use the AI to work around anti vaxxers reasons to refuse the shots. They’ll say we can tailor it to your DNA so you don’t have to worry about reactions.
Have you heard of project Stargate? Combining AI with mRNA vaccines, headed by Larry Ellison, former CEO of Oracle, who created a database for the CIA. I think you should wear your skeptical pants a little while longer.
The reason why Trump would appoint this swamp creature to head of CDC could be the same reason why he appointed this swamp creature in 2020 👇🏽
to head the Post Office just in time for 2020 mail-in ballot fraud.
The news of her appointment and his resignation broke on the same day?
I think you put someone like her into a position like that so that if or when a particular situation arises such as another plandemic, the spotlight will be put on her. Based on many things/happenings, including things John Titor wrote over 24 years ago (So many of which have fallen into line) I strongly believe there's going to be another "plague."
Appoint someone to a position that will allow them to do the most amount of damage possible
Hundreds of thousands of people may get fucked but hey, at least we "put the spotlight" on the one individual!
Not sure what that accomplishes really, since I'm yet to see anyone that was "put on a spotlight" face any form of justice, but of course that's just a minor trifling point.
By putting them an enemy in the spotlight, you appear to be unaware and weak. Therefore they let their guard down because they they think you trust them. Which is what you need to trap them. RFK will set that trap. Likely already has.
I'm hoping and fingers crossed this is the same reason he appointed that pos Soros boy Bessent. Let him be at the helm when this thing get's torpedoed.
I don't, for a minute, believe PDJT is unaware of this cretins background. Is this more of an exposure op? I'm not sure, as the other person's nomination was pulled and that was weird.
As I confessed in another thread, I feel no anger nor emotion over this pick. Absolutely zero emotion. Completely calm, even more so now that I gotten a good night's sleep.
So, let me introduce to you all things to consider, instead of the usual blind panic you all indulge in time after time.
Strategically, My take is that it's probably an application of "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
What does it mean? It means keeping her in a position where she can't do much without Trump knowing about it. Remember, we have RFK Jr. as her boss too, so she is their puppet.
An enemy that you have eyes watching and hands ready to act nearby is far less dangerous than one that is out and about, beyond your control.
Also, I do recall Trump is anti-FORCED vaccinations. He is never against all vaccines, period. If people want to ruin their own body, even after having all of the info, it is their choice. After all, people still drink alcohol, drink fuzzy sodas, smoke, take drugs, and laze about, and join up with Hollywood, even though they shouldn't.
And as far as I am concerned, RFK Jr. has the final say on the public health policy, so if he wants to remove vaccines, then everyone else will follow.
As for the AI part: I find it curious that we seem to really flip-flop on AI constantly. And being a bit hypocritical too. On one hand, we have people whining about AI like how it will bring about Terminator or the Anti-Christ. YET, we have people, GAW members too, using GrokAI and other AI tools constantly, for analysis, for writing, and for generating memes and pictures, with the last application being the one that generates a ton of controversy amongst creatives and artists, who are very vocally against AI. This makes us very hypocritical and nutty. And, to be honest, using AI to assist or help tailor make a medical plan for a patient when it is completely objective and uncompromised sounds like a better idea than relying on Big Pharma compromised doctors who throw about the Clot Shot here and there for money.
Overall take: perhaps this is not such a big deal as we make it out to be, just how Vance, Rubio, Bondi, and maybe a few others here and there turned out to be swell so far after we spend days whining and panicking. We shall wait and see.
I earned my healthcare skeptic badge the hard way and I will not surrender it easily. Besides the Boss is well known for thrusting people in the spotlight to expose them. I trust the WHs and the Boss but I trust God first and foremost. I will be watching this closely and using discernment. My gut instinct is AI can be a great diagnosis tool but all else makes me nervous. She makes me nervous tbh
I'm betting that Trump is setting her up for a spotlight on both her and the CDC. They are so arrogant, these cretans fall for his trolls for every damned time. I'm grinning because I think we are going to soon be seeing her, Fauci, the CDC, the AMA, and the WHO git lit up. When that happens, all that will be left of the DNC will be a wisp of smoke.
AI is going to be the justification for releasing the cures. If they just came out and said "the entire medical system has been a calculated lie, your entire life - everything they've done was to degrade health and keep lifespans short" it would wreck health/medicine for generations. However, if they came out and said "thanks to our cool tech, we've figured out that these simple, cheap tools can dramatically improve and extend healthspan" - that's much more palatable, and will allow for a 'reform' of the medical system without a total collapse.
For years, I've constantly been told that we have to do some of the most retarded things imaginable, sit around twiddling our thumbs, all for the glorious day when everyone is aware of what is going on and joins us.
Never mind that even if it was possible to get everyone to pay attention to everything going on (it's not), just because they're aware of it doesn't mean they'll agree with us.
But really, why is the betterment of the entire world being put on indefinite hold just to have people aware of all this at the same time?
This is something I've been trying to understand for years, and I still don't get it.
From my perspective, it just looks like an excuse for continually kicking this can down the road, and daydreaming that not only will one day everyone will see what's going on, but will also agree with us, and nothing is more fantasized about than people who have ridiculed you in the past coming to you and telling you that you were right all along.
So, is that what all this is about?
Or what am I missing?
Edited to add: These are questions and statements to everyone. Not just you pnwhomebrewer. I didn't want you to think I was singling you out personally.
I understand tactical things for sniffing out bad actors but the whole suffering to wake up more people is dumb. We have reached the max amount of people who will wake up without major shit going down.
If you aren’t awake by now you are stupid or don’t care to know. So your feelings and opinions do not matter.
Trump has no love for the CDC. He casually referred to Pfizer and Moderna as 'being in bed with CDC in an interview with Hannity, in 22 I think. She's there for a reason. As for big pharma, he deliberately set up Bourla for that humiliation at the WH recently.
These people ruined our health with their genetic tinkering, pesticides, spraying aerosols, suppression of cheap natural cures. Then tell us the solution is AI and brain chips.
Talk about biblical.
Edit: it all makes sense now The massive push for Obamacare The changes to the DSM and ICD9- ICD10 codes Then COVD and the approved genetic modification as alleged medicine.
The entire health and medical establishment has been turned into a a Nazi medical experiment with better PR
Zero talk about cleaning up the food supply…. Just pills pills pills needles surgury injections. Never ending interventions. This may also be the reason the political elite gave themselves Obamacare waivers and kept their private insurances for life.
You've heard of RFK Jr., right?
Yes I have.
Have you ever heard what RFK Jr. said he was going to do with the food supply?
My questions may seem condescending, but you're choking on blackpills there. Are you implying Trump/RFK Jr. are evil and the status quo is continuing?
No no no.
I suspect that the AI push has nothing at all to do with computers being able to figure out how to achieve better health.
If you carefully listen to this monster's speech, what she is really saying is that AI computers will be able to push the pro-vaxx, pro-Big Pharma narrative to make patients and doctors THINK that Big Medicine's agenda is the one we MUST follow.
There is ZERO chance that any computer (AI or otherwise) will be able to come up with REAL answers to good health, because natural solutions will NOT be programmed into the computer's "understanding" of the world.
Rockefellers got with of that natural health database. They will use the AI to work around anti vaxxers reasons to refuse the shots. They’ll say we can tailor it to your DNA so you don’t have to worry about reactions.
Thats all over now that Trump and the White Hats put an end to it. Go outside and enjoy your health!!
Have you heard of project Stargate? Combining AI with mRNA vaccines, headed by Larry Ellison, former CEO of Oracle, who created a database for the CIA. I think you should wear your skeptical pants a little while longer.
Is it over?
The reason why Trump would appoint this swamp creature to head of CDC could be the same reason why he appointed this swamp creature in 2020 👇🏽
to head the Post Office just in time for 2020 mail-in ballot fraud.
The news of her appointment and his resignation broke on the same day?
What can we infer might be coming soon?
Think on it a little.
Trump isn't stupid.
So this is to expose more of the swamp creatures?
I think you put someone like her into a position like that so that if or when a particular situation arises such as another plandemic, the spotlight will be put on her. Based on many things/happenings, including things John Titor wrote over 24 years ago (So many of which have fallen into line) I strongly believe there's going to be another "plague."
Ah yes, makes perfect sense
Appoint someone to a position that will allow them to do the most amount of damage possible
Hundreds of thousands of people may get fucked but hey, at least we "put the spotlight" on the one individual!
Not sure what that accomplishes really, since I'm yet to see anyone that was "put on a spotlight" face any form of justice, but of course that's just a minor trifling point.
By putting them an enemy in the spotlight, you appear to be unaware and weak. Therefore they let their guard down because they they think you trust them. Which is what you need to trap them. RFK will set that trap. Likely already has.
Uncomfortable facts don't go over too well for some. 🤷♀️
because trolling is smart policy.
They don't really need exposure. They just need to be unemployed.
Perhaps that's why Trump was the perfect guy to usher in the AI age because he has people's total trust.
I'm hoping and fingers crossed this is the same reason he appointed that pos Soros boy Bessent. Let him be at the helm when this thing get's torpedoed.
I don't, for a minute, believe PDJT is unaware of this cretins background. Is this more of an exposure op? I'm not sure, as the other person's nomination was pulled and that was weird.
I think the CDC will be dismantled and scattered to the wind, she was chosen to be in charge when the their genocide is exposed.
As I confessed in another thread, I feel no anger nor emotion over this pick. Absolutely zero emotion. Completely calm, even more so now that I gotten a good night's sleep.
So, let me introduce to you all things to consider, instead of the usual blind panic you all indulge in time after time.
Strategically, My take is that it's probably an application of "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
What does it mean? It means keeping her in a position where she can't do much without Trump knowing about it. Remember, we have RFK Jr. as her boss too, so she is their puppet.
An enemy that you have eyes watching and hands ready to act nearby is far less dangerous than one that is out and about, beyond your control.
Also, I do recall Trump is anti-FORCED vaccinations. He is never against all vaccines, period. If people want to ruin their own body, even after having all of the info, it is their choice. After all, people still drink alcohol, drink fuzzy sodas, smoke, take drugs, and laze about, and join up with Hollywood, even though they shouldn't.
And as far as I am concerned, RFK Jr. has the final say on the public health policy, so if he wants to remove vaccines, then everyone else will follow.
As for the AI part: I find it curious that we seem to really flip-flop on AI constantly. And being a bit hypocritical too. On one hand, we have people whining about AI like how it will bring about Terminator or the Anti-Christ. YET, we have people, GAW members too, using GrokAI and other AI tools constantly, for analysis, for writing, and for generating memes and pictures, with the last application being the one that generates a ton of controversy amongst creatives and artists, who are very vocally against AI. This makes us very hypocritical and nutty. And, to be honest, using AI to assist or help tailor make a medical plan for a patient when it is completely objective and uncompromised sounds like a better idea than relying on Big Pharma compromised doctors who throw about the Clot Shot here and there for money.
Overall take: perhaps this is not such a big deal as we make it out to be, just how Vance, Rubio, Bondi, and maybe a few others here and there turned out to be swell so far after we spend days whining and panicking. We shall wait and see.
Thank you for your post people tend to lose focus, and instead of holding the line they run back and forth all over it lol.
I just hunker down and watch and wait. After all this time and everything we've been through I think Trump knows what he's doing.
I earned my healthcare skeptic badge the hard way and I will not surrender it easily. Besides the Boss is well known for thrusting people in the spotlight to expose them. I trust the WHs and the Boss but I trust God first and foremost. I will be watching this closely and using discernment. My gut instinct is AI can be a great diagnosis tool but all else makes me nervous. She makes me nervous tbh
I'm betting that Trump is setting her up for a spotlight on both her and the CDC. They are so arrogant, these cretans fall for his trolls for every damned time. I'm grinning because I think we are going to soon be seeing her, Fauci, the CDC, the AMA, and the WHO git lit up. When that happens, all that will be left of the DNC will be a wisp of smoke.
AI is going to be the justification for releasing the cures. If they just came out and said "the entire medical system has been a calculated lie, your entire life - everything they've done was to degrade health and keep lifespans short" it would wreck health/medicine for generations. However, if they came out and said "thanks to our cool tech, we've figured out that these simple, cheap tools can dramatically improve and extend healthspan" - that's much more palatable, and will allow for a 'reform' of the medical system without a total collapse.
Again for placating to weak people. How many have to die cause we don’t want someone’s little fe fees to get hurt?
What's the point, any way?
For years, I've constantly been told that we have to do some of the most retarded things imaginable, sit around twiddling our thumbs, all for the glorious day when everyone is aware of what is going on and joins us.
Never mind that even if it was possible to get everyone to pay attention to everything going on (it's not), just because they're aware of it doesn't mean they'll agree with us.
But really, why is the betterment of the entire world being put on indefinite hold just to have people aware of all this at the same time?
This is something I've been trying to understand for years, and I still don't get it.
From my perspective, it just looks like an excuse for continually kicking this can down the road, and daydreaming that not only will one day everyone will see what's going on, but will also agree with us, and nothing is more fantasized about than people who have ridiculed you in the past coming to you and telling you that you were right all along.
So, is that what all this is about?
Or what am I missing?
Edited to add: These are questions and statements to everyone. Not just you pnwhomebrewer. I didn't want you to think I was singling you out personally.
I understand tactical things for sniffing out bad actors but the whole suffering to wake up more people is dumb. We have reached the max amount of people who will wake up without major shit going down.
If you aren’t awake by now you are stupid or don’t care to know. So your feelings and opinions do not matter.
Yep, Q even posted about it. They gave them a choice.
Also "Much will be revealed, we want transparency but not at a cost we can’t recover from."
She is the latest example of the Fauci effect for the CDC. It's about exposure, not acceptance. RFK Jr. and DJT are the ones in charge.
Why do these people always look like the vampire-ghouls from Charlton Heston's "Omega Man"?
She looks like Barbara Ferrer, the LA health Director.
I’ve noticed the people telling us about our health…. Don’t look too healthy.
My favorite is the fatties. But, also, the tranny "Surgeon General" was a chef's kiss as well.
I don't see the issue here. AI being used to advance healthcare is good.
Trump has no love for the CDC. He casually referred to Pfizer and Moderna as 'being in bed with CDC in an interview with Hannity, in 22 I think. She's there for a reason. As for big pharma, he deliberately set up Bourla for that humiliation at the WH recently.