Pretty much looking to get some ivermectin in states with no luck. Anyone got links or sites?


Is ivermectin child safe for an 11 year old who may have Covid? I cant find any indications to the contrary but just wondering as my kids school has become a covid factory.


Zelenko + zpak + horse pastemectin...after 3 doses she says she's at 75% from 0%!

Strangely, she had SEVERE nausea. 8 mg zofran...nothing. OTC Emetrol 2 doses...good to.go....i.sold tons of that stuff back in the day because it works.

Got her appetite back today.

She played piano.for church today all whilst hiding her crud. She lives in assisted living, but she lives in the independent part. Heck, she squeezed her baby grand in there and still.teaches.

If "they" know she's sick, they will.isolate her and her neighbors x 14 days! So she's sneaking around on the downlow lol

She goes to regular MD on Wednesday and she called me tonight to help her come up with a story if he suspects shes sick! She will.not be tested. MD knows that she knows her body better than him...same thing i told my doc.

Hell, my mom had AK-47s held on her in the Congo in the 60s. Tough old bird. 17 major surgeries including 2 spinal fusions snd 15 other odd things. 17 is true!

She's gonna.be fine.

One more...all the women in her family live for damn ever and she saud, " I'll be 113 years old and you'll look at me and say, :"Mom. Die. Please.?" She's hilarious.

edit:.re: isolation. That would be a mistake. She's afraid I'll embarrass her. I told that I'd embarrass them. I gotta be cool.

Thought I'd share, trens.


. . . but we've all seen a horrifying number of posts and news items where "ivermectin" is replaced by "the vaccine."

For instance, https://thecovidblog.com/ (thanks to DarQ2light for posting a story from that site earlier today).


In early 2020 I caught the rona, my family all caught it from me. It was aweful and my lungs were fucked for over a year to the point my dr sent me to get checked for lung cancer. No cancer thank god. But I had a pain in my left lung and a cough that would flair up and I would go into a coughing fit. I never went anywhere without cough drops, the masks on the plane used to trigger coughing.

My son came down with something back in september or so and I was getting a sore throat. He got really sick and a bunch of his friends were all sick with covid or whatever. Anyway when he said he could not taste or smell it was time for the new ivermectin paste. Guess what in 2 hours he was feeling better and out of bed. The next day while all his friends were in bed sick he was out riding his dirt bike. We repeated for three days (vit c, vit d, ivermectin and zinc).

Fast forward a couple of months and I was forced to take the clot shot. I started dosing up on quercetin, Vit C&D, ivermectin, aspirin, tumeric, NAC. Although I has a few days with bells palsy I didnt have heart pains. I hope that the combo I take daily will minimize the health problems.

Here is something else. I have has a sore on the back of my head since a fly bite like 10 years or more ago. The doctor called it a cyst and would require cutting it out. Guess what ... since the ivermectin it is gone. I just realized that after 10 or so years it is finally gone. Awesome ivermectin.


BREAKING BILL UPDATE: TOMORROW MORNING, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, I will be presenting SB711 which is the broader off-label prescription bill Senator Steve Newman referenced this past Thursday in Senate Health and Education when SB73 was heard . The bills are similar but SB711 is a broader bill that allows doctors to prescribe ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and other off-label prescriptions.

We will have numerous doctors and healthcare provider experts providing testimony. We invite those of you with compelling stories to share to attend as well. We need to allow doctors be doctors and take the politics out of medicine.

This SB711 will be presented to the Senate Health Professions SubCommittee: Barker(Chair), Saslaw, Newman, Edwards, Lewis, Dunnavant, Suetterlein, Pillion

To contact these legislators and ask for their support, please reach out to their respective offices here: https://apps.senate.virginia.gov/Senator/index.php


Also next Tuesday:

I will be presenting a bill to call for a full forensic audit in Virginia. We need everyone who had issues on election day to call in to provide their testimony. Participate in person or online.

Tuesday, February 1: Senate Privileges and Elections Committee Senators Deeds(Chair), Howell, Vogel, Reeves, Ebbin, Ruff, Spruill, Peake, McDougle,
Surovell, Mason, McClellan, Boysko, Bell, Hackworth

MEETS Tuesday, Senate Room 3, The Capitol, 15 minutes after adjournment Approximately 1:30 or later

I took Ivermectin last night ๐Ÿก Local WIN ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ
posted ago by Shark_FL ago by Shark_FL

All day yesterday, I could feel a cold coming on, just a regular cold with aches and sniffles and a cough. My chest especially on one side felt a bit tight but I was getting plenty of oxygen and felt it was no big deal, just a cold. 50 white male in good health, no issues.

I went to bed early and was breathing good but still felt heaviness in chest and figured if this is a cold, it will probably be ramping up. I took action.

I self-administered 7 of the 3mg IVERMECTIN pills, plus Quercetin, Zinc and Centrum which contains C and D. I then fell into a deep sleep and woke up sweaty a couple hours later with zero breathing issues. I was still achey so I took a ibuprofen and went back to bed.

This morning, I have much better energy than yesterday. My breathing is much better too. I still definitely have a cold but I feel like the medicine I took had a positive impact. I'll take my 2nd round dose tomorrow morning.

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