I know many here are sceptical/wary of vaccines - I'm personally cautious and waiting. I think as long as we can get access to all the relevant information (not a given!), we are all capable of making up our own minds. However, I'm frustrated and concerned about the delays and barriers in the way of getting repurposed drugs into general circulation.

I think attempting to persuade people away from the vaccine as a pre-requisite to getting Ivermectin out there is counter productive in making sure people have access to the drugs they need, when they need them. Whilst some of the info about vaccines here contradicts what i've heard elsewhere, and so i'm still keeping an open mind about it, I think this conversation makes very clear the reason why Ivermectin is important regardless, and why individuals need to inform themselves about it if we are going to overcome systemic resistance to doing the trials that would force western agencies to support the adoption of Ivermectin. IN short, I think it's a good video to use with those who view those who support Ivermectin as crazies - it should break down some of those prejudices.


This youtube channel has many conversations about Ivermectin and how frontline doctors have been using it - of particular interest would be:

•Dr Darrell DeMello - India •Dr Hector Carvallo – Argentina •Dr Syed Haider – US East Coast Telemedicine


Out of options up North, it seems.


Or is the damage done to a vaccinated person's genetics irreversible?


I just had a question regarding the use of HCQ & ivermectin as I've become aware of resources where it can be readily purchased without perscription.

This peaked my curiousity as to how these medications should be dosed responsibly. How often and how much should an adult take of these medications in pill form. As an aside, are there benefits to using these medications even if you're not covid-19 positive and if you have no "known" issues?

Based on the way Africa has had so little problems with covid & my understanding is that hcq is used like candy out there, it led me to wonder if it would be reasonable for someone to use these drugs simply as a precaution. I have read from some people that they used these drugs with no issues but that it made them feel remarkably better within days.

Genuinely curious if anybody has these answers.


All information about test swabs, Darpa Hydrogels, and lithium is publicly available in scientific and corporate work. Links to some are at the end of the document. From this information it is clear that test sticks are a criminal tool of genocide in the population of Slovakia. This is a worldwide, thoughtful and carefully prepared event. This clearly shows that Ivermectin has an incredibly strong effect against what makes Darpa Hydrogel in our organisms

https://prepareforchange.net/2021/04/24/from-slovakia-hospital-covid-pcr-tests-found-to-be-tool-for-genocide/ https://www.golokaproject.org/documentfiles/Analysis-of-test-sticks-from-surface-testing-in-the-Slovak-Republic.pdf



How much to buy? Shipping times?

Please kindly let me know anything you've experienced w.r.t. getting a prescription and having it filled for Covid-19 cures and prophylactics.

I don't think Covid-19 is an issue, but I'd rather have some available than not in case vulnerable loved ones run into issues.


Yo yo, so my nurse girlfriend has finally come around and expressed that she’d be willing to hear me out on ivermectin. She’s been successfully brainwashed to think it did nothing forever. I’ve tried multiple times to redpill her on ivermectin, but she never would look at any links or studies I sent. So I quit trying. She’s finally come around randomnly and expressed that if I shared with her some info she’d look into it. Now I know some of you autists save all your links etc. so if y’all could post anything on medical studies conducted, as well as the reports from India and Mexico. It would be greatly appreciated. Iirc frontline doctors also has heaploads of info on their website so I’ll be sure to check there as well.

Thanks Frens.

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