Simply, this meant that If Congress provided more funds than what is needed to run the government, the president could refuse to waste the extra funds & return the money to the general treasury & maybe even lower your taxes.

Thomas Jefferson famously used this power, as did many other presidents until it was wrongfully curtailed by the impoundment control act of 1974 (the year the petro dollar was born coincidentally).

When I return to the White House:

• I will challenge the Impoundment Control Act in court & if necessary get congress to overturn it. “We will overturn it”.

• I will use the president Impoundment power to squeeze the bloated federal bureaucracy for massive savings. This will tax reductions for you.

• On day 1, I will order every federal agency to identify large chunks of their budgets that can be saved through efficiencies & waste reduction, using impoundment.

• Some of the funds we save through impoundment, can be used in Medicare & social security for years to come.

• Restoring the presidents impoundment authority, this will restore critical negotiating leverage with congress to keep spending under control.

“Bringing back impoundment will give us a crucial tool to obliterate the deep state, drain the swamp, & starve the warmongers… with impoundment, we can simply choke off the money.”




Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene


Here are the 139 Republicans who just voted against my amendment to strip every penny of your tax dollars from Mike Johnson’s $61 BILLION Ukraine war spending bill.

Apr 20, 2024, 1:42 PM


Keep a close eye on the money that’s about to pour into Baltimore


There were a lot of good posts about the spending bill, but they didn't get much traction.

Probably because of the terror attack near Moscow,

And the bridge collapse in Baltimore.

Are these pre-planned attempts to Forum Slide and Memory Hole?

The US Congress is acting very suspicious, inserting all kinds of extra bullshit into a spending bill.

MTG made a motion to vacate the Speaker of the House,

So things are going to get very interesting, trying to find a new Speaker,

Especially with so many Republican congressmen are inexplicably retiring early or resigning their seat, which leaves the GOP with just a ONE seat majority in the US House,

Theres speculation that these GOP people are being forced out, so that the House majority tips to the Democrats, for the purpose of obstructing Trumps inauguration by any means necessary.

I mean, it sure looks like they launched a bioweapon in 2019, as a way to take down Trump, and punish his supporters...

and they didn't care about any collateral damage to the useless eaters

anyway, we desperately need to stay focussed on this spending bill, to really understand what they have done.

this is our responsibility, in this glorious experiment of self-government.

they inserted language about guns,

and then proceeded to further act upon it the very next day.

meaning that this particular part of the spending bill was already pre-planned, and waiting for the right time to slip it in.

kinda like the PATRIOT act was made before 9/11,

and i want to say Joe Biden was involved in writing it.

what a fukkin skumbag eh?

This is a pre-meditated attack on the US Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

They pretended like there was some imminent danger, if this spending bill didn't pass,

and then instead of paring it down until it would pass,

they loaded it up with pork and unconstitutional gun grabs.

and you can even tell they were doing something extra shady, by the way "the international media" already had fresh new distractions ready to go.

so please take some time, and browse through these posts, and go down some rabbit holes, and bring back the goods, in the form of a good comment, or even a brand new post.




Feed them to the democrats, let the lawless commie-democrats rip out, and gut all of their pork-barrel govt. funding. Not only do we not need them (RINO funders) but they are an obstacle against America First/MAGA policy. Let them get what they have earned by funding weakling RINO "republicans."




He is from my district. I have called and emailed him numerous times in anger at his voting. I can believe and can’t believe they are turning the house over to the demons. Ken Buck stated that there will be a total of 5 leaving before November.

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