Netherlands great replacement figures😳 (files.catbox.moe) 💊 RED PILL 💊
posted ago by penisse ago by penisse

Every Red Dot Is AnHIAS MIGRATION Center That Is Helping to Facilitate the Replacement Of Whites in America

HEBREW IMMIGRATION AID Society - Floods US with 3rd world Invaders & Terrorists.

  • Homeland Security Director Alejandro MAYORKAS is on their Board!

HIAS Resettlement Partners

Here they are.They should know how we feel about them aiding the invasion of our nation. https://hias.org/resettlement-partners/

Hebrew Immigration Aid Society US Centers Phone Numbers and Locations.

There are 29 HIAS Centers in the US. In addition to the Dozens of HIAS Migration Centers on the MAP of the Kalergi Trail going through all the Central American third world sh*tholes up through Panama, then Mexico, pushing Millions upon Millions of Brown and Black African Low IQ illiterate non-English-speaking military aged males on into America.

Including MS-13 gangs, drug cartels, convicted murderers and rapists released from prisons in Venezuala, child sex traffickers and other violent uncivilized groups.

Organized Jewish Cabal Organization directly pushing Illegal Aliens to bleed America dry and to destroy the culture and fabric of White Christian American society. (US Census: 74% of Americans identified as Christian)

Every.Single.Day - this Organized Jewish Kabal HIAS is actively pushing tens of thousands of these Illegal third world males across our Border into mostly White America.

Same as what they had done to Europe. Some of the Whitest countries in the world, in Northern Europe have been destroyed by the forced migration of Millions of Black and Brown illiterate males : Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway.

Malmo, Sweden had become the Rape Capitol of the EU due to the natural blond Swedish girls being raped by these black African and Middle Eastern thugs. In Germany, teenage Christian girls were on social media saying how they're afraid to go outside for fear of getting raped by these "migrants" because it's a huge problem there.

See the Pattern yet?


Ezra Cohen-Watnick served as the acting undersecretary of defense for intelligence during the Trump Administration. In the video below he describes the vision JFK had for our Special Operation Forces. He explains how Special Operation Forces will have a civilian advocate, coordinating with the secretaries of the military departments.


It was November 9, 2020, the day President Donald Trump fired his secretary of defense, Mark Esper and appointed Christopher Miller as acting defense secretary.

In the video below, Christopher Miller announces that Special Forces Operations civilian leadership (assistant secretary of Defense) will now report directly to him instead of through the Pentagon bureaucracy. Cutting out the middle men.


Here is an overview of Special Operation Forces mission. Just read the first section and list of core activities.


Who is the civilian advocate controlling special operation forces?

The civilian advocate responsible for overseeing U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) is the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD-SO/LIC).

The current Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD-SO/LIC) is Christopher P. Maier


From March 2017 to November 2020, Maier worked under President Trump and led the Defeat-ISIS Task Force, which aimed to integrate Department of Defense efforts in the campaign against ISIS. We have all heard Trump brag many times about his defeat of ISIS.

In April 2021, Biden nominated Christopher Maier, Nominee for Assistant Secretary for Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict, Department of Defense


Maier is an officer in the Air National Guard.

Biden nominating Maier to control the Special Operation Forces seems very reminiscent of Biden signing and extending Trump's executive orders on crimes against humanity and corruption.

Here is an article from Newsweek dated from May 17, 2021. I think this article gives some of the details that Ezra Cohen-Watnick spoke about in the first video above. Expanding the role of Special Operation Forces.

Exclusive: Inside the Military's Secret Undercover Army


Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called "signature reduction." The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies.

The unprecedented shift has placed an ever-greater number of soldiers, civilians, and contractors working under false identities, partly as a natural result in the growth of secret special forces.

This article talks about SOP wearing masks to conceal their identity, holding positions in private business and consulting firms. If you read this article in full, it almost seems as though SOP took over functions of the FBI and CIA. We have been shown, they cannot be trusted and needed an entity to replace them.




The Great Replacement theory is a conspiracy that white Americans and Europeans are being “replaced” by non-white populations, often through immigration or interracial relationships. The theory calls back to similar ideologies from Nazi Germany and has been used in white nationalist demonstrations such as the infamous torch-bearing gathering in Charlottesville in August 2017, where members chanted, “You will not replace us.”

“Representative Schriver has deeply and personally offended the Michigan House of Representatives,” Michigan House Speaker Joe Tate (D-Detroit) said in a statement Thursday.

Tate, the House’s first African-American speaker, blasted the post in a lengthy statement for being “blatantly racist” and expressed confusion as to why Schriver would, “espouse a deplorable and false theory” spreading “obvious hate.”

first African-American speaker, you say?




note that this website prominently features a photograph of feds and/or fed proxies pretending to be white supremacists

The “great replacement theory,” whose origins date back to the late 19th century, argues that Jews and some Western elites are conspiring to replace white Americans and Europeans with people of non-European descent, particularly Asians and Africans.

The conspiracy evolved from a series of false ideas that, over time, stoked the fears of white people: In 1892, British-Australian author and politician Charles Pearson warned that white people would “wake to find ourselves elbowed and hustled, and perhaps even thrust aside by people whom we looked down.” The massive influx of immigrants into Europe at the time fostered some of these fears and resulted in “white extinction anxiety.” In the U.S., it resulted in policies targeting immigration in the late 19th and early 20th century.

In France, journalist Édouard Drumont, leader of an antisemitic movement, wrote articles in the late 19th century imagining how Jews would destroy French culture. In 1909, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, an Italian poet and supporter of Benito Mussolini, argued that war and fascism were the only cure for the world. Fascism, then and now, worked to ensure white dominance.

This was followed by the eugenics movement, an erroneous and racist theory that supported forced sterilization of Black people, the mentally ill and other marginalized groups, who were all deemed “unfit.”

The 1978 book entitled “The Turner Diaries,” a fictional futuristic account of the overthrow of the United States government, further contributed to white nationalist ideas.

Collectively, these gave rise to a global movement that attracted a wide range of white supremacist, xenophobic and anti-immigration conspiracy theories. These theories were formally codified in the work of Frenchman Renaud Camus, first in his 2010 book “L'Abécédaire de l'in-nocence” and elaborated in his 2011 book “Le Grand Remplacement.”

Camus argued that ethnic French and white Europeans were being replaced physically, culturally and politically by nonwhite people. He believed that liberal immigration policies and the dramatic decline in white birth rates were threatening European civilization and traditions.

Why this conspiracy theory matters

These "false ideas" promulgated the spread of "white supremacy", which has contributed to terrorist attacks, state violence and propaganda campaigns in the U.S and parts of Europe.

On Aug. 11, 2017, during a “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, white nationalists chanted “You will not replace us” and “Jews will not replace us.” In spring 2019, Belgian politician Dries Van Langenhove repeatedly posted on social media, “We are being replaced.”

In recent years, nonwhite immigrants have been the target of xenophobia. Migrants, especially from Mexico, are accused of bringing criminal activities to American cities. Immigrants have also been falsely accused of smuggling fentanyl into the U.S. The reality is that immigrants commit far fewer crimes than those born in the U.S.

Impact of the theory and spread of hate

In less than two decades, the theory has become a major idea, with as many as 60% of the French population believing some aspects of it. According to that survey, they are worried or at least concerned that they might be replaced. In the U.K. and the U.S., close to one-third of those polled believe that white people are systematically being replaced by nonwhite immigrants. Some in the U.S. fear that America might lose its culture and identity as a result.

Being aware of conspiracy theories and standing up to hatred, I argue, can help societies deal with the continuing fallout of extreme xenophobia, racist rants, the rise of white supremacy and the victimization of innocent people.


Jon Lewis is a Research Fellow at the Program on Extremism at George Washington University, where he studies domestic terrorism, with a specialization in the evolution of white supremacist and anti-government movements in the United States and federal responses to the threat.

Luke Baumgartner is a Research Fellow at the Program on Extremism at George Washington University, whose research interests include domestic violent extremism, white supremacist movements, and the role of military veterans in political violence.

so society invests massive resources in educating these fools, and this is the crap they come up with?

their entire argument seems to be, "talking about the great replacement is causing the deep state to stage more fake shootings".

notice how they don't bother to actually address or acknowledge the main ideas of the great replacement, but instead choose to label anyone who talks about it as a racist, fascist, white supremacist neo-nazi

just to be clear, i do not hate anyone, and furthermore, i haven't hated anyone in over 30 years, because that was a conscious decision i made in my life.

i don't hate any individual immigrants, but i am a little concerned that:

  1. they seem to be leaving their own homeland, perhaps under duress.

  2. they seem to be showing up in droves, and are completely unprepared to live here, and therefore they become a burden on a society that already can't take care of our own people properly.

  3. the entire thing looks like human trafficking, and the governments actions regarding this matter are highly suspicious, like, why are they just handing out (my tax) money to these people? why are they flying them in in the middle of the night? why are they hiding their activities, and trying so hard to stop people from reporting what they see?

years ago, i heard that there was a talk radio host who was told he could talk about anything he wanted to, expect banking and immigration.

again, why would immigration be off-limits as a topic?

it seems to me that immigration is a topic that almost everyone has an interest in, and there should be a pubic debate about immigration policy.

also, im not very supportive of a wall on the border, because i remember hearing stories about the USSR... and Berlin...

what i would rather do, is figure out a way to help these people "remain in mexico" or wherever they are from, as it sure it must be very distressing to be immigrating under duress, or as a victim of human trafficking

Mold On The Menu: Scientists Create Surprising Meat Replacement. (studyfinds.org) 🚔 Crimes Against Humanity 💸
posted ago by undine53 ago by undine53



Feb. 14, 2024, 10:47 PM UTC

By Ja'han Jones

House Republicans officially impeached Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday, the culmination of years of pushing a right-wing conspiracy theory that alleges nefarious forces — in this case, Mayorkas, but also the Biden administration more broadly — are facilitating an immigrant “invasion” of the United States.

The invasion rhetoric draws directly from the white supremacist “great replacement" theory, which claims liberals (often Jewish liberals like George Soros) are encouraging mass migration to alter a country's demographic makeup and to diminish white conservatives’ political power. The conspiracy theory has been promoted by several mass shooters, including the gunman who killed 11 worshippers at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018.

So it comes then as no surprise that several Jewish groups would denounce the House’s impeachment as another vehicle to normalize white nationalist views.

On Tuesday, Amy Spitalnick, CEO of the advocacy group Jewish Council on Public Affairs, denounced the Mayorkas impeachment, writing:

“Over and over again we see members of Congress play politics with the lives of immigrants and asylum seekers while further normalizing antisemitic, white supremacist conspiracy theories and extremism. We’ve seen the deadly consequences of the ‘invasion’ and ‘replacement’ rhetoric that underpinned this impeachment effort — directly fueling violence in Charlottesville, Pittsburgh, Poway, El Paso, Buffalo, and beyond. This dehumanizing bigotry puts all our lives at risk, yet House leaders once again cynically doubled down on it to score political points while making our communities less safe.”

Spitalnick reiterates a statement her organization coordinated and signed with 17 other Jewish advocacy groups last week that also highlighted the white nationalism underlying the Mayorkas impeachment. And she has experience pushing back against "great replacement" bigotry on the right: She led a legal organization that helped win civil judgments for victims of the 2017 deadly white supremacist riot in Charlottesville, Virginia, where right-wing thugs chanted "Jews will not replace us."

The contrived impeachment articles allege that the DHS secretary has “willfully and systemically refused to comply” with immigration laws, a claim that has no basis in reality. And Republican House members' near-universal support for this impeachment shows how a white supremacist talking point has been mainstreamed in the conservative movement.

Outside of this procedural sideshow, several GOP lawmakers have gotten quite comfortable spreading "great replacement" talking points, including Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (who said on Fox News that "Democrats are going to bring in millions and millions of illegals and turn them into Democrat voters.") and Freedom Caucus back-benchers like Michigan Rep. Matt Maddock (who recently held a news conference with a "Democrat Border Invasion" sign).

So as Republicans try to give their impeachment push against Mayorkas a veneer of legitimacy, never forget that it's rooted in racist schlock scraped from right-wing message boards.

17 other Jewish advocacy groups

i honestly can't think of one single example of a legitimate "white advocacy group",

because everything thats out there is a honeypot run by Mossad-CIA-FBI.

see how they do that?

they can advocate for themselves,

but we can't advocate for ourselves.





LANSING — House Minority Leader Matt Hall said Wednesday that state Rep. Josh Schriver should not have shared a post on social media touting "replacement theory" — a conspiracy theory espoused by racist groups that asserts there is a coordinated and clandestine effort to replace white populations in majority-white countries.

Hall also expressed no concerns with House Speaker Joe Tate's decision to strip Schriver, R-Oxford, of his staff and committee assignments over the post Schriver shared in February.

"We should not use these terms," Hall, R-Richland Township, said during a roundtable discussion with reporters before the Legislature adjourns for spring break.

Hall did not use the word "racist" in describing the "great replacement" post that Schriver shared on the social media platform X, and his comments fell short of the condemnation Democrats have requested. But Hall said lawmakers and other public servants "have to understand how other people feel about the words you use."

Hall had not previously commented publicly on the controversy, though he said he gave on-the-record comments to a reporter in early March that did not result in a story. On Feb. 21, House Democrats announced an advertising and petition campaign attacking Hall over his silence on the issue.

On Wednesday, Hall said he's discussed the issue with both Schriver and Tate and has encouraged Schriver to communicate in a more effective, inclusive and sensitive way, though Hall stopped short of saying he had encouraged Schriver to apologize.

Hall said he'd never heard of "replacement theory" before Schriver brought it to his attention.

Tate, D-Detroit, who is Michigan's first Black house speaker, told him that the term has been associated with lone wolf shooters and other violence, Hall said.

"If you understand where he's coming from on that, then you understand we should not use these terms," Hall said. "If these lone wolf shooters are using these terms, then it hurts people's feelings and it's distracting from what we're trying to do if you talk about it that way. So we have to be responsible for the words we use and we have to do a better job as public servants of communicating that in ways that are sensitive to how people feel in their experience and are also effective in what we are trying to do."

Hall said he believes Schriver was trying to address the issue of illegal immigration. That's a real issue that impacts crime and housing and is unfair to legal immigrants, Hall said.

"I agree with him that we need to solve the problem," Hall said of Schriver and illegal immigration. "What I shared with him is there is a way to communicate that in a way that is inclusive and in a way that resonates with people across our state."

Hall added: "These theories are not reasons to solve that problem," and "I don't agree with the theories."

Schriver said in a Wednesday text message he knows many people are concerned about the way illegal immigration is discussed. "I hear them and I want there to be room enough for my very conservative constituents in the conversation," he said. Schriver did not immediately respond when asked whether that response was a "no" to what Hall was proposing.

Hall, asked if he was OK with Tate stripping Schriver of his staff and committee assignments, said it is within Tate's power to take what actions he deems appropriate.

"That's between them," he said.

Hall noted he and most of the caucus voted in favor of a recent resolution, prompted by the Schriver incident, that condemned racist and white supremacist language.

Contact Paul Egan: 517-372-8660 or [email protected]. Follow him on X, @paulegan4.

We have to carefully study their propaganda, to understand their true intentions.

For example, in this piece, it mentions that The Great White Replacement "conspiracy theory" had been espoused by "lone wolf shooters" etc.

Well, we simply reverse-engineer their propaganda, and what do we find?

These "lone wolf shooters" were obviously fake news, so in retrospect it seems that the MOTIVE for these obviously fake news stories is to associate the "lone wolf shooter" with some "conspiracy theory" they want to tamp down.

So now, every time someone brings up The Great White Replacement, they will respond with, "that kind of rhetoric motivates lone wolf shooters, so therefore you can't talk about it because its excessively inflammatory... and racist... and it hurts peoples feelings.

your feelings...?? they don't give a flying fuck about.

they don't want you talking about how they succeeded in destroying the nuclear family,

and how they succeeded in collapsing our birth rate to below replacement, thru birth control, and 10's of millions of abortions,

they don't want you talking about the demographic trends showing white people being a minority in america, and europe.

they don't want you talking about how the name muhammed pbuh is the most popular baby name in UK

They don't want you talking about how places like Tyson Foods import legal (and illegal) immigrants, to undercut fair wages.

Then when Tyson is done exploiting these immigrants, they simply get rid of them into the local community, and hire a new batch.

Tyson hired "refugees" from both sides of the Bosnian war, and there was a knife fight in the cafeteria.

the tenure of a packinghouse worker was under 5 years (when i worked there, years ago). the packinghouse is in constant need of "fresh meat" (new employees) because of the nature of the work, you can't do it very long without developing serious problems with hands, wrists, shoulders, backs...

so when a worker is physically getting to the point where they will start to cost the company big money for medical bills etc, they simply "find a reason" to fire that employee.

and honestly, the company is doing these people a favor by firing them, because if the workers continued to work there, they would suffer permanent, irreversible damage to their hands, wrists, etc...

and given that these people are working for low wages, doing hard physical labor, ... for them to lose the ability to use their hands to do work, would be devastating.




  1. reduce the birth rate in Western countries.

  2. “replace” the population with migrants






Birth control pills became publicly available in the 1960s

They concocted the Roe V Wade case, as a way to “legalize” abortion without any input from the legislative or executive branches, resulting in 63,000,000 “safe and effective” abortions…

They launch a bioweapon called COVID,

And then they launch another bioweapon called COVID vaccine.

And they target pregnant women, by encouraging them to take these so-called vaccines, resulting in there being a steep increase in misscarriages, and a steep decline in the birthrate.

You can tell that this is a planned culling, because the data are available to anyone, the safety signals are all alarming, and yet the so-called public health authorities remain silent about these issues.

The Surgeon General of Florida is just one of a handful of authority figures who is sounding the alarm,

And what does the rest of the establishment do?

They try to ridicule, dismiss, marginalize, etc.

Is this the behavior of innocent people?

Or is this the behavior of guilty people, who know what they are doing?



Great White Replacement “Conspiracy Theory”





Republicans are using Tyson’s decision to hire migrants to push their “Great Replacement” lie

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